Classified Senate Meeting 2015-2016 Classified Senate Officers Attendance: August 13, 2015

Classified Senate Meeting
August 13, 2015
12:00-1:00pm, RHN-258
2015-2016 Classified Senate Officers
President: Sandra Belmares
Vice-President: Shawn Ledet
Treasurer: Rachel Larsen
Secretary: Tyler Wyckoff
Past President: Monica Souza
4CS Representative: Deborah Knowles
Sandra Belmares
Shawn Ledet
Rachel Larsen
Tyler Wyckoff
Andrea Galang
Anne Danenberg
Katherine Zoloty
Jonathan Miranda
Marilyn Perry
Anna Chekmareva
Courtnee Mack
Barbara Beale
Haley Lepper
Crystal Lee
Juliana Singleton
Deborah Knowles
Craig Hart
Irina Marsant
May Yang Rosa
Pamela Morrison
Hannia Velez
I. Call to Order
 Meeting called to order at 12:03 pm.
II. Changes in Agenda
 Add to New Business, Item D– Accreditation Fact Sheet – Andrea Galang
III. Approval of Minutes
 July 2015 minutes – correction to add Andrea Galang in attendance.
 Shawn Ledet motioned to approve both June and July 2015 minutes, Haley Lepper seconded,
motion passed.
IV. Officer Reports
a. President - Sandra Belmares
 Classified Senate Officers Sandra Belmares, Shawn Ledet, Rachel Larsen, Tyler Wyckoff
and Monica Souza met in July to delegate responsibilities for 2015-2016.
 The Classified Senate Presidents prepare the Board Report each month for their
respective campuses, which includes highlights of the accomplishments and efforts of
Classified staff. Please send any highlights you would like shared at BOT meetings and
other campus and district standing meetings to Sandra Belmares.
i. The Classified Collaborative Issues Committee (CCIC) meets quarterly to
discuss issues not related to collective bargaining. The next meeting will be held
at DO on September 4th, 2015 from 10:30am to 12:00pm in the HR Conf Rm.
The committee includes Sandra Belmares and Monica Souza from SCC.
 The four Classified Senate Presidents met with Chancellor Brian King on July 16th, 2015.
I shared with Chancellor King a suggestion that came out of the Classified Senate
meeting in July that the campuses have an in-service day for convocation so that all
classified employees can attend. He replied that he would share this suggestion with the
college presidents at his meeting with them.
 Periodically, the State Chancellor’s Office will request committee appointments. If you are
interested in serving on state level committee, please let Sandra Belmares know. There
is a current request for classified representation on the Non-Credit SSSP Advisory
Committee and the Assessment Advisory Committee. Sandra forwarded the application
for 4CS committee participation to all who expressed an interest from SCC. Applicants
will be notified if they are accepted and will possibly be asked to participate in other state
level committees. Send your application to 4CS Area North 2 Rep Deborah Knowles.
 Sandra presented at the Senior Leadership Team meeting on July 13, 2015 to provide a
reminder about staff participation in participatory decision-making. Attendees were
encouraged to identify interested staff members and encourage participation among staff
on standing committees, the Classified Senate, and other activities on campus.
Last spring Sandra presented to SCC Financial Aid staff to encourage staff participation
in the participatory decision-making process. Similarly, this fall Sandra is presenting to
the Operations and Custodial staff.
 Sandra requests that SCC Classified staff members send her information about
completion of degrees, certificates, and other achievements so she can share this
information at BOT and other meetings.
b. Vice President – Shawn Ledet
 The Academic Senate did not meet over the summer, however, they will begin meeting
weekly starting Fall 2015.
 Shawn will not be attending the Academic Senate retreat.
 Shawn attended the BOT meeting, August 12, 2015. The BOT agenda is online.
i. The Los Rios health/benefits stipend increased from $235 to $256 per month.
