Applying for Admission to Latin American Studies Internships:

Applying for Admission to Latin American Studies Internships:
LAS 488/688 “Internship” and LAS 498/698 “Internship with Language Immersion”
Students planning to enroll in LAS 488/688 or LAS 498/698 in the summer or fall must apply no later than February 1 of the
year of internship for summer or fall enrollment. October 1 is the deadline for winterim or spring enrollment. Applications for
Latin American Studies internships are available on the Latin American Studies website and in the LAS director’s office.
Criteria for Admission into Internships
The Latin American Studies Steering Committee will determine eligibility for internships on the basis of the following criteria.
To meet criteria, students must:
(1) Obtain the consent of a UW-Eau Claire instructor to serve as supervising instructor
(2) Sign a UW-System Liability Waiver Form (included in Internship Application)
(3) Submit LAS Internship Application including (a) title of internship proposal; (b) a description of the agency/organization in
which the internship is to take place; (c) a description of the intent of the internship; (d) a broad outline of the activities in
which the student will be engaged; (e) the basis on which the student's grade will be determined (internship/credits hours, a
personal log of experiences (in target language for 498/698), exit paper (in target language for 498/698), and evaluations by
the on-site supervisor and supervising instructor); (f) name of intern’s on-site supervisor and expression of support by on-site
supervisor/supervising organization; (g) students facing extenuating circumstances who wish to fulfill their LAS Language
Immersion Requirement in an alternative domestic language immersion experience must have their internship pre-approved
and determined in conjunction with the LAS Steering Committee; (h) the number of hours per week and number of weeks and
credits for internship (the minimum requirements include 135 hours/3 credits, 90 hours/2 credits, and 45 hours/1 credit in the
setting); (i) plans for housing and transportation; and (j) for LAS 498, a detailed description of how internship and time spent
outside of internship will fulfill language immersion requirement.
After Internship has been approved by LAS Steering Committee, students will need to:
(4) Apply for passport and/or visa if internship is outside of the U.S.
(5) Go to the Center for International Education to purchase international health insurance required by the UW-System if
internship is outside of the U.S.
(6) Meet with supervising instructor and LAS director to discuss LAS internship, expectations and deadlines for submitting
papers or projected related to internship.
(7) Enroll in the appropriate and approved internship course.
(8) Send your on-site supervisor a “Student Performance Evaluation” form before your internship begins. Ask that she/he
email the form as an attachment to your supervising instructor and the LAS director upon your completion of the internship.
Upon return to campus students must:
(9) Remind your on-site supervisor to email the “Student Performance Evaluation” as an attachment to your supervising
instructor and the LAS director.
(10) Submit all papers or projects for grades to the UW-Eau Claire LAS internship supervisor. Deadlines for submitting
materials should be arranged prior to internship with supervising instructor.
LAS Internship Checklist (LAS 488/688 and LAS 498/698)
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Keep this form for your reference.
1. You need to bring the following with you to your appointment with the Latin American Studies Director:
 LAS Internship Application
 Signed UW-System Liability Waiver Form
2. After your internship has been approved, you will need to:
 Apply for your passport and/or visa (for international internships)
 Go to the Center for International Education to purchase international health insurance required by the UW-System
($34.00 per month abroad) (for international internships).
 Remember that 23 of the last 30 undergraduate credits taken prior to graduation must be earned in residence. Also,
to maintain full-time UWEC undergraduate student status during a semester students should enroll in at least 12 credits
(between internship and other courses--independent study classes and/or online courses). To maintain full-time UWEC
undergraduate student status during the summer students should enroll in at least 6 credits.
 Meet with LAS supervising instructor and LAS director to discuss LAS internship, expectations and deadlines for
submitting papers or projected related to internship.
 Enroll in the appropriate and approved internship course.
 Send your on-site supervisor a “Student Performance Evaluation” form before your internship begins. Ask that
she/he email the form as an attachment to your supervising instructor and the LAS director upon your completion of the
3. Upon Return you need to:
 Remind your on-site supervisor to email the “Student Performance Evaluation as an attachment to your supervising
instructor and the LAS director.
 You will need to submit all papers or projects for grades to the UW-Eau Claire LAS supervising instructor. Deadlines
for submitting materials should be arranged prior to internship with supervising instructor.
 Petition any necessary courses to count as LAS requirements/electives.
LAS Internship Application and Permission to Enroll
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Circle Semester for Internship Enrollment: Fall/Spring/Winter/Summer
Circle Internship Course Number: LAS 488/688 (Internship) / LAS 498/698 (Internship with Language Immersion)
Number of credits (1-3): _________
Supervisor Instructor: ____________________
Information about the Student
Full Name (last, first, middle)
UWEC Email Address
Student ID Number
 Male  Female
Birthdate (mo./date/year)
Current address (NOTE: Mail will be sent to your local address during the academic year and to your
permanent address during the summer. Please be sure the CIE has your current address information.)
