Deep Dive: Desktop Metaphors, Icons, Window Managers Lecture 5: Brad Myers

Lecture 5:
Deep Dive: Desktop Metaphors,
Icons, Window Managers
Brad Myers
05-440/05-640: Interaction Techniques
Spring, 2016
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Quiz 2
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Homework turn-in on paper in class on
Due before lecture starts
Remember guest lecturer next Monday
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Paned Windows were first
Probably lots of systems?
Bravo (Xerox PARC editor), 1974
Emacs, 1976 by Richard Stallman and Guy L.
Steele, Jr., etc.
Easy to implement, useful to see multiple
documents at the same time
Same document or different documents
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Alan Kay proposed the idea of overlapping
windows in his 1969 doctoral thesis
Overlapping windows first appeared in
1974 in the Smalltalk’74 system
Also used popup windows, scroll bars, etc.
I worked with Smalltalk in 1977
Did not update windows when covered –
brought the window to the top
Only one window could update at a time
Top window is the “focus” or “listener”
Menu of window manager commands,
including: Top, Bottom, Reframe, Resize,
Move, Close, etc.
Then use mouse for parameters
© 2016 - Brad Myers
InterLisp-D, Tajo (XDE), etc.
Many other Xerox PARC systems quickly
adopted covered windows, with various
Tajo (XDE) was the programming
environment in which Star was
developed (1975)
Also had simple icons (“tiny windows”)
Different buttons on different parts of
title bar did different actions
 Chording of 2 buttons = middle button
Interlisp-D (1980)
Windows without title bars
Window groups (attachments)
Shrink into “icons”
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Spatial Data Management
System (SDMS)
MIT “Architecture Machine Group”
Display everything you want on
an infinite sheet, and scroll around
One monitor for “world view”, big screen for
area of current interest
Semantic zooming
First system to put calculators, address
books, etc. on the screen
Multi-media support: pictures, text, video, audio
Required lots of expensive and special-purpose
now MIT Media Lab
Small touch screens, joysticks, 3D finger
trackers, large rear-projected displays
Redone as Pad (1993) and Pad++ (1994)
“Multi-scale architectures”
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Pygmalion: A Computer Program
to Model and Stimulate Creative
David Canfield Smith’s PhD thesis,
First large system implemented
in Smalltalk
Invented the name “icon”
Small graphic symbols that represent
something else
Have capability of doing something,
name, contents,
Also drag and drop of icons
See guest lecture from last time
© 2016 - Brad Myers
David Smith video, 2014
Drawing diagrams on a
whiteboard until looked right
Then code in a language
This translation introduced errors
Try to execute blackboard diagrams
Implemented in Smalltalk on Alto
1975: Pygmalion – invented 2 things
Name based on Russian Orthodox
religious symbols
Embody some of the properties of what is
So more than just a picture
Drag-and-drop icons to demonstrate the
data flow
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Xerox Star
First system to provide desktop metaphor
2 columns of
3 windows each
Big display so
“didn’t need”
“Viewpoint” – later
version (1985) –
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Xerox Star – David C. Smith
Goal to help “knowledge workers” use computers
Applied idea of using icons
Office icons – for things around his office:
Folder, file cabinet, clock, etc.
Distributed file system
“Machine semantics” – attributes and
methods for each object
Attributes: name, creator, contents
Methods – create, delete, drop-on
Data icons vs. function icons (documents, folders
vs. printer, in-box/out-box)
“Envelop” for addressee, etc. for email
More “desktop metaphor” than currently
David didn’t draw the icons!
Metaphors – balance between familiarity & power
Can add extra functionality, like sorting, searching
Help make it seem familiar, non-threatening
Claims that iPhone’s aren’t “icons” & are not metaphorical & no drag11
and-drop for operations
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Xerox Star Keyboard Commands
Very few “commands” for very rich functionality
~24 total, used everywhere
Text, drawings
Only 1 way to do things
“Move” command was
foundation of whole
“Rule of 2”
Got rid of lots of commands
Were modal
Create by copy
“Transfer sheets” of
templates (more of the metaphor)
 Property sheets (David C. Smith invented these too!)
