One Medical Center Drive  Suite 210  Stratford, NJ 08084
Tel: (856) 566-6981  Fax: (856) 566-6714  email:
Student Council Minutes
Meeting Date: 9-18-08
Location: Top Doc’s Cafe
Next Meeting: 7:00 p.m., Thursday, September 18th , 2008
Location: Top Doc’s Cafe
I. Call to Order and Attendees:
(A) The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm
(B) Attendees:
STUCO Board: Matt LaPorta, Betty Chung, Kim Young, Kirin Syed,
Erin Toller, Garrett Tomasino, Soumya Bollampally
Class of 2009: Ken Minnett, Michael McCollum, Hope Voto,
Class of 2010: Olamide Oladipo, Melissa Suarez, Danielle Mercurio, Rob
Class of 2011: Oliver Chang, Elizabeth Jasolosky, Tom Nappe, Kristen
Spencer, Beth Chisholm, Lauren Moleta
Class of 2012: Michael Z. Caposole, Ingrid Edshteyn, Nidhi Shah, Farhad
Modarai, Aileen Chen, Matthew J. Ingrassia
Dr. Krueger, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Dr. Lambert, Acting Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
(C) Excused: Jennifer Stellke
(D) Unexcused: none
II. Approval of Minutes
(A) The minutes from the August 21st meeting were unanimously approved.
III. Special Business
(A) Matt LaPorta, STUCO president, extended a warm welcome to the class
council of 2012.
(B) Open Forum with Dr. Krueger
1) Dr Krueger started with a welcome to the class of 2012
2) Dr Krueger then went on to speak about academic matters
a) COCA has approved an increase in the class size to 150
students. The current plan is to increase the class size
gradually and as of yet, no decision has been made on how
many students will be admitted to the class of 2013
b) Comlex scores: the class of 2009 did well on Comlex level 2
which was an improvement from the scores of the previous
year. The graduating class of 2008 did not perform as well and
scored below the national mean.
c) The fourth year class should have registered for the Comlex PE
by now. Dr Krueger sent the Class of 2009 an email reminder
to take the PE early. Late test dates may result in the student
not graduating .It takes six to ten weeks for the test to get
graded and if the test is scheduled too far in the spring, then
results might not be available in time for graduation.
d) The third years will soon be informed about enrolling in the
Comlex PE exam. The ideal date to take the test is in late fall
around late October or November of the fourth year. Third
years should also know to start looking into Comlex CE dates
when they register for the PE exam. The Comlex CE is usually
taken after the Comlex PE.
e) Dr Kruger outlined 4 major points for academic success
Admit the “right students” i.e. students that are
academically prepared to handle the work load of a
demanding medical school curriculum. Admission
policies were revised two years ago to accomplish
this goal.
ii. Teach students well. The faculty at SOM does an
excellent job at teaching and preparing our students
for board exams and clinical practice.
iii. Academic support. Jackie Giaccobe heads the
Center for Student Academic Resources and is
always available to help and guide students in all
aspects of academia.
Fail students who should fail and those in need of
extra help should be identified earlier.
f) The new curriculum was recently approved by the executive
council, the full faculty and the curriculum committee. It needs
one more COCA approval, which is due in December after
which it will be posted online. The new curriculum integrates
all seven AOA competencies. It is designed to be system based
with integration. First years will see more clinicians and more
basic science will be brought back in the second year. It
incorporates methods for multiple learning. The curriculum is
designed so that there will be 25% less class room time and
more independent learning with interdisciplinary exams. The
faculty will also be raising the bar for honors, high pass and
pass. The numerical value for a pass, high pass or honors will
not change but it will change in terms of observing student
PBL: no decision has been made on PBL for next year. Dr
Krueger strongly supports the continuation of PBL. Some
issues w/ budget and faculty have to be sorted out before a final
decision is made.
Fourth years should be ready for match and interviews. They
should submit all the necessary paperwork and evaluations as
soon as possible to ensure that their Dean’s letter is ready in
time for their interviews.
There is a move towards computer based exams. The current
challenge is finding software that will support the
interdisciplinary exams. Dr Krueger stated that they may have
found such a program. Currently the Ob/gyn exam is being
discussed as it is an interdisciplinary exam and will be piloted
on second years.
