Digital Advertising Fall 2013 Course Title: Digital Advertising Course Number: MKT 4557 Department: Marketing and International Business Instructor: Christopher Whyte Date/Time: Monday/Wednesday 7:30 - 8:45pm Classroom: 10-125VC Phone: Please use e-mail as primary contact Office: 12-210-M Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday from 6:30pm – 7:15pm and by appointment E-Mail: with cc: Course Description: This course will provide students with a comprehensive overview of the key elements of digital advertising campaigns. The Internet, including E-mail, Social Media and Mobile Devices will be explored as primary digital advertising channels. More specifically, the course will serve as a go to resource for students in the following areas: 1. Reaching customers with relevant advertising 2. designing effective on-line ads 3. budgeting online advertising, and the risks of under-allocating 4. Integrating online advertising with the “traditional’ parts of a campaign 5. Achieving marketing objectives – from lead generation to retention and loyalty 6. Measuring the effectiveness of Internet ads and campaigns The structure of the curriculum will follow a typical campaign lifecycle including understanding the digital consumer, strategic campaign planning, advertiser websites, creative strategy and development, media planning and buying as well as results tracking and campaign optimizations. Syllabus: A week-by-week syllabus or a topic outline is attached to this information sheet. Additional resources such as relevant articles and information sources will be posted on blackboard throughout the course. Specific Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: - Leverage consumer behavior in digital channels to achieve advertising objectives - Understand the best practices of creating a compelling digital advertising campaigns from both a creative and media perspective Awareness of campaign tracking and analysis ability for a digital advertising campaign BBA Learning Goals Addressed in this Course: The faculty of the Zicklin School of Business has adopted “Learning Goals” for BBA students. The purpose of these goals is to create a common understanding between students, faculty and potential employers of the core objectives for a business education. The goals for this course are: Analytical and Technological Skills: Students will possess the quantitative, technological, analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate issues faced in business and professional careers. Communication Skills Oral: Students will gain the necessary oral communication skills to convey ideas and information effectively and persuasively Communication Skills Written: Students will gain the necessary written communication skills to convey ideas and information effectively and persuasively. Business Knowledge/Integrative Abilities: Students will gain knowledge of the basic disciplines in business management, and be able to apply and integrate that knowledge effectively in problem specification and problem solving. Proficiency in a Single Discipline: Students will gain a deep understanding of and intellectual competence in the business discipline of digital advertising. Expectation from Students/Grades: One group assignment and two exams will comprise the grading of the course. The group assignment will have two parts. Part one will be completed right after the midterm exam and will consist of developing a creative message and website experience to support a campaign objective. Part two will be a media campaign to drive consumer usage of the creative and website. Part one will be graded as a written assignment and Part two will be a group presentation that will be delivered in class at the end of the semester. Class participation will be graded based on participation in discussions, quizzes and homework assignments. Grading is as follows: Midterm Exam (15%) Final Exam (25%) Midterm campaign written assignment (20%) Final group presentation (25%) Class attendance and participation (15%) Key Dates: - 9/30: Group Assignment Topic Summary – 1 page - 10/15: MIDTERM EXAM - 11/6: Group Assignment Part 1 (Written - 8 pages): Campaign Message & Website Strategy - 12/2: Group Presentations Due – to be scheduled in class - 12/2, 12/4, 12/9, 12/11: Group Presentations to be scheduled in class - 12/17: FINAL EXAM TBD Students should read the Zicklin School of Business Written and Oral Communication Assessment Criteria, located in the Syllabus section of this course’s Blackboard site. Students