Data-Rich Computing: Where It’s At Phillip B. Gibbons Intel Research Pittsburgh Data-Intensive Computing Symposium March 26, 2008 Some slides are borrowed from Jason Campbell, Shimin Chen, Suman Nath, and Steve Schlosser. Remaining slides are © Phillip B. Gibbons Data-Intensive Computing Symposium wiki wiki Wikipedia (7000PB) ttp://www.inte World Wide Web iki(10GB) wiki w tp:// 1GB / person p:// (~1PB) wiki wi 100% CAGR 200PB+ captured :// ki 200% CAGR // i wiki wik Human Genomics Particle Physics Large Hadron Collider (15PB) Annual Email Traffic, no spam (300PB+) Internet Archive (1PB+) 200 of London’s Traffic Cams 2004 Walmart Transaction DB UPMC Hospitals Imaging Data MIT Babytalk Speech Experiment (8TB/day) (500TB/yr) (500TB) (1.4PB) Estimated On-line RAM in Google Personal Digital Photos (8PB) (1000PB+) Typical Oil Company Merck Bio Research DB (350TB+) 100% CAGR (1.5TB/qtr) Terashake One Day of Earthquake Model Instant Messaging of LA Basin in 2002 (1PB) (750GB) Total digital data to be created this year 270,000PB 3 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium (IDC) Data-Rich Computing Thriving in a World Awash with Data Everyday Sensing & Perception (ESP) 15MB today, 100s of GB soon Sampling of the projects 4 Cardiac CT 4GB per 3D scan, 1000s of scans/year @ Intel Research Terashake Sims ~1 PB for LA basin Object Recognition GB today TB needed Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Building ground models of Southern California SCEC ground model Goal: Sample entire region at 10m resolution 6x104 x 3x104 x 1x104 = 18x1012 sample points! Image credit: Amit Chourasia, Visualization Services, SDSC 100 km deep ~1 PB of data uncompressed Steve Schlosser, Michael Ryan, Dave O’Hallaron (IRP) 5 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Harvard ground model 50 8core blades 8GB memory 300GB disk Time to Build: SCEC model – ~1 day Harvard model – ~6 hours 6 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Data-Rich Computing: Where It’s At Important, interesting, exciting research area I know where it’s at, man! Cluster approach: computing is co-located where the storage is at Focus of this talk: Memory hierarchy issues: where the (intermediate) data are at, over the course of the computation Pervasive multimedia sensing: processing & querying must be pushed out of the data center to where the sensors are at 8 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Memory Hierarchy (I): CMP Architecture Processor Chip P P P L1 L1 L1 Interconnect Shared H/W Resources – On-chip cache – Off-chip PIN bandwidth (Distributed) Shared L2 Cache Longer latency Lower bandwidth Main Memory 9 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Memory Memory Hierarchy (II): CMPs, Memories & Disks on a LAN Cluster Memory Memory SSD (Flash) SSD (Flash) and/or and/or Magnetic Disk Magnetic Disk – Orders of magnitude differences in latency & bandwidth among the levels – Differing access characteristics: – Quirks of disk – Quirks of flash – Quirks of cache coherence Moreover, can have WAN of such Clusters 10 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Hierarchy-Savvy Parallel Algorithm Design (HI-SPADE) project Goal: Support a hierarchy-savvy model of computation for parallel algorithm design Hierarchy-savvy: – Hide what can be hid – Expose what must be exposed – Sweet-spot between ignorant and fully aware Support: – Develop the compilers, runtime systems, architectural features, etc. to realize the model – Important component: fine-grain threading 11 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium HI-SPADE project: Initial Progress Effectively Sharing a Cache among Threads [Blelloch & Gibbons, SPAA’04] – First thread scheduling policy (PDF) with provably-good shared cache performance for any parallel computation – W.r.t. sequential cache performance – Hierarchy-savvy: automatically get good shared-cache performance from good sequential cache performance P P L2 Cache Main Memory 12 P P P With PDF Shared L2 Cache Main Memory Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Example: Parallel Merging in Merge Sort Work Stealing (WS): P=8 Parallel Depth First (PDF): Cache miss Cache hit Mixed Shared cache = 0.5 *(src array size + dest array size). 13 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium HI-SPADE: Initial Progress (II) Scheduling Threads for Constructive Cache Sharing on CMPs [Chen et al, SPAA’07] – Exposes differences between theory result & practice – Provides an automatic tool to select task granularity LU Merge Sort Hash Join Work Stealing (ws) vs. Parallel Depth First (pdf); simulated CMPs 14 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium HI-SPADE: Initial Progress (III) Provably Good Multicore Cache Performance for Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms [Blelloch et al, SODA’08] – First model considering both shared & private caches – Competing demands: share vs. don’t share – Hierarchy-savvy: Thread scheduling policy achieves provably-good private-cache & shared-cache performance, for divide-and-conquer algorithms P P P P P L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L2 Cache Main Memory 15 Shared L2 Cache Main Memory Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium HI-SPADE: Initial Progress (IV) Online Maintenance of Very Large Random Samples on Flash Storage [Nath & Gibbons, submitted] Lexar CF card – Flash-savvy algorithm (B-File) is 3 orders of magnitude faster & more energy-efficient than previous approaches – Well-known that random writes are slow on flash; we show a subclass of “semi-random” writes are fast Springboard for a more general study of flash-savvy algorithms based on semi-random writes (in progress) Progress thus