N. Rajendran's Academic Vitae: History Professor Profile

: Dr. N.Rajendran
Postal Address
: No 20, Nagappa Nagar Extension, “Saptagiri”, Airport,
Trichy-620 007
Telephone Nos
: Res : 0431-2457815; Of : 0431-2407042; Mobile : 9600698772
: nknrajendran@gmail.com
Educational Qualifications: M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Present Position
: Dean of Arts, Professor & Head, Dept. of History
Director, Centre for Nehru Studies
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-24
Date of Birth
: 25-05-1956
Teaching experience: P.G. Teaching Experience 30 years.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of the Institution
Total No. of Service
& Scale of Pay
years months
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Pachaiyappa’s College,Madras.
2. Bharathidasan University
Assistant Professor / Lecturer
Oct.1982-Dec. 89
Lecturer / Reader/ Professor
23 years
Research Contribution: Books and articles Published:
a. Books:
1. National Movement In Tamil Nadu: Political Agitations And State Coercion,
1905-1914.Oxford University Press, 1994.
2. Nationalism and Swadeshism in Tamil Nadu, [Tamil] Clio Publications,Trichy,
2003. [Research, Given best book award by Collector Tiruchirappalli].
3. Historiography [Tamil] Clio Publications, Trichy, October, 2005. [ For P.G &
4. National Movement In Tamil Nadu: Political Agitations And State Coercion, 1905-1914.
Clio Publications, Trichy, 2002. Reprint.
5. Editor, Tamil Nadu History Congress Proceedings of the Eighth, October 2002.
6. Editor, Tamil Nadu History Congress Proceedings of the Ninth Session, October 2003.
7. Editor, Tamil Nadu History Congress Proceedings of the Tenth Session, October 2004.
8. Editor, Tamil Nadu History Congress Proceedings of the Eleventh Session, October 2005.
9. Editor, Tamil Nadu History Congress Proceedings of the Twelfth Session, October 2006.
10.Editor, Tamil Nadu History Congress Proceedings of the Thirteenth Session, October 2007.
10. Shifting Paradigms of Nationalism, Ethnicity and Language in Tamil Nadu, Banglore:
Indian Council of Historical Research Southern Centre, 2006.
11. Sources: Construction and Reconstruction of History, Banglore, ICHR, Nov.2006.
Articles Published
1. “Kapilar and the Sangam Age” Prof. T.K. Venkataraman’s 81st Birthday Commemoration Volume,
2. “History as Gleaned from Kapilar’s Poems”Eds.,C.E. Ramachandran & K.V. Raman, Aspects of
Indian History and Culture [New Delhi: Books and Books,1984],pp.91-96.
3. “Pachaiyappa’s College,Madras” Souvenir Volume the V Annual Conference of the Indian History and
Culture Society,organised by the Indian History Department, University of Madras,1982.pp.A22-A23.
4. “Political Agitation and State Coercion in Madras 1905-1914” India Past and Present, vol. IV No.2
5. “The Science of Writing History: The Qualitative Method Vs Quantitative Method”. A report on the
seminar on Relevance of History: Present and Future,(Bharathidasan University,1990).pp.1-5.
6. “Tamil Nadu State Archives: Farce of Confidential Section”, Economic and Political Weekly vol XXV
No.34, Aug 25, 1990 m p.1889.
7. “Future in Your Hands”, Indian Express, Science Magazine, May 21, 1991.
8. “Relevance of History”, Hindu, Education Column, Sept.29, 1991.
9. “The Currency and Coinage of Madras During the 17th and 18th Centuries”, Studies in South Indian
Coins, Vol. II,ed., A.V.Narasimaha Murthy. Madras: New Era Publications, 1992. pp.143-146.
10. “History of Tiruchirappalli as Gleaned from Epigraphs, 19th Vol. Journal of the Epigraphical Society of
India, Feb.1993.pp. 152-156.
11. “Madras Mahajana Sabha” History of the City of Madras Seminar Volume,Dept of History, Loyola
College, Madras, 1993.pp.
12. “Policy Planning for Water Resource Management: A Normative Future”, Seminar volume on
Irrigation Water Management in Future, Irrigation Management Traning Institute, Trichy-15,
January,1994. pp.
