International Experiences News College of Human Sciences October – November 2010

College of Human Sciences
International Experiences News
October – November 2010
News from the CHS International Experiences Program
New Addition to Our Staff
Please help us welcome Dr. Andrew Hong to the College of Human Sciences. Dr. Hong is the
new Director of International Experiences for the International Experiences Program. Dr. Hong
comes to us from Ohio State University where he was the Assistant Director of the Korean
Studies Initiative/East Asian Center in the Office of International Affairs. Dr. Hong has also
worked for Utah State University, Purdue University, Oklahoma State University and Chonbuk
University in Korea. We are looking forward to having a successful year in International
Experiences with Dr. Hong and Susannah. Let us know if we can help you develop a new
international program or find a study abroad experience for you!
New Contact Information
The CHS International Experience Program has a new address, new staff and new email
addresses. We have moved into the University Teacher Education Program Offices, located in
133 MacKay Hall. You can reach us by email at:, or you can contact
Susannah directly at: or by phone at: 294-1010. You can reach Dr. Andrew
Hong at: or by phone at: 294-6901.
Come to the CHS Savvy Traveler Orientation Sessions
Traveling overseas? Studying Abroad? Ever wanted to know the secrets to being a savvy
traveler? Learn packing hints, how to maximize your experience, as well as important travel and
safety tips. We are offering three sessions open to everyone – Students, Faculty, and Staff.
So come and join us in 143 MacKay Hall on: Nov. 4, 2010 8:30am-10am; Nov. 9th, 2010
1:00pm-2:30pm; Nov. 17, 2010 10:30 am-12:00pm. See you there!
Choosing your Adventure…..
Student Teaching Abroad
If you are planning on becoming a teacher you will need to complete your student teaching
component. So why not do half of your program in another country? There are opportunities to
teach during both, Fall and Spring semesters. There are opportunities to teach in Italy, New
Zealand, Norway, Spain, Puerto Rico and Mexico. Please keep in mind, sites vary each semester,
availability is also contingent upon travel warnings and restrictions.
The Dean's International Leadership Seminar in Austria
Spend part of your Summer Break touring Austria with the Dean of the College of Human
Sciences. Learn what it means to be a 'global citizen' by attending the Salzburg Global Seminars’
programs, which are aimed at participants acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for a
better understanding of the international political order, the global economy, and worldwide
social developments. You will also have the opportunity to explore Salzburg and the surrounding
areas. A cultural experience you cannot afford to pass up.
...and beyond
Didn't find what you were looking for? Don't worry; the Office of International Experiences can
assist you in finding the right program to fit you, your educational and career goals, not to
mention your budget and wanderlust. Just call or email us for an appointment and we can help
you make the first steps to getting you on your way.
If you don't believe me...
Food and Agriculture in India: Service Learning Opportunities in Nutrition,
Entrepreneurship and Development
"It’s hard for me to believe that a little over a month ago I was just about to embark on the most
amazing experience of my life. The things I learned during the month long study abroad program
Food and Agriculture in India: Service Learning Opportunities in Nutrition, Entrepreneurship
and Development was more than I could have ever imagined. This was something I had always
dreamed of being able to do, since I am interested in working in developing nations to find ways
to improve crop quality, nutritional value, and reliability.” -Stephanie Blaser, Summer 2010
Iowa State: Multidisciplinary Experiential Study of International Nutrition in Peru
“Traveling to Peru for a study abroad program is definitely the highlight of my college career
and one of the best decisions I have ever made. I learned a lot about my chosen path of study
and have gained a lot of experiences that will benefit me in my future career. Through this
experience, I was allowed to apply my knowledge gained through my Iowa State University
courses, practice my communication skills, and learn more about possible careers.” - Samantha
Kling, Summer 2010
The Dean's International Leadership Seminar in Austria
“The chance to study abroad changed and added so much to my perspectives, deepened my
understanding, and was a life changing experience. I had the opportunity to travel to other parts of
Austria, some of Italy and France. The learning that occurs while touring and exploring abroad is
also hard to put into words, but I will try. I learned to be flexible, accommodating and kind. I also
learned that hand gestures and smiling will explain a lot - and is universal. I tried different foods,
immersed myself in art, music, and dance. I talked with people, tried to get an understanding of how
some people view the United States. I explored different museums, checked out an Opera in Vienna,
took pictures of the David in Florence, climbed the leaning tower of Pisa, laid on the beach in Nice,
admired the various types of architecture, managed public transportation, ate a few croissants, met a
lot of people and made some really great friendships. I had the time of my life and I really
appreciated the opportunity to study abroad.” – Kosha McLean, Summer 2010
Study Abroad Goes Electronic with ISUAbroad
Did you know that in Fall 2008 the Study Abroad Center introduced ISUAbroad, new program
and application software that streamlines the entire study abroad process? ISUAbroad provides
program information, enables online application submission and enhances reporting capabilities.
