AEB 6184 – Simulation and Estimation of the Primal Elluminate - 6 Cobb-Douglas Parameters Y w1 w1 x1 pY x1 p Y w2 wx Ax1 x2 x3 w1 x1 w2 x2 w3 x3 2 2 p pY x2 Y w3 w3 x3 p pY x3 Field Data for Corn Fuel Use (Field Operations) Fertilizer Dry Spread 0.15 Nitrogen 91.80 Disk-Chisel 1.70 Phosphorous 36.58 Field Cultivate 0.70 Potash 23.50 Planting 0.40 Spraying 0.10 Combine 1.45 Total Diesel 4.50 Diesel Price 2.64 Total Fuel 11.88 Total Fertilizer 151.88 Revenues Total Costs and Revenues Total Fuel Parameters 11.88 α 0.0195 Total Fertilizer 151.88 β 0.2500 Total Labor 33.06 γ 0.0544 Total Variable Cost 196.82 Diesel (gal.) Corn Yield 135.0 Fertilizer (tons) Corn Price 4.50 Labor (hours) Total Revenue 607.50 Profit per Acre 410.68 4.50 0.4116 4.15 Prices 2007 2008 Corn Price (FL) 4.00 4.50 Corn Price (GA) 4.50 4.60 Fertilizer Price 367 614 Fuel Price (Diesel) 2.639 3.393 Labor Price 7.97 8.91 Cobb-Douglas Function Y Ax1 x2 x3 A Y 135 151.484 x1 x2 x3 0.8911 Y 151.484 4.500.0195 0.41160.2500 4.150.0544 135 Drawing Prices We need to think about three four prices Corn Price Diesel Price Fertilizer Price Labor Price We could assume normality How to choose Ω? Possible negative prices? p w1 w2 w3 4.50 2.639 , N 367 7.97 We could choose a uniform distribution. For our purpose here, let’s assume that the standard deviation is 1/3 of the value of each price. In addition, let’s assume that the input prices have a correlation coefficient of 0.35 and the output price is uncorrelated. The variance matrix then becomes 2.2500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.7738 5.3806 0.3505 5.3806 14,965.4444 12.2499 0.3505 12.2499 7.0579 Drawing Random Samples In the univariate form, given a mean of and a standard deviation of we would create the random sample by drawing a z from a standard normal distribution xi zi In the multivariate world, we use the Cholesky decomposition of the variance matrix and use the vector of the means xi Pzi : xi , zi , M 41 , P, M 44 , PP Price Draws Corn Fuel Fertilizer Labor 4.0317966 -7.1139459 207.26474 13.085498 6.2839929 3.7932016 376.34403 15.001602 7.4239697 3.1434042 371.20099 8.1599310 4.5525423 11.179552 505.75759 7.6772579 4.3730528 3.9382136 370.57437 7.5128182 5.6384301 -9.1074158 153.62440 6.2727747 1.6477721 5.5279925 445.25053 7.2384782 1.8284618 10.856964 522.64669 7.9042016 2.5232567 2.0854507 351.84155 12.358072 Production Levels p Yp * x1 x1 w1 w1 1 p Yp * x2 x2 Y A x1Y x2Y x3Y Y Ax1 x2 x3 1 w2 w2 p Yp * x3 x3 w3 w3 Input Demands and Output Levels Fuel Fertilizer Labor Output 4.7781260 0.61742454 3.3704676 147.90853 7.8305355 0.85013512 8.4152978 170.02817 0.9229998 0.26157066 3.7495936 116.23514 2.8592925 0.38957212 4.1813763 132.05003 0.4462693 0.07103387 0.9507833 76.77729 0.2432353 0.06477872 0.9320548 74.06527 2.3879263 0.18145925 1.1241763 101.21032 5.2533449 0.31587940 13.261536 135.01835 Estimation First stage estimation – Ordinary Least Squares ˆ1 x ' x 1 x ' y x 1| ln x , y ln y Second stage – System Ordinary Least Squares using the first-order conditions. From the first-order conditions x1 pY pY x1 k20 k21 w1 w1 x2 pY pY x2 k30 k31 w2 w2 Estimation (Continued) Each of the observations in the system can then be expressed as ln y k10 k11 ln x1 k12 ln x2 k13 ln x3 1 x1 k20 k21 pY 2 w1 x2 k30 k31 pY 3 w2 Estimation (Continued) Imposing the cross equation restrictions ln y k10 k11 ln x1 k12 ln x2 k13 ln x3 1 x1 k20 k11 pY 2 w1 x2 k30 k12 pY 3 w2 Estimation (Continued) First estimation (without heteroscedasticity) ln y1 x 11 yy x21 , x 2n ˆ2 xx ' xx 1 1 0 xx 0 0 xx ' yy ln x11 p1Y1 w11 ln x21 0 0 p1Y2 0 pnYn w21 w2 n ln x31 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Estimation (Continued) With heteroscedasticity V n ˆ3 xx I nn Vˆ xx 1 1 xx I nn Vˆ 1 yy Results Parameter 1 2 3 True Alpha 0 2.1926 2.1837 2.1834 2.1804 Alpha 1 0.0069 0.0194 0.0193 0.0195 Alpha 2 0.2587 0.2503 0.2499 0.2500 Alpha 3 0.0519 0.0511 0.0541 0.0544 Kappa 1 0.3827 0.4233 Kappa 2 -0.0003 0.0003