CURRICULUM VITAE YALE R. MAGRASS Department of Sociology and Anthropology University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth (UMD) North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747 Office: Liberal Arts-392A; Office Telephone: (508)-999-8402 Fax: (508)-999-8808 E-Mail: EDUCATION 1972-1978 1971-1972 1967-1971 University of California, Santa Barbara Ph.D.; Sociology; M.A.,1973 Columbia University; New York, New York Brandeis University; Waltham, Massachusetts B.A. Magna Cum Laude; Mathematics and Sociology; Honors in Sociology TEACHING INTERESTS Social Theory Sociology of Knowledge Political Sociology Social Movements Political Economy Social Impact of Science and Technology Social Problems Introductory Sociology Historical Sociology Mass Society & Culture Sociological Methodology Computer Programming Senior Seminar: Baby Boomers vs. Millennials TEACHING EXPERIENCE Chancellor Professor; Department of Sociology and Anthropology; University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; North Dartmouth, Mass. 2003— Professor 1989-2003 Associate Professor; 1983-1989; Assistant Professor; 1979-1983; Visiting Lecturer; 1978-1979 (Tenured, 1984) "Political Sociology", Social Impact of Science and Technology", "Introduction to Social Thought", "Senior Seminar: Millennials vs. Baby-boomers", “Social Movements”, ''Introduction to Research Methods", "Introduction to Sociology", "Social Change", "Mass Society & Culture", "Computer Programming I-Pascal", "Social Problems", "Sociological Theory" 1 Visiting Lecturer; Department of Sociology; University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Lowell, Mass.; 1977-1978 "Introduction to Sociology", "Sociology of Knowledge"; Lecturer; Department of Sociology; University of California, Santa Barbara; 1975-1977 "The Development of Social Thought", "Sociology of Knowledge" SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Capitalism: Should You Buy it? An Invitation to Political Economy (with Charles Derber); Paradigm Publishers, E. Boulder,Co.; London UK; 2014 The Surplus American: How the 1% Is Making Us Redundant (with Charles Derber); Paradigm Publishers, E. Boulder, Co.; Pluto Press, London, UK. 2012 Morality Wars: How Empires, the Born Again and the Politically Correct Do Evil in the Name of Good (with Charles Derber); Second edition, New Chapter on Obama; Paradigm Publishers, E. Boulder, Co.; Pluto Press, London, UK; 2010 Morality Wars: How Empires, the Born Again and the Politically Correct Do Evil in the Name of Good (with Charles Derber); Paradigm Publishers, E. Boulder, Co. Pluto Press, London, UK; 2008 Power in the Highest Degree: Capitalism. Professionals and the Making of a New Mandarin Order; (with Charles Derber & William Schwartz); Oxford University Press; N.Y., N.Y.; 1990 Thus Spake the Moguls: The New Deal and Other Transformations of Upper Class Ideology; Schenkman; Cambridge, Mass; 1981 ARTICLES AND BOOK CHAPTERS “When Wars Come Home” (coauthor); Charles Derber; Sociopathic Society: A People's Sociology; Paradigm Publishers; E Boulder, CO, London UK; 2013 “Manufacturing Surplus People”(coauthor); Charles Derber; Sociopathic Society: A People's Sociology; Paradigm Publishers; E Boulder, CO, London UK; 2013 Romney’s “47 Percent” Blunder Reveals the Hidden Heart of His Agenda” (coauthor); Charles Derber; Sociopathic Society: A People's Sociology;;Paradigm Publishers; E Boulder, CO, London, UK; 2013 2 “American Empire and Its Moral Big Stick”(coauthor); Charles Derber; Sociopathic Society: A People's Sociology; Paradigm Publishers; E Boulder, CO; London, UK, 2013 “The Wright Problem”(coauthor); Charles Derber; Sociopathic Society: A People's Sociology; Paradigm Publishers; E Boulder, CO London UK; 2013 “What Does It Mean to Call McCain a “War Hero’ Candidate?”