This will be reevaluated bi-annually
ii. COLA and Retroactive salary improvement (retro) for all constituencies
a. COLA for Classified staff members will be 5.42%
b. Retro for Classified staff members will be 5%
 Chancellor’s Report
i. “Next Ed” program for STEM and Engineering
ii. Access and Enrollment
1. Projected SCC enrollment growth: 2.6%
2. Actual SCC enrollment growth: approx.. -1% growth
3. If we do not meet these goals within the fiscal year we will be given
another fiscal year to reach the goal.
iii. Passing of AB 540
1. Policy updates to match new requirements
2. Out-of-state tuition exemptions
3. Impacts course hours required per unit
c. Treasurer – Rachel Larsen
 Classified Senate account balance is $4,622.47
i. Down from last month because payment cleared for flower leis for
commencement fundraiser.
 All outstanding bills have been paid
 Rachel will attend the September 9th BOT meeting
 Rachel will participate in the following Classified Senate subcommittees:
i. Fundraising
ii. Scholarship
iii. Spring Retreat Planning
d. Secretary – Tyler Wyckoff
 Tyler will participate in the following Classified Senate subcommittees:
i. Fundraising
ii. Scholarship
iii. Spring Retreat Planning
 Tyler will attend Student Senate meetings twice per moth
e. Past President – Monic Souza (absent)
V. Old Business
a. Classified Senate Area Reps for 2015-2016 – Deborah Knowles
 10 out of 14 appointments filled
 Areas 2, 7, 8, 14 still need representatives
b. Classified Senate sub-committees – Sandra Belmares
 Sub-committees are specific to Classified Senate
 Passed around sign-up sheet for sub-committees
c. SCC Standing Committee appointments – Deborah Knowles
 Educational and Information Technology
i. There is a Classified tri-chair but no other Classified members
Learning Resources
i. There are no Classified members
VI. New Business
a. Absence Reporting Training @ DO on July 30th – Juliana Singleton and Haley Lepper
 New absence reports for Student Help, Federal Work Study employees, Substitutes, and
Classified Temporary employees as a result of new legislation that went into effect
January 2015 which allows for sick leave
 Employees must have worked 30 hours and have been employed for 90 days
before being eligible for sick leave
 Minimum of two hours of sick leave can be taken when used
 Maximum of 48 sick leave hours can be accrued and cannot be advanced
 Workshop to be held at SCC on August 20th from 1:00pm-3:00pm
 Suggestion that Classified Temp maximum working days per fiscal year be increased
from 110 days – Sandra Belmares
b. Flex week and Fall Professional Development – Tyler Wyckoff
 Flex Week activity preview
 Request for Classified Employees to submit Flex Proposals to present workshops
c. Professional Development Activity Report Out
 3rd Gathering of the Senates on August 5, 2015– Rosa Rose, Courtnee Mack, Sandra
 Many other California community colleges do not have a senate. While still some
other senates are much more progressive than SCC. We can all learn a great
deal from each other, because we operate so differently. Even within our own
district the campus senates operate differently – Sandra
 This is a great way to meet with our colleagues statewide beyond CLI to
exchange ideas and best practices – Sandra/Rosa
 Recommended that SCC Classified Senate establish program goals and
 Classified Leadership Academy Fall 2015 – All
 Professional Development offered through Los Rios District Office. Session 4 on
Public Speaking and Networking is on Aug. 21st at the Ethan Way location.
 Hiring the Best While Developing Diversity Training – All
 Next training is on August 20th at 9am in RHN-264. After August 23rd, if you have
not completed this training, you will not be allowed to participate on hiring
committees. This training is separate from the Equity training which employees
have to complete in order to be an equity rep on a hiring committee
 AB 2558, SSSP, and Student Equity - there is funding available through SSSP and
Student Equity Program for professional development. If you are interested, please send
ideas to Sandra to learn whether it can be funded through SSSP or Student Equity.
d. Preview of Accreditation Fact Sheet – Andrea Galang
 Information about SCC regarding goals, Participatory Decision-making, planning, student
demographics, etc. provided by PRIE office.
VII. Good of the Order
a. Upcoming events
 Campus Emergency Response Team training – August 14, 2015 in PAC
 SSSP and SEqP Program plans and budgets – You are encouraged to review the current
plans online at the SCC website. Send your feedback to Sandra. A revised plan for SSSP
will be submitted in October to the State Chancellors office and a revised plan for Student
Equity will be submitted in November. This is a quick turnaround.
IX. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 1:05 pm. Next meeting is September 10, 2015, RHN-258.