Classified Senate Meeting April 14, 2016 12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258 2015-2016 Classified Senate Officers President: Sandra Belmares Vice-President: Shawn Ledet Treasurer: Rachel Larsen Secretary: Tyler Wyckoff Past President: Monica Souza 4CS Representative: Deborah Knowles I. II. Attendance: Sandra Belmares Shawn Ledet Rachel Larsen Tyler Wyckoff Pamela Morrison Ka Shun (Sean) Tse Gurpreet Bhatia Andrea Galang Katherine Zoloty Cailin Pulskamp Ashley Lanham Craig Hart Nadine Kirkpatrick Dan McCarty Kathleen Dorn Blair McAnelly Alexandra Ramirez Deborah Knowles Norman Lorenz Anne Danenberg Call to Order 12:03 Changes in Agenda – a. Add Anne Danenberg for SCC Mission Statement revisions for approval on behalf of the College Strategic Planning Committee. III. Approval of the Minutes – Approved. Rachel Larsen motioned, Ann Danenberg seconded for approval. IV. Officer Reports a. President – Sandra Belmares i. SCC will be a smoke-free campus starting August 20, 2016. ii. Classified Leadership Institute registration is still open. CLI will be held in Ventura, CA on June 16-18, 2016. iii. Board of Trustees meeting on April 13, 2016. Chief Cheryl Sears provided a “Safety and Security Update” on behalf of the LRPD. AVC for Facilities Management Pablo Manzo provided a “Green Campus & Sustainability Program” update on behalf of the district and each of the VPA’s from all four Los Rios campuses presented on behalf of his/her campus’ sustainability program and efforts. Sandra has copies of the PowerPoints that were handed-out at the BOT meeting if you would like to see them. iv. SCC President Impression groups are scheduled for Friday, April 22, tentatively from 9:30am to 1:30pm, LRC 105. All classified staff are strongly encouraged to attend. More info coming on Monday. a. As an update, it was announced on April 20th that there were no candidates recommended to move forward to impressions groups. Impressions groups cancelled. 1 b. c. d. e. f. v. Chancellor’s Cabinet - meets next Monday, April 25th. vi. District-wide Strategic Planning Charrette was held on April 5, 2016 at the Marriott in Rancho Cordova. We had a good turnout of classified representation. Goals, strategies, indicators and tactics were discussed in small breakout groups. vii. SCC Enrollment Taskforce – please let Sandra know if you’re interested in serving on this taskforce. Vice President – Shawn Ledet i. Academic Senate meeting on April 5, 2016 1. OER Resolution - Potential money for OER 2. Mohr Hall Renovation - Faculty requesting stadium style classrooms ii. March BOT 1. Refinancing Measure A – Series D bonds for lower rate 2. Ed Tech – pathways a. 96 million dollar grant b. Issues need to be resolved 3. Tiny House program at CRC a. Contest sponsored by SMUD b. CRC may house Tiny House village for future contests c. Connected with student programs at CRC 4. Mohr Hall renovation Treasurer – Rachel Larsen i. $4,480.28 balance 1. Includes cash deposit after retreat - $714 2. Minus $482 spent on giveaway bags and $75 on treats for bags for the 2016 Classified Retreat ii. Executive Council 1. Chancellor sent letter to request an IEPI (Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative) team visit to each Los Rios college to observe and provides suggestions for improvement. SCC determines what areas the IEPI team will evaluate. Sandra emailed all SCC-Classifieds with a copy of this letter. 2. Meet and Greet for managers, faculty, and staff is being planned 3. Political “Dos and Don’ts” coming soon in email Secretary – Tyler Wyckoff i. Student Senate Elections 1. Senators elected, club and events board officers elected, president still to be appointed; Los Rios BOT Student Representative still to be appointed. Past President – Monica Souza - no report 4CS Area Representative – Deborah Knowles i. CLI is June 15-18 in Ventura. Registration still open. 1. Funds available. Ask Tyler Wyckoff for help. 2. CLI scholarships are available through CLI 2 V. VI. Old Business a. Classified Senate Area Reps – Area rep vacancies filled for: i. Area 8 - Sean Tse ii. Area 13 - Cailin Pulskamp iii. Area 14 - Robert Kelly New Business a. EOPS Update– Kathleen Dorn, Blair McAnelly i. Accepting applications until May 17 for current college; June 17 for high school students ii. EOPS funding is restored to 90% of pre-recession funding so more students can be accepted iii. Maximum unit limit has been raised to 50 units from 40 for new applicants 1. Once EOPS students reach 70 they no longer qualify for EOPS services 2. High unit majors can go above 70 iv. FFOREST – New services for foster youth students v. EOPS Math and English cohorts 1. Books supplied to students in cohorts and this does not come out of the individual book assistance funds allotted to each student b. Classified Appreciation Week – Rachel Larsen i. Annual SCC Classified Staff Appreciation Luncheon will be held May 6th 1. Classified appreciation week is actually the whole third week of May. Classified custodial staff often have to help set up for the luncheon. Is there another acknowledgement we can do for the swing shift and graveyard shift staff? 2. Sandra will bring this inquiry to VPA Laduan Smedley. ii. It was suggested that classified should not have to organize the events that show appreciation for their contributions. iii. We can explore what other campuses are doing iv. Suggestion was made for a 24-hour energy breaks during the classified appreciation week. v. Suggestion was made for a gift card or gift basket to be given to the custodial staff who cannot attend the luncheon due to their regular work schedule. c. Flex Week PD, Convocation, 100 Year Anniversary – Tyler Wyckoff, Norman Lorenz 3 i. Summer workshop series being planned. Please contact Tyler with workshop suggestions ii. Fall flex will highlight equity events iii. Fall convocation will highlight SCC’s 100 year celebration d. SCC’s 100th Events Update – Dan McCarty i. Cake and ice cream served during the first week ii. Events throughout the 2016-2017 year iii. Dan will return at a future Classified Senate meeting with more info. e. People’s Day Event – Chris Torres i. May 5th all day for students and campus community ii. Classified staff are welcome to staff a booth to do fundraising for the senate. iii. Pancake eating contest iv. Talk to Chris Torres if you’re interested f. Senate Officer Elections – Sandra Belmares – Nominations will be requested soon VII. g. Changes to SCC Mission Statement i. Proposed change in language as follows (red, underlined text indicates additions and text with strikethrough indicates removed wording): “Sacramento City College is an open-access, comprehensive community college, serving a diverse student population. We provide a wide range of educational opportunities and support services designed to foster the success of all students seeking leading to transfer, career advancement, Associate degree and certificate attainment, basic skills development, and personal enrichment. Our commitment to continuous improvement through outcome-guided assessment, planning, and evaluation promotes student learning. Through these efforts, we contribute to the intellectual, cultural, and economic vitality of the community.” Ann Danenberg– motioned, Sandra Belmares – seconded, Unanimously passed. Good of the Order a. Upcoming events – All i. Equity April VIII. Adjournment 1:02 4