(coauthor); Charles Derber; A People’s Sociology, Sociopathic Society Paradigm Publishers; E Boulder, CO; London, UK; 2013; “History’s Magic Mirror: America’s Economic Crisis and the Weimar Republic of Pre-Nazi Germany”(coauthor); Charles Derber; A People’s Sociology, Sociopathic Society Paradigm Publishers; E Boulder, CO, London UK; 2013 “Good Timing: Economic Meltdown and Regime Change at Home” (coauthor); Derber, Charles; Greed to Green: Solving Climate Change and Remaking the Economy; Paradigm Publishers; E Boulder, CO: Pluto Press, London, UK; 2010 “Democracy or Plutocracy” (with Michael Parenti) Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass. Volume 17, November/December 2006 “Horowitz’s List: The Right Attack on Civil Liberties and Academic Freedom” (with Gordon Fellman) Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass. Volume 17, No 5 September/October 2006 “Law, Politics & Corporate Elites” (with G. William Domhoff) Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass. Volume 17, No 5 September/October 2006 “Changing Lives Through Literature” (with Robert Waxler) Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass. Volume 17, No. 2 May/June 2006 ”Hidden Power, Regime Change and Public Policy” (with Charles Derber); Bimonthly Review of Law Books; Boston, Mass. Volume 17, No. 1 March/April 2006 “Globalization and the Emerging International Legal Order” (with Charles Derber); Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass. V.14, N. 6 Nov/Dec, 2003 “Uwaga na sprzedaz” (Co-Author) Derber, Charles Zaistniec w spoteczenstwie (The Pursuit of Attention in Polish); Gdanskie Wydawntictwo Psychologiczne; Gdansk, Poland; 2002 “The Public Construction of the Private.” In Towards A Responsible and Solidary World; Editions Montmorency; Montreal Canada; 2001 3 "Religion and War;" Magill's Guide to Military History. Salem Press; Pasadena California; 2001 "Attention for Sale; The Hidden Privileges of Class" (with Charles Derber); in Ann Branaman; Self & Society; Brackwell, London, U.K.: 2001 "Attention for Sale; The Hidden Privileges of Class" (Co-Author); Derber, Charles; The Pursuit of Attention; (second edition); Oxford University Press; N.Y., N.Y.; 2000 Stephen W. Hawking; Dictionary of World Biography :The Twentieth Century Vol. 8; PP 1580-1583; Fitzroy Dearboarn ; Chicago, Illinois; 1999 "Great Depression;" Encyclopedia of North American History; Marshall Cavendish; Terrytown , N.Y.; 1999 "Roosevelt's (F.D.) Presidency;" Encyclopedia of North American History Marshall Cavendish; Terrytown , N.Y.; 1999 "Students for a Democratic Society (SDS);" The Sixties in America; Salem Press; Pasadena California; 1998 "Civil Defense Campaigns, U.S.;" Encyclopedia of Propaganda; M.E. Sharp; Armont, N.Y.; 1998 "Education as an Anti-Propaganda Tool;" Encyclopedia of Propaganda; M.E. Sharp; Armont, N.Y.; 1998 "Dialecticism;" Survey of Social Science: Government and Politics; Salem Press; Pasadena California; 1995 "Computer Literacy: The Pigeonhole Principle" (with Richard Upchurch); Computers and Society; Vol. 18, No. 3; July, 1988 "Computer Literacy: People Adjusted to Technology" (with Richard Upchurch); Computers and Society, Vol. 18, No. 2; April, 1988 "The Pursuit of Attention" (with Charles Derber); in Candace Clark & Howard Robby; SociaI Interaction ; St. Martin's Press; N.Y.; 1988 "Money Changers in the Temple"; Humanity and Society; Madison, N.J.; Vol. 10, No. 2; May, 1986 ''Ideology and Upper Class Interests"; Quarterly Journal of IdeoIogy; Montgomery. Ala; Vol. 10, No. 2; 1986 "The Boy Scouts, The Outdoors and Empire"; Humanity and Society; 4 Madison, N.J.; Vol. 10, No. l; February, 1986 "Computer Science Curriculum: Technography, Technocracy, Technology, or Theology?" (with Richard Upchurch); SEGCSE Bulletin; N.Y, N.Y.; Vol. 17, No. 4; December, 1985 "Humanism Under Siege (The Moral Majority and the Legitimation Crisis )"; Humanity and Society; West. Hartford, Conn. Vol. 8, No.2. May, 1984 "Attention for Sale; The Hidden Privileges of Class" (Co-Author); Derber, Charles; The Pursuit of Attention; Oxford University Press; N.Y., N.Y. 1983; G.K. Hall and Schenkman; Cambridge, Mass.;1979; "The Private and the Public in Collision"; Human Affairs; Kingston, Ontario, Canada; Vol. 2, No. l; Spring, 1982 "Emancipatory Metasocial Psychology: Marx, Freud, Piaget, Chomsky and Skinner"; Transforming Sociology Series; Red Feather Institute for Advanced Studies in Sociology; No. 48; 1979 "The New Deal: A Case Study in Transformations of Corporate Ideology"; Working Papers on the Capitalistate Newsletter; San Francisco; 1976 BOOK REVIEWS Review of Eugene Rosa, Ortwin Renn & Aaron McCright; The Risk Society Revisited; Choice; Middletown CT. June 2014 Review of Sinisa Malesevic; Nation-States and Nationalisms; Choice; Middletown CT. April 2014 Review of Neil White; Company Towns; Corporate Order and Community; International Journal of Comparative Sociology; Irving Ca. February 2014 Review of Daniel Chernilo; The Natural Law Foundations of Modern Social Theory; Choice; Middletown CT. September 2013 Review of Niklas Luhmann; Introduction to Systems Theory; Choice; Middletown CT. June 2013 Review of Neil Fligstein & Doug McAdam; A Theory of Fields; Choice; Middletown CT. April 2013 Review of Anthony Elliott & Bryan Turner; On Society; Choice; Middletown CT. December 2012 Review of Sal Restivo ; Red, Black and Objective: Science, Sociology and Anarchism; Choice; Middletown CT. April 2012 5 Review of Sandra Hanson & John White; The American Dream in the 21st Century; Choice; Middletown CT. February 2012 Review of David Sciulli; Etzioni’s Critical Functionalism; Choice; Middletown CT. December 2011 Review of Victoria Carty; Wired and Mobilizing; Choice; Middletown CT. May, 2011 Review of Hans Dave Elder-Vass; The Causal Powers of Social Structures; Choice; Middletown CT. April, 2011 Review of Hans Joas and Wolfgang Knobl; Social Theory; Choice; Middletown CT. July, 2010 Review of Goran Therborn; From Marxism to Post-Marxism? ; Choice; Middletown CT. July, 2010 Review of Joseph Turow and Lokman Tsui ; The Hyperlinked Society ; Choice; Middletown CT. May, 2009 Review of William Pawlett, Jean Baudrillard ; Choice; Middletown CT. November, 2008 6 Review of Andrzej Zieleniec, Space and Social Theory ; Choice; Middletown CT. May, 2008 Review of Talcott Parsons, American Society ; Choice; Middletown CT. May, 2008 Review of Frank Brian Roberts, Micro Social Theory ; Choice; Middletown CT. June, 2007 Review of Frank W. Ellwell, Macrosociology ; Choice; Middletown CT. February, 2007 Review of Ira Katznelson, Mark Kesselman, Alan Draper; The Politics of Power: A Critical Introduction to American Government. Fifth Edition. Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass. V17, N4 July/August 2006 Review of Jason Powell, Social Theory and Aging ; Choice; Middletown CT. September, 2006 Review of John P. Jackson, Science for Segregation; Choice; Middletown CT. July 2006 Review of G. William Domhoff. Who Rules America? Power, Politics & Social Change, Fifth Edition. Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass. V16, N6November/December 2005 Review of Christian Davenport, Hank Johnston & Carol Mueller Repression and Mobilization; Choice; Middletown CT. December 2005 Review of William Outhwaite & Larry Ray Social Theory and Postcommunism Choice; Middletown CT. November 2005 Review of Edward Martin & Rodolfo Torres Savage State Choice; Middletown CT. June 2005 Review of Scott Schaffer Resisting Ethics Choice; Middletown CT. June 2005 Review of Michael Melo Legalizing Gay Marriage Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass. V 15 N 6 November/December 2004 7 Review of Thomas Frank What’s the Matter with Kansas? Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass. V14 N4-July/August 2004 Review of Jongryul Choi Postmodern American Sociology Choice; Middletown CT. March 2005 Review of Roger Sibeon Rethinking Social Theory Choice; Middletown CT. December 2004 Review of Alan How Critical Theory Choice; Middletown CT. July 2004 Review of John Sitton Habermas and Contemporary Society Choice; Middletown CT. April 2004 Review of Richard Swedberg Principles of Economic Sociology Choice; Middletown CT.; March, 2004 Review of Steven Goldberg Fad and Fallacies in the Social Sciences Choice; Middletown CT.; February ,2004 Review of Alan Dershowitz America Declares Independence Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass. ; V14 N4- July/August 2003 Review of Michael Moore Stupid White Men Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass.; V 14 N 2 – March/April 2003 Review of Robert A Dahl.How Democratic is the American Constitution?; Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass.; V 14 N 2 – March/April 2003 Review of Mauro Guillen. The New Economic Sociology. Choice; Middletown CT. 2003 Review of David McBride Mission for Science: U.S. Technology and Medicine in America’s African World. Choice; Middletown CT. 2003 Review of Stephen Lyng & David Frank. Sociology and the Real World. Choice; Middletown CT. 2002 Review of Robert C. Post etc. Prejudicial Appearances: The Logic of American Antidiscrimination Law. ; Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass.; January-February 2002 Review of Franklin E. Zimring etc..Punishment and Democracy: Three Strikes and You’re Out in California. ; Bimonthly Review of Law Books; Boston, Mass.; January-February 2002 8 Review of Stephen K. Sanderson The Evolution of Human Society: A Darwinian Conflict Perspective; Choice; Middletown CT. 2001 Review of Micheal Hechter Social Norms ;Choice; Middletown CT. 2001 Review of Carroll L. Estes etc. Social Policy and Aging; Choice; Middletown CT. 2001 Review of David Dyzenhaus (Editor) Law as Politics: Carl Schmitt’s Critique of Liberalism; Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass.; July-August 2001 Review of Marc Tuchnet Taking the Constitution from the Courts. Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass.; V.11, N. 5, 2000 Review of Terri Jennings Peretti In Defense of a Political Court. Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass.; September-October 2000 Review of John William Sayer, Ghost Dancing the Law: The Wounded Knee Trials; Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass.; V. 8 N. 6 1998 Review of Brian Barry; Theories of Justice; Bimonthly Review of Law Books ; Boston, Mass.; V.1, N. 4, 1994 Review of Stephen Resnick & Richard Wolff; Knowledge and Class; Quarterly Journal of Ideology; Montgomery, Ala; V. 14, N. 3; 1990 Review of Norman Pollack; The Just Polity; Quarterly Journal of Ideology; Montgomery, Ala; V. 14, N. 1; 1990 Review of Judith Perrolle; Computers and Social Change (with Richard Upchurch); Computer; Rochester, N. Y.; January, 1988 Review of John Gray; Llberalism; Quarterly Journal of Ideology; Montgomery, Ala; Vol. 11, No. 4; 1987 Review of John Clarke & Chas Critcher; The Devil Makes Work; Quarterly Journal of Ideology ; Montgomery, Ala; Vol. 11, No. 1; l987 Review of Raymond Aron; History, Truth & Liberty ; Quarterly Journal of Ideology ; Montgomery, Ala; Vol. 11, No. 4; l986 Review of Frank Hearn; Reason and Freedom in Sociological Thought; Quarterly Journal of