13. “Tolerence and Indian Culture”, Spirit of Tolerence in the Past and Present, Department of History,
St.. Joseph’s College, Trichy, Jan. 17-19 95. pp. 67-75.
14. “Swadeshi Gold coins of Madras” A.V.Narasimha Murthy,ed., Studies in South Indian Coins vol.VI
Madras: New Era Social Research and Documentation Centre, 1996.pp.129-133.
15. “Pondicherry: A Political Base for Nationalist Movement in Tamil Nadu, 1908-1917” Proceedings of
the Tamil Nadu History Congress,2nd Annual conference, Sep 1996.pp.65-69.
16. “Does the Study of History Pay?” The Hindu, Educational Column, dated 13 March,97.
17. “History of the Coinage Under the East India Company” Studies in South Indian Coins vol.VII
Madras: New Era Social Research and Documentation Centre, 1997, pp.159-163.
18. “ Historiographical Trends and its Influence in India”, Institute of Historical Studies, XXXIV All
India Annual Conference Souvenir, Narayana Guru College, Kollam, 1997,pp.70-73.
19. “The Expanding Territory of History: The Old and New Paradigms” South Indian History Congress
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Session, January 1998,pp. 237-240.
20. “M.P.T. Achaya : A Revolutionary in Exile”, South Indian History Congress Proceedings of the
Eighteenth Annual Session, February 1998, pp. 76-77.
21. “Construction and Deconstruction in Historical Methods: Critique of Rationality” Tamil Nadu
History Congress IV Annual Session Proceedings Volume, October, 1998.
22. “Colonial Economic Policy and Economic Nationalism In Tamil Nadu”, Tamil Nadu History
Congress V Annual Session Proceedings Volume, October,1998, pp.345-348.
23. “Agitational Politics and Methods of Mass Political Mobilisation in Tamil Nadu,1905-1908” Proceedings of
the Indian History Congress 58th Session, December,1998.pp.501-507.
24. Book Review Article “Social History of the Tamils”, P. Subramanian, The Indian Historical Review,
Vol . No. New Delhi, I.C.H.R., January, 1999.pp.183-185.
25. “Oral History in the Construction of Social Beliefs and Subaltern Consciousness”, Tamil Nadu
History Congress VI Annual Session Proceedings, October, 1999, pp.314- 316.
26. “An Analysis of Conventional Conception of Scientific History”, South Indian History Congress
Proceedings of the Twentieth Session, February 2000, pp.382-389.
27. “History and Epistemology”, Tamil Nadu History Congress VII Annual Session Proceedings, September,
2001, pp.213-215.
28. “ Jha, Nalini Kant, ed. 2000. India’s Foreign Policy in a Changing World,” Pondicherry University
Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 2, January/July, 2001.pp.240-241.
29. “Namierism and Provincial Politics in Madras” Sectional Presidential Address, Proceedings of the
Twenty First South Indian History Congress, January, 2002.pp.9-15.
30. “Post-Modernism and Deconstruction” Proceeding Volume of the 8th Session of the Tamil Nadu History
Congress, October, 2002. pp.224-226.
31. “Nationalism and Imprisonment: Methods of Discipline and Punishment” Proceedings of the
Twenty Second South Indian History Congress, January, 2003 . pp.61-64.
32. “Historiographical Analysis of National Movement in Tamil Nadu”, Paradigms in Indian History,
Osmaina University, Hyderabad, 2003. pp.150-163.
33. “Foucault: A Critical Thought of History”, Tamil Nadu History Congress Proceedings of the Ninth Session,
October, 2003, pp.239-241.
34.“Terrorism and Human Rights in Afghanistan”, Terrorism Challenges and Remidies , Chennai :
University of Madras, 2004. pp. 154-157.
35. “Economic Nationalism and Indian Shipping Industry in Tamil Nadu, 1906-1910 A.D”, South
Indian History Congress Proceeding of the Twenty Third Annual Session, 2004. pp. 450-456.
