MANAGEMENT 4210: Advertising and Promotions Spring 2004 TTh 9:25-10:40

MANAGEMENT 4210: Advertising and Promotions
Spring 2004 TTh 9:25-10:40
Instructor: Dr. Mike Basil
Phone: 329-2075
Office: E518
Hours: TTh 11:00 a.m. - noon
Required Text: Belch & Belch & Guolla (2003). Advertising and Promotion: An
Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective (1st Canadian edition), McGraw
Course Description and Objectives:
Advertising management is designed as an introduction to the field of advertising and
promotions management. This course will provide a broad overview of many areas that
pertain to marketing communication. The emphasis is on the use of communication to
meet marketing objectives, including but not limited to advertising. Special attention
will be placed on understanding the consumer in order to communicate better. This is
primarily a management, not a creative, course.
This course is intended to train you in the ways of advertising. There are two parts to
that – background knowledge and critical thinking. You will need an understanding of
the “who, what and where” questions -- advertising concepts in general, the specific
terms that are used, and issues that arise. For these we will have weekly quizzes. Make
sure you do your reading in advance. You will also have to apply those concepts and
tools, and to think through the issues to develop the best possible campaign and
executions for the product or service and relevant audience. Advertisers know that the
selection of strategies and executions are not arbitrary (as in chose 1 from column A,
then 1 from column B); they must fit into the logic of the marketing plan, and
communicate the right message for the product to the right target audience. For this we
will have the final project.
I hope that you enjoy this class. But I also will try very hard to insure that after this class
you will have the knowledge and critical thinking skills to be a capable employee.
Grading will be based on:
Weekly quizzes (9 - 5 marks each)
Group project (3 – 15 marks each)
Participation: The four Ps
Your final letter grade in the class will be based upon your total marks. The grade
distribution will be based on the standard faculty of management grading scale:
95-100 = A+
82 - 85 = B+
70 - 73 = C+
58 - 61 = D+
00 - 49 = F
90 - 94 = A
78 - 81 = B
66 - 69 = C
54 - 57 = D
86 - 89 = A74 - 77 = B62 - 65 = C50 - 53 = D-
Weekly quizzes:
Read the textbook before the lectures. (I recommend this for every class, not just this
one). There are three reasons for this. First, research is quite convincing in showing
distributed learning lasts much longer. Second, earlier exposure to the ideas will let you
think about them in ways that help critical thinking. Three, we will have weekly
Group Project:
You will complete an advertising plan during this course. The purpose of this project is
to give you practice in applying the concepts learned in class and to hone your critical
thinking skills. Please see the handout for further details.
The 4 Ps of Participation.
The best method I have found to improve critical thinking skills is by asking tough
questions. Be ready in every class for me to call on you and ask “how, when and why.”
Your participation grade will be evaluated according to "four Ps." Practically, you start
with a B-, then show me if you deserve better or worse.
1. Presence: A book is neither sufficient for all of the information, nor is it the
best way to learn. Attendance is an important part of the learning process.
2. Participating: You are expected to actively participate in class discussion. If
participation is low, I will call on individuals to respond.
3. Perceptiveness: While participation is good, insightful participation is even
better. You will be rewarded for perceptive, intelligent comments; especially
those relate advertising and marketing experiences to concepts from class.
4. Professionalism: In this course, I encourage you to work with others in a
polite, professional manner and to demonstrate a positive attitude. These
skills are critical for professional success.
I encourage you to talk with me about any issues related to class. If you cannot make it
to office hours (TTh 11-noon), please set an appointment with me outside of office hours.
You can call me, talk to me before or after class, or e-mail me. I check my e-mail twice
daily, so this is a very efficient way to communicate with me.
Learning Disabilities:
If you have been diagnosed with a learning disability please let me know as soon as
possible. I will be happy to work with you to see that your needs are met.
Anyone caught cheating or plagiarizing others work without attributing it to them will
be penalized to the fullest extent allowed by the University.
MANAGEMENT 4210: Advertising and Promotions
p. 3
Schedule: I usually stick close. Additional readings may be handed out in class.
January 8 - The History of Advertising (no reading)
13 - Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communication (Chapter 1)
15 - IMC and Marketing, Segmentation and Positioning (Chapter 2 + activity)
20 - The Advertising Industry: Agencies, Compensation & Hiring (no reading)
22 - Consumer Behavior (Chapter 3)
Project: Group members and product/service must be finalized today
27 - Communication and Consumer Involvement (Chapter 4)
29 - Case
February 3 - Establishing Objectives and Budgeting (Chapter 5)
5 - Establishing Objectives and Budgeting (activity)
10 - Creative Strategy: Briefs, Objectives, and Planning (Chapter 6)
12 - Creative Tactics: Implementation and Evaluation (Chapter 7)
Project: Market analysis of product or service due today
24 - Case
26 - Media Strategy and Tactics - An Overview of the Options (Chapter 8)
March 2 - Broadcast Media (Chapter 9)
4 - Print Media (Chapter 10)
9 - Case
11 - Sales Promotion: It’s Role in IMC (Chapter 12)
16 - Public Relations (Chapter 13)
18 - Direct Marketing (Chapter 14)
23 - Case
25 - The Role of the Internet (Chapter 15)
Project: Strategy analysis due today (include market analysis)
30 - Measuring the Effects (Chapter 17)
April 1 - Legal, Social, and Ethical issues in Advertising and Promotions (Chapter 18)
6 - Case
8 - TBA
16 - Project: Final Advertising Plan due, including Media Plan