Musu: unwillingness,intractability Tautala laititi: cheeky; presuming above one’s age Faisili: stuck up; desiring to be highest Aga: self: social conduct; persona Loto: emotions, feelings Egocentric/individualistic: the person as the property of the individual the individual as isolated/abstracted from social context inwards orientation the body as the boundary of the self Sociocentric/relational: the person as the property of the collective the individual as enmeshed in social context/relations external orientation the self not confined to the body Aspects of constructions of personhood claims about the nature of being (ontological premise) discourses about what people should be like (moral vocabulary and moral discourse) discourses about how people can act in different contexts (contextual discourse) Samoan notions of the person (at contact) an emphasis on sociocentrism, respect, service, generosity (the ontological premise) a moral vocabulary and discourse about selfishness, interiority, emotionality, disrespect, serving one’s own interests a contextual discourse, consisting of a division between formal (hierarchical/ceremonial) contexts and discourses and informal (nonhierarchical/non-ceremonial/peer related) contexts and discourses