The Med Tech Committee has purchased new eye simulators,
virtual microscopy (from off-campus) and has placed new
wires in the SP labs. Furthermore the virtual microscopy has
also been in use without any complications. If there are left
over funds, the committee will discuss implementing audience
response software.
In the spring of 2009 there is a planned change of Camtasia to
new classroom software. The new software will allow taping of
everything seen on the screen including videos from the
internet. It has the capability to record the professor as well but
our classroom are limited in that capacity. However,
downloaded material cannot be shared due to copyright issues.
The professional evaluations that the thirds years completed
last year as second years will NOT be distributed. The
Evaluations did not go as expected and they “didn’t work”
3) Dr Krueger moved on to some housekeeping topics
a) There have been complaints lodged by the housekeeping staff
regarding the condition of the bathrooms. Please keep the
bathrooms clean and please remember to flush the toilet!
b) Coffee is allowed in the auditorium in hard mugs
c) Study rooms are all are open for modules/block studying.
Housekeeping leaves around 9:30-10:00 pm therefore if the
students use the rooms after that time; it is their responsibility
to clean up the rooms following their use. Please KEEP
4) Reminder of interdisciplinary grand round on October 6th at 4:30pm in
the auditorium. Attendance will be taken and students who attend all
three will receive a certificate that will go into their Dean’s letter.
(C) Open Forum with Dr. Lambert
1) Dr Lambert began with commending all the clubs and committees on
doing an excellent job.
2) She next talked about the fall travel season. Students traveling to
conferences or to the AOA convention need to fill out the travel
waiver and travel approval form or else they won’t be reimbursed.
a) Students should have individual receipts so that they can
individually get reimbursed upon their return
b) Students need to fill out the form for travel expense in order to
be reimbursed. All forms are available on the student affairs
website and are available to download.
c) Students should turn in their travel expense to Karen forms
upon their return
d) Student reimbursement forms need signatures of club
presidents/ treasurer
3) Dr Lambert expressed her admiration for the STUCO newsletter and
the Club newsletter. She went on to say that the faculty at SOM has a
great interest in student activities and requested permission to send out
the newsletters to fellow faculty members.
IV. Executive Committee Reports:
(A) President:
(1) I recently wrote a continued funding request to the NJOEF (New Jersey
Osteopathic Education Foundation), an educational branch of NJAOPS. Two
years ago, the NJOEF created a line item in the NJOEF to support the students
of UMDNJ-SOM. To date, these monies have supported 19 student projects.
In a time when budgets are being cut, we are extremely grateful to the NJOEF
and NJAOPS for supporting UMDNJ-SOM students; endeavors both locally
and nationally.
(2) STUCO is hard at work creating programming for the student body. We will
be working with the Departments of Student and Academic Affairs for
presentations on such topics as; “Planning your Educational Career”,
“Exploring Specialty Options”, “ERAS Navigation Session”, “Getting into the
Residency of Your Choice”. We also plan on hosting Dr. Frederick G. Meoli,
President of the NBOME to discuss COMLEX I and II. Please stay tuned for
more details.
(3) Please mark your calendars for Monday October 6th at 4: 30 PM in the
auditorium. Dean Cavalieri has made interdisciplinary education an important
cornerstone of his vision for the school. It is expected that all first and second
year students will attend. Third and fourth year students should attend if their
clinical schedules will allow. Students who attend all Interdisciplinary Grand
Rounds this year will receive a certificate that they have done so. The
awarding of that certificate will be added to their Dean's Letter
(B) First Vice President:
(1) Weekly club newsletter since Aug 18, 2008 posted on 2nd floor AC bulletin
(2) Clubs and 1st VP club newsletter to set up groups on that
students can subscribe to for receiving club info so as to cut down on class
listserv spam
(3) There was a combined club treasurers and presidents meeting this month with
STUCO treasurer Erin Toller
(4) I advised 2 proposed clubs (AMSA and AOCP/path club) through new club
(5) I advised Infectious Disease club how to obtain 3 month trial re-activation
(6) I wrote up checklist for new club recognition process (anyone who wants to
start a new club can get this checklist from STUCO 1st VP)
(7) New clubs are on probationary status after they receive STUCO approval by
2/3 of voting members (10) for a period of 2 years. During probation, clubs
cannot get a yearly club allocation at the beginning of the year from student
activities fees like the "established active" clubs can. They can, however,
request funding from STUCO for specific projects, apply for alumni grants
and apply for travel money to go to conferences. After the 2 yr period is over,
the club can come to STUCO and petition to be recognized as "established
active" with full funding privileges.