Ideology ; Montgomery, Ala; Vol. 11, No. 3; l986 Review of John Ryan; The Production Of Culture in the Music Industry; Quarterly Journal of Ideology ; Montgomery, Ala; Vol. 10, No. 2; 1986 9 Review of Arlie Hochschild; The Managed Heart ; Quarterly Journal of Ideology ; Montgomery, Ala; Vo. 10, No.1; 1986 Review of Susan Ostrander; Women of the Upper Class; Quarterly Journal of Ideology ,; Montgomerv, Ala; Vo. 10, No. I; 1986 Review of David McLeod; Buildlng Character in the American Boy ; Journal of Sports and Social Issues Lowell,Mass.;Winter/Spring.1985 Review of Nathan Keyfitz; Population Change and Social Policy; Sociology; Washington D.C.; 1983 Review of Hermann Strasser and Susan Randall; An Introductlon to Theories of Soclal Change; Sociology ; Washington, D.C.; 1982 Review of Jergen Habermas; Communication and the Evolution of Society; Sociology and Social Research ; Los Angeles; 1980 Review of Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter; Imperial Brain Trust ; Sociology and Social Research ; Los Angeles; 1978 "With Words Like Bats", Review of Bertell Ollman; Alienation ; The Human Factor ; Columbia University; N.Y., N.Y.; June, 1972 PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS “The Surplus American & Capitalism: Should You Buy It?;” New Book Reception; Eastern Sociological Society; Baltimore, MD; February 21, 2014 “Three Paradigms on Racial Inequality”; Association of Humanist Sociologists; Arlington, Va; Oct. 11, 2013 “YOU’RE FIRED: How Americans are Becoming a Surplus People or What the 1% Plan for the 99%” (with Charles Derber); play preformed at Boston College; December 7, 2011 10 Panelist; “Brandeis in the Sixties;” Association of Humanist Sociologists; Boston, Ma; November, 2008 “Morality Wars;” New Book Reception; Eastern Sociological Society; N.Y.,N.Y; February 22, 2008 “The Holocaust as Rorschach;” Eastern Sociological Society; Boston, Mass. February 25, 2006 “Capitalism and Democracy” Literature, Communication, and Democracy Symposium; UMass Lowell ; April 2, 2003 “The Public Construction of the Private;” World Congress on Human Coexistence in a Responsible World. Montreal, Quebec, Canada; July, 2000 "Corporations and the State;" Transformations of Corporation Seminar; Boston College; November, 1996 "Control of the Means of Reality;" American Sociological Association; Washington, D.C.; August, 1995 "Dialectics and Equality"; Seventh Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers and Social Scientists; Havana, Cuba; June, 1995 "Religion and Democracy: Israel and the United States"; Association of Humanist Sociologists; Hartford, Connecticut; October, 1983 "Values within the Corporate Community: Roosevelt to Reagan"; Eastern Sociological Society; Baltimore, Maryland; March, 1983 "The Religious Right and the Corporate Right"; Association of Humanist Sociologists; Washington, D.C.; October, 1982 "The Conservative Attack on Liberal Humanism"; Massachusetts Sociological Association; November, 1981 "The Private and the Public in Collision"; Association of Humanist Sociologists; Cincinnati, Ohio; October, 1981 "Ideology and Class Interests"; Society for the Study of Social Problems; Toronto, Canada; August, 1981 'The Colored Slate: Toward an Emancipatory Metapsychology"; Pacific Sociology Association; Anaheim, California; April, 1979 "Economic Sector and Ideology"; Association of Humanist 11 Sociologists; South Bend, Indiana October, 1978 "Foundations of Critical Theory and Political Economy"; West Coast Social Scientist Conference. Nevada City, California; May, 1975 "Political implications of Pedagogical Techniques"; West Coast Social Scientist Conference; San Jose, California; May, 1974 PUBLICATION & PRESENTATIONS FOR THE MASS MEDIA “Bully Nation;” Public