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Student Council Minutes
Meeting Date: 08-21-2008
Location: Top Doc’s Cafe
Next Meeting: 7:00 p.m., Thursday, September 18, 2008
Location: Top Doc’s Cafe
I. Call to Order and Attendees:
(A) The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
(B) Attendees:
STUCO Board: Matt LaPorta, Betty Chung, Kim Young, Erin Toller,
Garrett Tomasino, Soumya Bollampally
Class of 2009: Jennifer Stellke, Ken Minnett, Hope Voto, Kristen Fleming
Class of 2010: Olamide Oladipo, Melissa Suarez
Class of 2011: Oliver Chang, Elizabeth Jasolosky, Kristen Spencer, Beth
Dean Cavalieri, Dean of UMDNJ-SOM
Dr. Krueger, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Dr. Lambert, Acting Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
(C) Excused: Kirin Syed, Danielle Mercurio, Tom Nappe, Mike McCollum
(D) Unexcused: Rob Donlan
II. Approval of Minutes
(A) No minutes to approve; this is the first meeting of the year.
III. Special Business
(A) Open Forum with Dean Cavalieri
(1) Dean Cavalieri started with a welcome to the Class of 2012. In
addition, the Dean wanted to express his gratitude for all the support
he received from students and alumni regarding his permanent
appointment as Dean. He has been hard at work holding faculty, staff
and student meetings regarding the ‘vision’ for the future of SOM.
(2) Vision for the future of UMDNJ-SOM: There are four specific areas
that the Dean is focusing on:
(a) Stabilizing Leadership: Right now eight of fifteen Dean
positions at SOM are labeled as “Acting.” This situation is a
carry over from the previous administration. The Dean
believes that these positions deserve permanent leaders.
Searches are underway in the Department of Surgery,
Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Assistant Dean of Graduate
Medical Education.
(b) Enhancing Academic Quality and Growth/Development of
SOM: The Dean would like to continue to strengthen
academic excellence. This goal will be achieved by
eventually increasing the class size to 250 students (needs to
be approved by COCA, though), obtaining quality faculty by
increasing recruitment, and continuing the focus on diversity
among both students and faculty. Also, expanding technology
is an essential component to enhancing academic quality at
(c) Interdisciplinary Care/Education/Research: As of now, SOM
has six of the eight UMDNJ schools on our campus. Dr.
Owen and Rodgers would like SOM to be a leader in
integrating the schools for different projects. The first
collaboration will be on October 26th. This event will be a
Grand Rounds with a presentation of an interdisciplinary case
of HIV and chronic pain. The schools participating are the
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, School of Nursing,
School of Public Health along with Dr. Condolucci and Dr.
Germyn. The Dean would like for STUCO to help with
spreading the word and getting students to attend.
(d) Campus of the Future: The fourth and final component of the
vision focuses on two expansions to the existing campus. The
first is the proposed addition to the Academic Center of
30,000 square feet. This space would include new classroom
and study spaces. The other extension will be the elongation
of the road to Route 30 to increase the visibility of SOM to
the main road. More parking will be added and bigger
buildings for CARES/NJISA and research will be
(3) Faculty Updates: These are the changes being implemented now to
strengthen the faculty (part of (2) of the vision). A new Pathology
chair will be appointed from RWJMS. Dr. Barone has been named as
the Chief of Neurology and joins 6 new neurologists added to the
UMDNJ system. The hope is to start a Neurology residency at
UMDNJ and focus on the hospital and sub-specialties. Finally, the new
Orthopedics Chief, Joe Daniel, would like to focus on establishing
fellowships (foot, ankle, hand, etc.)
(4) Other: The Dean is looking to find other sites for training including
Ocean Medical Center, Deborah Heart and Lung and South Jersey
Healthcare. He has not heard anything new about a new medical
school in Camden, but Cooper is pushing for it. A Touro in Vineland
is probably a long way away and probably unlikely because they need
approval from the State of New Jersey. A $10,000 award was given to
Dr. Lambert from NJAOPS for student travel. The budget cut to SOM
this year was two million dollars. The Dean tried to preserve as many
positions as possible but seven were cut from SOM. The majority was
in the research that was not fulfilling expectations. The Dean assured
the students that no money was cut to funding allocated to services for
(B) Parliamentary Procedure with Kimberly Young: The 2nd Vice President is the
Parliamentarian of STUCO per the Constitution. In the past, meetings were
very casual but the STUCO Executive Board would like to start enforcing
Robert’s Rules of Order. This will be good practice if anyone plans on
attending national conferences where these guidelines are used. Kimberly is
encouraging everyone to familiarize themselves with the language of the
rules. In addition, to make meetings more efficient, time limits will be placed
on reports, discussions and funding requests. A total of two hours for the
entire meeting is the ultimate goal.
IV. Executive Committee Reports:
President: .
1) Implementation of monthly STUCO newsletter: It is our priority to keep
the student body aware of the business of our monthly meetings and
happenings on campus in an easily accessible format.
2) We had the pleasure of welcoming the 108 new members of the class of
2012 at the White Coat Ceremony on August 4th. As part of the orientation
week festivities STUCO held our annual barbeque on Monday August 5th
and co-sponsored a lunch with NJAOPS on the 6th.
3) We held a STUCO/Class Council info session on the 14th aimed at firstyear students interested in student government at SOM.
4) Our first meeting of the school year was held on Thursday, August 21st.
