Education 3504 Week 3 reliability & validity observation techniques checklists and rubrics Reliability and Validity • validity – extent to which you are measuring what you think you are measuring • reliability – extent to which information you are gathering is consistent and unambiguous Reliability • chance factors – – – – characteristics of student characteristics of test / evaluation conditions of administration variations in scoring Validity • danger of thinking you are measuring one thing, actually measuring another – trivial knowledge – lowest-common denominator – regional knowledge/one culture/gender Validity • face validity – appears important, relevant, interesting • construct validity – appears to capture intended quality or behaviour - e.g. what does “good citizenship” consist of? validity and reliability are related • but can vary independently Checklists and Rubrics checklist construction • Checklist must be based on objectives of the course, unit, or lesson • each item should be clear and precise • each item should avoid generalities and focus on specifics checklist construction • checklist should be designed for feedback to students and parents – so need to be understandable – might want to distribute to students before hand • must do so if intended for grading checklist construction • if students can use them, can be used for peer and selfevaluation • focus on a few specifics, so keep checklist short – if list needs to be longer, focus on only small section at a time • anecdotal summary comments can be tied to checklists rating scales 5 -Extremely active 4 -somewhat active 3 -average active 2 -somewhat active 1 -extremely active rating scales Extremely Active (5 points) • always out of seat • rarely sits without squirming • makes noise, yells a good deal of the time Rubrics scoring schemes clear expectations Generic Essay Subject content awareness of issues critical thinking Takes a position EXCELLENT A (85 - 100) A Markedly Exceptional Performance a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated, including an in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts, theories, and issues related to the topic addressed an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and a rigorous assessment of these undertaken where relevant an ability to think critically is demonstrated in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant information a thoughtful statement of position is presented and defended through logical arguments and carefully selected supportive detail; the arguments presented build to a consistent conclusion SUPERIOR B (70 - 84) Clearly Above Average Performance a thorough grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and an assessment of these attempted where relevant the paper goes beyond description to interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation a position is adopted and logically argued; appropriate supporting SATISFACTORY C (55 - 69) A Fully Competent Paper a basic grasp of the subject matter is asserts viewpoint without acknowledging alternative viewpoints accurate information incorporating relevant sources and references is conveyed a position is adopted demonstrated detail is supplied and logically argued …but flexible Generic Essay Subject content awareness of issues critical thinking Takes a position EXCELLENT A (85 - 100) A Markedly Exceptional Performance a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated, including an in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts, theories, and issues related to the topic addressed an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and a rigorous assessment of these undertaken where relevant an ability to think critically is demonstrated in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant information a thoughtful statement of position is presented and defended through logical arguments and carefully selected supportive detail; the arguments presented build to a consistent conclusion SUPERIOR B (70 - 84) Clearly Above Average Performance a thorough grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and an assessment of these attempted where relevant the paper goes beyond description to interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation a position is adopted and logically argued; appropriate supporting SATISFACTORY C (55 - 69) A Fully Competent Paper a basic grasp of the subject matter is asserts viewpoint without acknowledging alternative viewpoints accurate information incorporating relevant sources and references is conveyed a position is adopted demonstrated detail is supplied and logically argued levels of mastery Generic Essay Subject content awareness of issues critical thinking Takes a position EXCELLENT A (85 - 100) A Markedly Exceptional Performance a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated, including an in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts, theories, and issues related to the topic addressed an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and a rigorous assessment of these undertaken where relevant an ability to think critically is demonstrated in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant information a thoughtful statement of position is presented and defended through logical arguments and carefully selected supportive detail; the arguments presented build to a consistent conclusion SUPERIOR B (70 - 84) Clearly Above Average Performance a thorough grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and an assessment of these attempted where relevant the paper goes beyond description to interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation a position is adopted and logically argued; appropriate supporting SATISFACTORY C (55 - 69) A Fully Competent Paper a basic grasp of the subject matter is asserts viewpoint without acknowledging alternative viewpoints accurate information incorporating relevant sources and references is conveyed a position is adopted demonstrated detail is supplied and logically argued multi-dimensional Generic Essay Subject content awareness of issues critical thinking Takes a position EXCELLENT A (85 - 100) A Markedly Exceptional Performance a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated, including an in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts, theories, and issues related to the topic addressed an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and a rigorous assessment of these undertaken where relevant an ability to think critically is demonstrated in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant information a thoughtful statement of position is presented and defended through logical arguments and carefully selected supportive detail; the arguments presented build to a consistent conclusion SUPERIOR B (70 - 84) Clearly Above Average