(8) Clubs that have been voted to "established inactive" at a STUCO meeting by
voting members because of inactivity and not meeting certain requirements in
terms of numbers/types of events outlined in the constitution can also petition
STUCO for a 3-6 month trial period during which they have to meet certain
requirements after which they come back to STUCO to show they've met
their obligations and petition to get back on "established active" status.
(C) Second Vice President:
(1) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Stratford Fall Festival. The Borough of
Stratford is having it's very first Fall Festival. There are several thousand members of the
community expected to attend. UMDNJ-SOM will have good representation from our
faculty with free varicose vein, foot, balance, and tai chi demonstrations. In addition, we
need student volunteers to perform blood pressure screenings. This is an important
opportunity for students to get involved right here in our community of Stratford. Of
course, participation will earn students TOUCH hours! Volunteers can e-mail me at to sign up for any one hour (or more) block of time.
Stratford Fall Festival
Saturday, October 4 – 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Yellin School
Warwick Road, Stratford
(D) Treasurer:
(1) The Annual AOA Convention will be October 26-30, 2008 in Las Vegas, NV.
(2) STUCO will be setting aside a certain amount of money to be divided among all
students who attend the convention. An announcement will be sent out via email
within the next week disclosing the total amount available.
(3) Club Presidents and Treasurers, I apologize for not being able to make the
meeting that Betty held. I am in the process of finding another date so that we can
go over all the funding forms and what is needed to request money from STUCO.
This meeting will be held before the next STUCO meeting, September 18, 2008.
Please look out for the email!
(4) Lastly, the STUCO budget will be voted on at the September STUCO meeting. If
anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at
(E) Secretary:
(1) Documentation change: The form used previously to request funds has been
altered. The new format has been discussed by Erin our treasurer. Please DO
NOT use the excel form that was previously emailed out. The goal is to place all
information in one proposal/report. The old form required several attachments
which made it very cumbersome.
(2) The deadline for submission still holds firm at 3pm the Sunday before each
meeting. Almost all reports were submitted on time for this meeting. Thanks to
everyone who sent in their reports on time.
(3) Late reports will be documented.
(4) Attendence is taken at every meeting
V. Class Reports:
(A) 2009
(1) Mock PE exam in the SP lab to prepare for our Step 2 PE board exam
occurred from 9/5/08 to 9/10/08. Focus was on the H and P and the
humanistic domain of medicine. Encounters were evaluated by faculty and
recorded for review and feedback.
(2) Studying for Step 2 CE and PE .Most students are taking these in September
and October
(3) Fourth years are currently sending in residency applications and are starting
(4) Residency Interviewing Session scheduled with Dr. Krueger and Dr.
Kimmelman to prepare for interviews was held on 9/4/08.
(B) 2010
(1) The class just finished 12 weeks of rotation, most of us had done at least two
different clerkships. The class had a nice time at PJ's after the Shelf Exam
(2) The class E-board is planning residency directors open forum (student
expectations, what they are looking for etc)
(C) 2011
(1) The Class of 2011 finished Nutrition and is now deep into the Medicine
module starting with Cardiology, in addition to the other favorites, Pediatrics,
Psychiatry, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physical Diagnosis, OMM, small
groups, and more.
(2) Class representatives are looking into bids to select for a new Boards review
vendor. Boards Boot Camp and Kaplan are among the considerations. Any
suggestions, feedback, or comments are welcome.
(3) The 2011 medical supply sale is in progress. Representatives from WelchAllyn came in on Friday, August 29, to give a presentation on some of the
diagnostic equipment no medical student should be without. Orders for the
Steele Medical Supply Company will be taken until the end of September
(please see Elizabeth Jasolosky or Oliver Chang of 2011 for more details).