We opened with a special update from Dean Cavalieri and continued with
regular agenda items before adjourning within our targeted time of 2
First Vice President:
1) Student organizations participated in White Coat Ceremony and the Club
Fair during orientation week
2) 2nd floor bulletin boards have been reorganized
3) This year exemplary clubs will be recognized with a Club Honor Roll and
Honorable Mention
4) A weekly bulletin board posting will highlight SOM clubs and their
5) The online events calendar has been incorporated into the STUCO website
and is regularly updated
6) I’m exploring the idea of committees for collaborative club community
service projects like a bone marrow drive and events for National
Osteopathic Month
7) Clubs are cleaning the lounge each Friday
Second Vice President:
1) The tentative date for the SOM Talent Show is Saturday, January 24th.
2) The tentative date for the annual Medicine Ball is Saturday, March 14th
1) Book Sale: Got in about 300 books but not all sold.
2) Before each meeting a budget will be set for how much money can be
used for funding requests.
3) I will be sending an email highlighting what STUCO expects regarding
funding requests
4) A Treasurers' meeting will be held to discuss travel forms, etc. I will email
about the date
5) We will be voting on the budget at the September STUCO meeting.
6) STUCO will be setting aside a certain amount of money to be divided
among all students who attend the AOA convention
1) STUCO Listserv is up-and-running and fully operational. The e-mail
address to sent messages to members of STUCO is
2) All requests to be put on the STUCO agenda must be made by the Sunday
before the STUCO meeting for that month by 3 pm. All appropriate
documentation must also be submitted to the secretary by that same time.
This time applies to both STUCO members (i.e. for class reports) and
SOM students. Any request for agenda items later than that date will be
pushed to the next month’s STUCO meeting.
3) Dates for all STUCO meeting for the year:
STUCO meeting date
1-14-09 or 1-15-09
DEADLINE for submission
9-14-08 3pm
10-12-08 3pm
11-09-08 3pm
1-11-09 3pm
2-15-09 3pm
3-15-09 3pm
4-12-09 3pm
Campus Relations:
1) The STUCO website is updated and available at
2) . A new page devoted to the TOUCH program was recently added, and we
hope to have online room reservations available soon.
3) Check out the “Meet STUCO” display near the mailboxes.
Alumni Affairs:
1) Our first Alumni meeting was held on Tuesday, August 12th.
2) The next big event is the Golf Outing at Renault Winery on Sunday,
September 21st. You can still sign up to play; the deadline is Monday,
September 15th. It is a great way to get to know some alumni.
3) In addition, STUCO has altered the guidelines regarding Alumni Grant
dispersal. Look for an email explaining the changes.
V. Class Reports:
What we are up to in August 2008:
1) Away rotations and electives
2) Studying for Step 2
3) Applying for residencies = ERAS
4) Mock Step 2 COMLEX PE exam in Standardized Patient Lab
5) Planning a community service project to help migrant farm workers
6) We are available to tutor
3rd years will be getting together at The Stone Grill on Tuesday September 2nd at
6pm to welcome students from VCOM and KCUMB as they join us for rotations
1) The 2008 annual Anatomy Memorial on Thursday, May 1, 2008, was
featured in the local and UMDNJ press.
2) Tom Nappe was re-elected for another term as Curriculum Representative
after a run-off election in a tightly contest race (there were no candidates
for this position in the general elections).
3) The Class Council of 2011, along with the SOM administration and
prominent clubs, spent the summer preparing for the new SOM Class of
2012’s arrival.
4) Luckily and appreciatively, Orientation week 2008 was a highly
entertaining and exhausting week long affair, not to be forgotten for years
to come.
5) The Class of 2011 lost some people, but picked up a few along the way,
and is looking forward to a busy and promising year with many early
First-years are conducting class council elections.
VI. Committee Reports:
The new curriculum has finally been passed, focusing more on case-based
learning. It is scheduled for implementation for the Class of 2013. The
Curriculum committee meets monthly.
(B) Student Affairs:
The committee met with Dr.Lambert and discussed setting up workshops to support
student issues and the possibility of a school newspaper
VII. Old Business:
VII. New Business
Note: reminder that discussion can occur with members that may receive funding but a
proxy must vote and must step out for vote. Point of information: There is a two minute
limit for funding requests and five minute limit on question and answer.
(A) Funding Request from SOSA
Kay Yoon-Flannery submitted a request for funding for five members to attend
the SOSA National Conference in Boca Raton, FL from September 11-14. Kay stated
that SOSA will be covering $70 per person to cover the hotel costs for each attendee.
She does state that is a low estimated cost as the hotel plans are not final yet. They
will also need local transportation that has not yet been factored into the final cost.
She requested $140 per person from STUCO. They have looked for funding in other
places, but the Department of Surgery is not able to provide any help. In addition, the
SOMAFF deadline is not until October 15th so they are unaware of the outcome of
that application. Some of the concerns were about potential fundraising projects and
where the money from member dues goes. Kay stated that the dues that they keep are
used for the many (greater than 30) events they host during the school year with the
biggest costs incurred during the Fall Festival. They are planning on a Scrubs Sale for
their first fundraiser of the year. Kay stated that it is also important to have
representation at the conference as SOSA would like to hold the Spring Conference at
SOM. Ultimately, SOSA was awarded $120 per person for five people with a
maximum funding of $500. All voted in favor with no abstentions.
(B) President of Class of 2009 Special Report
Class of 2009 President, Jennifer Stellke, wanted to address the Student Council
about professionalism on MySpace and Facebook. She wants everyone to be aware
that the Honor Code Representatives will be addressing their classes about the issue.
(A) Motion to Amend for New Business from Alumni Affairs
Soumya Bollampally, Alumni Affairs Representative, would like to address the
Council about the deadlines for Alumni Grants. She would like to institute one
deadline each semester for all the applications for the grants. October 3rd was
voted on in order to discuss the applications at the October 16th meeting. All in
favor with no abstentions.
X. Motion to adjourn
(A) The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Soumya Bollampally
STUCO Second Vice-President