Use this guideline for major changes (four or more) to... MAJOR CHANGE PROPOSAL FORMAT GUIDELINES: PROCESS D

Major Changes to an Existing Program
September 2014
Use this guideline for major changes (four or more) to an to an existing, single degree or non-degree
program (does not include changes to courses—see Process A-- unless the most logical way to present
change(s) to existing course(s) and resultant changes to the program is to include them in the program
change proposal).
Major change proposals obviously represent significant changes to a program, such as a major
redefinition of course requirements (4 or more), or a combination of changes. Accelerated
undergraduate/graduate programs (where both must programs already exist) would be a Process D
Proposal. Adding a specialization to a program is a new non-degree program proposal (Process E). If you
have questions about what constitutes a single change or a program, contact your College Curriculum
Chair or the Senate Curriculum Committee Chair.
Process D proposals require College Curriculum Committee hearing and a Senate Curriculum Committee
hearing. If approved, they are forwarded to the Provost’s Office and announced as approved to the Full
Please note: the italic text below is explanatory for sponsors and not part of the final proposal
a. Title of Proposal: Provide an information title that briefly summarizes the changes requested
(in general terms) and the name of the Program (i.e. name of degree/non degree).
Sponsor(s): The first sponsor listed will be considered the lead sponsor and must be an active
faculty member.
c. Changes in From/To Format (preferably in table format): Can be prefaced with a
description if deemed necessary. Present changes logically and clearly for an audience
unfamiliar with your program and for registrar’s office, who will need to implement these
changes. Potential grouping of changes (e.g. Change 1, 2, 3 descriptions) might be by type
(admission requirements, changes to core/required courses, track/bank changes, changes to
one or more specializations within a program, etc.,) with multiple changes represented in the
If changes are only be made to course prefix, title, description, hours then a Process A might be
more appropriate.
Change 1: Description
Change 2: Description
Major Changes to an Existing Program
September 2014
Change 3 (if applicable):
d. Implementation Date:
e. Related Curriculum Proposals Being Simultaneously Submitted: List only those
proposals directly associated with the changes requested in this proposal, such as new course
proposal. If none, state NONE.
a. Statements of "Need" For Change: Explain the need for the change as it effects the program,
department, college and/or students. This includes program integrity and student progress
Change 1 Rational: Rational organization should correspond with order of Changes above.
Change 2 Rational: if applicable depending on grouping/organization
Change 3 Rational: if applicable depending on grouping/organization
Change 4 Rational: if applicable depending on grouping/organization)
b. Curricular Effect. provide a brief description on how the change effects the program, other
courses, and students (if not addressed above). A program overview or an advising sheet in a
from/to (preferably table) format, incorporating the requested changes and showing credit
hours, is strongly recommended to show how requested changes affect the program as a
a. Consultations Requested: List by name and department and date requested. Letters of
consultation are from all departments or programs (chairs or coordinators) that have similar
course content or might otherwise be affected by this proposal. If the proposal is
interdisciplinary, evidence concerning consultation with all departments/colleges potentially
involved must be included. If a graduate course, a letter of consult is required from the
b. Consultation Received: Copies of emails are acceptable. Letters from all parties listed as
consults are expected to be included.
c. Consultations Not Received: List names and department of anyone who did not respond to
the consult request.
Major Changes to an Existing Program
September 2014
IV. Catalog Description: if the proposal includes changes to existing course (see first paragraph
above). Each catalog description should be on a separate page. Catalog format sample:
ANTH 02321: Cultural Ecology
3 S.H.
Prerequisite: ANTH 02202
This course examines the relation of human groups to their environments as mediated by
culture. It emphasizes the interaction of significant variables in the natural habitat,
technology, and social institutions. This course may not be offered annually.
Faculty Workload Hours: