Management 3080B Managerial Skills Course Outline -Fall 2002 Instructor:

Management 3080B
Managerial Skills
Course Outline -Fall 2002
Dr. Diane Miller
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:30-3:00 and Thursday 9:00-11:00 or by appointment
The purpose of this course is to help students develop the skills necessary to deal with the interpersonal
aspects of managerial activity. The course covers issues such as teamwork, team meetings, stress,
communications, and presentations. The emphasis is on application. The course is intended not only
inform but also to change your behaviour.
1. Hunsaker, P.L. (2001). Training in management skills. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Term Quizzes (5% x 3)
These quizzes have both an individual and team component.
Quiz 1; chapters 1, 2, 12; Sept. 18
Quiz 2; chapters 3, pp. 188-206, appendix A, handout; Oct. 9
Quiz 3, chapters 6, 14, 17; Nov. 13
Term Tests (15% x 2)
Midterm; chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, pp. 188-206, appendix A, handout; Oct. 16
Final; chapters 6, 14, 17, 18, and team presentations; Dec. 4
Feedback Interview
Due Oct. 30
Management Skills Action Plans and Evaluations
Due Nov. 27
Lessons Learned Presentation
Due Nov. 27
Current Events Project
Overall project and paper
Both due on one of Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20
Class Participation
90 -100 A+
85 - 89 A
80 -84 A-
77 - 79 B+
73 - 76 B
70 -72 B-
67 - 69 C+
63 - 66 C
60 - 62 C-
57 - 59 D+
50 - 56 D
0 -49 F
I. Quizzes (5% X 3):
The purpose of the quizzes is to keep students up on their reading and course activities. Students will be
responsible for both the assigned readings, textbook chapters, class notes, and any cases, exercises, or
videos covered during class time. There will be three multiple choice individual and team quizzes over
the course of the semester (Sept. 18, Oct. 9, Nov. 13). All quizzes will be completed individually and
then the same quiz will be retaken as a team. If a student misses a team quiz they will not receive the
team grade for that quiz. You cannot take the team quiz without first taking the individual quiz. Sixty
percent (60%) of your final quiz grade will come from the individual quiz and 40% from the group
II. Tests (15% X 2):
The purpose of the tests is to provide a thorough assessment of your knowledge of the course material
There will be two individually written answer tests given during the course (Oct. 16, Dec. 4). The
material covered will be readings, textbook chapters, class notes, and any cases, exercises, or videos
covered during class time. Also, the final test will include questions from the team presentations.
During the course you will be learning about communication and feedback interviews. To demonstrate
your knowledge and learning about these types of interviews, and the processes of dealing with
employees and work related problems, you are to interview another individual (this can be a team
member or some other person you know) to use active listening skills and to provide constructive positive
and negative feedback to that person. You will be expected to demonstrate a number of interviewing
skills during this meeting. The specific skills on which you will be evaluated will be handed out during
the course.
The interview is to be taped. Each interview should last no more than 15 minutes (average is usually
about 5-10 minutes). Due Oct. 30.
Below are sections called “Action Plan” and “Evaluation”. You are to follow these formats to develop
your skills throughout the semester. To carry out your action plans and report to me what you did, answer
the questions in the sections below called “Action Plan” and “Evaluation”. You will find some suggested
exercises at the ends of chapters under the title, “Reinforcement Exercises”. You may use these
exercises only if they require you to actively practice the skill. Do not use those exercises that
require only passive action (e.g. watching TV). You can also devise your own exercises and choose
any number of exercises from a given chapter. It is up to you to decide what skills you want to improve.
Each student must hand in 4 completed plan and evaluation exercises on Nov. 27.
Action Plan:
Before engaging in the exercise, think through and answer the following:
1. What behaviour/behaviours have I chosen to improve?
2. Why?
3. What potential obstacles stand in my way of performing this skill?
4. What specific things will I do to improve?
5. When will I do them?
6. How and when will I measure my success?
You are to implement the exercise proposed in the action plan, then:
1. Record the results. What happened?
2. How successful was I?
3. What was the effect on others?
4. How can I improve or what modifications can I make next time to better perform this skill?
5. What have I learned?
6. How might this experience help me in the long term?
Based on the course, content and the Action Plan and Evaluation exercises, each student must prepare a 3
minute presentation that summarizes the most important lessons learned and the most crucial personal
development experiences that have occurred through the application of course concepts. These
presentations will be evaluated based in level of insight and understanding, and on presentation skills
demonstrated (paying special attention to the material covered in the course component of “Oral
Presentation Skills”). All students will present on Nov. 27.