Intellectuals Project; Education for a Global Democracy (with Charles Derber); February 5, 2014 “Bully Nation;” Truth-Out (with Charles Derber); February 1, 2014 “When Wars Come Home;” Truth-Out (with Charles Derber); February 19, 2013 “Foreign Policy: Do Republicans And Democrats Really Disagree?” ZNet; (with Charles Derber) November 4, 2012 “History's Magic Mirror: America’s Economic Crisis and the Weimar Republic of Pre-Nazi Germany;” Truth-Out; (with Charles Derber) November 1, 2012 “Romney's ’ 47 Percent’ Blunder Reveals the Hidden Heart of His Agenda” Truth-Out; (with Charles Derber) October 9, 2012 “Surplus People;” Facebook “YOU’RE FIRED” (with Charles Derber & Cal Greene III) The Gavel; Boston College; March 2012; V4; N.1; P 22 &23; “YOU’RE FIRED” (with Charles Derber); video of play preformed at Boston College; on website; 2011 “Vietnam: Disrupted Lives;” Stories Project DVD; Sharon High School; Sharon, Mass. January 7, 2009 “Stifled Debate: The ‘Wright Problem’”(with Charles Derber); International Herald Tribune; Paris, France; May 3, 2008 “Stifled Debate: The ‘Wright Problem’”(with Charles Derber); New York Times; N.Y.N.Y.; May 3 2008 “The ‘Wright Problem’ Belongs to America”(with Charles Derber); Boston Globe; Boston, Mass.; May 1, 2008 “Rethinking War Hero”(with Charles Derber); 12 Baltimore Sun; Baltimore, MD; April 21, 2008“War Hero 624787;” (with Charles Derber); Christian Science Monitor; Boston, Mass.; April 14, 2008 “Morality Wars & The High School Experience;” Boston Latin School; Boston, Mass.; January 30, 2008 Interview of Holocaust Survivor (Abraham Landau) with Professor Robert Michael; WEAN Radio; Providence, R.I.; June, 1983 PUBLICATIONS & PRESENTATIONS FOR GREATER UMD C0MMUNITY “What is Good Teaching?” PHENOM Rally; October 7, 2009 “Teaching Evaluations and the New Contract;” Faculty Forum; May 2009 Morality Wars: Meet the Author Series; February 24, 2009 “All Quiet on the Prison Front;” Changing Lives Through Literature Website; December 6, 2008 “Dissent from the Committee to Create a Common Student Evaluation Form;” Position Paper sent to entire faculty; February 12, 2008 “Forks in the Energy Road;” Focus the Nation Teach-In; January 31, 2008 “UMD Losing Focus on What Made It so Great: Misplaced Priorities & Regaining Respect for Student Input; ” The Torch; Vol. 53, Issue 20; March 8, 2007 “The Myth of Apolitical Science,” Earth Day Seminar; April 20, 2006 “Scientific Ambiguity and Political Certainty,” Earth Day Seminar, April 21, 2005 Panelist: “Is it Patriotic to Protest When We are at War?”; 2004 13 "Sociology Course Challenges Students to Ponder the Impact of Science and Technology;" Growth and Changes in Arts & Sciences at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; 1996 "What I Did During My Summer Vacation: The Cuban Revolution in the 90s" 1994 Faculty Senate Social and International Perspectives; 1995 "Rise of the Expert Class"; Arnold Dubin Labor Seminar; 1993 "Upper Class Rifts & The State"; Arnold Dubin Labor Seminar; 1989 "Why Study Social Sciences at Our University?"; 1981 Panel of Disabled Faculty; March, 1981 "Growing Up Handicapped"; April, 1980 "What's News Worthy in Sociology/Anthropology"; 1980 "The Wall St. Crash: Its Present Implications"; October, 1979 "Brochure of Sociology/Anthropology Department"; 1979 PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL STAFF MEMBERSHIPS Editorial Board; Humanity and Society ; 1983-1986, 2011Book Review Staff; Choice 2001Editorial Board; Bimonthly Review of Law Books 1998-2007 Editorial Board; Quarterly Journal of Ideology; 1992- 1995 Book Review Staff; Quarterly Journal of Ideology; 1985- 1990 Book Review Staff; Sociology: Review of New Books ; 1982-1983 ACADEMIC HONORS AND GRANTS 2008 Evaluator for Peter