Performance a thorough grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and an assessment of these attempted where relevant the paper goes beyond description to interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation a position is adopted and logically argued; appropriate supporting SATISFACTORY C (55 - 69) A Fully Competent Paper a basic grasp of the subject matter is asserts viewpoint without acknowledging alternative viewpoints accurate information incorporating relevant sources and references is conveyed a position is adopted demonstrated detail is supplied and logically argued parallelism Generic Essay Subject content awareness of issues critical thinking Takes a position EXCELLENT A (85 - 100) A Markedly Exceptional Performance a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated, including an in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts, theories, and issues related to the topic addressed an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and a rigorous assessment of these undertaken where relevant an ability to think critically is demonstrated in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant information a thoughtful statement of position is presented and defended through logical arguments and carefully selected supportive detail; the arguments presented build to a consistent conclusion SUPERIOR B (70 - 84) Clearly Above Average Performance a thorough grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and an assessment of these attempted where relevant the paper goes beyond description to interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation a position is adopted and logically argued; appropriate supporting SATISFACTORY C (55 - 69) A Fully Competent Paper a basic grasp of the subject matter is asserts viewpoint without acknowledging alternative viewpoints accurate information incorporating relevant sources and references is conveyed a position is adopted demonstrated detail is supplied and logically argued high but attainable standards: cumulative criteria Generic Essay Originality Subject content awareness of issues critical thinking EXCELLENT A (85 - 100) A Markedly Exceptional Performance originality, insight, and creativity are demonstrated; the paper goes beyond repeating what others have said and contributes something new to our understanding of the topic a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated, including an in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts, theories, and issues related to the topic addressed an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and a rigorous assessment of these undertaken where relevant an ability to think critically is demonstrated in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant information SUPERIOR B (70 - 84) Clearly Above Average Performance a thorough grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and an assessment of these attempted where relevant the paper goes beyond description to interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation SATISFACTORY C (55 - 69) A Fully Competent Paper a basic grasp of the subject matter is asserts viewpoint without acknowledging alternative viewpoints accurate information incorporating relevant sources and references is conveyed demonstrated allowance for part marks Generic Essay Subject content awareness of issues critical thinking Takes a position EXCELLENT A (85 - 100) A Markedly Exceptional Performance a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated, including an in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts, theories, and issues related to the topic addressed an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and a rigorous assessment of these undertaken where relevant an ability to think critically is demonstrated in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant information a thoughtful statement of position is presented and defended through logical arguments and carefully selected supportive detail; the arguments presented build to a consistent conclusion SUPERIOR B (70 - 84) Clearly Above Average Performance a thorough grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and an assessment of these attempted where relevant the paper goes beyond description to interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation a position is adopted and logically argued; appropriate supporting SATISFACTORY C (55 - 69) A Fully Competent Paper a basic grasp of the subject matter is asserts viewpoint without acknowledging alternative viewpoints accurate information incorporating relevant sources and references is conveyed a position is adopted demonstrated detail is supplied and logically argued allowance for part marks A - EXCELLENT (85 - 100) - A Markedly Exc eptiona l P erformance ¦ ¦ ¦ origin ality, insight , and creativit y are demons trated; the pap er goes beyond r epeating wha t other s have said and contributes something n ew to our unde rstand ing of the topic a comprehens ive grasp of the subject matter is demons trated, including an in-depth unde rstand ing of the relevant conc epts, theo ries, and issues related to the topic addressed an awarene ss of d iffering v iew-points is demons trated and a rigo rous assessment of these unde rtaken whe re relevant an abili ty to think criti cally is demons trated in the analysis , syn thesis and evaluation of relevan t info rmation a thought ful statement of positi on is presented and defended through logical arguments and carefu ll y selected suppor tive detail; the argum ents presented build to a consistent conc lusion a clear, fluent, and concise style highli ghts a well -writt en, tightly a rgued , and logicall y structured essay a virtuall y flawle ss mastery of all aspects of gramm ar, structure, and style is demonstrated B - SUPERIOR (70 - 84) - Cle arly Above Ave rage Performance ¦ a thorough grasp of the subject matter is demons trated an awarene ss of d iffering v iew-points is demons trated and an assessment of these attempted whe re relevan t the paper goe s beyond de scription to interpretation, analysis, synthes is and eva luation a positi on is adopted and logi call y a rgued ; approp riate suppo rting de tail i s suppli ed a clear style which comm unicates well (but may contain occ asiona l or mi nor flaws in the mechan ics of spelli ng, gra mm ar, sentence structure, etc.) is evid ent in the logical presentation of a reasonab le argument C - SATI SFACT ORY (55 - 69) - A Fully Competent Paper ¦ ¦ a basic grasp of the subject matter is demons trated accura te information incorporating relevant sou rces and references is conveyed a positi on is adopted and logi call y a rgued an adequa te attempt at ana lysis, syn thesis, interpretation o r evaluation is evident an acceptable style demonstrates an awareness of, and attention to, the p rinciples of