Classified Senate Meeting 2014-2015 Classified Senate Officers Attendance: February 11, 2016

Classified Senate Meeting
February 11, 2016
12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258
2014-2015 Classified Senate Officers
President: Sandra Belmares
Vice-President: Shawn Ledet
Treasurer: Rachel Larsen
Secretary: Tyler Wyckoff
Past President: Monica Souza
4CS Representative: Deborah Knowles
Sandra Belmares
Rachel Larsen
Tyler Wyckoff
Monica Souza
Linda Lee
Andrea Galang
Courtney Heidelberg
Pinky Xiong
Taunya Wattier
Anna Chekmareva
Marina Zanardelli
Barbara Beale
Pamela Morrison
Call to Order 12:03
Changes to Agenda
Approval of the Minute– January 2016
a. Rachel Larsen motioned to approve, Andrea Galang seconded, passed.
Officer Reports
a. President – Sandra Belmares
i. Sandra attended the SCC President Town Hall on Friday,
February 5, 2016. There was good classified representation in
attendance. Send to Sandra suggested questions for the
“Impressions” groups that will be coming up as part of the
President hiring process. You may also send her any
questions/feedback you have regarding the timeline and status
of the hiring process.
ii. Sandra attended the Los Rios Strategic Plan Town Hall held in
the SCC-Student Center on February 9, 2016. The classified
representation was minimal, it would have been good to see
more classified engaged in this discussion. This was a whole
afternoon discussion from 1pm-4pm on the Vision statement,
the Mission statement, and the goals that will be included in
the next LRCCD Strategic Plan which is a 5 year plan. This has
been an ongoing conversation at the Chancellor’s Cabinet
meetings and with the Board of Trustees. These town halls
were offered at each LRCCD campus.
iii. The next Board of Trustees meeting – February 17 at FLC –
Deborah Knowles will attend.
iv. Executive Council met on February 1 – The Exec Council report
on behalf of the Classified Senate was emailed to everyone.
Some of the highlights included:
a. Sandra Belmares and Monica Souza presented
the “Classified Senate 101” flex workshop on
January 14th as part of the flex week series.
b. Sandra Belmares and Janice Hans plan to attend
the Equal Employment Opportunity & Equity in
Faculty Hiring Regional Training on February
16th at Yuba College. All California community
college employees who may serve on a hiring
panel for classified, faculty, or manager positions
are encouraged to attend
v. ESTEEM Program – if you have questions or want to join ask
Sandra or Tyler.
vi. Senior Saturdays are Feb. 17, March 12 and 19.
vii. Enrollment Management taskforce is meeting every other
Thursday from 10-11:30. Let Sandra know if you can
participate on this taskforce.
viii. We Care Campaign - Hearts to cut out and wear for Feb. 16-19
ix. Redesigning Community Colleges live stream from Bakersfield
Community College in LRC 105, Feb. 18, 9am-3pm
b. Vice President
i. No report
c. Treasurer
i. Current Bal $4,337.60
ii. Spent $89 on President Jeffery’s farewell gift.
iii. Class Sen Scholarship -- $500 to be taken out
1. No special criteria – 6 units, financial need,
campus/community service
2. 18 applicants to date
iv. Classified Retreat – March 23, Venue approved
v. $3,748 left after these
d. Secretary
i. The 24th Annual Classified Professionals Retreat will be held on
March 23rd. Donations for door prizes will be accepted until
March 18th. Please contact Tyler if you would like to donate or
if you have any questions.
e. Past President
i. Give a Fork! art project – Art Professor Gioia Fonda received a
grant from the Crocker Art Museum in order to create an art
work for the community. She intends to build a sculpture made
of forks. She asked for donations of forks. She prefers standard
metal forks. If you’d like to donate a fork, fill out the “Give a
Fork” form so that your name will be added to the donation
list. Contact Gioia directly if you’d like a form and/or to donate
a fork.
ii. Accreditation Training will be held next weekend – Monica will
give update
Old Business
a. Classified Senate Area Reps - vacancies need to be filled.
New Business
a. Equity Planning event co-sponsor – Sandra - The Student Equity Plan
has been submitted to the State Chancellor’s Office. The vision is
stated on the plan. However, SCC now needs to pursue implementing
this vision. The Classified Senate has been asked to be a co-sponsor
for events that help us develop such strategies for implementation.
There is no cost involved on our end. Majority voted yes (10 yes/1 no)
for Classified Senate to co-sponsor.
b. 4CS Spirit Stick – Classified Leadership Institute
i. Design in progress
ii. SCC won last two years
1. SCC will count spirit and present awards
2. Do we want to provide financial contribution to creating
stick? 4CS will pay for whatever SCC doesn’t cover
a. Ashley Gibbs and Courtney Heidelberg
i. Design on hold because waiting for
b. Recommendation is that 4CS should pay and SCC
designs and creates
c. Foundation/Advancement Office – Annual Fund
i. Dan McCarty – Interim Director of Advancement/Foundation
1. Objective is to raise money to contribute to do
innovative things for our academic environment
a. We must spend what we raise each year
b. Launched Yesterday – Ends February 29
c. Write check and deliver, online, payroll
deduction (best way – as low as $5/month)
d. Reward for department AA that gets highest
participation and department gets $50 gift
2. 100 Year Celebration upcoming
d. DSPS services and intake
i. Marina Zanardelli
1. Testing available
a. If students have a gap in learning that cannot be
accounted for by any other issue
2. Proctor Testing
a. Students can allowed extra time
b. Scheduled three days in advanced
i. Special circumstances need 5 days
c. High tech lab for students with specialized
i. Visual impairments, mobility issues, etc.
ii. Need referral with alternate media
d. Volunteers are needed for classroom
i. Shared notes
1. Carbon copy
2. Certificates given at end of
3. Letter of rec given
4. Goodie back if budge
e. Three most common DSPS accommodations:
i. Shared notes
ii. Proctor test
iii. Audio recording
f. Alternative Media Specialist – Ryan Glenn
i. Braille books
ii. E-text
iii. MP3
g. If you have questions please contact Marina
h. Monica Souza– how can classified staff approach
students to suggest services to students without
offending or FERPA violation?
i. Learning disability testing is expensive in
private sector
ii. If you’ve been through testing you can
share that with the student
iii. Accommodations do not go on
transcripts!! – completely confidential
iv. Walk them over
v. DSPS students get priority registration
vi. Let them know about a variety of services,
DSPS being one of them.
e. Budget Committee Update for College and District
i. Taunya Wattier
1. No district budget meeting – it has been rescheduled
2. Campus Budget update – $300k
a. Working with deans for requests, unit plans
done – over next two months
b. Starts February 26
3. VPA has sent out mid-year update (not budget) – will be
sent to Sandra
f. Professional Development Activity
i. Changing Lanes – February 24
ii. Hiring training and Equity training – February 26
iii. College Completion with Dr. Rob Johnstone – March 10
iv. Equity Institute with Dr. Veronica Neal – March 30
Good of the Order
a. Upcoming events
i. Senior Saturdays in February 27, March 12 and March 19
1. Contact Tanya Anderson to volunteer
b. Study about traffic on campus by the Los Rios Police Department
i. Traffic backed up to both freeways
ii. Forward ideas to Officer Conroy
iii. Bridge – Curtis Park Permit required for Curtis Park Village
Adjournment 1:00pm