NMED 2030 Jan 23rd2008 NMED 2030 Today’s Class… Complete and Hand-in Scene Analysis NMED 2030 • Use this two hours to double, triple and quadruple check your scene analysis. NMED 2030 • Re-read the assignment parameters to ensure you’ve responded to all the necessary questions and that you have formatted your analysis properly. NMED 2030 • This assignment is worth 7% of your final mark. Above Submitted On Time & Formatted Effectively Effective Use of Cinematic Language in Descriptions of Each Shot Demonstrated Reflection and Criticism in Analysis of Each Shot Overall Demonstration of Attention to Detail N/A Expected Below NMED 2030 • If and when you feel you’ve met those standards to the best of your ability, go and print-ff your assignment. NMED 2030 • Finally, hand-in your scene analysis. – Please, make sure your name is on it. – I will be using your assignments as today’s attendance record NMED 2030 Homework… Choose one line of dialogue from your scene that best captures the spirit of the scene. If your scene has no dialogue, you be the writer. Compose one line of dialogue that captures the spirit of your scene. Bring that line of dialogue to Monday’s class. NMED 2030 Next Class… “The Art of Adaptation” Audio Composition Assigned