ENGR 301 #1 apply knowledge #4 broad education (cognitive reasoning methods in examination of problems) #5 multi-disciplinary team #6 professional and ethical responsibility #7 communicate effectively Welcome to Confetti Factory. You are all employees and will each be acting as an employee to manufacture as much confetti as possible. Some of you have been placed on a team associated with a color; that is the color of confetti you are supposed to make. Please read the role statement. You must follow through and act out the entire role statement Who is #3? You have four minutes to deliver as much confetti factory to me, your customer. As your customer, I can reject poor quality deliveries. Factory went bankrupt Did not get a pay check Could not pay bills Spouse left you Bank took your house State took your kids because you can no longer provide for them Dog bit you since you are the only thing left to eat Let’s see how to fix these very real problems and very real personalities which appears in both industry and academia Please read your role statement Brainstorm ways to fix that You are the CEO of Confetti Factory. Your job is to ensure that every color of confetti is mixed together evenly and that each piece is 1 cm2. Unfortunately, you travel a lot and have many commitments. You can only be in the classroom one minute at a time, then you have to into the hall for 30 seconds. Structure Culture: Mission and vision Goals Understand and move through stages of a team Stages of Team Development • Stage 1: • Stage 2: • Stage 3: • Stage 4: Forming Storming Norming Performing Forming • Team members uncertain about roles and expectations • Team members try to assess themselves and others • Reliance on strong, formal leadership • Guidelines for a successful forming stage: – Provide structure to the team by assigning and clarifying task/role – Encourage participation – Share all relevant information – Encourage open, honest communication among team members Storming • Deals with power and decision making. • Members challenge the differences in an attempt to gain their individuality and influence. • The team members need control and sense of direction. • Guidelines: – Assist the team members to establish methods that support the communication of their different points of view. – Determine within the team how the team will make decisions. – Encourage members to share their ideas about issues. – Facilitate methods to resolve conflicts. Norming • • • • Members produce as a cohesive unit. Functional relations are established. Members work collaboratively to gain and share insight. Guidelines: – Talk openly and honestly about team issues and the members’ concerns. – Encourage feedback. – Assign tasks for consensus decision making. Performing • Members have learned to work together. • Members skills to define tasks, manage conflict, and work towards producing results. • The members are committed to the team and its goals. • Guidelines: – Jointly set goals that are challenging and accepted to all members. – Continue to look for ways to promote the team’s chances to excel. – Keep an ongoing assessment of the team. – Acknowledge each member’s contributions. – Develop members to their fullest potential. You are the President of Confetti Factory. Your job is to create policies that everyone must follow. Every minute, erase the previous policy and write a new policy on the board. Make sure all of the managers are following your policy. Did you meet all your managers? Did people follow your policies? Meet all managers Policies – change Change policy Create urgency Form a powerful coalition (find the leaders, not always supervisors) Create and communication vision Remove obstacles Create short-term wins Build on the change Anchor the change in the culture You are the resource manager. Unfortunately, you are color blind (you are hiding this because you know you will be fired if someone finds out), so when someone asks for paper, you must give them opposite color for which they ask (green gets red; blue gets yellow; vice versa, respectively). Who was a victim of this? What did you think? Disclose all information at hiring? Accessible for all Training Life-long development and continuing education You are the Manager of Team Green. Your job is to ensure that all green confetti is made. The more confetti your team makes, the more your year-end bonus will be. Unfortunately, your team can only manufacture if all light sources are turned on. You can only mime words. What did you think of the communication limitations? You are sensitive to light, so wherever you see a light turned on, you must turn it off. You are a member of Team Red, and you need everyone to agree by shaking their heads “yes” to the questions you ask in order to make any confetti. Did you find it hard to get people to agree with you? Does everyone have the resources they need to get their jobs done? Internal competition can destroy companies Apply now: How to make decisions? Use a decision matrix. Decision Matrix Decision Matrix Time Frame Innovation Coolness Factor Weighting Factors 10 10 5 Option A Team member 1 10 3 4 Team member 2 9 5 4 Ranking 19 8 8 Weighting Factors 190 80 40 Option B Team member 1 8 8 10 Team member 2 9 10 9 Ranking 17 18 19 