ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS From perspective of Turkey Kardelen Türkoğlu İlkem Erul Ahmetcan Güldiker - Captain☺ Mustafa Berkay Koyuncu Yusuf Güneş Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Environmental Policies of Turkey Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Environmental Policies of Turkey Environmental Budget of Turkish Ministries Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Environmental Policies of Turkey Environmental Budget of Turkish Ministries Further Steps of Turkey Climate Change Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Environmental Policies of Turkey Environmental Budget of Turkish Ministries Further Steps of Turkey GreenHouse Gases Greenhouse gases refer to the sum of seven gases that have direct effects on climate change : -carbon dioxide (CO2), -methane (CH4), -nitrous oxide (N2O), -chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), -hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), -perfluorocarbons (PFCs) -sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). Green House Gas Effects - World Naturally occuring process: Without the greenhouse effect The Earth Heats the Earth’s surface and atmosphere would be -18 Celcius Human Enhanced GHG Effect-World GHG Emissions Growth-World Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change) CO2 Increase- World OBSERVE Part per million Atmospheric CO2 is on the rise! Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change) CO2 Increase- World Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change) Average Temperature-World Change in average surface temperature 1986-2005 2081-2100 Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change) Sources of Emissions- World GHG Emissions by Economic Sectors 1. 2. Agriculture Forestry And Other Land Uses 4. 3. Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change) Golden Era of Capitalism Central and Eastern Europe and former Russia Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change,gigaton) World Energy Demand Projection 2040-1st Energy Demand Projection Share Scenario with Current policies Scenario with New policies Coal Oil Natural Gas Nuclear Hydro Bioenergy Other Revenwables Source: Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources,2016 budget presentation Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Environmental Policies of Turkey Environmental Budget of Turkish Ministries Further Steps of Turkey Kiloton(kt) Turkey’s Emissions Nitrousoxide Methane Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change) GHG Emissions by Sector- Turkey Biggest Share in total CO2 emissions was seen in energy sectors Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change,2011) GHG Emissions by Sector- Turkey Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change,2011) GHG Emissions by Sector- Turkey Biggest Share in total CH4(Methane) emissions was from waste Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change,2011) GHG Emissions by Sector- Turkey Biggest Share in total N2O (Nitrous Oxide) emissions was from agriculture. Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change,2011) Electricity Production Composition 1990 2. 1. 1.Hydro(40,2) 2.Coal(35.1) 3.Natural Gas(17.7) 3. Renewable energy (0.1) Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change Electricity Production Composition 2011 2. 3. 1. 1.Natural Gas(43,6) 2.Coal(28.4) 3.Hydro(24.2) Renewable energy (3.1) Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change AGENDA Renewables Source: Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources,end of 2015 Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Environmental Policies of Turkey Environmental Budget of Turkish Ministries Further Steps of Turkey Kyoto Protocol Signed in 1997 and effective in 2005 The United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international treaty drafted to deal with climate change. The Kyoto Protocol is a legally binding addition to the UNFCCC Kyoto Protocol Reducing 5% Greenhouse Gases Energy Efficiency Fossil Fuels---Biodiesel Fuels Finding Alternative Enery Resources Carbon Tax Regulation Kyoto Protocol Signatories to the Protocol (84 countries signed) Countries are classified in three groups: -Annex 1: Industrialized countries that have agreed to reduce emissions. -Annex 2: Developed countries who have to pay for the costs of the emission reducing technology of developing countries. -Non-annex: Developing countries who are not restricted by the protocol. Kyoto Protocol Although the Protocol is binding, there are no penalties if Annex 1 countries do not comply. China and India, non-annex countries not bound by the Protocol, are some of the world’s top emitters. Ratification Status December 2007 Some delayed in signing up to Kyoto such as Russia who signed in 2004 Ratification means that the countries agree to abide by the obligations stated in the Protocol. Ratification is open to all signatories regardless of whether they are Annex 1, Annex 2, or Developing Countries Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change Ratification Status December 2007 USA initially signed but then withdrew in 2001 following GW Bush’s Election.(USA emit 25% of world emission) Ratification means that the countries agree to abide by the obligations stated in the Protocol. Ratification is open to all signatories regardless of whether they are Annex 1, Annex 2, or Developing Countries Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change Ratification Status December 2007 Ratification means that the countries agree to abide by the obligations stated in the Protocol. Ratification is open to all signatories regardless of whether they are Annex 1, Annex 2, or Developing Countries Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change Turkey’s Position -Turkey has become a party -to UNFCCC on May 24,2004 -to Kyoto Protocol on August 26,2009. Removing from Annex-I countries(industrial) Kyoto Protocol Results Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change Kyoto Protocol Results Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change Kyoto Protocol Results Source:IPCC(Intergovenrmental Panel on Climate Change Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Environmental Policies of Turkey Environmental Budget of Turkish Ministries Further Steps of Turkey Paris Agreement’s 5 Key Decisions TEMPERATURE AND LONGTERM GOAL Try to keep global warming at 2 Celcius until 2100 REVISION MECHANISM Industry