MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Previous statistics: • Crosstabs (chi-square) • t-test (means) • Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) • Pearson’s correlation coefficient • Regression • Multiple regression 7/17/2016 Marketing Research 1 Next couple of statistics: • used less frequently • (bottom of your “tool box”) • more “exploratory” 1. Discriminant analysis 2. Factor analysis 3. Cluster analysis 7/17/2016 Marketing Research 2 1. Discriminant analysis • Tests for covariation between: • Categorical dependent variable – “group” such as purchaser, non purchaser; – regular, occasional, and infrequent purchasers; – people who like “chick” flicks, those that like “guy flicks,” those that like both • Continuous and categorical IVs – age, income, gender, etc. 7/17/2016 Marketing Research 3 1. Discriminant analysis (continued) • which variables “group” people? • coefficients reveal importance of factors – larger coefficient, more important – smaller coefficient, less important • p-value associated with specific variables • overall fit assessed by “% correctly classified” 7/17/2016 Marketing Research 4 2. Factor analysis • examines covariation between: • several different variables • that are “reduced” to one or more underlying “factors” or “constructs” – e.g., overall “intelligence,” “need to consume,” etc. • often used to develop scales of related questions -- “data reduction” • no information on what causes what 7/17/2016 Marketing Research 5 2. Factor analysis (continued) • attempts to identify the most shared variation – the first factor is the largest amount of “variance” – the second factor is the second largest variance, etc. • Number of “factors” – “Eigenvalues” > 1.0 (“chance”) – “bend in the “Scree plot” 7/17/2016 Marketing Research 6 3. Cluster analysis • Covariation among a number of variables • Identifies “segments” of the sample • Used frequently in marketing • Helpful for targeting products and messages 7/17/2016 Marketing Research 7 4. Multi-Dimensional Scaling • abbreviated “MDS” • Subject rate “distances” or differences between objects • Data are subjected to analysis • Analysis reveal underlying “dimensions” • Used to identify how people differentiate products 7/17/2016 Marketing Research 8 The End 7/17/2016 Marketing Research 9