Engineering Management A Course for Survival Marcus O Durham, PhD, PE University of Tulsa Tulsa, OK Robert A Durham, PE D2 Tech Solutions, Inc. Tulsa, OK Rosemary Durham THEWAY Corp Tulsa, OK Abstract Engineering survival & success Depends on many skills In addition to technology Gordian Knot Class looks at topics – Professionalism to ethics – Presentation to people skills – Project management to international cultures More impot than ever – Engineering environment very dynamic – Frequent transitions between employer – & job function Assessments Numerous personality styles Needs & motivation Changing int’l face of upper level – Cultural nuances – Remote management Industrial interaction – Quality – Legal Not one text available Engineering Management Almost an oxymoron • Engr train to deal w/ things & how work • Mgt train to deal w/ people & how to work First engr semesters: pre-business Engr well-adapted to business? Engr perceived as difficult Reality Engr one of best backgrounds for mgt skills Engr quick learner & analytical Studies Carnegie Foundation – >30 years of surveys – 60% of engr degree become • Mgr or businessmen • w/in 15 yrs Cleland & Kogaolu – 40% of industrial execs – 34% of all top corporate managers in US – Have engr education Universal Symbol Unfortunately many engrs lower value of mgt Find reality of universal engr symbol $ All engr units convert to it If project cannot be converted to money It is unlikely to develop Book 1. Dichotomy between engr & mgt 2. Very difficult to find truly cross-sectional book 3. Business type writes focus on cash, money, financial risk mgt 4. Tech type writes focus on technology & not people 5. Very few text books of any persuasion focus on people 6. Joint venture - online university professor vice-president international engr firm image consultant Publish People Skills Where most engr have greatest shortcomings Simply not been part of process or education Naïve engr disdain need – Soft science & unimportant – Doomed to stagnation People do business with people they like. Engr Dale Carnegie Guru of modern people skills How to Win Friends & Influence People 1939 & still going 3rd mantra Find out what people want & help them to get it In the process, you will get what you want Real Objective Move from engr & mgt to leadership Leader know why, mgr know what, engr know how Mgr does things right, leader does right things Hire people that know how, Takes a vision or dream to know why Mgr works for someone, Leader is working toward something Mgr is a leader without the vision So What is the Program Chapter headings identify topics Each area designed for one-hour discussion Seven broad sections Not technical – get that elsewhere Assumed people have technical qualifications – Now working on functioning with people. Topics Style Communication Legal Business Ethics Projects Profile Style Tasks How you are wired As inherent as color of eyes Not one is better or worse Two questions? • Are you more task or people oriented? • Are you more outgoing or reserved? Differences are source of much conflict & Lack of performance With training anyone can compensate People Outgoing Reserved Communication Presenting your idea in most effective way & getting feedback More about listening than speaking Perhaps weakest link for tech professionals If can’t communicate, do not have knowledge Numerous vehicles Books, papers, articles, reports, memos, emails, letters, lectures, presentations, phone calls, audio recordings, video, handshake, backslap, touch. Business Life cycle of technology Theory of technology growth Impact on theory of economics W = P Tn Shift in technology cost opens new options Shifts affect people, education, organizations Legal Involves all outside structural constraints Risk mgt: safety, environmental, quality Force technical solution – Not most cost effective – Not highest performance Present litigious environment – Every product suspect Ethics Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626), philosopher The Advancement of Learning “For the end of logic is to teach a form of argument to secure reason and not entrap it; the end of morality is to procure the affections to obey reason, and not invade it…” Bacon asserted it is reasonable & logical to pursue morality. First Inaugural President George Washington “There is not truth more thoroughly established than that there exists in the economy and course of nature an indissoluble union between virtue and happiness” Can ethics & morality be taught? Begs the question, everything is learned Projects Projects are unique in an organization Exist for a set time & purpose Definable cost, schedule, & task PM skill w/ people, dollars, technology PM trade-off time, money, quality Tech training – how things work So, first responders in forensics – By training assume right – Other side also assumes right Profile Dr. Benjamin Franklin 1 of most influential leaders of early republic Businessman, architect of government, diplomat, scientist, philosopher Retired from business at 40 Early technologist experimenter Developed support societies, Junto, to investigate ideas Must continue professional development Does it work? Evaluations of participants are best guage Uniformly positive – “An excellent course for engineering and science students” – “We should have more such courses to improve professional skills helpful in the real world. – “I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It enhanced my communications skills.” Conclusions Engineering is more than technology People skills necessary to survive Engineers are interested in learning these skills With training, engineers are most effective managers Success requires skill with people, dollars, & technology Engineering management is the course for survival QUESTIONS ?