 Optimizations of common operations at top of keyboard
© 2014 - Brad Myers
Another Xerox PARC (research) system
Influential tiled design, with icons
1982, 1983
Many commands
to manipulate
New windows
put at bottom of
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Andrew System
From CMU’s “Information Technology Center” (ITC) –
where Cyert Hall is now
Fully funded by IBM
Jim Morris hired from Xerox to be the head
Key contributions:
Distributed file system
Component model for
operating systems
Tiled window system
Automatic algorithm for
where and how much to
No icons – shrink to title bar
Elaborate popup menu
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Lisa and Macintosh
1983, 1984
Larry Tesler’s talk from last time (assigned with text editing)
Popularized the desktop metaphor
Covered windows
Windows that are covered can update (e.g., clock)
Listener (focus) window always comes to the top (click-to-type)
Could only grow a
window from bottom
right corner
Icons for files, folders,
Not other actions like
printing, emailing, etc.
Animations so actions
more apparent
Rounded corners
© 2016 - Brad Myers
My window system for PERQ, 1984
Screen Allocation Package Providing
Helpful Icons and Rectangular
No graphic designer, so I made the
icons and cursors myself
Press down to preview, release to
operate, move before release to abort.
Becomes a mode, with the cursor as
Grow and move handles
All operations also from keyboard
Listener window could be covered
Icons for all
shows progress,
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Windows 1.0 released
in Nov, 1985
Windows 2.0 was overlapping 1987
Resize window from any side or
corner, move from title bar
Windows 1
Tiled window manager
from Wikipedia
Scott McGregor from PARC (Cedar)  Microsoft
Interesting history:
Window menu from upper left icon
All operations from keyboard
Windows 3.0 in 1990, 3.1 in 1992
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Henderson & Card, 1986
Influential research system from Xerox PARC
Collections of groups of windows:
“a suite of virtual workspaces”
Same window could be in multiple groups
Designed to support
different tasks
Different backgrounds
so can tell them apart
“Doors” to go from
one to another
Overview to see & go
to all of the rooms
Macintosh “spaces”
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Newer Window Features
Windows 95 (1995) added task bar
Macintosh OS X added Dock (1999)
Open applications
Separate part as launcher
Also Start menu
Both open and not open applications
At some point (when?), zooming so more will fit
Spotlight – quick search by name
Tabs – code editors & browsers
What else?
© 2016 - Brad Myers
PDAs and Smartphones
Palm, iPhone, Android:
Only 1 window at a time
Icons of applications to start them
No files
Palm – scroll to see the rest
Dock for 4 icons
Folders of icons
Newer: search for icons by name
But doesn’t show where they are 
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Study: Tiled vs. Overlapping
Sara A. Bly and Jarrett K. Rosenberg. “A Comparison of Tiled and Overlapping Windows,”Human Factors in
Computing Systems, Proceedings SIGCHI'86. Boston, Mass, Apr, 1986, 1986. pp. 101-106.
Old comparison
People spent a lot of time arranging windows
If tiled configuration showed right
stuff, it is faster
But awkward to manually configure
tiled windows
People generally don’t like “smart”
UIs that aren’t “smart enough”
Implementation effort on tiled layout
algorithm often more complex than
graphics algorithms to clip to windows
© 2016 - Brad Myers
New Research on Desktops, 1
Continues to be research on icons & desktops
Morgan Dixon, James Fogarty, and Jacob Wobbrock. 2012. A general-purpose
target-aware pointing enhancement using pixel-level analysis of graphical interfaces.
In Proceedings CHI '12. ACM,
Cursor expands to capture nearest individual object
Most helpful when targets are not dense
“Effective width” (EW) of target increases
© 2016 - Brad Myers
New Research on Desktops, 2
Stephen Fitchett, Andy Cockburn, and Carl Gutwin. 2013. Improving navigation-based file
retrieval. CHI ‘2013. ACM,
Stephen Fitchett, Andy Cockburn, Carl Gutwin, “Finder Highlights: Field Evaluation and Design
of an Augmented File Browser”, CHI’2014,
File browser navigation measured to be slow: “12 seconds per retrieval for
Mac users and more than 17 seconds for Windows users [5].”
Current approaches: recently used lists, full-text search of disk
3 augmentations:
Highlighting the predicted icons
Hover menus for most likely content items to be selected
Combined search-based navigation: highlighting
items that match search
© 2016 - Brad Myers
Research Ideas for the
Future of the Desktop?
Replacing application-centric view with datacentric view?
Has never worked before
I talked about an “Open Data Model” in 1998
Speech as “meta control” of applications
Multi- and cross-application operations
Siri and Google Now
© 2016 - Brad Myers