(4) Congratulations to the recently elected SOM Class of 2012 Class Council for
President: Michael Caposole
Vice President: Ingrid Edshteyn
Curriculum Representative: Nidhi Shah
Student Affairs Representative: Farhad Modarai
Honor Code Representatives : Aileen Chen and Matt Ingrassia
Problem Based Learning Representative: Sarah Campeas
(5) Preparations and planning for the SOM 2008 Halloween party (2011/2012)
are underway.
(D) 2012
It hasn’t been long since the last STUCO meeting and it’s been less than two weeks since
our class council has been voted into office. Therefore, this report will be brief as
(1) The class of 2011 released the election results for the class of 2012 student
council members:
President – Michael Z. Caposole
Vice President – Ingrid Edshteyn
Curriculum Representative – Nidhi Shah
Student Affairs Representative – Farhad Modarai
PBL Representative – Sarah Campeas
Honor Code Representatives – **Postponed due to technical difficulties**
The class of 2011 released the election results for the class of 2012 Honor
Code Representatives:
Honor Code Representative – Matthew Ingrassia
Honor Code Representative – Aileen Chen
Thank you class of 2011 for a job well done!
I personally addressed our newly elected 2012 student council via email as
a) I congratulated them on becoming elected
b) I ask them each to keep an open line of communication with me
and the other members of student council
c) I asked them to keep me informed of any activity or
communication that they plan on using their position for, as to
uphold the integrity of our student council by use of accountability
and good decision making
d) I collected and compiled their contact information and sent a copy
to Kirin Syed; and which I also intend on distributing to the entire
e) I forwarded them information Betty Chung sent me regarding
parliamentary and STUCO meeting procedures
I worked with Felicia Tillman and the class of 2012 to reschedule the
previously canceled “Brown Bag Luncheon” with Dr. Krueger for Thursday,
September 18, 2008 at noon. I sent an email to the class informing them of
this event and I intend on sending them a reminder on Wednesday, September
17, 2008.
I addressed the entire student body via email concerning the use of club
acronyms in their communications; I asked them to please include their full
club name at the end of every such communications
a) I had a large response from the student body and would like to see this
issue addressed at the STUCO meeting on 9/18/2008
I started a communication with John Pennisi regarding a campus wide
technical compatibility issue between the use of Microsoft Office 2007
products and earlier versions of this software. He has agreed to work with
IS&T to address this issue.
A few words from our PBL representative; Sarah Campeas:
a) The PBL students are currently on Unit 1: The respiratory module.
Dr. Russel Griesbach is the acting facilitator for the Unit 1 module.
b) They have finished three of four cases and have started on their fourth
c) Dr. Adarsh Gupta met with the PBL students to review the use of
online and offline resources
d) The PBL students have also met with Dr. George Scott in the SP lab
to review the physical examination of the thorax pertaining to patients
that present with respiratory issues.
e) The PBL students received their cadaver
They met with Randy Swanson for a three hour
lecture on the anatomy of the thorax
They also met with Randy in the dissection lab for
another three hours
f) Finally, the PBL students are preparing for their exams
Their first SPL exam is scheduled for Friday,
September 19th, 2008
Their first Unit exam is scheduled for the following
Friday, September 26th, 2008
iii. They also participate in the OMM exams with the
traditional students scheduled for Wednesday and
Thursday, September 24th and 25th respectively
g) Following the exams, the PBL students will begin Unit II: The
cardiovascular and renal modules.
Dr. T.P. Stein will begin this unit as facilitator,
followed by Dr. Guzelsu, Dr. Rosen and third year
PBL student Anne Marie Santilli
VI. Committee Reports:
(A) Curriculum:
(1) The first full committee meeting post-curriculum approval is scheduled for
Thursday 9/18
(B) Student Affairs:
(1) First SA is to take place Friday September 19th.
(C) Alumni Affairs:
(1) The Alumni Golf Outing is Sunday, September 21st
(D) Public Relations:
(1) Our first-ever issue of the STUCO electronic newsletter appears to have been
a successful way to reach the student body. We welcome any suggestions for
future editions.
(2) Since the last meeting I have updated the club section of the website to
include descriptions of all the clubs and the email addresses of the club
VII. Club Affairs:
(A) None.