are additionally expected to adhere to writing standards described in of The Little, Brown Writing Handbook, (10 th edition) by Fowler and Aaron. Materials: The primary resource will be the following textbook: The Online Advertising Playbook, Plummer, Rappaport, Hall, and Barocci, 2007. Also, articles, white papers and cases will be assigned and discussed. These resources will be sent via twitter (@ProfessorWhyte), email and posted to Blackboard. The course will also include appearances from various guest speakers who can comment on the real world application of course content. Attendance Policy All students are required to attend every session of their courses. The instructor may give a junior or senior a WU grade (the equivalent of an F) for excessive absences. The Registrar’s office requires that students who have attended no classes before week 5 be dropped from the class. In the case of an emergency, please notify the instructor by email of the situation. More than 3 absences will negatively impact a students grade. Technology Policy No cell phones may be out during class. You may bring your laptop/tablet, but it may only be used to take notes or other class purposes. If the instructor sees this policy being abused, all electronic devices may be banned from class. Failure to follow the technology policy will negatively affect class participation grade. Academic Integrity: Students are expected to know and adhere to the Baruch College Academic Honesty Policy, found at It states, inter alia, that: Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Cheating, forgery, plagiarism and collusion in dishonest acts undermine the college's educational mission and the students' personal and intellectual growth. Baruch students are expected to bear individual responsibility for their work, to learn the rules and definitions that underlie the practice of academic integrity, and to uphold its ideals. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse for disobeying them. Any student who attempts to compromise or devalue the academic process will be sanctioned. Syllabus/Course Schedule: Digital Advertising Course Fall 2013 Week Dates Topic 1 - Digital Advertising Platform and Strategies 28Aug Introduction and Syllabus Review 2-Sep to 6Sep 11Sep 11Sep Labor Day – No Class No Class - Best Practices in Online Advertising Key Digital Tactics Chapters 1 and 4 - Check BB for Readings Follow 3 companies you would like to work for on Twitter 16Sep Targeting Approaches Chapter 2 Based on Chapter 2, create 3 quiz questions and their answers to submit next class period 18Sep Consumer Insights Appendix and Behaviors/Group Project Submit groups and brand next class 4 - Website 23Sep Chapter 7 Submit Group Members and Brand via email 5 - Advertising Creative 25Sep Role of an advertiser website, including e-commerce Messaging, Testing methodologies, Best practices Chapter 5 - 6 - Display Advertising 30Sep Digital Formats and Rich Media/Video Media Planning/ Measuring digital patterns Possible Guest Speaker Check BB for Readings Submit Group Assignment Topic Summary – 1 page Chapter 3 - TBD - 2 - Digital Tactics 3 - The Digital Consumer 2-Oct Readings - Complete prior to class Assignments Join Twitter and follow: @ProfessorWhyte 7 - Display Advertising Continued 7-Oct 14Oct School Closed No Classes 8 - Display Advertising Trends 15Oct Oct16 Midterm Midterm Examination Custom Programs BB Readings - 9 - UGC and Search 10 - Industry Trends 11 - Industry Trends 21Oct 23Oct 28Oct Email Marketing Chapter 8 and BB Readings - Search - SEO and SEM Guest Speaker TBD Chapter 6 - Check BB for Readings - 30Oct Social Media Advertising Check BB for Readings - 4-Nov User generated content and online video Guest Speaker – TBD Mobile Check BB for Readings - Check BB for Readings Midterm Paper Due Chapter 9 - Tablets Check BB for Readings - Twitter Check BB for Readings - 6-Nov 12 - Mobile/ Tablets 13 - Twitter 14 - Privacy 15 Presentations 16 Presentations 11Nov 13Nov 18Nov 20Nov Day to prepare for Meet with your group Group presentation Submit 1-2 questions via email for Career Advice Guest Speaker 25Nov Privacy and Digital Regulations - 2-Dec Group Presentations 4-Dec Group Presentations - 9-Dec Group Presentations Group Presentations/ Final Review Session Last Day of Classes - - - - - - Final Exams TBD - - 11Dec 15Dec Final 17-23 Dec Check BB for Readings Presentation Powerpoints due via email * The professor reserves the right to make modifications to this schedule as necessary with notice to students*