Welcome to the Department of Medicine! New Employee Orientation

Welcome to the
Department of
New Employee Orientation
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
IT Training
Overview of Department – Mission –Vision – Values & Strategic Goals
Navigating Department of Medicine Website
Phone Usage Instructions & Policy
Safety and Accident Reporting
Personal & Professional Conduct
Perks of UW-Madison Employment
Employee Assistance Office
Payroll & Benefits
Online Computer Training
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Information Technology
Computer Usage (UW IT Appropriate Use Policy)
• General Guidelines
Individual Responsibility
Intellectual Property
Malicious Activity
Impersonation & Anonymity
Respect and Protect Privacy and Be Civil
Commercial, Political & Non-University Activities
De Minimis Usage
Managing IT Resources
State and Federal Laws
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Information Technology
Strong Passwords
•Are at least eight alphanumeric characters long
•Contain at least three of the following four categories:
– upper case characters (e.g., A-Z)
– lower case characters (e.g., a-z) (Note: Oracle does not
distinguish between upper and lower case in passwords.)
– Digits (e.g., 0-9)
– Special characters ( e.g., !@#$%^&*()_+|~-=\`{}[]:";'<>?,./)
(Note: Oracle allows only the special character underscore (_) in
a password, unless the password is enclosed in quotes.)
•Are kept private. Passwords should be memorized or, if written down,
kept in a locked file cabinet or other secure location.
•Do not contain a common proper name, login ID, email address,
initials, first, middle or last name
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Information Technology
Enabled Voice Mail
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Information Technology
Computer Support Contact Information
•Help: help@medicine.wisc.edu or 5-4466
•Training: istraining@medicine.wisc.edu
•Online: http://www.medicine.wisc.edu/infosys/infosysmain
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Since its founding in 1849, the University of Wisconsin-Madison has
become one of the great world centers of higher education. It is the
oldest, largest, and most diversified of all the universities in the UWSystem, and ranks as one of the largest in the United States. UWMadison began with a class of 17 students who met in a borrowed
classroom in downtown Madison, then a community of only several
thousand residents. Today, the University employs more than 16,000
faculty and staff and serves over 40,000 enrolled students.
Madison has a population of more than 240,000.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Mission: (Our purpose)
The Department of Medicine advances the health of the people
of Wisconsin and beyond through high quality, patient-centered
care, innovative research and education of the next generation
of physicians.
Vision: (What we want to achieve)
The Department of Medicine will be the national leader in:
High quality patient-centered care
Transformational research
Innovative education programs
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Values: (The ideals that we live by)
The Department of Medicine values:
• Professionalism, Patient-Centeredness, Compassion,
Excellence, Innovation, Diversity, Teamwork, Scholarship,
and Stewardship
- PROFESSIONALISM as demonstrated by altruism,
accountability, fairness, and treating everyone with
kindness, respect and dignity
everything we do and we demonstrate this by
highly satisfied patients and families all of the time
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Values: (The ideals that we live by)
COMPASSION for our patients, their families and our co-workers
EXCELLENCE and INNOVATION as leaders in patient care,
research and educating future physicians
DIVERSITY as an essential component in the way we practice and
for the value it brings to all our missions
TEAMWORK, as we are more effective together than as individuals
SCHOLARSHIP as fundamental to all our work
STEWARDSHIP of our resources as this will allow us to sustain our
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Navigating the
Department of Medicine Website
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Phone Usage Policy
• Long distance calls on State Telephone System (Centrex lines and
University-owned cell phones) are only permitted for calls that are
primarily University business. Personal use is not permitted, even if
the individual subsequently reimburses the University.
• If calling Long Distance, dial 8-1-(area code)-(number). Dial 9(number) for local calls.
• Campus/State numbers starting with 26x-xxxx or 890-xxxx can be
called directly from campus line (e.g. for (608) 265-4321, dial 5-4321)
• Directory Assistance calls involve a charge, so please limit to essential
use only. Phone numbers can often be found through online search.
• The department receives monthly phone usage reports by number.
• The full UW-Madison Telephone Usage Policy can be found at:
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Safety and Accident Reporting
Supervisor’s responsibilities:
• Ensure workplace is safe.
• Ensure safety hazards and unsafe practices are identified and corrected.
• Train employees to recognize and protect against hazards in the workplace.