36. “National Movement and the Karur Sedition Case” Glimpses of Tamil Nadu History,
B.S. Chandrababu et al eds., Maurai: School of Historical Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University,
37. “Tamil Revolutionaries Abroad”, Proceedings of the Tamil Nadu History Congress, Vol. XI,
November, 2004. pp. 36-38.
38. “Impact of Science on Historical Writings” Proceedings of the South Indian History Congress, Vol.xxiv,
January,2004. pp.581-583.
39. “Internal Migration and Assimilation in Tamil Nadu” in Home Away from Home: Inland Movement
of the People of India , Mahavir Singh, ed., Kolkata: Anamika Publications, 2005. pp. 99-114.
40.“Book Review Article “Colonial Economy and Lower Peasantry- Tamil Nadu Scene”
A.K. Kalimuthu, The Indian Historical Review, Vol . No. New Delhi, I.C.H.R., July, 2005.pp.265-267.
41. “Jacques Derrida: A Critical Thought”, Proceedings of the Tamil Nadu History Congress, Vol. XI,
September,2005. pp. 241-242.
42. “National Movement in Tamil Nadu: Political Organisation, Ideas and Processes”, Journal of Indian
History, Vol. XXX IV parts 1-3, April, August, December, 2005. pp. 135-150.
43. “History of Tsunami” Geomatics in Tsunami, SM. Ramasamy and et.al, eds. New Delhi : New India
Publishing Agency, 2006. pp. 1-9.
44. “Uprising in the South (1857)” cover story in the Front Line on 29th June 2007 issue.
45. “Rethinking 1857” The Revolt of 1857: Rebellions Prelude and Nationalist Response in Tamil Nadu,
Sabyasachi Bhattacharya editor, Hyderabad: Orient Longman, 2007.
46. “Rebellious Poligars, Mutinous Army and the impact of 1857 Revolt in Tamil History” in Uprising of
1857: Perspectives and Peripheries, ed. Subhas Ranjan Chakraborthy, Kolkatta: The Asiatic Society,
47. “Anna the Architect of Modern Tamil Nadu” Anna Centenary Celebrations Volume.ed. Neduncheliyan,
Tiruchirappalli: Bharathidasan University, 2009.
48. “Rebel Freedom of Andaman” History during Revolution of 1857, New Delhi: Granth Shipli (India)
Pvt Ltd, 2009.
49. “1857 Uprising, Historiography and the Andamans Penal Settlement –An Appraisal” Historiography:
Structure and Practice Festschrift in Honour of Dr. T.K. Ravindran, ed. Suresh Jnaneswaran,
Thiruvanthapuram: Kerala State, 2010.
50. Kidth; K. ,uhN[e;jpud; kw;Wk; m. ntz;zpyh “te;jthrpg; Nghh; - xU tuyhw;W
jpUg;GKid” te;jthrpg; Nghh;- 250, fp.gp, 1760-y; ele;j gpnuQ;R- gphpl;b\; Nghhpd;
tuyhw;Wg; gjpTfs;, 2010 gg 99-104.
51 Book Review Article Arun Bandopadhyay, ed., Science and Society in India, 1750–2000
(New Delhi: Manohar), Indian Historical Review June 2011 38: 171-174.
1. Currently Member Indian Council of Historical Research, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
2. Member Committee for writing the History of Tamil Nadu, Tamil Development Studies,
Govt. of Tamil Nadu.
3. Member Boards of Studies of all the leading Universities and Colleges in Tamil Nadu.
4. Editor, Tamil Nadu History Congress Proceedings for 6 continuous years.
5. Chairman, Tamil Nadu Plus Two History text Book, Government of Tamil Nadu.
6. Ph.D. and M.Phil. Examiner in Different Universities.
7. Examiner and Question Paper Setter:
8. Public Service Commissions : Tamil Nadu, Jammu & Kashmir, UPSC, Delhi, SLET
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
9. Chosen as the Sectional President for Political Session of the 21st session of the South Indian
History Congress , Madurai, January, 2001.
10. General Secretary Tamil Nadu History Congress 2007-2011.
11. Chairman, UGC, Review Committee, New Delhi.
12. Chosen as the Sectional President for Historiography Section of the 35th Annual Session of
the Andhra Pradesh History Congress, Department of History, Archaeology & Culture,
Dravidian University, Kuppam.2011.
