Possible GELOS from General Education Learning Outcomes Discussion – 4/4/06

Possible GELOS from General Education Learning Outcomes Discussion – 4/4/06
*** Important Note: The outcome ideas below are the product of preliminary brainstorming sessions
of the participants at the first college-wide discussion of General Education Learning Outcome
development. They are meant to be used as a springboard for future discussions and a more formal
development process to begin in Fall, 2006. Feel free to contact faculty research coordinator, Alan
Keys (keysa@scc.losrios.edu , ext. 2941) for more information ***
“Upon graduation our students will be able to…”
Find, interpret, analyze, evaluate, apply, and present information
Demonstrate an understanding of and application of the scientific method
Demonstrate information competency in researching and locating information
Critically think and reason
Read and comprehend college level information
Express themselves and ideas in writing at a college level
Write a coherent essay, expository, argumentative (300 level)
Speak, express themselves clearly & accurately with attention to audience, organization, &
word choice
Calculate and use numerical reasoning at the intermediate algebra level
Apply mathematical concepts
Comprehend and be knowledgeable about world around us: economy, politics, current social
institutions, global issues
Compare and contrast cultural differences and contributions of different groups
Demonstrate understanding, awareness, & comfort with various cultures & differences among
Demonstrate multicultural awareness and history
Demonstrate basic foreign language awareness
Demonstrate an appreciation of artistic expressions
Develop appreciation for aesthetics
Demonstrate effective study skills and lifelong learning preparation
Listen, comprehend, follow directions in various contexts
Demonstrate time management, goal setting, and determination and perseverance to reach goals
Use computers in daily lives and daily settings
Make informed career choices
Demonstrate a knowledge of healthy living skills
Demonstrate a coherent integrated sense of self and larger purpose
Develop need for ethical understanding and social responsibility
Develop a sense for the need to have physical health programs and nutrition