AN AWARENESS TOOL FOR ASYNCHRONOUS, DISTRIBUTED WORKGROUPS Jonathan J. Cadiz, Robert E. Kraut, F. Javier Lerch, Susan R. Fussell, Matthew M. McNally and William L. Scherlis Human-Computer Interaction Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA USA +1 412 268 7694 ABSTRACT Members of interdependent work groups must coordinate their efforts in intricate ways. These coordination efforts are more successful if team members can stay aware of the state of their team, its tasks, and its environment. A major design goal for tools supporting distributed workgroups is to keep members apprised of important changes without distracting them from their focal tasks. Passive awareness tools coming from the Computer Supported Cooperative Work tradition have only explored a small part of the design space. This paper describes The Awareness Monitor, a tool that provides passive awareness. We discuss design criteria for providing passive awareness and show how The Awareness Monitor addresses those criteria. Keywords Work groups, coordination, situational awareness, passive awareness, cognitive overload, computer-mediated communication, awareness devices tool designed to support passive awareness for small work groups. We discuss design criteria for providing passive awareness and show how The Awareness Monitor addresses those criteria. DESIGN CRITERIA AWARENESS PROVIDING PASSIVE Limitations on human attention are a major constraint on tools designed to support passive awareness for distributed work groups. The major problem is that the information needed to maintain awareness of team, task, and environment may overwhelm team members and distract them from actually doing work. It is difficult, for example, to write one’s section of a document if one is continually checking on a teammates’ progress or to organize a response to competitors if one is always monitoring their product plans. Thus, the effective design of tools for passive awareness must answer two questions: 1. What information is most valuable to provide to the team and what can be ignored? 2. How should information be presented so that it is available when needed, without distracting people from their focal tasks? INTRODUCTION Members of managerial task forces, software engineering teams, flight crews, and other interdependent work groups must coordinate their efforts in intricate ways to be successful. There is substantial evidence that if team members can stay aware of the state of the team, task, and environment they will be more successful (e.g., [1, 5, 6]). FOR What information is it useful for a team to monitor? To achieve this awareness, teams often rely heavily on active communication to inform each other about status and plans. Teams can also rely on passive monitoring of the work and the environment to maintain awareness. When groups are co-located, getting information requires little active effort, and members can maintain passive awareness simply by monitoring activities going on around them. However, the task of passively monitoring information about the task, the team, or its environment is substantially more difficult for distributed work groups and requires some degree of technological support. The information that will be important to a group depends crucially on the tasks that the particular group and the tasks it needs to perform. The architecture of the Awareness Monitor separates task specific information from generic rules for reasoning about and displaying this information. The version of the Awareness Monitor described here was designed for business students at Carnegie Mellon University participating in a realistic business simulation called the Management Game In this simulation, five to six member teams run a virtual consumer-products company. Teams compete with one another over the course of a simulated two-year business period condensed into 14 actual weeks. A long-standing goal in both the information retrieval (IR) and the Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) communities is to develop tools that support passive awareness. This paper describes The Awareness Monitor, a During the simulation, teams make decisions regarding the nature, production, distribution, and financing of their products (watches).They must also, in a series of reports and presentations, present their companies’ strategies to an (for example, a teammate, the price of a company’s stock , or an Excel spreadsheet) and a set of rules to specify how that data should be watched. Each monitor displays a seven point scale, which is the system’s recommendation for the amount of attention the user should pay to a particular information source. To support the students in the Management Game business simulation, monitors can be created to watch several types of data, including: Changes to files in the students’ shared directory The current prices of firms in the stock market The amount of shares traded for each firm The current net worth of the user The status of the user’s proposals to sell or buy stock (“asks” and “bids”) The values of cells on Excel spreadsheets How should information to maintain passive awareness be presented? Figure 1: The main window of the awareness device. The tree is composed of monitors (“Net Worth”, “Marketing”) and monitor groups (“Team Assets”, “Sales”). external boards of directors comprised of local business people. Furthermore, the simulation is punctuated by crises such as