Options for Web Forms Skill Level: Intermediate

Options for Web Forms
Skill Level: Intermediate
This is an overview of the options for the use of Web forms within CommonSpot pages. Essentially,
forms are used on Web pages to gather data either in the form of an email message to the sender or the
storage of data in a repository or both.
Common uses for forms on Web pages include: Seeking comments/suggestions, developing a
distribution list, polling, gathering data, a call to action and surveying (although surveys are more often
There are 2 options available at UW-Eau Claire: Qualtrics, which is the preferred method, or the Perl
Script Form System, which is more difficult to create and maintain but provides more flexibility in use
and design.
To be sure, there are other related options. For instance, Key Survey, Survey Monkey and Survey Gizmo
are just three of several popular survey systems that are widely available on the Internet, but they are
not supported.
Also, this campus provides an internal routing form system called BP Logic, used when information
needs to pass from one individual or individuals to another person or group and gather electronic
signatures along the way. Contact the Help Desk if you need this type of electronic form.
Starting page
o http://www.uwec.edu/BITS/Qualtrics.htm
Basics and Intermediate Workshops available through
o http://www.uwec.edu/bits/trainingreg
 Qualtrics Poll:
o http://www.uwec.edu/CE/contact/hearaboutus.htm
o Create the poll and get the widget code from Qualtrics
o Place the code in an HTML Element and save it
o http://www.uwec.edu/CE/contact/feedback.htm
o Create the Qualtrics form and generate a link
o Use the link on a CommonSpot page to link text or an image to the form
Perl Script Form System
You need to build it yourself – See:
o https://www.uwec.edu/help/html/C-qckref.htm
 (Note: this URL may be changing soon)
Best bet is to copy an existing similar form and modify it
Use the HTML element to place the <form> code on the page – See handout:
o http://www.uwec.edu/Webdev/cs/docs/adv/upload/HTMLElement.doc
Use ReCAPTCHA to avoid email spam – See handout:
o http://www.uwec.edu/Webdev/cs/docs/adv/upload/ReCaptchaForForms.doc
 This handout goes into more detail about creating a form
 Submission Form
o http://www.uwec.edu/News/contact/tipsform.htm
Be sure any images used have alternate text
Use the <label> tag for input elements
o http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_label.asp
o http://webdesign.about.com/od/forms/a/aa052206.htm