13. Chosen as the Sectional President for Modern Indian History Session of the 72nd session of the
Indian History Congress, Punjabi University, Patiala (India) 2012.
14. Chosen as the Coordinator of Dictionary of Martyrs: India’s Freedom Struggle (1857-1947),
Southern Region.
Endowment Lectures Delivered
1. “Namierism and Provincial Politics in Madras” Sectional Presidential Address [political]Twenty
First session of the South Indian History Congress Madurai Kamaraj University,Madurai, January,
2. Delivered the First Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Memorial Lecture, Department of History,
H.H.Rajah’s College, Pudukkottai, on 30th July, 2004.
3. “Shifting Paradigms of Nationalism, Ethnicity and Language in Tamil Nadu” Delivered the
prestigious Indian Council of Historical Research Southern Regional Centre Endowment
Lecture, Banglore, 26th August, 2005.
4. “History Myth and Reality” Delivered the Bharatidasan University Popular Lecture Series,
5. Delivered the prestigious Prof. S. Sathianathaier Endowment Lecture in the Dept. of Indian
History, University of Madras, Chennai, 28th March, 2006.
6. Delivered the prestigious Prof. Hiralal Gupta Endowment Lecture in the Dept. of History,
Loyola College, Chennai, 24th November, 2007.
7. Delivered the prestigious Dr. G. Palani Periyasamy Endowment Lecture in the Tamil Nadu State
Archives for Historical Research, Chennai, 24th January, 2008.
8. Delivered the prestigious Prof. Mamidipudi Venkata Rangaiya Memorial Lecture in Andhra
Pradesh History Congress, 35th Annual Session, Department of History, Archaeology & Culture,
Dravidian University, Kuppam, 7th January, 2011.
Radio Talks AIR TRICHY
On Subash Chandra Bose
On Arabindo Ghose
U.N. Quiz
Indian National Movement
1. On 1857 Uprising, 11th May, 2007, Interview.
2. On 250th Anniversary of 1857 Battle of Palssey, on 23 June, 2007, Interview
Academic Contributions:
Research Guidance:
Ph.D. Students: Ph.D. Produced: 10 Now guiding: 09
M.Phil. Produced: 85 (now guiding): 4
Masters Projects: More than 100
Research Projects:
Research Projects:
Consultancy Projects:
Tamil Nadu State Archives District Gazetteer Project [Honorory],
Government of Tamil Nadu.
: 1. Tiruchirappalli District Gazetteer Vol. I.
: 2. Tirunelveli District Gazetteer
: 3. Tuticorin District Gazetteer
4. Vellore District Gazetteer
Year of
Month of
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. History and Culture of Tiruchirappalli City-- U.G.C. -----July 98 July 99
Rs. 11,000/2. Post-modernism and Recent Historiographical Trends--UGC- Sept.99 August 2000 Rs. 15000/3. History of Thanjavur District since 1947. ----- U.G.C. ------ July 96 August 97
Rs. 10,000/Papers Presented in Conferences/ Seminars/workshops
International Conferences
1. “Constitutional Compromise in India and Canada” Paper presented in the 7th International
Indian Association seminar on Canadian Studies held at Bishop Heber College during 6-8th Jan
2. “Elite and Social Change in Tamil Nadu, 1857-1947”, paper presented in the Bi-national
Seminar on Social Change in Tamil Nadu sponsored jointly by Department of Sociology, University of
Madras and Department of Sociology, University of Western Sydney, Macarthur, Australia.Dec.8-9 94.
3. “THE REVOLT OF 1857: The Rebellious Prelude and the Nationalist Response in Tamil
Nadu” Paper presented in the International Conference on “Historiography on 1857”
organized by ICHR, New Delhi, 9-10th Dec.,2006.
4. Dr. N. Rajendran, presented the paper “ Rebellious Poligars, Mutinous Army and the Impact of
1857 on Tamil Nadu” in the International Seminar on “Uprisings of 1857-58 : The View from
Outside the Gangetic Heartland at The Asiatic Society, Kolkata from 20th March to 23rd March
5. Dr. N.Rajendran, Presented the paper “Identity, Emotion and Culture: Languages and
Literature of the Subcontinent, c.900c. 1971 AD” International Seminar, ICHR, Bangalore from 5th
January to 7th January 2008.
