Einstein’s Worries: true

Einstein’s Worries:
1. What does it mean to say that these geometrical
sentences are true?
2. What is the status of the axioms?
3. What is geometry about, according to Einstein?
Mathematically speaking, that is.
4. So why do we still think of these claims as true?
5. What does the procedure Einstein mentions for
determining if 3 points all lie on the same line
6. What about the procedure for measuring distance?
7. How can we transform mathematical geometry into a
branch of physics?
8. What evidence do we have for the truth of this
physics? What are its limits?
9. How, in general, should we conceive of the system of
Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) we apply to locate
objects in space?
10. How do we actually put this into practice?
11.What do we need to add to this system of locations in
order to begin thinking about mechanics?