VIII. Old Business:
(A) Budget Policies and Procedures
(1) Time allotted to present funding requests is 5 minutes
(2) Budget set for events was based on costs incurred during last year’s
events. Since the talent show and medicine ball are the most costly
events a larger budget is set aside for those events. At this point in
time the amount set aside is similar to how much was spent last year.
(3) A set budget is also reserved for food for Grand Recipient Day and
programming has been added into this cost
(4) Monies have also have set aside for line item for anatomy memorial
and for the white coat ceremony and initial STUCO meeting
(5) A rough number has also been set aside for each meeting to fulfil
funding requests. The amount is not set in stone and allows for some
flexibility. This number will not be disclosed
(6) AOA convention money and DO day on the hill and E-board travel
money are in separate accounts
(7) There is some money set aside for gifts which is a money pool for
gifts for professors, students etc
(B) All voted in favor of the new budget and it was approved unanimously with
IX. New Business
Note: reminder that discussion can occur with members that may receive funding but a
proxy must vote and must step out for vote. Point of information: There is a two minute
limit for funding requests and five minute limit on question and answer.
Funding request from SOHOA
Emilia Connolly submitted a request for funding to support the following
club sponsored events:
Light the Night in Camden to support leukemia and lymphoma
research - $50 to support participates in addition to fundraising
The Brain Tumor 5k run in Philadelphia- a panel of
hematology/oncology physicians $100 for food
A presentation by Dr. Christain Ogilvie, an orthopedic oncology
surgeon from Penn - $100 for food
Purchasing various items for $50 (t-shirts, keychains, etc) We can
sell at school and outside events to provide a continual source of
income for the club in the next few years.
In total Emilia requested $300. They have held several bake sales and a
poker tournament to raise money since the induction of the club and have
raised just over $200 in total and are aiming to raise $500 in total. That
money went to food for speakers last spring and their first general meeting
this year. Furthermore they are planning fundraising events such as
providing a massage to students for a small donation in conjunction with
SOMA and SPMA to support the Light the Night event. Emilia also stated
that as a probationary club without membership dues they have limited
funds for club events. They is also no national SOHOA organization and
so this is not an option for added funds. When asked if they had looked at
other sources such as SOMAFF, Emilia stated she wasn’t aware of those
sources and would also look into them. Ultimately STUCO awarded
SOHOA with $300. The decision was approved by a vote of 12 with 3
Funding request from IFMSA
Daria Szkwarko and Claire Lipperini submitted a request for funding to
support the following club sponsored events:
Kickball tournament October 10th
October speaker: Dr. Mintz will speak about his non-profit
healthcare organization in Cambodia .
In total, they requested $270. They further stated that because they were
founded last January they are still a probationary club until the end of June
and are therefore not receiving any funding from STUCO this year. Their
major fundraising goal is to raise money to grant two scholarships that will
subsidize students’ costs for their international work next summer. There
will be an application process with essays will beset up to determine
recipients of the scholarship and the E-board will then vote based on the
applications. Furthermore IFMSA has held a community concert in August
to raise money for this purpose, and had over 100 UMDNJ-SOM
community members attend. IFMSA is trying to raise money for the club’s
expenses through bagel sales, sports bag sales, and a kickball tournament.
They are requesting money because the money from the scholarship fund
has already been used to support their first general meeting. They have a
received a traveling grant from SOMAFF but as of yet have no account to
transfer the money into.
Ultimately IFMSA was awarded the full amount of $270. The decision
was approved by a voted of 12 with 1 opposition and 2 abstentions
Funding request from SOIMA
Alana Kekevian submitted a travel grant request for four students to attend
ACOI’s 68th Annual Convention & Scientific Sessions in Marco Island,
Florida from October 29th -Nov. 2nd 2008.. SOIMA has already sought
funding from the American College of Osteopathic Internists (ACOI), and
the ACOI has agreed to reimburse them up to $1000 in expenses but this
figure is not guaranteed. In addition, they plan on using proceeds from
their Otis Spunkmeyer fresh cookie sale fundraiser ($200). The total cost
of attendance is $2446 which translates to $611.50 per person and SOIMA
requested a total amount of $1246 from STUCO. As of yet they have not
requested funding from SOMAFF
Ultimately SOIMA was granted $100 per person for a maximum total of
$400. The decision was approved by a vote of 12 with 3 abstentions
Funding request from SOMA
Farrel Silverman submitted a request for funding for two students to attend
the SOMA fall convention in Las Vegas, Nevada from October 23rd-26th.
