AUDIO CASSETTE LIST--Title A Art of Exceptional Living The; Rohn, Jim; Success/Growth.

Art of Exceptional Living The; Rohn, Jim; Success/Growth.
Art of Meditation, The; Wilde, Stuart; Stress.
Assertiveness Training-For Professionals; Rhode, Helga Psy.D.,
Balancing Work & Family; Covey, Stephen R. Family.
Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior;
Schwartz, J.; Anxiety.
Building Self-Esteem; Nathaniel Branden; Self-Esteem.
Calm Down; Babior, S. and Goldman, C.; Anxiety. (2 copies)
Clearing Your Past; Finney, D.; Success/Growth
College of Lake County Test Anxiety Reduction Tape; (3 copies) test anxiety
Concentration; Konicov, Barry; Academic Issues.
Courage to be Rich; Orman, Suze; Finances.
Course of Winning, The; Waitley, Denis; Success/ Growth. (Vol. 1-15)
#1. Decisive Goal - Setting
#2. Solid Self Discipline
#3. Healthy Self - Esteem
#4. Positive Expectations
#5. Driving Self - Motivation
#6. Super Self - Imaging
#7. Super B Self - Control
#8. Expanding Self - Dimension
#9. Keen Self- Awareness
#10. Charismatic Self - Projection
#11. The Challenge of Change and Growth
#12. Effective Time and Stress Management
#13. Communication Skills and Relationships
#14. Creativity and Courage of Expression
#15. Deligence and Integrity at Work
Creative Weight Management; Yager, Jan Ph.D; Dieting.
Decoding the Masculine Self: Understanding Mature Male Psychology;
Robert Moore; Men’s Issues.
Difficult Conversations; Stone, Patton, Heen; Communication.
Dynamics of Effective Listening, The; Alessandra, Tony; Communication.
Emotional Intelligence; Goleman, Daniel; Rational Self-Talk.
Enhancing Intimacy; Mellott, Roger. Relationships
Essence of Success, The; Volumes 1-10;Nightingale Conant Corporation;
Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway; Jeffers, Susan; Success/Growth.
Fitness for Dummies; Schlosberg, S. & Neporent, L.; Wellness.
Full Esteem Ahead; Loomans Diane, and Loomans Julia. Family issues.
General Relaxation Tape (Deep Breathing Relaxation); College Lake County;
Harville Hendrix Audio Workshop for Couples, The; Hendrix, Harville;
High Impact Communication; Decker, Bert; Communication.
Holiday Coping; By Richard Boyum. Wellness.
How Can I Get Through to You?; Foster, D.Glenn & Marshall, Mary;
How to Be a No-Limit Person; Dryer, Wayne; Success/Growth
(4 Workbooks and 1 book of tapes).
How to Build a Happy Marriage; Lauer, Robert & Jeanette, Relationships
How to Build High Self-Esteem; Canfield, Jack, Self-Esteem
How to Make a Decision; Potentials Unlimited; Decisions/ Problem Solving.
How to Manage Multiple Projects, Meet Deadlines & Achieve Objectives;
Pryor, Fred; Time Management
How To Master Your Time; Tracy, Brian; Time Management.
How To Put More Time In Your Life; Scott, Dru; Time Management.
How To Run A Successful Meeting -- In 1/2 The Time; Frank, Milo;
Time Management.
How To Set And Achieve Goals; Sommer, Bobbe; Success/Growth.
How To Start A Conversation; Gabor, Don; Communication.
I’m OK – You’re OK; Harris, Thomas; Personality.
Insights; Earl Nightingale, Tapes (6) and Manuals; Self Management.
On Intimacy (How to Create a Remarkable Relationship); Lerner, Harriet;
Relationship Issues.
It’s Not Over Until You Win; Brown, Les; Success/Growth.
Life Strategies; McGraw, Philip C.; Success/Growth.
Living the Seven Habits; Covey, Stephen R.; Success/Growth.
Loneliness; Konicov, Barry; Relationship Issues.
Luck Factor (The); Tracy, Brian; Success/Growth.
Making Relationships Last; Dudley, Denise; Relationships.
Manage Your Anger; Lindenfield, Gael; Anger.
