OCT 16 Judaism For MONDAY; read (And Play around with the site..)

OCT 16 Judaism
For MONDAY; read http://www.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/TalmudMap/Mishnah.html
(And Play around with the site..)
Between which events did Rabbinic Judaism develop?
What dated would this be? __________________________________
What were the main centres of Jewish life? _____________________
Where did Jews live in this period? _____________________________
What were the main patterns of political change?
Palestine / Mediterranean ___________________________________________
Mesopotamia / Babylonia ___________________________________________
When and how did Islam get its start?
What characterized the period 70 to 700? _______________________________
What are the three main religions in the western world by 700?
The rise of Islam occurred around the time of what event in the history of
Judaism? ________________________________________________
What is the title of the early Torah teachers? _______________________
around when did they live? _____________________________________
What were some of their influences? ______________________________
After 70 c.e., what major change had to take place in Jewish religious practice?
Who was instrumental in the early stages of this process?
How did he accomplish it?
Where did he work? ________________________________________________
He was part of which group? _________________________________________
What was the new title they gave new members? _________________________
What did they seek to do?___________________________________________
How did they accommodate the loss of Jerusalem?
The new leadership at Yavneh was called the ____________________________
Why did they have to develop a new form of Judaism? _____________________
This motivation was reinforced by what event? ___________________________
Who was the leader of this attempt to reclaim ancient Judaism?
Who did some Jews think he was? ____________________________________
What was the new basis for Judaism? _________________________________
Who were some of the important “tannaim” who accomplished this?
What was the most important documents of the Oral Torah which were produced
in these early centuries c.e.? _______________________________________