This project will be conducted in groups of approximately 4 students. The purpose of this assignment is
for students to assess the use of management skills (effective or ineffective) in a real world setting.
Choose a topic that is a current event and analyze the extent to which the management skills covered in
this class are a factor in the success or (lack there of) of the event under study. Research for this project
should include interviews of at least three people who are involved in the situation. Preparation of the
interview format should include consideration of the material discussed in the course component called
“Interpersonal Communication”.
Each group will have 30 minutes to present their case to the class on one of Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20.
The presentation should be prepared paying special attention to the material covered in the course
component of “Oral Presentation Skills”. The presentations will be taped. Teams are to book a
feedback session with me within one week of the presentation at which time we will have an
opportunity to review the presentation.
The group shall also submit a written report which summarizes the presentation and the project activities
and findings. The report should include a transcription of the interviews. See Appendix B of your text
for guidelines on writing reports.
Grading guideline for current events project:
This project is a group assignment, therefore, your grades will be determined using information from both
group and individual performance. The group grades will be assigned by me. In addition, at the end of
the project, you will have the opportunity to evaluate the contributions of each other team member. See
the form attached. Your evaluation of the team member will be used to weight their grades on this project
(for example if the individual is rated by other team members as contributing to 70% of the project, that
person will receive 70% of the team’s final grade). Think carefully about your weighting as it can have a
major impact on the team member’s grade. You must also supply written justification, reasons, and
behavioural examples (describe the actions that the person took and the behaviours they demonstrated) to
explain your ratings. Use the space at the bottom of the evaluation form for your explanations.
Throughout the course you will be given small assignments to be done outside of class, assignments to be
handed in, and in class discussion activities. Your contributions to these activities will be graded as
Assignments must be handed in by 4pm on the due date. Assignments handed in late without prior
approval will be lessened in value by 10% of the total value of the assignment for each day late. After
three days, the assignment will be rejected and be given a grade of 0.
Sept. 4
Overview of course outline
Introduction to the course (Chapter 1)
Creating High Performing Teams (Chapter 12)
Hand in your scores from the self-awareness exercises by Sept. 10.
(SAQ 1-5 in ch. 2 of the text and exercises given out in class)
Sept. 11
Self-Awareness (Chapter 2)
Sept. 18
Quiz 1 (ch. 1,2, 12 )
Active Listening and Interpersonal Communication (Handout and Chapter 3)
Sept. 25
Providing Constructive Feedback (Pages 188-206)
Oral Presentation Skills (Appendix A)
Hand in your “management credo”
Oct. 2
Directed Study (work on course assignments)
Oct. 9
Quiz 2 (ch 3, appendix A, handout, pp. 188-206)
Developing Ethical Guideposts (Chapter 5)
Oct. 16
Mid-term (ch. 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, app. A, handout, pp. 188-206)
Oct. 23
Team Presentations (2)
Managing Stress and Time (Chapter 6)
Oct. 30
Team Presentations (2)
Building a Power Base (Chapter 14)
Interview tapes due
Nov. 6
Team Presentations (2)
Developing Subordinates (Chapter 17)
Nov. 13
Quiz 3 (ch. 6, 14, 17)
Team Presentations (2)
Managing Conflict (Chapter 18)
Nov. 20
Team Presentations (2)
Wrap-up of any outstanding topics
Nov. 27
Lessons Learned Presentations
Action Plans and Evaluations due
Dec. 4
Final (ch. 6, 14, 17, 18, current events presentations)
Weekly activities may vary slightly from the schedule
Evaluation of team member performance on current events project
Managerial Skills 3080B
Hand this in upon completion of your project.
Evaluated by_______________________________________
Using a scale ranging from 0 to 100%, evaluate the amount of each team member’s contribution
to the following:
Evaluation 1. Relative to your expectations, assess the amount of useful information contributed
by this person.
Evaluation 2. Relative to your expectations, assess the amount of effort that was put in by this
Team member’s name
Evaluation 2
Note: do not include yourself in the evaluation.
For any individual that you rated below 100%, you must supply justification, reasons, and/or
behavioural examples to explain your ratings. If you need more space use the back of the page.
Please fill out this form and return it to me within the first 3 weeks of classes. Thank
Name: _________________________________________________________
Email address: ________________________________________________
Phone number(s): ________________________________________________
Major field(s): ________________________________________________
(jobs held, special skills, great accomplishments):