9/28/2011 Page 1 ISU Education Preparation Program Accreditation DRAFT Planning Document When SM2011 FA 2011 X X X X X SP 2012 SM2012 What FA 2012 SP 2013 Who/Whom Lead Responsibility Status In Progress Create ½ time accreditation coordinator position Identify Accreditation Steering Committee 8/9/2011 Meeting 8/18/2011 Retreat Meeting with UTECC 8/31/2011 Meeting 9/28/2011 Meeting 10/12/2011 Meeting 10/26/2011 Meeting 11/9/2011 Meeting 11/30/2011 Meeting 12/8/2011 Joint Meeting with EPCC UTECC Meetings Where Accreditation Matters Addressed 8/18/2011 Retreat Meeting with Accreditation Steering Cmte 9/1/2011 Regular Meeting of UTECC (Now University Educator Preparation Coordinating Council) 9/15/2011 Special Meeting of EPCC re. Accreditation 10/6/2011 Regular Meeting of EPCC. 10/27/2011 Special Meeting of EPCC re. Accreditation (Proposed) 11/3/2011 Regular meeting of EPCC 11/17/2011 Special Meeting of EPCC re. Accreditation (Proposed) 12/1/2011 Regular meeting of EPCC 12/8/2011 Special meeting with Accreditation Steering Committee Prepare “working budget” Convene meetings of department chairs and associate deans for update on accreditation and Identify accreditation contact person for each program area and/or academic department (Meeting held Jan. 20, 2012 from 2-3 PM) Completed 9/28/2011 Page 2 ISU Education Preparation Program Accreditation DRAFT Planning Document When SM2011 FA 2011 SP 2012 X X X X X X X X X X SM2012 Who/Whom Lead Responsibility What FA 2012 SP 2013 Status In Progress Develop “working” program of work (Meet Feb. 6, 2012 from 9-10 AM) Develop SCOT document Write/adopt conceptual framework Develop abbreviated strategic plan Prepare Talking Points Document Create an accreditation website (2 meetings with Cathy and Amy) Using available resources, conduct a needs assessment of the ed licensing program UTECC retreat to plan for accreditation – Conduct SCOT analysis? Host University-wide conference on teacher and administrator education. Speaker(s)? Complete Assessments and Analysis. Convey Results to EPCC Meeting with Mari Kemis to Coordinate Planning Meeting 9/1/2011 Accreditation Assessments Assessment Description Status Type Planned Completed The Pre-Service S 05 survey is collected S 07 every other spring S 09 Pre-Service Students semester from approximately 10 classes to understand student familiarity with and placement in the curriculum of information about the ISU teacher S 11 Completed 9/28/2011 Page 3 ISU Education Preparation Program Accreditation DRAFT Planning Document When SM2011 FA 2011 SP 2012 SM2012 FA 2012 SP 2013 Status In Progress Student Teachers (Completing) Focus Groups with Exiting Student Teachers Graduates X Who/Whom Lead Responsibility What education standards. The survey has been standardized now for several years. The EBI Exit Assessment is collected annually in the Spring. Spring 2011 will be our 4th year. This survey is used to provide program areas with detailed information about their top predictors of program effectiveness. Focus groups are conducted at the end of Fall and Spring semesters with graduates to get opinions of their experiences in the program and suggestions for program improvement. 1 Yr Out 3 Years Out 5 Years Out F05/S06 F06/S07 F07/S08 F08/S09 F09/S10 F10/S11 S11/F12 S 2010 F 2010 S 2011 F 2011 S 2012 F 2012 ECE Elem Ed S 2006 S 2009 S 2012 Completed 9/28/2011 Page 4 ISU Education Preparation Program Accreditation DRAFT Planning Document When SM2011 FA 2011 SP 2012 SM2012 Who/Whom Lead Responsibility What FA 2012 SP 2013 In Progress Graduates (Focus Group) Principal Survey X X Focus Groups with International Student Teachers X X X X X X X X X X X X x Status Cooperating Teachers (Focus Group) 1 Yr Out An EBI employer study is being planned for FY11. It has been quite some time since one was conducted. This will be a new survey. Focus group(s) with student teachers with international placements will be conducted in FY11. This will be a new activity. S 2008 S 2011 S 2007 S 2010 S 2011 F 2007 F 2010 Prepare teacher and administrator newsletter Write Institutional Report- Completed by April 1, 2012; Submitted June 1, 2012 Introduction Chapter 1, Governance and resources Chapter 2, Diversity Chapter 3, Faculty Chapter 4, Assessment and Unit Evaluation Chapter 5, Teacher preparation clinical practice Chapter 6, Teacher candidate knowledge, skills, and dispositions Completed 9/28/2011 Page 5 ISU Education Preparation Program Accreditation DRAFT Planning Document When SM2011 FA 2011 SP 2012 What SM2012 FA 2012 Who/Whom Lead Responsibility SP 2013 In Progress X X X X X X X X X X X X Status Chapter 7, Administrator preparation clinical practice Chapter 8, Administrator candidate knowledge, skills, and dispositions Prepare response to State Review Team (Team that reviews IR) Prepare rejoinder to State onsite review team Prepare, for submission, plan of action to address deficiencies noted in final report to the State Board of Education Communications UTEP Chairs School superintendents and principals/employers Ames Community Schools Gilbert Community Schools Des Moines Community Schools Urbandale Community Schools South Hamilton Community Schools West Des Moines Community School Departmental faculty- Dave to ask for time on each department’s departmental meeting CHS Diversity Coordinator and MLO CHS Director of Placement Faculty outside of UTEP UTEP students, including student organization(s) Alums CTLT CESMEE Cooperating teachers University supervisors Campus Administrators Ask if Dave can attend admin/ staff meetings in close-by schools Completed 9/28/2011 Page 6 ISU Education Preparation Program Accreditation DRAFT Planning Document When SM2011 FA 2011 SP 2012 What SM2012 FA 2012 SP 2013 Who/Whom Lead Responsibility Status In Progress President Provost Associate Provost Holger VP for Student Affairs- Tom Hill Deans/Associate Deans- HS, LAS, CALS, Library College Librarian X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Prepare online “exhibit room” Prepare schedule for accrediting team Liaison with Kris Crabtree-Groff Arrange housing, meals, reimbursement, etc. for accrediting team (Holiday Inn Express reservation for Nov. 4-7, 2012) Completed