Weighting Factors 170 180 95 In this case, Option B wins. 310 445 You are a member of Team Yellow. You want a promotion, so every 30 seconds, you must make the statement, “I am brilliant and better at making confetti than all of you.” How Praise them: psychology – low self-esteem, so promoting self; give them reassurance Learn from them and teach them I am interested in developing my leadership skills. How about for next week, I am the leader and you can coach me? You just got control You are making them self-reflect; it will change their approach How do you work with an arrogant personality? do you work with a dominating personality? Volunteer to take notes; put in your own ideas; read notes in review; they think your ideas are their ideas You are a member of Team Blue, but you have been doing this job longer and better than your current manager. If you can get the CEO to see how much better you are, you know you will get promoted. You also know that you need to produce more product than any of your teammates, so you are secretly sabotaging them. Did you meet the CEO? How did you sabotage your teammates? Who were the victims? Networking = for the rest of your life Never underestimate the amount of politics and hypocrisy in industry and academia You are a member of Team Green. You have a lot of issues; it is like having one hand tied behind your back – literally. You may only use your nondominant writing hand. How was only using one hand? Does everyone go to work and 100%? Sick kids, car needs repair, and all kinds of other life issues. Everyone has them, but everyone needs to learn to work through it Be understanding but clear on expectations Create a contract: day off; fix issue; if late, low quality work, or absent, then termination or other public discipline If not holding high standards and equally applied = makes everyone else mad Apply this concept now Setup rules and consequences for team: if the founding fathers did it, so can you If late, owe a Starbucks; smile and say, “Grande latte”; standards upheld and no grumpy teammates If missed a meeting, owe dinner. You are the Manager of Team Red. Unfortunately, your team can only manufacture when all desks / chairs are in rows. You are a tyrant manager and can only yell and shake your fists. Did you like being a tyrant? Who was a victim of the yelling? What did you think? No, you do not have take abuse. EEOC, federal agency, will help you with employment issues: harassment and discrimination You are the Manager of Team Blue. Your job is to ensure that all blue confetti is made. Unfortunately, your team can only manufacture when all desks / chairs are in a circle. Every other word you say must be “hey.” What did you think of the desk battle? What did you think of your communication strategy? You are a member of Team Blue. Your job is quality control. Make sure that all confetti is 1 cm2. You are in a bet against Green that your team can make more. Every time you hear the word, “hey,” you must hop on one foot. How much do you hate #10? #10, if you knew, would you have done something else? PRIDE Purpose – set goals; bond via accomplishments Respect – do not have to like each other; do not have to be best friends; respect each other on a professional basis Sun MicroSystems founder, Andy Bechtolsheim, found two people he hated because he knew if the three of them could agree, their product would change the world. They developed Java programming language which changed our interaction with the internet. Individual – teams can be demoralizing because people get lost with no recognition, show appreciation and thank team members Discuss – even the awkward conversations have to happen; no one understands what caused grumpy face…communicate Excellence – always strive to do your best You are a member of Team Yellow. You hate the company and all the people. You are secretly sabotaging everyone by collecting as much confetti as possible and putting it in the trash can. You can only speak in beeps. Does everyone love their company? You are a member of Team Yellow. You love your job and really believe in the mission of the company. You want to ensure there is no waste, so guard the trash can and make sure no one throws anything away. You are not allowed to speak. Did you get any confetti made? #12 hates company; what do you do when you witness this behavior? Document #13 loves company; got so caught up “saving” company did not actually get anything profitable accomplished Understand causes of conflict and how to resolve Differences in Personality Values Perspectives Goals Departmental Ambiguities Allegiance about responsibilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clarify and identify the cause of conflict. Determine the common goal. Determine options. Determine and remove the barriers. Determine solution that everyone can accept. Acknowledge solution: win-win solution. You are a member of Team Green. You are a peace maker, and it is your job to make sure that everyone is happy. You can only speak in letters (no full words). Did you make everyone happy? Bell curve of happiness; don’t waste time on never-evers Either way Never evers Almost always happy You are a member of Blue. You are hoping that you will get a “layoff” package because