UW-Eau Claire University Center Steering Meeting Meeting Minutes August 11, 2009 S202 8:00 – Noon Tim Lauer, Charles Farrell, Terry Classen, Rick Gonzales, Tim Luttrell, Ray Maggi, Jim Boulter, Kate Hale Wilson, Ash Sadek, Buck Barker, Chris Hackner ACTION ITEMS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS: Bray/Burt Hill Widen hallway by Alumni Room Add curve to opening of staircase or staircase itself Slide doors to egress stairway back on third floor Put sink and sanitizer in break areas on second floor organization complex Provide timeline on construction and impact on Nursing Add display areas on second floor and third floor for students Add buffer by Cabin by turnaround for the loading dock Check on need for additional exit for The Cabin and media room Expand recycling area Flip the electrical and chilled water/steam rooms Evaluate having a P.A. system in building Set up meeting to discuss the loading dock Charles Farrell Provide inventory of current furniture to be used in new building – evaluation is still underway Meet with Kim Way to discuss Circle of Excellence wall Committee Give Nursing a timeline on construction Meet with biology and other pertinent departments regarding Little Niagara Set up meeting with Sciences Chancellor Meet with members of the community and City Council 1. The committee reviewed the status of the action items from the July 21 meeting. 2. Development Checklist - It will be submitted on August 28 and go to the Plan Commission on September 14. The City Council should review it on September 21. These dates are approximate and will need to be verified. 3. A parking study is not needed for this project, but the University needs to do one internally. Kate Hale thought a pedestrian driven campus was the direction the campus should go. The city has a new transportation director that the university needs to meet with. 4. Terry has a concern that the design team cannot keep resubmitting the same project to the Plan Commission. Dates and times of those meetings need to be provided to committee members via Burt/Bray Hill. At the meeting the engineering team presents first with the student body and the Chancellor adding their support. Buck Barker will check to see if there is any anticipation of problems and get a checklist to Ash to be forwarded to the committee. 5. Buck Barker showed a detailed grading plan. The primary issue was maintaining the flood plain area around the building. Tim Luttrell asked for the loading dock not be depressed because then it would be necessary to treat the water that accumulates in the ramp. Buck recommended putting filters in that area to capture oil and grease. Questions were raised on the sustainability of filters and cost of added maintenance. Buck will check on the cost of filters and how long they last. Tim Luttrell raised several questions on the loading dock. The main concern was ramping. Another question was would it be possible for trucks to hit the second floor if the ramp was raised. 6. A layout for the loading dock area is needed. Tim Luttrell again stated he would prefer it is not depressed. 7. Ray Maggi went over where the recycling station, composter and dumpsters will sit in regards to the loading dock. Tim Luttrell thought the space between the wall and the dumpster, approximately four feet, was not adequate. Discussion on location of dumpsters in regards to back door. Will redesign per Tim’s comments. 8. Road in front of Nursing was discussed. Is there a need for a sidewalk on the university center side across from Nursing? It was suggested to move the crossing to go more towards the southeast entrance. 9. Road and sidewalk on the Nursing side will need to be raised approximately one foot to ensure the entire roadway meets the requirements for dry land access. The campus will need to inform Nursing of this need. 10. It will be necessary to put a railing on the sidewalk in front of Nursing to the back parking lot during construction. Putting a temporary sidewalk on the east side of the Nursing building is another option. Members of the committee that include the Chair and the Campus Planner need to meet with Nursing and discuss how this will affect them and what options may be available. This would only be during the summer while utilities are being completed. Raising the sidewalk in front of Nursing will also be done as a permanent change. 11. Changing the front door of Nursing externally could be considered an option but this project will not pick up the cost. 12. Sustainable Checklist – Ray distributed the updated checklist. Originally there were 39 yes’s, 10 maybes and 13 nos. Ray felt the building could be a strong silver LEED. With some of the changes that have been made, Bray/Burt Hill feels there are approximately 35 total points. Additions that could increase the points include: a. 4.1 Try to get the city to increase public transportation. b. 4.2 Members of the committee including but not limited to the Chair, the Campus Planner, and possibly Susan Harrison could address changing rooms with Nursing to see if they would have room in their building. c. 4.3 Dedicate areas of parking to fuel efficient vehicles, but lose more parking spaces. d. 7.1 Heat Island Effect, Non-Roof – This we will now be able to take as a credit. e. 7.2 is now a no. Putting in a solar conductor would not help gain a point on this item. f. Water use was reduced 20%. Can we attain 30%? g. Energy & Atmosphere – Optimizing energy performance gave us 7 points. 