Using ISUAbroad, students can search for programs, submit inquiries, apply for program
admission, request recommendations, and even submit program evaluations. Check it all out at
CHS Scholarship and Awards
CHS International Experiences Scholarships
Up to ten CHS International Experience Scholarships of $1,000 are awarded annually to CHS
students participating in international experiences/study abroad. The International Experiences
Scholarship application deadlines are: November 1st for Spring programs, March 1st for
Summer programs, May 1st for Fall programs. For more information please go to our website.
International Activity Awards for AESHM, HDFS and FSHN
The College of Human Sciences International Committee solicits proposals for the Julia F.
Anderson, Donna L. Cowan, Louise Rosenfeld International, and Pakistan Travel Funds from the
departments, committee, faculty, Extension field staff, students and international Human
Sciences professionals from AESHM, HDFS and FSHN for financial support of programs and
activities that enrich the International dimension of Human Sciences. For additional information
about the CHS International Activity Awards, check out our website. The next proposal
submission deadline is October 5.
CHS Tuition Award for Students who Study Abroad
Did you know the College of Human Sciences offers the CHS Tuition Award, providing $800
toward the tuition of students who participate in study abroad programs sponsored by the College
of Human Sciences? To be eligible for the tuition award, students must participate in a study
abroad program sponsored by the College of Human Sciences. Students are not required to have
an academic major within the College of Human Sciences. Students must complete and submit a
brief application form by the beginning of the semester in which they plan to study abroad, and
submit a short summary of their international experience, including photographs, within 14 days
of return. The tuition award will be credited toward eligible students’ tuition when the required
international experience summary is received. Complete information about the CHS Tuition
Award and the application forms are on our website.
Ester Catherine Harmon Scholarships
The Ester Catherine Harmon Scholarship provides support for students accepted into the Teacher
Education Program in order to expand recipients’ appreciation for other cultures and languages
and enable recipients to extend appreciation of other languages and cultures to future students.
Think you may qualify? Read more about this scholarship here.
Site Development Grants for Faculty
New Site Development Grants and Program Proposal Guidelines
The College of Human Sciences is encouraging expansion of international experience program
offerings by providing support to faculty for program site development. The college will
competitively award up to four grants of up to $3,000 to $4,000 each for qualifying proposals.
Further information about the site visit grants and the application form are online. You can find
the guidelines for submitting program proposals online.
International Programs Calendar
CHS International Experiences Study Abroad Proposal deadline…………………….Oct. 1, 2010
International Activity Awards for AESHM, HDFS and FSHN…………………….....Oct. 5, 2010
CHS International Experiences Scholarship Application deadline………….....….….Nov. 1, 2010
Ester Catherine Harmon Student Teaching/Study Abroad Scholarship deadline…….Nov. 1, 2010
Savvy Traveler Orientation…………………………….……….......Nov. 4th, 2010; 8:30am-10am
Savvy Traveler Orientation……………………………..……………Nov. 9th, 2010; 1pm-2:30pm
Savvy Traveler Orientation………………………………………..Nov. 17, 2010; 10:30am-12pm
Ideas? Suggestions?
Do you have ideas or suggestions for the CHS International Experiences program? Submit them
online at or contact one of the 2010-2011 CHS
International Committee members:
Andrew Hong, Director of International Experiences,
Susannah Cook, Manager of International Experiences,
Linda Hagedorn, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies,
Carrie Kortegast, graduate student representative,
Ann Thye, Apparel, Educational Studies and Hospitality Management,
Ruth MacDonald, Food Science and Human Nutrition,
Maria Kohlhaas, Undergraduate Student Representative,
Al Murdoch, Kinesiology,
Marcia Rosenbusch, Curriculum and Instruction,
Susan Maude, Human Development and Family Studies,
Ann Pierce, Coordinator of International Student Teaching,
Anthony Santiago, ISU State Extension,
David Whaley, Associate Dean for International Experiences,