Protocol The status of assignments will be kept on the web. To protect identity, you will be assigned a UNIQUE 3 character code. That is the only identifier that will be used. Your NAME & CODE must be on every assignment. No ID code = no credit. Period. Keep papers flat. (NO folding.) Staple if necessary. (NO tearing edge to hold together.) Write only on one side. (NO name or other information on the back.) Only one assignment should be on a page. If multiple assignments are turned in, place each on a separate page. You do the assignments on time, and you will excel with a high probability of an A. This is fun stuff, if you will let it to be. We will do some different things, I promise you will not do in any other class. We are a TEAM. Let’s work together to make this a pleasant learning experience. Pre-Quiz State the reason you are taking the class. Write it out, not just the number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Easy A Like logic and controls Required, no particular interest in logic Required, interest in computers & controls Give other reason Chapter 1 Introduction It is about numbers 0 & 1 • • • • Logic = Philosophy Mathematical process Binary number system Only two digits – 0 & 1 Algebra Just another one Different number system Same rules Note that the number one less than 2n consists of n 1’s (for example, 24 – 1 = 1111 = 15 and 25 – 1 = 11111 = 31). Binary Addition 0+0=0 0+1=1 1+0=1 1+1=10 This is a sum of 0, with a Carry to next bit Hexadecimal numbers Binary in groups of four 24 = 16 A B C D E F Weighted codes: 8, 5, 2; sum of each digit times its weight. 8*a + 4*b + 2*c + 1*d =??? XS3: decimal is binary equivalent +3; Decimal 0 = binary 3 (011) 2/5: error checking; each number has two 1’s and 2 0’s Other codes: ASCII; ASCII 30 = Decimal 1, 31 = 1, etc includes letters and controls 5421 & XS3: 10’s complement is complementing each bit and adding 1, like 2’s comp Homework The Practice test at the end of each chapter Due each Thursday after the chapter is completed.