paragraph d evelopment, sentence struc ture, gramm ar and spelli ng, etc. correspondence to real world Generic Essay Subject content awareness of issues critical thinking Takes a position EXCELLENT A (85 - 100) A Markedly Exceptional Performance a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated, including an in-depth understanding of the relevant concepts, theories, and issues related to the topic addressed an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and a rigorous assessment of these undertaken where relevant an ability to think critically is demonstrated in the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant information a thoughtful statement of position is presented and defended through logical arguments and carefully selected supportive detail; the arguments presented build to a consistent conclusion SUPERIOR B (70 - 84) Clearly Above Average Performance a thorough grasp of the subject matter is demonstrated an awareness of differing viewpoints is demonstrated and an assessment of these attempted where relevant the paper goes beyond description to interpretation, analysis, synthesis and evaluation a position is adopted and logically argued; appropriate supporting SATISFACTORY C (55 - 69) A Fully Competent Paper a basic grasp of the subject matter is asserts viewpoint without acknowledging alternative viewpoints accurate information incorporating relevant sources and references is conveyed a position is adopted demonstrated detail is supplied and logically argued evolving • changes if you discover papers that do not fit criteria – add descriptors that accurately describe what you are seeing evolving • changes as your teaching changes • changes as students change • changes as environment changes ease of use A - EXCELLENT (85 - 100) - A Markedly Exc eptiona l P erformance origin ality, insight , and creativit y are demons trated; the pap er goes beyond r epeating wha t other s have said and contributes something n ew to our unde rstand ing of the topic a comprehens ive grasp of the subject matter is demons trated, including an in-depth unde rstand ing of the relevant conc epts, theo ries, and issues related to the topic addressed an awarene ss of d iffering v iew-points is demons trated and a rigo rous assessment of these unde rtaken whe re relevant an abili ty to think criti cally is demons trated in the analysis , syn thesis and evaluation of relevan t info rmation a thought ful statement of positi on is presented and defended through logical arguments and carefu ll y selected suppor tive detail; the argum ents presented build to a consistent conc lusion a clear, fluent, and concise style highli ghts a well -writt en, tightly a rgued , and logicall y structured essay a virtuall y flawle ss mastery of all aspects of gramm ar, structure, and style is demonstrated B - SUPERIOR (70 - 84) - Cle arly Above Ave rage Performance a thorough grasp of the subject matter is demons trated an awarene ss of d iffering v iew-points is demons trated and an assessment of these attempted whe re relevan t the paper goe s beyond de scription to interpretation, analysis, synthes is and eva luation a positi on is adopted and logi call y a rgued ; approp riate suppo rting de tail i s suppli ed a clear style which comm unicates well (but may contain occ asiona l or mi nor flaws in the mechan ics of spelli ng, gra mm ar, sentence structure, etc.) is evid ent in the logical presentation of a reasonab le argument ease of use Checklist - Space Community Unit 1 = weak 2 = fair 3 = good 4 = very good 5 = supe rior Name: KEY BEHAVIORS Date: A Grade: #1 Respond to Stimuli #2 Respect the space of others #3 Discipline Self #4 Develop appreciation B. #1 Become aware of Body and Voice Acts on experience and information in a strikingly coherent way Respects the space of others every time Readily takes action to discipline self Indicates wholehearted enthusiasm Begins to use body and voice in a rich variety that reflects personal knowledge, feelings and values Act on experience and information in a consistently coherent way Respects the space of others consistently Takes action to discipline self Indicates enthusiasm Begins to use body and voice in a variety of ways that reflects personal knowledge, feelings and values Acts on experience and information in a generally coherent way Respects space of others most of the time Sometimes takes action to discipline self Indicates interest Begins to use body and voice some different ways that reflect personal knowledge, feelings and values Acts on experience and information in a somewhat haphazard way Respects the space of others some of the time With help takes action to discipline self Indicates acceptance Begins to use body and voice with encouragement that reflects personal knowledge, feelings and values Acts on experience and information randomly; sometimes rambles Respects space of others hardly ever Even with help does not always discipline self Indicates impatience Begins to use body and voice with difficulty even when encouraged to express personal knowledge, feelings The studen ts demons trate the abilit y to: Superior A Social 1. respond to stimuli 2. respect the space of others 3. discipli ne self 4. deve lop appreciation o f the work of self and others 1 2 3 4 5 Comments 5 Very Good B Physical 1. become aware of body and voice as instruments of exp ression C Intellectual/Emotional 4 Good 3 Fair 2 1. comm unicate through space 2. deve lop concen tration 3. recogn ize form of drama (beginning, midd le, end) Weak 1 4. deve lop and exercise im agination 5. exp lore emotion (role play) rubrics workshop • Objective: Produce the best cookie possible rubrics workshop • Objective: Produce the best cookie possible • Was it difficult to come to a consensus on criteria for “best”? why we evaluate • • • • motivation administration accountability certification motivation • problems: – test anxiety Norm referenced • describes student performance relative to other students – e.g.: ranks 11th in group of 30 Criterion referenced • describes student performance compared to a clearly defined criteria or task – e.g.: “adds single-digit whole numbers” motivation • problems: – overemphasis distorts learning process • emphasis on external motivation motivation • problems: – overemphasis distorts learning process • not everything we teach can be assessed (e.g., non-cognitive skills, attitudes, etc.) administration • general trend towards greater emphasis on assessment • general shift from selection to accountability accountability • government to taxpayers – 2003, K-12 = 3.8 billion dollars… accountability • teachers – accountable for mandated curriculum – accountable for student learning – to oneself over time accountability • students to their parents certification • right of passage • selection and allocation (gatekeeper)