• Ensure accident is reported by completing the Supervisor’s Report of Injury
(OSLP-2) (http://www.bussvc.wisc.edu/risk_mgt/wc/wkc-sup.pdf) and sending to
Employee’s responsibilities:
• Read, understand and obey written and verbal safety instructions.
• Operate only that equipment which you have been authorized and trained to use.
• Read the Material Safety Data Sheet before using any hazardous material.
• Use the safety gear provided for your job.
• Keep work areas clean and orderly.
• Avoid behavior which could lead to injury.
• Report unsafe conditions to your supervisor.
• Report all accidents to your supervisor, whether or not you have been injured.
• If injured, complete Employee's Work Injury and Illness Report (OSLP-1)
(http://www.bussvc.wisc.edu/risk_mgt/wc/OSLP-1EmpForm.pdf) and give to your
supervisor to complete and send to DOM HR.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Harassment – (1): to annoy persistently (2): to create an
unpleasant or hostile situation especially by uninvited and
unwelcome verbal or physical conduct
Any one of us may be a victim of harassment, may be accused
of harassment, or may be consulted by someone who thinks
s/he has been harassed.
Each of us has a duty to act responsibly when confronted with
the issue of any type of harassment.
If someone comes to you with a concern, do not ignore it. Can
assist the person in finding help – refer to HR, SMPH Ombuds
Office, or Office for Equity & Diversity.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Sexual Harassment
Persons who believe that they have been sexually harassed and seek further information, or
assistance in filing a complaint, should contact the Equity & Diversity Resource Center, 179-A
Bascom Hall, (Voice) 608/263-2378, (TTY) 608/263-2473.
The School has created the Sexual Harassment Resource Team (SHRT). SHRT members are
available to anyone who wants to inquire about sexual harassment, discuss an incident or
receive information about options for resolving complaints. For information on SHRT, contact
the SMPH Ombuds at rgarner@wisc.edu.
If you witness a sexual assault on the UW-Madison campus or in the immediate surrounding
area, or if you receive a first hand report of sexual assault, Wisconsin law requires that you
report the sexual assault to university officials, specifically the Office for Equity & Diversity or the
Division of Student Life. This effort is not the same as filing a criminal report. Disclosing the
victim’s name is not required as part of this report.
More information, including reporting requirements, can be found at:
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Violence in the Workplace
The University of Wisconsin-Madison views aggressive and/or violent behavior as disruptive
and contrary to the development and maintenance of a safe, productive, and supportive
work environment. Such behavior is actively discouraged. Employees who exhibit such
behavior will be held accountable under University policy and rules, as well as local, state,
and federal law.
All threats and acts of aggressive or violent behavior should be taken seriously. Acts of
violence or threats of imminent violence require an immediate response - dial 911. In the
event of other threats, supervisors should be informed so they may investigate the situation
and, when necessary, dial 911 or contact the Employee Assistance Office at 263-2987 or
TDD/TTY 265-8460.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Privacy of Patient Care Information
Confidentiality of patient records and information is very important.
Custodians of patient information (UWHC, Meriter, UWMF) have
specific policies regarding patient confidentiality. Be sure to familiarize
yourself with these policies as breaches of confidentiality are taken very
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Privacy of Patient Care Information
• It is expected that you will access data appropriately.
• You should be able to say in your head why you need to access the data. If you cannot
answer that question or have concerns, you should STOP and consult with your
supervisor. Do not snoop!
• Beware of phishing scams - asking for login and passwords. Legitimate requests from
IT will never require you to give this information to anyone else. If something doesn’t
look/feel right, STOP and contact DOM Help Desk (265-4466) to discuss.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Performance Evaluation
During your employment with the UW-Madison, your performance on the job will be
evaluated on a regular basis. The first formal evaluations will occur during the 3rd and
6th months (Classified Staff) OR 6th and 12th months (Academic Staff) of your
probationary period. At these intervals, your supervisor will decide whether to continue
your employment, and ultimately grant you permanent status (Classified Staff).
Subsequently, your performance will be reviewed at least annually.
The performance evaluation interview is an opportunity for an employee and supervisor
to establish mutual understanding of job standards, identify and correct problems in the
position or job performance, update the employee's position description, recognize work
well done, plan future job changes, and identify employee development objectives.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Attendance Policy
Absenteeism – Failure of employees to report for
work when they are scheduled to work.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Attendance Policy
• Sick Leave is Sick Leave - not additional
• Understand your division’s call in policy.
