Research Interview Consent Form - University of Lethbridge

Letter of Consent
As a requirement for partial fulfillment of Mgt 2700, a course in Research Methodology
at the University of Lethbridge, students are required to conduct interviews to gather data
for a research project. Participation in this research is entirely voluntary. You may refuse
to participate or withdraw your participation at any point.
This interview will be recorded via tape and a three minute portion will be transcribed for
evaluation of the interview techniques used by the student. The identity of participants
will remain confidential with only the interviewer, his/her group members and Mary
Runte, the instructor of Mgt 2700, being the only individuals listening to the recorded
interview or viewing any transcribed portions.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this research, please contact Mary Runte,
Faculty of Management, University of Lethbridge at 329-2367 or at
This form does hereby declare that (interviewee’s name) on the date of _________ agrees
to the interview by (interviewer’s name).
Your time and effort are integral aspects of our project and we appreciate your
(interviewee’s name)
(interviewer’s name)