Agriculture Energy CARBON TRADE MARKETS Buy or sell Carbon emission rights FINANCE TRANSPARENCY Everybody knows everything New funds were created What will be change in Turkey? Opportunity to benefit from Green Climate Fund Big revision in industry, energy, agriculture Regulation for greenhouse gases emissions controlling Voluntary Carbon Market projects are implemented Biggest pie of the investment will be on hydro-electric and wind energy What Turkey did During Negotiations • Taking no steps on transportation • 5 new coal-fired power plants • New factories on the most fertile lands -Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık: huge cement factories -Yatağan:a cement factory WE DIDN’T CAUSE IT! SURPRISE VIDEO AT THE END OF THE PRESENTATION https://youtu.be/B11kASPfYxY Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Environmental Policies of Turkey Environmental Budget of Turkish Ministries Further Steps of Turkey Environmental Policies of Turkey In Turkey, Sensitivity on environmental protection started after: 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment Has important role in environmental policies of European Union. Environmental Policies of Turkey Turkey’s national environmental policy was reflected firstly under the condition that 1973-1977 3rd 5-Year Development Plan «environmental protection policies should not hinder economic development.» (Civelek, 2006: 9) Environmental Policies of Turkey 1985-89 Until the 5th development plan the targets were based on -decreasing pollution Source:(Karacan, 2007: 716)(Çokgezen, 2007: 106) After the 5th development plan -efficient use of natural resources - the necessity of transferring natural resources to future generations. Environmental Policies of Turkey Instutional Improvements in 1978 Turkish Republic founded Environmental Undersecretary of the Prime Minister(Çevre Müsteşarlığı) Participation of Turkey to European Environment Agency and European Environment Information and Observation Network are approved by Turkey and European Economic Community in 1978. However, the treaty is entered in force in 2003. Environmental Policies of Turkey In 1984, Environmental Undersecretary of the Prime Ministery (Çevre Müsteşarlığı) Transformed to Diroctorate General of Environmental Management which was under prime ministry.(Çevre İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü) In 2003, In 1991, Ministery of Environment was founded. (Çevre Bakanlığı) Ministery of Environment and Forestry was founded.(Çevre ve Orman Bakanığı) Since 2011, Ministery of Environment and Urbanization (Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı) Environmental Policies of Turkey The year of 1980 is milestone for strenghtening of legal ground. In 1982,as a first time, the environment is regulated in the constitution ‘‘Every citizen has the right of living in a healthy and steady environment. Protecting the health of environment and preventing pollution of environment is duty of both government and citizens.” Environmental Policies of Turkey After 1983, There are some regulations by creating new sentences which have direct effects on environmental issues. For example, -Environmental Law 1983 -National Parks Law 1984 İznik Yedi Göller National Park Environmental Policies of Turkey In Turkey, Rather than, are used more in order to protect the environment. Using economic tools directly Legal regulations and direct controls But, it can be claimed that those tools are hard to implement. Because it can be said that they are behind the targets. Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Environmental Policies of Turkey Environmental Budget of Turkish Ministries Further Steps of Turkey Environmental Budget-Turkey Renewable Energy Department Adjusted Budget Shares in Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources 12% 10% 8% 6% 10.6% 10.1% 8.9% 8.1% 4% 7.2% 2% 0% 2011 2012 2014 Renewable Energy Unadjusted 2011 2012 2014 2015 2016 47.836.000 451.760.000 59.819.000 591.527.000 49.409.000 1.829.076.000 54.934.000 1.890.023.000 61.521.000 1.988.830.500 2015 2016 Adjusted 451.760.000 591.527.000 608.326.000 618.362.000 853.546.500 Since 2014-----Housing and Public Welfare Services approximately 1.2 billion Source: Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources,end of 2015 Environmental Budget-Turkey In 2015-2040- Investment Share of Energy Supply Infrastructure with New Policies Scenario (2015-2040 Yılları Arasında Yeni Politikalar Senaryosu Dikkate Alındığında Kaynaklara Göre Enerji Arzı Altyapısı için Yapılacak Yatırımların Dağılımı) Electricity Coal Energy Efficiency Gas Oil Source: Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources,end of 2015 Agenda Green House Gas Effects and Emissons World Turkey Turkey’s position in global negotitations Kyoto Protocol Paris Conference Environmental Policies of Turkey Environmental Budget of Turkish Ministries Further Steps of Turkey Further Steps-Turkey Turkey’s share of CO2 emissions in the world has In 1960 31st place In 2011 18th place Source:World Development Indicators of The World Bank (2007b) Further Steps-Turkey Turkish Government has integrated the emission trading to its energy strategies until 2023. Emission trading volume is 15 billion USD in Turkey.(Voluntarily Turkish companies) Turkish firms and foreign investors who intend to benefit from emission trading volume of Turkey, shall get the best of due to Turkey's policies and strategies in renewable energy resources , construction and industry in the coming years. Source:EBRD(turkishcarbonmarket.com) Further Steps-Turkey The Turkish government encourages investors to implement renewable energy projects in Turkey with new incentives on renewable energy. Price Support Guarentee To Buy Land Use Support Further Steps-Turkey Turkey faces with the problems : -how to inform enterprises about emisson reduction -how the emission reduction system will be implemented. CONCLUSION • Urgent actions needed to formulate Turkey’s positions to participate efficiently in the international negotiation process • Turkey has already announced taking on “no-lose target” and should switch to low carbon development, employing national efforts and international support • Government and industry should further strengthen their capacities and cooperate at international and national levels • Possibilities to participate in the new emissions trading mechanisms should be utilized WE DIDN’T CAUSE IT! VIDEO https://youtu.be/B11kASPfYxY THANK YOU!!!