• Ensure that you have your supervisors contact
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Attendance Policy
• Abuse of the Attendance Policy is a performance
issue and discipline can be used to correct the
• Bottom line….
– Come to work when scheduled, stay for your entire
shift, only call in sick when you are sick, and above
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Personal & Professional Conduct Professionalism
• A high level of professionalism is required of all UW
Department of Medicine faculty and staff. Each of us is
expected to exhibit and promote the finest characteristics
of our profession and a colleague.
• Professionalism is demonstrated by altruism,
accountability, fairness and treating everyone with
kindness, respect and dignity.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Bus Service
UW-Madison campus buses run at frequent intervals and are free to all riders without a pass.
Some Madison Metro bus routes run through campus and connect with transfer points
around the city.
Most UW-Madison employees are eligible to purchase an annual unlimited-use Madison
Metro bus pass for reduced cost. For 2013-2014, the cost of the pass is $24 (prorated if
purchased after September). For more information, visit
Credit Union
Employees of the UW-Madison are eligible to join the University of Wisconsin Credit Union
(UW Credit Union). More information can be found online at http://www.uwcu.org/ or by
calling Toll Free 800-533-6773.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Wiscard (campus ID)
Wiscard is your official UW-Madison photo identification card. It will give you access to
libraries, recreation facilities (access fees may be required), and other campus services.
Your Wiscard can also be linked to Campus Accounts that help you manage and save
money on dining, shopping and other services on campus.
Your Wiscard can also be used as a PIN-based debit card if you have a UW Credit Union
checking account. This allows you to use your Wiscard at any ATM or businesses that
accept PIN-based debit transactions and the funds will automatically be deducted from your
checking account.
For more information, go to http://www.wiscard.wisc.edu or call (608) 262-3258, or visit the
Wiscard Office in Union South (1308 Dayton St., Room 149).
Wisconsin Union
As a University employee you are eligible to use both Wisconsin Union facilities: Memorial
Union and Union South. The Unions provide social, cultural, educational and recreational
programming. Employees may be asked to show their Wiscard when using Union facilities.
For membership information, visit http://www.union.wisc.edu/, call 262-2263, or stop at Room
4316, Memorial Union (800 Langdon St).
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Recreational Facilities
Parking may be available to employees according to parking allocation criteria. The fees are
payable by payroll deduction or by cash payment. Employees can obtain further information
about lot location, cost, and parking allocation from the employing unit or the University
Transportation Services Office (263-6666 or http://transportation.wisc.edu/). Handicapped
employees needing special accommodations should also contact the Transportation
Services Office.
The SERF, the Natatorium, and the Shell are just a few of the facilities available to the
campus community for recreational activities. Club sports, fitness programs, personal
training, and yoga are some of the services offered.
More information can be found at http://recsports.wisc.edu/.
University Libraries
UW-Madison has the 11th largest research library collection in North America, according to a
survey by the Association of Research Libraries. More than 20 libraries serve the University.
Employees can use materials according to library regulations by presenting their Wiscard.
For additional information, visit http://library.wisc.edu/..
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
SAFE Nighttime Services
My UW-Madison Portal
SAFE Nighttime Services are the UW's comprehensive late night transportation system
consisting of cab, bus, and walking escort services. The goal of these programs is to
promote personal safety through offering a safe means of nighttime transportation and
through community education about the dangers of traveling alone at night. Students, faculty,
staff and guests of the University are encouraged to use these services anytime they feel
unsafe about traveling late at night.
For additional information, contact the SAFE Coordinator at (608) 262-9798,
uwsafe@fpm.wisc.edu or visit http://transportation.wisc.edu/transportation/safeservices.aspx
My UW-Madison provides students, faculty and staff with an easy-to-use, secure gateway to
online information. My UW-Madison offers an impressive array of personalized services that
can enhance instruction for students and faculty and boost productivity for staff. WiscCal
and WiscMail, the UW's calendar and email systems, are some of the features of the portal.
My UW-Madison can also be used to access pay statements and tax documents, view leave
balances, and manage personal contact information.