lawsuits and threats of work stoppages that call for rapid mobilization of effort and quick responses. In addition to managing their team’s firm, students also trade shares of other teams’ companies in a simulated stock marketStudents’ grades are based on their team’s performance and on the performance of their stock portfolio in the simulated stock market. Four types of information are important for each student to monitor: information about the behavior of their teammates, about status of their firm, about their firm’s competitors, and about the firms in their stock market. This information is available to students in three ways: (1) students can observe teammates and communicate with them, getting a wealth of information through direct communication, (2) students can access the simulated stock market via the World Wide Web to see the current prices of each firm’s stock; (3) at the end of each simulated business quarter, several Excel spreadsheets are made available that outline numerous variables describing the status of the simulated world and every firm (e.g., market share, currency exchange rates, and profits). The Awareness Monitor provides methods to monitor all three sources of information. Figure 1 shows the main window of The Awareness Monitor. The basic unit is a monitor, which represents a combination of a piece of data The goal of an awareness tool is to help teams monitor changes to important resources while imposing minimally on their attention. Balancing informativeness and intrusiveness is a difficult design challenge [2, 3]. While work on information visualization attempts to display a large amount of information in a form that users can use (e.g., [8]), minimizing attention demands is rarely a design criterion. There has been no systematic research we are aware of identifying design principles for passive awareness displays. We hypothesize, however, that successful displays will support asynchronous presentation, aggregation, decomposition, proportionality, and customizability, in addition to other properties not yet identified. Asynchronous presentation By providing information asynchronously one may reduce attentional demands without reducing the usefulness of the information (e.g., [4]). Because the receivers can fit asynchronous messages into their task schedules, an increase in volume of asynchronous messages leads to substantially less overload than an comparable increase in synchronous messages. The Awareness Monitor allows for both synchronous and asynchronous presentation. The Awareness Monitor can be used asynchronously by hiding the main window (Figure 1) and only checking it when necessary, much like a person may check for e-mail. The main window can also be used synchronously if it is kept visible constantly; however, the size of the window makes such use impractical. For this reason, The Awareness Monitor also provides a small ticker window (Figure 2) which can be placed on the desktop and set to stay visible no matter what the user is doing. The ticker window cycles through the monitors by fading from one item to the next or by scrolling the items across the Figure 2: The ticker window. This window cycles through the monitors by fading from one item to the next or by scrolling items across the window. The specific piece of information for each monitor (e.g., current stock price) can be hidden to minimize the amount of screen space used. window, allowing the user to glance up at the window and receive notifications of the current state of data being watched by The Awareness Monitor. A display that slowly changes is likely to be less intrusive than one that presents the individual changes directly. Aggregation A display capable of displaying a summary of changes is less likely to be intrusive than an interface that displays a larger number of individual changes. For example, rather than presenting each message in order in a user’s electronic mailbox, the databases used in several organizational memory systems consolidate all messages on a particular topic and provide an indicator to potential users of the volume of messages [7]. The Awareness Monitor accomplishes aggregation through the use of monitor groups. Individual monitors can be organized into groups, which are assigned a summary bar graph icon. For example, in Figure 1, “Net Worth” and “Asks & Bids” are the monitors than make up the “Stock Portfolio” monitor group. Monitor groups allow the user to see a summary of changes to a category of information. each monitor: more activity causes more bars to appear. For example, a monitor that watches for a firm’s stock market trading volume will have a number of bars proportional to the amount of shares that have been traded for that firm. Customizability Because team members have different roles and tasks within a group, awareness tools must allow people to keep aware of different information using different weights. The Awareness Monitor allows for this type of customizability via a five-point importance scale that is a part of every monitor. Recall that a monitor is a combination of a piece of data and a set of rules. The five-point relative importance rating is part of a monitor’s rule set. An example set of rules for watching an Excel spreadsheet cell is shown in Figure 3. The top half of each rule set dialog box is the same for all monitors: all rules are assigned an importance rating using the slider bar in the upper left-hand