2016-2017 Inter-Greek Council Chair Application Deadline to Apply April 25, 2016 Name: ______________________________ Email: _______________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Organization: ________________________ Year: ___________________ Banner: _________________ Cum. GPA: ______________ Initiation Date: ___________ Requirements: 1. Must be an active member of a Greek Letter Organization 2. Possess and maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA Position: (Please check your desired position) ___Special Events Chair ___Community Service/Dance Marathon Chair ___GAP Chair ___Public Relations Chair ___ Parliamentarian Questions: (Please type and answer the following questions on a separate document) 1. Why do you feel that you would make a good candidate for this position? 2. What positions have you held either in your own organization or on campus? 3. What skills could you offer the I.G.C.? 4. Describe the ideas that you would like to implement for this position. 5. Please list your availability for an interview the week of 4/26-4/29. (Application Due April 25, 2016 by 4:00 PM to greeklife@rowan.edu)