These are the questions you ... minutes. All together you have to have 4 answer questions (...

These are the questions you will be asked in the exam. You will have 75
minutes. All together you have to have 4 answer questions ( or rather, three
answers and one question) Good luck.
Please answer two of the following
Using the following statement by Lévi-Strauss 'the French Revolution as
commonly conceived never took place' (1966.: 258) please elaborate on his
understanding of history.
Roseberry claims that to see culture as an ensemble of texts is to remove it from
the process of its creation. How does he articulate this vision of cultural creation
in his criticism of Geertz?
Wolf argues that "the concept of the autonomous, self regulating and self
justifying society has trapped anthropology inside the bounds of its own
definitions."(1982: 18, italic mine). Please convey how he explains the
development of this "concept of society"?
Please answer one of the following
On the basis of the insight you gained from your readings please explain what
you think is history for anthropology?
On the basis of the insight you gained from your readings please explain why
history matters in anthropological analysis?
Please answer the following
Please formulate a discussion question yourself but do not answer it.