Student Services Area Reps Minutes

Student Services Area Reps
October 21, 2014* 10-11:00 AM * RHN 258
Present: T. Anderson; R. Bates; R. Cobian; V. Cornelius; D. Garza, D. Gambrell; R. Heiselman; V. Henderson; C. Hernandez; T. Hodge;
J. LaChica; V. Moore; A. Sanders; G. Tracy; I. Rodriguez; D. Wydick
Excused: K. Beyrer; K. Janssen; T. Sah
Absent: D. Belair; J. Christian; S. Gilley; K. Goff; S. Goldberg; K. McDaniel; D. Knowles; R. Yang
Guests: Elaine Ader; Marybeth Buechner; Jim Collins
1. College Planning Update –
M. Buechner
Planning due dates were shared:
 Nov 14, Program plans due
 Dec 1, Last day to revise unit plan on line
 Dec 1-10, Division priorities finalized
 Feb, Editing window open and cost info added
Flyer with planning deadline
dates will be shared with area
2. Student Equity – J. Collins
Draft summary of the Student Equity Plan was reviewed:
 Student Equity Plan mandated by law and came with funding. The Board
of Trustees will approve SCC plan.
 SCC will identify disproportionate impact on at-risk students for successful
completion of courses.
 Disproportionate impact means we will look at the highest performing
group (HPG) of students and determine at what point does the success
rate of at-risk students reach 80% of the HPG’s completion rate. If the
success rate is below 80%, this is considered disproportionate impact and
 Course completion of English writing and math (basic skills) classes will be
a key indicator that SCC is achieving its goal of improving the success
rates for at-risk students.
 An advisory group will be formed.
 Efforts put into effect this year will be an ongoing
 Evaluation of what we are currently doing to help at-risk students; i.e.,
funding, case management, support services, emergency funds, etc.
 Efforts are to be institutionalized.
 A Student Equity Academy will be formed and release time will be given to
faculty in order to review programs and for planning purposes.
 There will be engagement with college community and professional
development for cultural pedagogy.
 There will be partnerships with the community such as mental health,
housing and emergency services.
The Student Equity Plan will be
presented at the Board of
Trustees meeting on November
12th at SCC.
3. Standard IIB
4. Announcements
Elaine Ader, Jake Kagan and Irma Rodriguez are tri-chairs of Standard IIB
which is described as follows:
o B. Student Support Services – The institution recruits and admits
diverse students who are able to benefit from its programs,
consistent with its mission. Student support services address the
identified needs of students and enhance a supportive learning
environment. The entire student pathway through the institutional
experience is characterized by a concern for student access,
progress, learning, and success. The institution systematically
assesses student support services using student learning
outcomes, faculty and staff input, and other appropriate measures
in order to improve the effectiveness of these services.
Student Services will tell their story and we want to do the following:
o Use same language that the accreditation team uses
o Have a summary
o Have evidence
o Have sub-evaluations, how well are we doing?
The self-study is due mid-November; Standard IIB will need your feedback
prior to that time. The chairs will request information from Area Reps to
respond to self-study questions. A quick turnaround is required from
everyone. A special meeting will be convened for this purpose in early
November by the VPSS Office.
When the Standard IIB is completed, Area Reps will be asked to review
content. There will be an editor to review format and grammar.
The group reviewed key components of a self-study and what the
accreditation team will be looking for.
Some areas that may prove to be of concern for the college are online
equitable services and mental health for students.
Cultural Awareness Center (CAC) will hold a Japanese tea ceremony on
10/21. There will be a Domestic Violence Awareness Workshop on 10/24.
HAWK, an organization of African American educators and business men
are advisors to African American males that meet every other Saturday in
the CAC.
Puente has matched mentors with all students in the club; 33% of which
have mentors on campus and they have100% participation in learning
communities. On 10/23 Noche de La Familia will present information to
students and families regarding transfer to four-year colleges.
DSPS is presenting a forum on Education and Employment for People with
Disabilities 10/23 at Noon in PAC 104.
SCC Student Ambassadors are mentoring students in the Summer Success
Academy. Deb Luff suggested recognizing this group for their work in the
spring semester with a celebration.
The chairs will ask for the Area
Reps help in responding to
questions for the standard.
The next Student Services Area
Rep meeting will be November
7th in order to review responses
gathered for self-study. Outlook
reminder will be sent to the
Area Reps.
Regina Wilkins, Recorder
Financial Aid reported that the second financial aid disbursement will be
on Friday, October 31stth and faculty will need to review their rosters so
that checks do not go to students that are not enrolled.
Fresno City College will visit and tour SCC on October 31st. Debra Luff will
contact areas that will participate in the tour or make presentations.
Work Experience and Internship courses are open and students can
register although PeopleSoft indicates that they are closed. This is due to
a glitch in the system.
Preview Night for 11th-12th graders and their parents will be held October
30, 2014, 5-7:30 PM. Please sign up by Friday, 10/24 to participate.
EOPS is now closed with 1,110 students reaching over the EOPS program
cap of 953 students; however there are still openings for foster youth,
CARE students and EOPS Bridge Program. The Bridge Program is for foster
youth who are enrolled under the required 12 units but would like to be
connected to EOPS and receiver partial resources. Also we help the foster
youth bridge into full time student EOPS students to receive full services.
There will be an evening EOPS program December 4th so that students
and parents can review financial aid options. Alianza held their 2nd annual
Beyond the Dream Conference last month. Alianza is a club with the
primary purpose of informing students and the community about issues
concerning AB-540 students. Irma Rodriguez is the new coordinator for
Alianza with the retirement of Rhonda Rios Kravitz. 150 people attended
the Rock the School Bells hip-hop educational workshop that highlights the
importance of higher education and social change.
International Student Center has a November 1st deadline for students to
apply for the spring 2015 semester. They are currently working on their
Next Meeting Date: November 7, 2014, 2-3 PM, RHN-258.