corner. Because the importance of an item often changes over time (for instance, when an item has a deadline associated with it), the upper right-hand portion of the dialog box displays the deadline attached to the monitor, as well as a graph of how the importance of the item changes over time. Clicking the button with the importance graph brings the user to the dialog box shown in Figure 4. This dialog box allows the user to modify the deadline and the way in which the importance changes over time. The bottom half of the rule set dialog box consists of the Decomposition Users need a mechanism to view the individual changes that have contributed to an aggregate level of importance; they need to be able to move smoothly between aggregate and individual data sources. The Awareness Monitor addresses decomposition in two ways: first, users can expand monitor groups to see how each individual monitor is contributing to the aggregate bar graph icon; second, The Awareness Monitor provides a piece of specific information for each monitor (for example, the current price of a company’s stock or the current value of an Excel cell). When a monitor is selected, this piece of information is shown in the status bar at the bottom lefthand corner of the main window (Figure 1). The time at the bottom right-hand corner is the last time the information was updated. The piece of information attached to each monitor is also displayed in the ticker window (Figure 2), although the information can be hidden to minimize the screen space used by the ticker. Proportionality Aggregated displays need to be constructed so that larger or more important changes in the environment register larger changes in the user interface. This criterion is addressed by The Awareness Monitor by the amount of bars shown with Figure 3: An example of a rule set for watching a cell in an Excel spreadsheet. The top portion of all rule sets is the same whereas the bottom portion differs according to the type of the rule set. identifying the useful information, identifying principles for information display, and understanding the utility of these tools on the effectiveness of team performance. We are deploying The Awareness Monitor in the Management Game in September and will have evaluation data to report at CSCW. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Jason Reisman and Tim Canfield developed the software to monitor changes that occur within a Microsoft Windows NT file system. This research was supported by a contract from the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency. REFERENCES Figure 4: The dialog box used to set a deadline for a rule set as well as the way in which importance changes over time. events to watch. Whereas defining the importance is the same for each rule set, the “events to watch” portion of each rule set is different for each type of data (for example, the possibilities for monitoring a team member are different than the possibilities for monitoring a cell on an Excel spreadsheet). The monitor capable of watching Excel spreadsheet cells is noteworthy in relation to the criterion of customization because it allows students to program complex decision rules about combinations of information to track. The complexity of these decisions can then be hidden by The Awareness Monitor. Adaptability Because the value that users put on information will change with time, they need a mechanism to explicitly indicate their current preferences. Because preferences can be revealed through behavior, rules that adapt to recent changes in their viewing behavior would ease the interface burden of keeping preferences updated. Currently The Awareness Monitor does allow explicit indications of preferences through the five-point importance scale, but it does not analyze user behavior to adjust the interface. NEXT STEPS To date, most CSCW research on awareness tools has been inventive, but ad hoc. We need more systematic research on 1. Cannon-Bowers, J. A., Salas, E., & Converse, S. A. (1993). Shared mental models in expert decision-making teams. In N. J. Castellan, Jr. (Ed.), Current issues in individual and group decision making (pp. 221-246). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 2. Fish, R. S., Kraut, R. E., Root, R. W., Rice, R. (1993). Evaluating video as a technology for informal communication. Communications of the ACM, 36(1), 48-61 3. Hudson, S. E. & Smith, I. (1996). Techniques for addressing fundamental privacy and disruption tradeoffs in awareness support systems. Proceedings, Computer Supported Cooperative Work ’96. NY: ACM Press. 4. Kraut, R. E. & Attewell, P. (1997). Media use in a global corporation: Electronic mail and organizational knowledge. In S. Kiesler (Ed.) Research milestones on the information highway. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 5. Orasanu, J. (1990). Shared mental models and crew performance. Laboratory of Cognitive Science. Technical Report #46. Princeton University. 6. Orasanu, J & Salas, E. (1993). Team decision making in complex environments. In G. Klein, J. Orasanu, & R. Calderwood (Eds.), Decision Making in Action: Models and Methods. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Co. 7. Orlikowski, W. J. (1996). Improvising organizational transformation over time. A situated change perspective. Information Systems Research. 71, 63-92 8. Tufte, Edward R. (1990). Envisioning Information. New Haven, CT: Graphics Press.