far is only the tip of the iceberg: Still far from our HI-SPADE goal! 16 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Data-Rich Computing: Where It’s At Important, interesting, exciting research area I know where it’s at, man! Cluster approach: computing is co-located where the storage is at Memory hierarchy issues: where the (intermediate) data are at, over the course of the computation Pervasive multimedia sensing: processing & querying must be pushed out of the data center to where the sensors are at 17 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Pervasive Multimedia Sensing Rich collection of (cheap) sensors – Cameras, Microphones, RFID readers, vibration sensors, etc Internet-connected. Potentially Internet-scale – Tens to millions of sensor feeds over wide-area – Pervasive broadband (wired & wireless) Goal: Unified system for accessing, filtering, processing, querying, & reacting to sensed data – Programmed to provide useful sensing services 18 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Example Multimedia Sensing Services Consumer services: Parking Space Finder Lost & Found / Lost pet Watch-my-child / Watch-myparent Congestion avoidance 19 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Example Multimedia Sensing Services Health, Security, Commerce, and Science services: • Epidemic Early Warning System • Homeland Security • Low Atmosphere Climate Monitoring • Asset/Supply Chain Tracking • Internet-scale Sensor Observatories Our prototype 20 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Data & Query Scaling Challenges Data scaling – Millions of sensors – Globally-dispersed – High volume feeds – Historical data NetRad: 100Mb/s Query scaling – May want sophisticated data processing on all sensor feeds – May aggregate over large quantities of data, use historical data, run continuously – Want latest data, NOW 21 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium IrisNet: Internet-scale Resourceintensive Sensor Network services General-purpose architecture for wide-area sensor systems – A worldwide sensor web Key Goal: Ease of service authorship – Provides important functionality for all services Intel Research Pittsburgh + many CMU collaborators – First prototype in late 2002 – In ACM Multimedia, BaseNets, CVPR, DCOSS, Distributed Computing, DSC, FAST, NSDI(2), Pervasive Computing, PODC, SenSys, Sigmod(2), ToSN 22 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Data & Query Scaling in IrisNet Store sensor feeds locally – Too much data to collect centrally Push data processing & filtering to sensor nodes – Reduce the raw data to derived info, in parallel near source Push (distributed) queries to sensor nodes – Data sampled » Data queried – Tied to particular place: Queries often local Exploit logical hierarchy of sensor data – Compute answers in-network Processing & querying must be pushed out of the data center to where the sensors are at 23 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium IrisNet’s Two-Tier Architecture Two components: SAs: sensor feed processing OAs: distributed database Query User Web Server for the url ... OA XML database OA XML database SA SA senselet senselet senselet senselet Sensornet 24 ... Sensor Sensor OA XML database ... SA senselet senselet Sensor Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Creating a New IrisNet Service FFFFEFF Only 500 lines of new code for Parking Space Finder Send to OA Updates DB Image processing steps vs. 30K lines of IrisNet code Extended code Senselet Hierarchy (application-specific (program to aggregation) filter sensor data) (XML schema) SA 25 OAs Front-end Query with standard DB language SA Research focus: Fault Tolerance Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Data-Rich Computing: Where It’s At I know where it’s at, man! Important, interesting, exciting research area Cluster approach: computing is co-located where the storage is at Memory hierarchy issues: [HI-SPADE] where the (intermediate) data are at, over the course of the computation Pervasive multimedia sensing: [IrisNet] processing & querying must be pushed out of the data center to where the sensors are at 26 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Backup Slides 27 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Techniques for Privacy Protection Cameras raise huge privacy concerns – Use to it in London. Chicago protest Viewed by law enforcement vs. viewed by public • IrisNet Goal: Exploit processing at the sensor node to implement privacy policies • Privileged senselet that detects & masks faces • All other senselets only see masked version Only tip of the iceberg 28 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium Data Organized as Logical Hierarchy <State id=“Pennysylvinia”> <County id=“Allegheny”> Example XML Hierarchy <City id=“Pittsburgh”> <Neighborhood id=“Oakland”> <total-spaces>200</total-spaces> <Block id=“1”> <GPS>…</GPS> <pSpace id=“1”> <in-use>no</in-use> <metered>yes</metered> </pSpace> <pSpace id=“2”> … </pSpace> IrisNet automatically </Block> partitions the hierarchy </Neighborhood> among the OAs <Neighborhood id=“Shadyside”> … … 29 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium … … In-Network Query Processing: Query Evaluate Gather (QEG) /NE/PA/Allegheny/Pittsburgh/(Oakland | Shadyside) / rest of query Q Pittsburgh OA 1. Queries its XML DB IrisNet’s approach 2. Evaluate the result Discovers Shadyside data is cached, but not Oakland Does DNS lookup to find IP addr for Oakland 3. Gathers the missing data by sending Q’ to Oakland OA Q’ Combines results & returns Oakland OA QEG Q’: /NE/PA/Allegheny/Pittsburgh/Oakland/ rest of query 30 Phillip B. Gibbons, Data-Intensive Computing Symposium