Mobile UW
Available for iOS & Android, this free app (http://mobile.wisc.edu) provides mobile access to
My UW-Madison, UW Directory, Campus Map, Bus Schedules, and much more.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
What is the Family and Medical
Leave Act?
Family Medical Leave Act is a Federal Law that provides job protected
leave benefits to eligible employees.
The 1993 Federal Act provides:
– Job protection from employment actions while on FMLA status
– Up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave
– Ability to maintain existing medical benefit programs
Enforced and Regulated by the Department of Labor
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Eligibility for FMLA
12 months service with UW (need not be consecutive)
Must have worked at least 1,250 hours in the previous 12 month period
Sick leave is required to be used*. The use of annual leave must be
approved by the employee’s supervisor. If annual leave is not approved,
then the employee is placed on LWOP.
– *For the birth of a child, a maximum of 6 weeks of Sick Leave may be
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Employee Assistance Office
The Employee Assistance Office is a resource provided by the
University of Wisconsin to assist employees and their immediate family
members or significant others who are finding it difficult to successfully
cope with personal or work related issues and concerns.
Employee Assistance Office services are available to all faculty, staff,
LTE/project employees and their immediate family members or
significant others.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Employee Assistance Office
Contact with the staff of the Employee Assistance Office is confidential
within limits as governed by Federal and State regulations. This
information is reviewed with service recipients at the time of their initial
Work time may be used to contact the Employee Assistance Office and
for appointments with its consultants.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Employee Assistance Office
Employee Assistance Office services are accessed by calling 263-2987
during regular office hours (Monday–Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).
Employee Assistance Office services are available at no cost.
The Employee Assistance Office is located in Room 226 Lowell Center,
610 Langdon Street, Madison, WI 53703.
Additional information available at http://eao.wisc.edu/
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Payroll & Benefits
Payroll & Benefits
* Benefits eligibility for each plan is determined on appointment type, duration and
percentage. Please refer to your individual benefits packet which will be provided
to you by your Benefits Coordinator
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Payroll & Benefits
W4 Federal & State Tax Withholding
(W4 – complete and turn in before you leave today)
Can be updated at any time
Contact payroll office: ph:263-9078 e:payroll@medicine.wisc.edu
W4 available online at:
Annual W2’s are mailed to home address and are also accessible
through your MyUW account
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Payroll & Benefits
• Direct Deposit
direct deposit form today. Contact payroll office or complete a new form electronically:
Fax to payroll at 265-2203
• Emergency Contact
–Complete emergency contact form today. Information can be changed at any time by contacting Payroll or HR
• Home & Campus Address Form
-Complete form today. Info can be changed at any time:
• Parking & Transportation Options
–Sign up for parking and other commuter benefits available at
• Pay Schedule & List of Holidays
Academic Staff & Classified Pay Schedules
–List of pay schedules *& UW Legal Holidays found at
• Pay Stubs – My UW information
–Must activate NetID to log on to MyUW Account to access paystubs. No paper copies of pay stubs issued. Will
receive step by step instructions to activate your MyUW account
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Badges and IDs
• UW – Wiscard
All students & faculty/staff
Wiscard office located at Union South, Room 149
Contact before going to be your appointment is entered – call 262-3258; must present photo ID
Uses-Bus Passes, libraries, etc…
More information on Wiscard website -- http://www.wiscard.wisc.edu/
• UW Health
Hospital (CSC) ID Badge
Forms available through payroll office or on Dept. of Medicine website under ‘forms’
Form must be signed by HR
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
On-line I-9 work authorization
• General rule is that all new hires* need to complete an I-9
verification of employment form. However, it will not be necessary
for you to complete an I9 form if:
– You have a new appointment within the same department with no break
in service;
– Zero dollar (unpaid) appointments
– Individuals on scholarship or fellowship with the following titles: (1)
Postdoctoral Fellow (X10NN), (2) Postdoctoral Trainee (X30NN), (3)
Graduate Intern Trainee (X75NN), (4) Research Assistant (Y41NN), (5)
Fellow, (6) Scholar, or (7) Advanced Opportunity Fellow
• Section 1 of the I-9 form is completed online by the employee on or
before first day of employment. If you have not already completed
an on-line I9, you must do so now by signing on to the Compli-9
• Present your documentation to HR; HR will then complete Section 2
of the on-line I9 form
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
•Copy of current license (NP, RN, etc.)
