Approved Minutes Sacramento City College Academic Senate Tuesday, October 1, 2013 President: Connie Zuercher Vice-President: Greg Rose Secretary: Troy Myers Past President: Connie Zuercher Senators Present: Amy Zannakis, Andrea Greenwell, Diane Bennett, Cathy Chenu-Campbell, Jennifer Laflam, Deb Bryant, David Fabionar, Andrew Jones, Irma Rodriguez, Karen Carberry-Goh, Paul Prue, Derek Sullivan, Kris Janssen, Nadine Kirkpatrick, Deborah Gambrell, Lewis Bair, Jang Ha Oh, Lynne Giovannetti, Norman Lorenz, Norma Olivarez, Jonathan Segal, Norman Walker, Barbara Toupadakis, Gabriella Nuttall, Brian Bedford, Liam McDaid, Josh Roberts, Ken Nagamuma, Pamela Richmond, Lori Petit. Senators Absent: Steve Cirrone, Barry Kalar, Michelle Buettel, Cassandra Opiela, Marcia Bonawitz, Gayle Pitman, Danette Ocegueda. PRELIMINARIES Call to Order: meeting called to order at 12:01 by Ginni. Approval of Minutes: minutes from 9-17 approved with minor corrections. Introduction of Guests and any new Senators Announcements No announcements. INFORMATION ITEMS The New SCC Website D. Button/E. Ader Don and Elaine presented the new SCC website; it is built in Wordpress. The new site will include a Wordpress help section for faculty who are creating or maintaining pages. Templates will also be kept in this area of the site. Don is also meeting one on one with the individuals responsible for creating and maintaining the new page. Every area, every department, every division has a designated section of the new website. Individual faculty can also have accounts, and Don has created training videos for faculty with interest in creating and maintaining individual pages. Interested faculty need to get a log in from Quinn Nakano, and once a person has a log in he or she can begin learning how to use SCC’s particular version of the Wordpress software. How long does the training take? The introduction videos add up to about 90 minutes, and the single topic videos run from ten to thirty minutes each. It should take a few hours to be up and running with the basic training. Don hopes to roll out the new website by the first of the year, and the initial emphasis will be on student service content. DECISION ITEMS No decision items. DISCUSSION ITEMS Academic Senate Website Ginni reminded us that we need help updating the Academic Senate website. Currently the Office of Instruction is posting our minutes and agendas, but we would like external links and archives. Norm volunteered to work with Instruction. Could some of the handouts from the Senate meeting be included? We could do that, or we could attach those to the minutes and make the minutes longer. Elaine reminded us we need to communicate what we want posted to the Instruction Office. Faculty Distribution Lists Ginni wants to know if faculty would like a single distribution list for the SCC full time faculty, and if we would like all the other colleges to have the same. A list could also be maintained for adjuncts, and the format would be standard across the campuses. The SCC Senate expressed support and will bring this to the District Senate. Learning Communities Learning community courses can be challenging to add for students because of the way they are designated in the schedule of classes. Students who know they are registering for a course and know that it is a learning community might be interested in choosing such a course. Do we want to have the District Senate look into ways to facilitate the availability of information to students? Someone else noted there are other logistical problems associated with learning communities. It is also complicating that students can sometimes be in an individual learning community class and not take the other courses in the community while some learning communities only allow students who are part of the community to be enrolled. Further clarity in what we communicate to enrolling students is needed. REPORTS Proposal Committee on SLO Senate-Led Committee Maria Regalado has agreed to take the role of chair of the current Senate SLO subcommittee; this committee will continue meeting until we get our new Senate-led SLO committee. Josh reported that the new committee, which is being discussed and developed, has agreed on language to “recognize and support” SLO collection across the campus. The committee will not create anything; the SLO’s are the responsibility of the departments and divisions who are the instructional and service experts. Also, the committee will be faculty weighted. Matriculation – D. Bryant There has been discussion about changing the name of the Matriculation Committee in light of the new Student Success Task Force role in allocating what used to be matriculation money. The committee is going to meet and discuss their thoughts on this next week. Legislation – T. Myers Troy noted that AB 955, a bill that will allow community colleges to charge the full cost of instruction for courses during summer sessions, is sitting on the Governor’s desk awaiting veto or a signature. Discussion followed. Ginni reminded us that Hiring Forms are due October 7th Upcoming Meetings 1. Senate: Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at noon in RHN 258 Tuesday, October 15, 12:00-1:00, RHN 258 Tuesday, October 22, 12:00-1:00, RHN 258 (hiring requests) Tuesday, October 29, 12:00-1:00, RHN 258 (if needed for hiring requests) Future Agenda Items: 1. Hiring Requests 2. Senate Constitution/Bylaws Review and Update Committee Report 3. Skateboard Locker – J. Steever (2nd Reading) To place items on future agendas, email Ginni May at