University Of Massachusetts Dartmouth Office of Human Resources Classification Review/Reallocation Procedures for Classified Positions Updated February 7, 2007 1 Table of Contents Topic Page Overview………………………………………………………………………………………3 Employee Initiated Appeal Process…..……………………………………………………..4 Appeal Form for Trust-Funded Positions Appendix C.…………………………...5 Appeal Form for State-Funded Positions Appendix D……...……………………..6 Interview Guide Forms………………………………………………………………7-15 Manager Initiated Review Process………………………………………………………….16 Things to Remember………………………………………………………………………....17 Position Description – Form 30 Template…………………………………………………..18-19 Guidelines for Developing Job Duties and Responsibilities………………………………..20-21 2 Overview Position descriptions are an important tool for employees and managers to define tasks, duties, responsibilities, expectations and qualifications. They are also critical for conducting a proper and thorough performance review and should be used to determine future goals and development opportunities. We realize that language in position descriptions may change from time to time due to organizational and technological changes. The Office of Human Resources encourages managers to review position descriptions of their employees on an annual basis. Evaluation time is a logical point to perform this review. If an employee’s position description has outdated language or duties, we encourage managers to update them. If there are significant changes/updates to an employee’s position description, we encourage you to contact our office for a review. This review will ensure that the job’s title and corresponding pay grade are still appropriate based on the duties and responsibilities. There are two types of classification reviews for classified positions. This applies this non-unit classified positions as well as classified positions covered by AFSCME, AFT Massachusetts – maintenance and custodial staff and IBPO. 1. An Individual Classification Appeal is employee initiated. This process refers to non-unit classified positions as well as classified position covered by AFSCME and AFT in Massachusetts- Maintenance & Custodial Staff. This happens when the employee believes that new or different duties have changed the job to warrant another title or classification level. The employee submits all required documentation. An audit hearing is held; documentation is analyzed and a decision made. The employee may appeal the decision of the Human Resources. 2. A Maintenance Action Request is management initiated. The supervisor believes that the employee’s duties are not properly represented within the current job title or classification. The supervisor submits all required documentation. This process does not allow the employee or supervisor to appeal the decision of Human Resources. Each type of review has a different process and requires distinct documentation and forms. This information along with applicable forms and position description Form 30 templates and can be found at If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at X 8060. 3 Employee Initiated Appeal The employee believes that new or different duties have changed the job to warrant another title or classification level. The employee submits all required documentation. An audit hearing is held; documentation is analyzed and a decision made. A job visit (desk audit) may also be conducted by HR. Process: 1) Employee files an Appeal Form with Human Resources. 2) Human Resources issues a letter of receipt acknowledging the appeal request and schedules a hearing. The supervisor is also notified that an appeal is in progress and his/her assistance and cooperation is requested. 3) Employee submits Interview Guide, an updated Position Description (Form 30) and a current departmental organization chart to Human Resources at least two weeks prior to the hearing date. 4) The department head/supervisor submits a statement supporting or not supporting the employee's request with the appropriate justification. 5) A Hearing is conducted where the employee provides evidence and documentation to support the upgrade. The Employee may be accompanied by union representation and may also request his/her supervisor’s presence. Human Resources may also conduct an on-site job visit (desk audit) to gather additional information necessary to render a decision. 6) Human Resources informs the employee in writing of the appeal decision. If the appeal is approved, the decision is retroactive to the date that the appeal form was received in the Office of Human Resources. If the appeal is denied, state-funded employees may appeal the decision to the Commonwealth’s Division of Human Resources. Trust-funded employees may appeal the decision to the Chancellor. State-funded employees may further appeal the decision to the Commonwealth’s Civil Service Commission, which issues a final determination. Trust-funded employees may further appeal the decision to the President of the University, who issues a final determination. 4 APPENDIX C REQUEST TO APPEAL CLASSIFICATION OF TRUST-FUND POSITION FORM Please Type or Print Form Name: Requested Title: Grade: Present Title: Grade: Department: Unit: Immediate Supervisor’s Name: Immediate Supervisor’s Title: Date of Hire in Current Position: Name and Title of Persons You Supervise (if any): Change in Duties and Responsibilities since Assuming Current Position: List Duties Performed (Use additional page if necessary): List approximate % of time spent 5 APPENDIX D REQUEST TO APPEAL CLASSIFICATION OF STATE-FUNDED POSITION TO: DATE: (Appointing Authority) I, hereby appeal my current classification title, , to the Personnel Administrator under the provisions of Chapter 30, Section 49 of the Massachusetts General Laws. I believe that the classification title of appropriately describes my duties and responsibilities. duties and responsibilities. The general reason(s) for this appeal is (are): I submit the following information to assist in the processing of my appeal: Home Address: Tel #: Work Address: Tel #: Appropriation Number: Position Number: Name and Address of Union Representative (optional): Employee Id: My position (check one) has Classification maintenance process. On Which was as follow: has not been reviewed through the DPA notified my agency of the result of the review, Sincerely, Your signature CC: AFSCME, Council 93, Local 507 6 Interview Guide Employee Name: Employee ID: Official Payroll: :::::Title: Functional Title (if applicable): Funding Source/Account Code: Agency: University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Agency: University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Date Appointed to Present Position: Request for Reallocation to the Classification of: Immediate Supervisor’s Name: Supervisor’s Title: 7 Basis of Appeal Please Describe what the appellant views as the basis of the appeal. 8 Specific Duties What do you do? (List duties in priority order including percentages of time spent on each) 9 Relationships with Others What people or groups of people do you come in contact with in the performance of your job within and outside your agency? Indicate the job titles or functions of your contacts. Also describe the nature and purpose of your interpersonal relationships. Basic Purpose of Position Briefly describe (in two or three sentences) the overall basic purpose of your job. Job Changes Have there been any significant job changes since your appointment? If so, indicate the dates that the changes took place and briefly describe the nature of the change. 