The following concepts are illustrated in this diagram:

The following concepts are illustrated in this diagram:
SLOs are developed, implemented, and evaluated at number of levels, from the course
through to the institutional level. At SCC, Course SLOs are developed and assessed in
an ongoing fashion by classroom faculty. Those Course SLOs are part of an annual
reporting cycle and are used to generate department level Program SLOs (referred to
as ProLOs [pro-lows] at SCC). Appropriate Course and Program SLOs are used to
generate General Education Learning Outcomes (referred to as GELOs [jell-lows]
at SCC). Program SLOs and General Education LOs then contribute to Institutional
A parallel process for SLO development occurs regarding Student Services SLOs.
Student Services Area SLOs are developed and evaluated by student services
members interacting with students in various student services areas. These Student
Services Area SLOs are included in a cyclical review process and serve as a source for the
development of General Student Services SLOs that, in turn, inform the
development of Institutional SLOs.
Assessment and feedback regarding SLOs occurs in a variety of ways, including Annual
Review and reporting by individual faculty, cyclical Program Review by departments
and feedback about the process from the development of Institutional SLOs.
Additionally the SLO Assessment Committee (on a continuous basis) and
Institutional Effectiveness Reports (on an annual basis) provide feedback and
guidance on the overall SLO process at SCC. In some cases, results from Completer
Surveys administered to students help evaluate particular course and student services
area SLOs and External Exams (vocational license exams, for example) provide
feedback on Course SLOs.