SSS Advisory Board Minutes January 22, 2014 Present: Desalegn Ajack, Darrell Hill, Justin Lang, Erin Riddle, Sean Szydel, Xue Thao, Tony Xiong, Brooke Yoder, Sarah Bishop, Chee Yang, Andy Strowig, Bruce Ouderkirk Treasurer’s Report: $639.85 Secretary’s Report: Tony Xiong read the minutes from the last meeting and they were approved. Old Business: Bell Ringing: SSS participated in bell ringing on December 6th, from 3-6pm. It was really cold, but also a lot of fun! A big thanks to Bruce Ouderkirk, Megan Spreeman, Tony Xiong, and Sarah Bishop for participating! Christmas Party: There were many fun games, good food, and a Secret Santa exchange! Everyone had a lot of fun! New Business: Fundraising: Buffalo Wild Wings Sean Szydel gave 3 possible dates for the Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser, which are February 19 (Wednesday), February 24 (Monday), and February 26 (Wednesday). SSS would receive 15% of BWW sales for those who have flyers. It was suggested that we hand out flyers for the event once we confirm a date. Mega Foods: It was suggested that we bag groceries for tips again at Mega Foods. Possible dates would be towards the end of March or early April. Blugold Organization Bash: The Blugold Bash was held on January 29, from 11-2pm, but we were unable to reserve a spot. Monthly Activity: It was suggested that we go bowling for our monthly social activity. Sean Szydel said he would call and reserve a time for us to go. SSS will pay for a game for each person. Open Floor: Justin Lang mentioned the Community Table and that SSS could volunteer or donate money to help out. **Our next meeting will be held in the Mohican Room (310) at 5:00pm on Wednesday Feb. 5** --Submitted by Sammi Biesterveld