The convention meetings gives osteopathic medical students the
opportunity to create resolutions they feel are pertinent to their role in the
osteopathic community on a national and international level. These
resolutions are then up for debate and discussion. If passed, these
resolutions are representative of the Student Osteopathic Medical
Association. SOMA’s total cost for the event was calculated to be $614.66
per student and they requested $250 per student for a total of $500 from
Ultimately SOMA was granted 200 per person for maximum total of 400.
The decision was approved by a vote of 13 with 1 abstention.
Alumni funding request from SOMA
Daria Szkwarko and Farhad Modarai submitted a request for an Alumni
grant to organize a voter registration drive. SOMA is collaborating with
PM&R, MSFC, and SNMA to have a three-day voter registration drive.
On Monday October 6th they plan to have tables set up in the Academic
Center, the UDP, our affiliated hospitals, and local community healthcare
centers and retirement homes. In addition, they plan to have a table at the
Camden Clinic every Saturday until the election. Student volunteers will
hand out educational pamphlets created by our political action committee
and have computers on site to register voters. On Tuesday October 7th ,
they will have a bi-partisan speaker discuss healthcare reform and would
like to have a free lunch at the event. On Wednesday October 8th they
plan to have one representative from each campaign come to SOM for a
Question/Answer session, which will be moderated by faculty or political
action committee members. The entire community will be invited to this
event and they will ask members of the community to submit questions
beforehand in order to stimulate an important educational discussion about
the future of healthcare in America. SOMA plans to provide dinner at this
event. Finally, they will have election day carpooling for our community.
Volunteer drivers will take students, faculty and physicians to the polls at
different times during the day so that everyone has an opportunity to vote.
Furthermore the Cherry Hill library is also involved and students
volunteering will be able to earn Touch hours.
Itemized Cost of Event/Program:
-Tuesday’s speaker: $175
- Postage for registration forms: $100
- Dinner for Question/Answer session $200
- Gas costs for election day carpooling $60
The total of the event is calculated at $535 and SOMA requested $250
from STUCO.
Ultimately SOMA was granted the full amount of $250. The decision was
approved unanimously.
Funding request from Jon Torres for AOA convention
Jon Torres submitted a request for funding for one students to attend the
AOA Convention from October 26-30th at the Palazzo, and also for the
AOA Research Conference from October 26-28th at the Sands in Las
Vegas. Jon plans to attend the semi-annual board meeting for the AAO
Louisa Burns Osteopathic Research Committee, a national board on which
he holds voting rights as the sole elected representative of the
undergraduate body. His attendance at this meeting is mandatory.
At the AOA Research Conference, at the Sands, he will be presenting his
poster on OMM in the treatment of acute otitis media, and will also be
competing in the national poster competition. This is required as a
condition for the publishing of his abstract in the August issue of the
JAOA this year. Jon did not request any money from UAOO or the OMM
department. Jon requested a total of $1174 from STUCO.
Ultimately Jon was granted $250 to cover the $100 cost for his poster and
$150 for registration. He is still eligible for the AOA convention travel
funds. The decision was approved unanimously.
AMSA approval for probationary status.
Farhad Modarai, Pratik Gandhi and Louis Marquet appeared before the
council to request probationary status for AMSA and to provide more
information about the club. They stated that AMSA aims to provide: 1)
Leadership development and training in line with AMSA’s strategic
priorities 2) Focused efforts on health policy and legislation appreciation,
understanding, activism and advocacy 3) Grassroots and community
organizing leadership training 4) Networking opportunities with medical
students and physicians from both osteopathic and allopathic members.
They stressed that AMSA is not strictly an allopathic club. They also hope
to bring light to the Pharm Fair Campaign geared towards discouraging
marketing and acceptance of benefits from pharmaceutical companies.
Ultimately the club was approved for probationary status unanimously.
X. Motion to adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kirin Syed
STUCO Secretary