Organizational Behaviour The Individual: Perceptions, Attributions, and Behaviour


Organizational Behaviour

The Individual:

Perceptions, Attributions, and



• The process of interpreting messages of our senses to provide order and meaning to the environment

• Bruner’s


Process Model

– In unfamiliar situations cues are used to categorize the target.

Perception: What is perceived?

• Selective attention is a function of :

– The characteristics of the perceiver (e.g. past experiences, motivational state, emotional state)

• Perceptual Defense - We protect ourselves against threatening information

– The characteristics of the target (salience)

• ambiguity

– The characteristics of the situation (salience)

Once initial perceptions are created:

• Selective : ignore other available cues

• Constancy : tend to perceive the target in the same way over time and across situations (initial impressions)

• Consistency : tend to select, ignore and distort cues so to create a homogeneous picture

Perceptual Biases

• Implicit Personality Theory : which personality characteristics go together

• Stereotyping : assume characteristics by virtue of the category that they fall into

• Projection : assume others are like ourselves

• Primacy and Recency : early memory and recent memory

• Smith, Jones, and Kelly were absent from work today. To what do you attribute the cause?

– Smith is absent a lot, his peers are seldom absent, and he was absent a lot in his previous job.

– Jones is absent a lot, her peers are also absent a lot, but she was almost never absent in her previous job.

– Kelley is seldom absent, his co-workers are seldom absent, and he was seldom absent in his previous job.

Attribution Theory

• Explaining the cause of behavior

– Distinctiveness information: occur across a variety of situations (does target respond in X fashion generally or only in situation A)

– Consistency information: occur regularly (does target respond in X fashion at all times or only occasionally).

– Consensus information: act the same as the majority of people (Do most others respond in X fashion).

• (used or underused???)

• Attribution of cause will depend on the answers

(what are our choices?).

Attribution Biases

• Fundamental Attribution Error : Tendency to underestimate situational factors & overestimate dispositional factors in controlling behaviour

• Self-Serving Bias : Tendency to attribute success to your own efforts, ability, & character, and to attribute failure to external factors such as luck, task difficulty, etc.

• Actor-Observer Effect : Tendency to be more sensitive to the situational events that effect your behaviour while others will be more likely to make dispositional attributions

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

• When our expectations about another person cause that person to act in a way that is consistent with our expectations. Steps:

– Expectations formed about future performance

– Behaviour toward the person is consistent with our expectations

– Effects are produced on the person’s beliefs ( selfefficacy ), motivations and performance

– Behaviour fulfills expectations and reinforces original perceptions
