TELEPHONE REFERENCE CHECK Candidate Name Reference Name Reference Telephone Number

Candidate Name
Reference Name
Reference Telephone Number
Check Conducted By
Date Of Reference Check
Introductory Script:
This is _____calling from University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. We are calling on behalf of the ______
Search and Screen committee today because ______ listed you as a reference.
First, let me briefly describe the position: _______________________________________________.
Do you have any questions about the position before we talk with you about the candidate?
Reference questions:
Please describe you’re the context in which you know _________ and the areas of his/her
work with which you are familiar.
2. What are your perceptions of _______ as an instructor?
3. What kind of feedback did you get from students relative to __________’s teaching?
What department, college and community activities does _________ engage in?
5. Describe __________’s
 Verbal/written communication skills
 Conflict/stress management skills
 Integrity/ethics
 Time management/attendance/dependability
 Collegiality/interpersonal skills
6. How would you characterize the overall quality of __________’s work?
7. Other than what we have discussed, can you please describe any areas in which __________
shows particular strengths? Areas of challenge?
8. Is there anything else that you think we should consider that we have not discussed?
Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today.