Dr Suzanne Moffatt delivering a presentation detailing the development of... Newcastle University and Hartlepool and District University of the Third...

Dr Suzanne Moffatt delivering a presentation detailing the development of the partnership between
Newcastle University and Hartlepool and District University of the Third Age (U3A).
U3A research team members answer questions about their experience co-producing research.
Maureen Smith, founder of the research idea and award winning RITA entry, sits in the middle
surrounded by Judith and Normal Bell.
University researcher Rebecca Patterson delivering the findings of the study.
Audience members sat amongst the pews of Grange Road Methodist Church, Hartlepool.
Question and answer session led by event chair Emeritus Professor Jim Edwardson. On the panel sits
Rebecca Patterson, Normal Bell, Judith Bell, Jessica Scott, Maureen Smith and Barbara Lewis –
Chairwoman of the Third Age Trust (left to right).