10 Problem Solving Briefly describe the major problems that you face in the performance of your job and also indicate what you do in order to resolve them. Assignment, review and approval of work Who assigns, reviews and approves your work? How do you receive it? Supervisory Responsibility Whose work do you supervise? What titles? Indicate by official title those positions which report directly to you? 11 Their Subordinates Indicate by official title those positions which report to you through your immediate subordinates. Functional Supervision Indicate by official title those positions which report to you for only a portion of their total job assignments. Equipment Operation What equipment do you operate or repair? 12 Working Conditions Briefly explain any unusual working conditions such as physical effort, hazards, environment, time demands, or stress that are important elements for anyone in this job. Special Requirements Does your job require a certificate, license, degree (Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s) or other special requirement? 13 Additional Information Explain any aspect of your job which you feel has not been covered by the previous questions and which you feel is important in understanding your duties. Signature of Appellant: Date: Signature of Interviewer: Date: 14 Manager Initiated Maintenance Action A Maintenance Action is management initiated. The supervisor believes that the employee’s duties are not properly represented within the current job title or classification. The supervisor submits all required documentation. Procedure: 1) Supervisor submits an updated Position Description (Form 30), current department organizational chart and letter of justification which addresses the following: a) basic purpose of position b) detail the changes in the duties and responsibilities indicating approximate percentages of time spent on each higher level duty c) relationships with others d) nature and purpose of contacts within and outside of department e) problem solving responsibilities f) independent decision making capabilities g) person responsible to assign, review and approve work h) supervisory responsibilities 2) Human Resources reviews all documents, may conduct an on-site audit and renders a written decision. If the Maintenance Action approved, the decision is retroactive to the date complete documentation was received in Human Resource. This decision is final. There is no appeal process for Maintenance Actions. 15 Things to Remember An upgrade is based on significant changes in duties and/or level(s) of responsibility. An upgrade is not based on work performance, merit or length of service in the position. An upgrade is not based on work volume. i.e. “I process 20 purchase orders per month when previously I processed 5.” An upgrade is not based on method changes. i.e. “I enter time and attendance using PeopleSoft when previously I submitted attendance forms.” The updated position description (Form 30), which is submitted as part of the classification review, will be placed on file as the official job description regardless of the review outcome. 16 POSITION DESCRIPTION, FORM 30 - STATE Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1. POSITION TITLE 2. APPROPRIATION OR AGENCY CODE POSITION TITLE CODE AGENCY POSITION NO. SALARY DATE PREPARED 3. GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4. SUPERVISION RECEIVED (Name and title of person from whom incumbent receives direction) 5A. DIRECT REPORTING STAFF 5B. THEIR STAFF 6. DETAILED STATEMENT OF DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 7. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED AT HIRE (List knowledge, skills, abilities) 8. QUALIFICATIONS ACQUIRED ON JOB (List knowledge’s, skills, abilities) 17 9. MINIMUM ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS 10. LICENSE AND/OF CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS REMARKS : Carol D. Santos Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources SIGNATURE OF APPOINTING AUTHORITY TITLE The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth AGENCY INITIALS OF INCUMBENT PREPARED BY DATE INITIALS SUPERVISOR 18 DATE Guidelines for Developing Job Duties and Responsibilities Each Duty should indicate an action: What is being performed, how is it being performed and the purpose of the action. Here are some examples: 1. (What) Processes the agency’s payroll expenditures (How) by verifying the accuracy of time sheets and entering adjustments into the computer system (Why) to ensure that employee salaries, leave balances and payroll deductions are accurate and comply with system instructions and provisions of applicable collective bargaining agreements. 2. (What) Keeps an inventory of agency equipment and supplies (How) by maintaining an inventory database and updating equipment and supply records (Why) for accurate tracking of equipment location, supply usage, and receipt of new supplies. 3. (What) Administers the agency’s telephone system (How) by instructing agency staff in use of equipment, testing and making simple repairs to faulty equipment, and maintaining a telephone database (Why) to keep the telephone system functioning properly. 4. (What) Identifies the need for additional equipment, supplies, or telephones (How) by conferring with the other agency staff (Why) to determine the impact of planned new programs on the agency’s physical resources. Duties should be listed in priority order. Begin each duty with an action verb. Type, Process, Track, Enter, etc….. Qualifications Required at Hire must be derived directly from the Massachusetts State Classification Specifications. This section can not be altered. These specifications can be found 19 TO COMPLY WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT PREPARE JOB DESCRIPTIONS USING THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. ADA stresses the positive- an individual’s ability to work once allowances are made for any disability. A qualified individual with a disability is an individual with a disability who satisfies a job’s skill, experience, education and other jobrelated requirements and who can perform the essential functions of the job either with or without “reasonable accommodation.”* 1. List the essential functions of the job first. The EEOC defines essential functions as the “fundamental job duties”- FUNCTIONS CRITICAL TO THE JOB as contrasted with the “marginal functions of the position”. Also look at the PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS of the job. Include language, as necessary, concerning vision, hearing, speech, physical, environmental etc…. as it relates to performing the essential functions. Job applicants should review job descriptions in order to understand what the job entails. 2.Start each duty statement with an action verb 3. Avoid describing duties using the phrases such as “ability to”, “able to”, “responsible for”, “assists with” or “manages”. These broad guidelines, used in conjunction with the Commonwealth’s Human Resources Division’s “How To Write A Duties Statement” and the Commonwealth’s Human Resources Division Classification Specifications, will provide sound job descriptions. Please call Human Resources at x 8060 for further assistance if needed. *The definition of a disabled employee in Title 1 of the ADA follows the definition as written in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 20