Setting the Stage for Success with the First Day of Class Christine Harrington Ph.D. Middlesex County College January 7, 2015 Writing a Letter Activity Pretend you are a student who is walking out of your first day of class. Write a letter to a friend about your experience. Agenda Goals of First Day Strategies to Achieve Goals What is the goal of the first day of class? The First Day of Class Anderson, McGuire & Cory (2011) Goals Get Attention Immersion in Course Content Developing Skills Establish Connections First Day Goals Value of Course Together • Expectations and learning tasks • Challenging yet supportive environment First Day Goals: Engagement with: Content Professor Classmates What is YOUR goal? Motivational Conditions that Enhance Motivation to Learn Wlodkowski and Ginsberg (1995) Establishing Inclusion • Respect and Connection Developing Attitude • Positive Mindset and Internal Locus of Control Enhancing Meaning • Real World Applications and Critical Thinking Engendering Competence • Self-efficacy and Celebrating Success Establishing Inclusion Wlodkowski and Ginsberg (1995) A Word of Caution about Icebreakers Respect and Connection Being Culturally Responsive Brody, Ross, Gallingane, & Hambacher (2007) • Explain the importance of relationships and then have an opportunity to get to know each other • Establish expectations and belief in student ability to achieve A Look at Some Research…. 13 Fostering Connection Before the Semester even Begins… Legg and Wilson (2009) The Study… 66 college students Randomly assigned Received e-mail 1 week prior to class Did not receive e-mail Legg & Wilson, 2009 Overall perception of the course 4.6 4.5 4.48 4.45 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.14 4.03 4 3.9 3.8 First Week Legg & Wilson, 2009 Last Week Did not receive e-mail Received Email Increased Attitudes, Perceptions, and Motivation 16 The First Day of Class Wilson and Wilson (2007) First Day of ClassUndergraduate Students Positive ConditionFriendly Videotape Negative Condition- Nonemotional Videotape 17 Results: Wilson and Wilson (2007) Positive First Day (friendly): • Higher motivation across the semester • Higher grades The Reciprocal Interview First Day of Class Activity Hermann, Foster, & Hardin (2010) 377 College Students in 16 sections Activity Support, Satisfaction No Activity The Reciprocal Interview 1. 5 or 6 students spent 10-15 minutes discussing course expectations, etc. 2. Instructor interviewed group representative 3. Groups spent 5-10 minutes creating questions for instructor Hermann, Foster, & Hardin, (2010) Results: More favorable attitudes toward class Valuable Learning Experience 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4 3.9 3.8 4.55 Valuable Learning Experience 4.11 No Activity Activity Hermann, Foster, & Hardin, (2010) First Day of Class Activity McGinley and Jones (2014) 111 Undergraduate Students Intro to Psychology and Upper Level courses 2 Experimental Groups 2 Control Groups The Study McGinley and Jones (2014) Review of Syllabus Intervention for Experimental Group Questionnaire The Intervention McGinley and Jones (2014) • Groups of 3-4 ▫ Discuss perceptions and feelings about class, connection to goals and topics of interest • Each student identified a question to ask professor • Professor learned student names The Results… McGinley and Jones (2014) 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.2 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5 Control Experiment Games on the First Day Vander Schee (2007) • Exchange Gamehow products flow through distribution channel ▫ 5 minute explanation ▫ 15 minute game ▫ 5 minutes for selecting winners ▫ 25 minute debriefing and discussion Games on the First Day: The Study Vander Schee (2007) 52 Students in Principles of Marketing Course Control Group =27 Experimental Group = 25 Games on the First Day: The Results Vander Schee (2007) Not Surprisingly… • Game- More Satisfied with Course Surprisingly… • Game- Believed course requirements were better explained (even though this was not different) Games and Social Presence Lee,Jeong, Park & Ryu (2011) Conditions Online Game Independent Game Lecture Online Game users had ▫ Better experience ▫ Better performance ▫ More social presence More Ideas…. Classroom Karoake? Baker (2012) • Sociology Large Lecture Class • Connections between concepts in song and the class • Less threatening environment • Encouraged social interactions Using Music to Reduce Stress Ferrer et al. (2014) • Student and Instructor Selected Songs during Class Reduced Stress Psychology Example • The Name Game and How Memory Works • For Upper Level Courses: Dusting off the Cobwebs Exercise Using the Syllabus YOUR Plan? Remembering the Goal: Does Your Plan Meet Your Goals? Thank You for Participating! Best Wishes with A Successful Start on Your First Day of Class Questions? Contact Christine Harrington at