Urmetzer, Ideology and Free Trade"; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 2000-2008 Listed in Who's Who in America 1997 Listed in Who's Who in the World 14 1996 Listed in Who's Who in The East 1992 Power in the Highest Degree, nominated for Distinguished Publication Award, 1 of 12 candidates for the best book in Sociology in previous 3 years; American Sociological Association 1992 Amicus Curiae; Supreme Court of the United States 1988, 1986 Tier II Merit Raise, UMD 1988 Participant-Comparative Sociology Seminar, Nanzan University; Nagoya, Japan 1987 Participant-Comparative Economist Tour of Soviet Union & Eastern Europe 1986 Participant-Cultural Exchange SeminarPeople's Republic of China 1985-1986 1984 1983-1984 Sabbatical Leave, UMD Greater New Bedford Jewish Federation Grant Broad Field Release Time -Computer Fluency 1983 Participant- New Jewish Agenda Peace Tour of Israel 1972-1973 University of California Fellowship 1971-1972 Columbia University Fellowship 1971 B.A. Magna Cum Laude with Honors in Sociology, Brandeis University 1968-1971 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Scholarship COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS & PROGRAM MEMBERSHIPS AT UMD Represent UMD at the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)Fair, Boston, Mass.; May 2014 College of Arts & Sciences Student Experience Strategic Focus Area Committee; 2013 Delegate American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts Convention 2010; 2012; 2013 Grievance Advocate 2012 15 Convener Sociology/Anthropology Faculty Evaluation Committee for Tenure and Sabbatical Application of two colleagues 2011 Sociology/Anthropology Curriculum Subcommittee for the Revitalization of the Program 2011-2012 Sociology/Anthropology Course Evaluation Workshop 2011-2012 University Admissions Committee 2009University Sustainability Committee 2008Faculty Student Academic Affairs Committee 2008Social Science Representative to Faculty Senate Steering Committee 2007-2008 Faculty Senate 2006Faculty Federation Committee to Create a Common Student Evaluation Form 2007-2009 Faculty Federation Working Conditions Contract Sub-Committee 2006 Sociology/Anthropology Methods Curriculum Committee 2006 Committee to evaluate the Center for Business Research 2004-2005 Chancellor’s Affirmative Action Advisory Committee 2003Sociology/Anthropology Methods Search Committee 2004 Vice Chairman for Students Affairs; Department of Sociology/Anthropology; 1994-2003 Institutional Review Board for Protection of Human Subjects 2000-2001 Leo Sullivan Teacher of the Year Committee, 1996-1998 Committee to Evaluate the Provost 1998 Mentor for Minority Students; 1992College of Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee,1991-2000 Chair,1984-1985 University Calendar Committee; 1991- 1994 16 University Curriculum Committee; 1983-1984, 1991-2000 University General Education Committee; 1987-1989 Arranged visit of Brandeis Professor Gordon Fellman 1985 Computers and Problem Solving Committee; 1983-1985 Member of UMD Jewish Culture Seminar; 1981-1985 College of Arts and Sciences Worker Outreach Committee; 1983 Attended Computer Programming for Faculty Course; 1983 Staff of UMD Micro-Computers Expo '83; 1983 Participated in UMD Five Day Academic Computer Work Shop; 1983 College of Arts and Sciences Student Advising Staff; 1980-1985 College of Arts and Sciences Recruitment Committee; 1980-1981 Sociology/Anthropology Evaluation Committee Sociology/Anthropology Department Student Affairs Committee Sociology/Anthropology Department Curriculum Committee Sociology/Anthropology Colloquium Committee Sociology/Anthropology Continuing Education Committee Liaison between Sociology/Anthropology Department and Handicapped Center 17