SSS Advisory Board Minutes

SSS Advisory Board Minutes
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Present: Sammi Biesterveld, Sheila Dunlap, Ryan Reisner, Megan Spreeman, Sean
Szydel, Xue Thao, Nancy Vue, Tony Xiong, Chee Yang, Brook Yoder, Andy Strowig,
Bruce Ouderkirk
 Sammi Biesterveld read through the minutes from the last meeting, and they
were approved.
 Treasurer’s Report: Balance is $639.85
Old Business:
 Fundraising
o Eat for Cause (Burrachos, BWW): Sean spoke with the manager at BWW,
Suzie Chopper; he will have to meet with her. It was suggested that we
do the fundraiser in November or December.
o Hot Chocolate Sale: We decided not to sell hot cocoa, but rather have
the fundraiser at BWW.
 Volunteering
o Salvation Army: We decided to volunteer for bell ringing. It starts in
November, and ends December 24th. They begin accepting applications
November 16th. We would be able to ring bells at Kmart or Walmart.
They have flexible hours, and people can sign up for every hour.
New Business:
 Halloween Party: The Halloween party is Tuesday, October 29th, from 6-8pm in
Governor’s TV Lounge! There will be a costume contest, with prizes for 1st,
2nd, and 3rd place. Sheila will bring the movies. Members can sign up for food
 Holiday Party: It was decided that we have a holiday party in December. We
were originally going to make holiday cards for soldiers at the holiday party,
but decided to make the holiday cards after our meeting on November 19 th, at
5:30pm. Nancy Vue will bring art supplies.
 Mandatory Workshops: Nancy Vue attended the workshop for SSS Oct. 21st,
and Sean Szydel will attend Friday, Oct. 25th. Nancy said we should check our
mailbox and register with the Orgsync. Account.
Open Floor:
Bruce Ouderkirk mentioned that elections for new officers begin in November. Bruce
can send out the constitution with the descriptions of each officer position. We can
start nominations next Monday, Oct. 28th.
*** Next meeting: Tuesday, November 5th at 5:00 pm, Potawatomi (320C)***