•Copy of DEA (if applicable)
Please remember to send HR a copy whenever your
DEA or license is updated as current copy must be in
your personnel file
•HIPAA – will be part of your on-line orientation; please
remember to complete and print HIPAA training certificate
and give your NEO facilitator today
– Find the link to HIPAA training @:
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Student Hourly
Login to your personal MyUW account here: https://my.wisc.edu/
– If this is your first time accessing your MyUW account, you will need to
click ‘Activate My Net Id’ by clicking the link on the MyUW login page
(top right).
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Student Hourly
• Under the Time Entry tab, choose Timesheet
• A second log on will be required which again includes your Net ID and
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Student Hourly
The Student Timesheet will appear.
You must verify you are entering time for the correct Time Period by
adjusting the View By: (Time Period) and Date: (First day of Pay Period)
– The four "IN" and "OUT" boxes should be used as follows:
*First "IN" – Enter the time you first report to your job.
First "OUT" - ONLY enter time if you leave but plan on
Second "IN" – ONLY enter time in this field when you return
from your class, lunch, etc.
*Second "OUT" – The time you leave your job for the day.
* If no breaks are taken you should only be using the 1st and 4th
columns to punch IN and OUT– Failure to do this will result in an “Error” that will not allow the
system to pay you until the timesheet is corrected.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation,
Student Hourly
Enter hours daily, as you work each shift.
Click ‘Submit’ after hours entered for that day’s shift worked
are entered or any time changes are made.
DO NOT select a ‘Time Reporting Code’ from drop-down
Enter ONLY times worked and unpaid breaks, specifying AM or
The 24 hour clock is also acceptable if you are familiar with how
it works.
DO NOT enter the quantity of hours.
The system will populate this information when the system
refreshes overnight.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Student Hourly
Please e-mail your approving supervisor when all hours for
the pay period have been submitted.
• Your e-mail should also include the pay period dates that were
covered (i.e. June A, 2011 pay period: 5/22/11-6/4/11) and let them
know your timesheet is ready for their approval.
Questions or problems?
Please contact your Payroll Coordinator:
Becky Bush rlbush@medicine.wisc.edu 235-8123
Gina Hutzler grh@medicine.wisc.edu 263-9078
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Payroll & Benefits
Benefits Information
30 Days to enroll (many benefits do not have open enrollment
More Information located at http://www.ohr.wisc.edu/benefits/new-emp/
Benefits 101 – Benefits seminar offered to all new employees
Register at www.ohrd.wisc.edu/ohrdcatalogportal/Default.aspx
Schedule of upcoming sessions is in “Benefits Education” category
Open enrollment each fall for health (HMO change, update coverage, newly
Benefits Questions? Contact payroll office (Gina or Becky) or the Office of
Human Resources directly at benefits@ohr.wisc.edu
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Four HMO’s available in Dane County: Unity, Physicians Plus, GHC, Dean
*HMO’s vary by county of residence. Reference guide in benefits packet outlines HMO’s available
for neighboring counties.
Uniform Premiums.
All have built in dental plan; two cleanings per year and preventative maintenance & built in vision
plan; one eye exam per year.
Standard Plan (non-HMO) Available; Does not include built in dental or vision plans.
No doctor visit co-pays / 10% Co-Insurance Responsibility
Prescription coverage through Navitus.
Must enroll within 30-days of start date. Open enrollment for HMO/coverage changes only.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
• Supplemental Dental Insurance available
 Dental Wisconsin
-Vendor: Delta Dental
-Underwritten by EPIC Life Insurance Company
 EPIC Benefits+ with Vision Option
• Supplemental to basic coverage built into health
insurance-for fillings, crowns, etc.
• One plan offered during open enrollment each fall
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Offered through VSP (Vision Service Provider)
Guaranteed during fall open enrollment
Helps cover cost of frames, contacts or lenses through VSP approved
provider ($25 material co-pay)
If approved, will help cover cost of laser vision correction surgery
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Benefits-Employee Reimbursement Account
Employee Reimbursement Account
Flexible Spending plan for medical and/or dependent care needs
IRS maximum set for each account
2014: $2,500 maximum medical
*over the counter medications not eligible for reimbursement without
*$5,000 maximum dependent care
Must re-enroll each year
Money set aside per calendar year not used by March of following year is forfeited
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Benefits-Life Insurance
Life Insurance
Four Plans Offered:
State Group Life Insurance
Vendor-MN Life Insurance Company; Administered by WI Dept. of Employee Trust
Option to purchase up to 5 x annual salary
Small retirement benefit built in toward health insurance
Spouse/Domestic Partner & Dependent coverage available
Must enroll within 6 months of start date or through evidence of insurability at a later
date. No open enrollment.