Managing Your Stress: How to Relax and Enjoy; Teplitz, Jerry; Stress.
Mars and Venus: Connecting with Your Soul Mate; John Gray's Live
Seminar. Relationship Issues.
Mars and Venus on a Date; Gray, John; Relationship Issues.
Mars and Venus in Love; Gray, John; Relationship Issues.
Master Strategies for Higher Achievement; Tracy, Brian; Success/Growth.
Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus; Gray, John;
Relationship Issues.
Mental Health Info-Pak (Cassette Series); Rogers, Carl; Wellness.
Myself and Others: A Tough and Tender Dialog; Kopp, Sheldon;
Self Esteem.
Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success (The 7 Principles of Personal
Achievement); Hill, Napoleon; Success/Growth.
NDAA Drug Program Tapes; National Altorney Association;
New Dynamics of Goal Setting; Waitley, Denis; Success/Growth.
Office Politic; Kennedy, Marilyn; Work
On Intimacy; Lerner, Harriet; Relationship Issues.
Organized Executive, The; Winston, Stephanie; Time Management.
Overcoming Irrational Fears-How to Overcome Fear of Your Own Thoughts;
Maultsby, Maxie; Rational Self-Talk.
Overcoming Sexual Inadequacy; Neiger, Stephen; Sexuality.
Overwhelmed Coping with Life’s Ups & Downs; Schlossberg, Nancy K.;
Path to High Achievement, The; Griessman, B. Eugene; Success/Growth.
Personal Finance for Dummies; Tyson, Eric; Finances.
Personal Growth; Lisa Ford; Success/Growth.
Personal Insight Library; Nightingale-Conant; Success/Growth
Powertalk!; Robins, Anthony; Success/Growth. Vol. (1-12)
Psychology of Achievement, The; Tracy, Brian; Success/Growth.
Psychology of Winning, The; Waitley, Denis; Success/Growth.
Public Speaking for Dummies; Kushner, Malcom; Communication.
Real Self, The: Identifying the Real Self; Ellsworth, Sterling; Self Esteem.
Recovery Program for Overcoming Panic, Anxiety, & Phobias; Babior,
S. and Goldman, C.; Anxiety.
Richer Life Course, The; (Creative Ideas Manual, Cassette Recordings (11
tapes), and Goal Planner); The Zig Ziglar Corporation; Success/ Growth.
Science of Self Discipline, The; Johnson, Kerry; Success/Growth.
Separation, Divorce, and Beyond; Framo, James; Divorce.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People; Covey, Stephen R. (1994);
Seven Steps to a Smoke-Free Life; Fisher, Edwin B.; Wellness.
Sharkproof; Mackay, Harvey; Career.
Speak for Yourself; Communication.
Speak for Yourself; Learn Incorporated; Assertion
Strategy for Daily Living, A; Kiev, Ari; Success/Growth.
Stress and Behavioral Medicine vol. 2; Schwartz, Gary; Stress.
Stress Management for Professionals; Roger Mellott; Stress.
Success for Dummies; Ziglar, Zig; Success/Growth
Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude; Hill, Napoleon; Success/Growth
Succeeding: What It Takes; Templeton, Charles; Success-growth.
Success Profile, The; Korn, Lester; Success/Growth.
Taking Control of Your Workday; Lohr, Dick; Time Management
(With Workbook)
Ten Stupid Things Men Do to Mess Up Their Lives; Schlessinger, Laura;
Men’s Issues.
Ten Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives; Schlessinger, L.;
Women’s Issues.
Time Management for Dummies; Mayer, Jeffrey J.; Time Management.
Time Strategies of Very Successful People; Griessman, B. Eugene;
Time Management
Timing Is Everything; Waitley, Denis; Success/Growth.
Twelve Life Secrets, The:Your Ultimate Answers to Getting What You
Want; Stuberg, Robert; Success/Growth.
Unlimited Power; Robbins, Anthony; Success/Growth.
Watch Your Drink; AODA.
When Bad Things Happen To Good People; Kushner, H.; Death/ Loss Grief
Who Moved My Cheese; Johnson, Spencer; Work
Working Well; Managing for Health and High Performance; Wellness.
Worry Stoppers (Breathing and Imagery to Calm the Restless Mind);