TRAVEL ARRANGERS To become a travel arranger, please follow this two-step process: Step 1: Email your campus travel administrator and request the Travel Arranger Role be added to your profile. If you don’t have a profile, you’ll need to create one first. Please click here to REGISTER. Once Arranger Role permissions have been granted, you will receive a confirmation email. You will then need to request permission from the person for whom you want to book travel. Step 2: Go to the Travel Arranging & Approval section of your profile Select My Travelers Type in the first and last name of the traveler and click ADD Once completed, you will receive confirmation that your request has been emailed to the traveler. You will also receive confirmation when the traveler approves your request. Please refer to the Quick Start Reference Guide for more information. GUEST ACCOUNTS Travel arrangers can utilize the guest account to make travel arrangements for guests visiting the University. Guests are defined as visitors who are not employees and might include job candidates, consultants, speakers, athletic recruits, etc. To request use of the guest account, please contact your campus travel administrator. Guest Accounts can also be used for spouses/significant others who are accompanying an employee on a business trip. A personal credit card would be required to use this account. Please note: You must have the Travel Arranger Role enabled to use the Guest Account.