Street address:
Phone ________________________
City ________________________State ______ Zip ______________
Valid Until ________________
Permanent address
Street address:
Phone ________________________
City ________________________State ______ Zip ______________
Year in College:
 Freshman  Sophomore
 Junior  Senior
Emergency Contact Information (for emergencies and release of information during your absence)
Relationship ____________________________
Phone Number ______________Email ______________
Information about the Internship
Exact program dates:
Information on the organization
Type of organization ___________________________
Name of internship agency __________________________________
Contact Name at internship agency ______________ Email ______________________
Address __________________
Phone ______________________
Fax ____________________________
If you will be at a school, is it accredited in the host country?
Check to verify that copies of completed and approved application have been submitted to:
_____ Center for International Education (for international internships)
_____ Latin American Studies Director
_____ Department of Foreign Languages
Title of internship proposal
A description of the agency/organization in which the internship is to take place
The intent of the internship
A broad outline of the activities in which the student will be engaged
The basis on which the student's grade will be determined (the minimum requirements include number of hours per week in the setting, a
personal log of experiences, exit paper, and evaluations by the agency supervisor and supervising instructor).
Name of intern’s on-site supervisor and an expression of support by on-site supervisor or agency
Number of hours per week, number of weeks and number of credits (135 hours/3 credits, 90 hours/2 credits, and 45 hours/1 credit)
For LAS 498, a detailed description of how internship and time spent outside of internship will fulfill language immersion requirement
(how, where, how much, and with whom will you be using the target language?)
Housing plan
Transportation plan
Disclaimer: I, ___________________________________ (student’s name), have provided this information to
the best of my knowledge. I attest that this information is true and accurate. I have discussed information
about my internship with my on-site supervisor and understand the course requirements of LAS 488/498
(circle one) and my role as a LAS intern. I understand in the event of an emergency I will either email or
telephone my supervising instructor or her/his Department/Program immediately.
Student’s Signature
Signature of Approval from Supervising Instructor
Signature of Approval from LAS Director
Next Steps:
Talk to the Academic Department Associate in the main office of the Department of Foreign Languages for
permission to register
Register for class and designate the number of credits for which you are enrolling
The Department of Foreign Languages will send copies of application and internship forms to LAS, CIE and keep a
copy in the Department of Foreign Languages main office.
I hereby indicate my desire to participate in a study abroad/exchange program sponsored by the University of WisconsinEau Claire during the _____________ semester of ____________ (year). If and/or when I am offered and accept a place
in the University's program, I:
1) assume full legal and financial responsibility for my participation in the program.
2) will be responsible for full program costs (whether already paid or not) as stated in the withdrawal and refund schedule
if I withdraw (or am required to withdraw) from the program for any reason, unless otherwise stated in the program refund
3) grant the University, its employees, agents and representatives the authority to act in any attempt to safeguard and
preserve my health or safety during my participation in the program including authorizing medical treatment on my behalf
and at my expense and returning me to the United States at my own expense for medical treatment or in case of an
4) realize that accident and health insurance, as well as insurance for medical evacuation and repatriation, that are
applicable outside of the United States are required for my participation in the program, that I am responsible for
obtaining appropriate insurance coverage for the duration of the program, and that the University encourages me to have
appropriate insurance coverage for the entire time I am abroad.
5) agree to conform to all applicable policies, rules, regulations and standards of conduct as established by the University,
any sponsoring institution and/or foreign affiliates, as well as program requirements, to insure the best interest, harmony,
comfort and welfare of the program.
6) accept termination of my participation in the program by the University with no refund of fees and accept responsibility
for transportation costs home if I fail to maintain acceptable standards of conduct as established by the University, the
sponsoring institution and/or foreign affiliates.
7) understand that the University reserves the right to make changes to the program at any time and for any reason, with or
without notice, and that the University shall not be liable for any loss whatsoever to program participants as a result of
such changes.
8) agree voluntarily and without reservation to indemnify and hold harmless the University, Board of Regents of the
University of Wisconsin System (Board of Regents) and their respective officers, employees, and agents from any and all
liability, loss, damages, costs, or expenses (including attorney's fees) which do not arise out of the negligent acts or
omission of an officer, employee, and agent of the University and/or Board of Regents while acting within the scope of
their employment or agency, as a result of my participation in the program, including any travel incident thereto.
9) acknowledge that I have read this entire document and understand its terms.
Participant's Signature
__________________________________________ ______/______/______
Signature of Parent or Guardian
(If Participant is under 18 years of age)