you hate the company. You say that you are going to do whatever anyone asks of you, but you do the exact opposite. Who was a victim? Expanding thought…have you had a teammate like this person (someone just does not do anything)? Document You must have written evidence; verbal agreements do not hold up After three incidents; pattern of behavior; report to authority figure (boss or professor) Create MEETING MINUTES Meeting minutes Action item (tasks that need to be done) Ensure high quality share the vision; discuss end result For example, build a bridge Who is responsible When it is due How long it will take 80% of all team members believe they have done 80% of the work One member complains did ten things One member complains worked for ten hours Meeting minutes: action item, who is responsible, when due, and how long it will take Do a graphical representation at end of meeting to check Might find one is doing ten things that take an hour each; other is doing one thing that takes ten hours; equal distribution and communicated workload You are the director. It is your job to deliver the final mix of the confetti to the customer. However, you trained team Yellow and are a micromanager: whenever anyone is making yellow confetti, you must literally hang on their shoulder. Who was a victim? Did you enjoy should hanging? How do you deal with a micromanager? What causes someone to become a micromanager? FEAR Send a daily note on what tasks you plan to do Send updates on accomplishments Apply now: Setup buffer deadlines with teammates Never have your deadlines the same as your boss or professor Set deadlines to be at least 24 hours before actual deadline to make adjustments as needed You are a member of Team Red. You have to hold your right foot in your right hand when no one is directly talking to you. What did you think of your role? Some people must be micromanaged. Provide resources. You are a member of Red. You are everyone’s best friend, and you will do anything and everything that anyone asks you to do. Unfortunately, you can only speak in beeps and must shake your head, “no” whenever asked a question. Any victims of this? What did you think? Lesson learned – judge results and actions not words. You are a member of Team Green. You are exhausted. Take all of the green paper and sleep on it. Who saw this? What did you think? Was it fair? You are a member of Team Green, but you are the company tattle-tale. Go around to each person and tell him/her at least one thing that someone else is doing. Who heard the gossip? What did you think? Listen; know; take as half true; don’t spread TOP TEN TEAM BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Reflect on these “roles” It’s real life; be prepared; take preventative measures; run case scenarios of how you will handle it now and later TOP TEN TEAM BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS 2. Share the vision No one can read your mind. Communicate the end product to ensure quality. TOP TEN TEAM BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS 3. Take meeting minutes and ensure even distribution Action item, who is responsible, when it is due, and how long it will take TOP TEN TEAM BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS 4. Document, document, document TOP TEN TEAM BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS 5. Remember PRIDE Purpose Respect Individual Discuss Excellence TOP TEN TEAM BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS 6. Use the stages of team to progress to best performance. TOP TEN TEAM BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS 7. Make a contract: discuss policies for success and expectations which includes rules and consequences TOP TEN TEAM BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS 8. Understand and resolve conflict Don’t ignore it Apply standards equally TOP TEN TEAM BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS 9. Use resources and tools like the decision matrix and buffer deadlines TOP TEN TEAM BUILDING RECOMMENDATIONS 10. Be an awesome teammate. Why? Because you cannot design the Boeing 787 all by yourself in your lifetime. If you are an awesome teammate, you will have an awesome team. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES (SLOS) • #1 apply knowledge • #4 broad education (cognitive reasoning methods in examination of problems) • #5 multi-disciplinary team • #6 professional and ethical responsibility • #7 communicate effectively Teammate selections Please place yourselves into groups by major Form multidisciplinary teams as best as possible; cannot be a team of people from the same major Once you find your team, on piece of paper, begin Team Charter Submit Team Charters before leaving today After being reviewed, Team Charters will be placed into team folders in SEM 131 Team Charter Write down all names If you go by a nickname or shorten name, please note that so we can make corrections Should appear in pretty paragraph summary form in Project Management Section of Proposal Policies (rule and consequences) on at least absences, deadlines, and late arrivals Goals Decision making process Meeting plans Other preventative measures – now is your chance to take action against things that annoy you when working in teams