University Insurance Association
Vendor-MN Life Insurance Company
Mandatory for all eligible Unclassified (Academic Staff) employees whose minimum
monthly salary is $2,484.00 or greater
Classified employees not eligible
Decreasing term life policy
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Benefits-Life Insurance
Life Insurance-Cont.
Individual & Family Group Life Insurance
-Vendor-Minnesota Life Insurance Company
-Group term life insurance
-Maximum employee coverage is $200,000, $100,000 for
spouse/domestic partner, and up to $5,000 per child
-Can be converted to individual policy upon termination
UW Employees Inc. Life Insurance
-Vendor-Country Life Insurance Company
-Provides employee-only decreasing term life insurance
-Coverage amount based on age
Minnesota Life Insurance
A Securian Company
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Benefits-Disability/Income Continuation Insurance
Disability/Income Continuation Insurance
Accidental Death/Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance
– Plan protects again losses resulting from a covered accident.
– May select a coverage amount up to $500.000-Premiums based on coverage
– Includes Zurich Travel Assist® - Comprehensive travel assistance program
providing benefits & services while traveling 100 miles or more from your
– Can enroll at any time during employment.
Income Continuation Insurance
– Provides up to 75% of gross wages as replacement income if you become
disabled. Benefits begin after waiting period.
– No annual open enrollment. If enrolling, must enroll 6 months from start date.
– Two coverage levels—Standard, up to $64,000; and supplemental up to
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Retirement Options
• Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS)
– Participation automatic for all employees with a 21% or greater
– Required contribution 7.0% employee / 7.0% employer (2014).
– If leave state employment before state retirement age, balance
must either stay with WRS until state retirement age or be
withdrawn; cannot be rolled into retirement account or IRA.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Retirement Options-Cont.
• Tax Sheltered Annuity 403(b) Program (TSA)
– Voluntary supplemental retirement savings program which allows you to
invest pre-tax income & defer taxes on savings
– Can contribute up to $17,500/calendar year
– No employer contribution
– No deadline to enroll
– If leave UW money can be rolled into another employers qualifying
retirement account, IRA, etc.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Retirement Options-Cont.
• Wisconsin Deferred Compensation (WDC)
– Voluntary supplemental retirement savings program which allows you to
invest pre-tax income & defer taxes on savings
– Can contribute up to $17,500/calendar year
– Deferred Compensation Board responsible for selecting & monitoring
investment options
– No employer contribution
– No deadline to enroll
– If leave UW money can be rolled into another employers qualifying
retirement account, IRA, etc.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Benefits-Paid Leave-Unclassified Employees
Paid Leave - Unclassified (Academic Staff)
Annual Earned Leave
• Based on fiscal year (July 1-June 30)
• Up to full balance of vacation time will carryover for one fiscal
year (must have all leave reports returned by June 30 each
year). New allocation of vacation given July 1.
• Personal & Floating holidays do not carry over. New allocation
given July 1.
• Sick leave allocated at beginning of appointment; accrues
throughout entire appointment.
• Report paid leave on Unclassified Leave Accounting (UCLA)
reports monthly – will receive hard copy & can access copies
through MyUW account.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Benefits-Paid Leave-Classified Employees
Paid Leave - Classified Staff Employees
Annual Earned Leave
• Based on calendar year.
• Up to 40 hours of vacation time will carryover for one
calendar year. New allocation of vacation given January
• Personal & Floating holidays do not carry over. New
allocation given January 1.
• Sick leave earned. Accrues throughout entire
• Report hours worked & paid leave time used on time
sheet bi-weekly.
Department of Medicine, New Employee Orientation
Human Resources
Individual computerized Section of New
Employee Orientation
Link: http://neo.dom.wisc.edu/
Select your employment category and begin.
We are here for questions.