13. Ash will send Tim Luttrell the Enhanced Commissioning information from LEED. 14. Tim Luttrell also requested information on measurement and verification from the Energy & Atmosphere section of LEED. 15. Green power – Xcel Energy says the University is at 25% renewable energy. Terry will check on how the committee can get that information. 16. Additions to increase points also include: a. Material & Resource – 2.1 The University will get all the credits from the deconstruction of the Davies Center. b. The building will get credit for locally produced and manufactured products. c. Rapidly renewable materials will be looked at to see if we can get credit for this, i.e. bamboo. d. 3.1 and 3.2 and 7.1 are now nos. e. 3.2 Plan to flush building for one month – Can the building get this point? f. 4.4 should also be a maybe. g. 7.1 also turned into a maybe. h. Innovation & Design Process – This project will not redevelop Little Niagara. i. The committee needs to find out more information on getting credit for tray less dining. j. If the University is composting does this qualify for a credit. 17. After discussing the issues above, Ray thought there could be a possibility of getting 42 LEED points. 18. The University is staying with version 2.2 of LEED certification. 19. The President’s Climate Commitment has not set an implementation date. 20. Room Finish Schedule – Bray/Burt Hill wanted the completed room finish schedule. Charles had completed it, but was concerned about comments from the July 21 meeting. The schedule is just preliminary and there will be opportunities to change it. 21. Charles provided preliminary flooring recommendations. Vertical choices for the building are still needed. 22. The committee discussed having a “fun” conference room. It was agree the conference room in the student organizations area would be suited for that purpose. 23. The finish on the ballrooms will be wood ceiling, carpeting and engineered wood flooring for the dance floor. 24. There will be future discussions with an acoustical engineer. 25. Flooring choices were reviewed as follows: a. The storage areas will be sealed concrete. b. Electrical and computer closets should be sealed concrete. c. Staircase finishes were decided. First to second floor should have a dry wall finish. The stairway on the east south side of the building will be upgraded more than the other stairways. d. The auditorium needs to be addressed with the acoustical engineer. e. The second floor main corridor should be terrazzo with carpeting. f. Change the non-traditional lounge to carpet. g. The second floor of the bookstore should be epoxy flooring. h. Wood floor in cabin and carpet in all the lounge space. i. Carpet tile in retail space. j. Kitchen will be epoxy flooring. k. Spec needs to say mount things over the epoxy versus putting epoxy around fixtures. l. Dining area on first floor should be terrazzo and carpeting. m. Terrazzo in vending area. 26. Discussion of materials and finishes are important so the design team can do estimates based on these selections. This is not the final choice on selections. Budget and other issues may require changes to the current selections. 27. Ash introduced Chris Hackner from Focus on Energy. They will do energy modeling of the building. His company is funded by utility companies. They will assign an energy consultant to work with designers and engineers. They look at anything that affects the energy used by the building. Incentive is paid upon implementation to the university. Watt usage per square foot is also looked at. 28. Ash brought up the modifications Charles requested as it relates to the second floor administrative areas. The plans are currently fixed and changes will be addressed in September. 29. Ash thought there was an issue with the exterior of the south side of the building per conference call with Burt/Bray Hill. If this is an issue with the committee, there needs to be written documentation sent to Bray/Burt Hill as to what the specific concerns are. 30. Bray/Burt Hill and Tim Luttrell felt there should be written documentation on any requests from the committee. 31. The lift station has been evaluated. The results stated the lift station can handle the load with some minor modifications that will need to be included in this project. 32. The soil report came back stating 6 – 8 feet of soil needs to be removed if specific foundation systems are selected for use on the facility. Not all foundation systems require this soil removal. There will be two different methods of foundations evaluated before a decision is made. 33. Bray/Burt Hill is pushing JDR to get the ceiling heights as high as possible. 34. Fire pumps are not needed in the building. 35. The committee needs to talk to Nursing about traffic and other construction issues. 36. Meeting adjourned.