6. “ Rukmini Laksmipathy Endowment Lecture” , International Conference on Exploring the
Unsung Heroines of Indian National Movement on Department of Historical Studies and
Tourism Management ,Mother Teresa University, Kodikanal,1st & 2nd August,2008.
7. International Association of Historians Of Asia 20th Conference Jnu, New Delhi (14-17
November 2008), paper presented in Military and War History Section.
8. 1st World Tamils Economic Conference and Tamils Diaspora Meet 2009 held at
Chennai during 6th -7th January 2009.
9. Dr. N.Rajendran, Presented the paper “Nation, Language and Region in Tamil Nadu Politics”
Chemmozhimannadu (World Classical Tamil Conference), Coimbatore, 24th & 27th June 2010.
National Conferences
1. “History as Gleaned from Kapilar’s Poems” paper presented in the Annual Congress of the
Indian History and Culture Society, held under the auspices of the Indian History Department,
University of Madras, 1982.
2. “Swadeshism and Karur Sedition Case” paper presented in the seminar on Politic and Social
Change in South India in the 19th and 20th Centuries, organised by the Indian History Department,
University of Madras,27-29 March,1985.
3. “Was Madras Benighted 1905-1914”, paper presented in the 47th Session of the Indian History
Congress , University of Kashmir,Oct.1986.
4. “Administration of Governor Lawley and Political Upheavals in Madras 1906 -1911” paper
presented in the 7th Session of the South Indian History Congress,Madras,1987.
5. “Agitational Politics and State Coercion, 1905-1914” paper presented in the ICHR sponsored 14
Days workshop on National Movement. Department of History, Pondicherry University, May 16-30,
6. “Relevance of History: Past and Present”, paper presented in the X Annual South Indian
Congress January 1990.
7. “The Science of Writing History: The Qualitative Method Vs Quantitative Method” paper
presented in the Seminar on Relevance of History: Present and Future, K.N.College, Thanjavur,
9 -10 March,1990.
8. “Swadeshi Movement in Tamil Nadu” paper presented in the Department of History, Bishop
Heber College , Tiruchirapalli-17, 1990.
9. “Currency and coinage of Madras during 17th and 18th centuries” paper presented in the
South Indian Numismatics Society conference held at K.N. College Thanjavur on 4th Jan 1991.
10.“Scenario Building: A Methodology in Future Scanning” paper presented in the presented in
the National Workshop on Technology Forecasting and Perspective Planning, held at Khajamalai
campus Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirappalli ,during,18-22 Feb. 1991.
11 “Indian Environment Scenario” paper presented in the presented at Environmental Awareness
Campaign, held at Sri Poondi Pushpam College, Poondi on 22nd March,1991.
12. “Swadeshi Steam Navigation Company: A Native Venture in Vain”, paper presented in the 28th
Annual Conference of the Institute of historical Studies Calcutta held at V.O.C. College, Tuticorin,
13. “Madras Mahajana Sabha: Political Mobilization in the City of Madras” paper presented in
the Symposium on “350 Years of Madras City” organized by the Department of History, Loyola
College, Madras, 1St. Feb.92.
14. “History of Tiruchirappalli As Gleaned From Epigraphs”, paper presented in the 18th
Epigraphical Society of India Annual Congress, Poona, Feb 2-3 1992.
15. “Indian Freedom Struggle: a Study In Gandhian Leadership” paper presented in the Seminar
on Mahatma Gandhi, Bharathidasan University,Trichy, Oct.2, 1992.
16. “Economic Resurgence And Swadeshi Efforts In Tamil Nadu, 1900-1910”, paper presented
in the seminar on “Economic Heritage of the Tamils” at International Institute of Tamil Studies,
Madras, January 27-29, 1993.
17. “History: Future Perspectives” paper presented in the Seminar on “Introduction to History” at
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli April 23, 1993.
18. “Science and Technical Education and Industrial Development in Madras, 1854- 1914”
paper presented in the 14th Session of the South Indian History Congress, Tirupathi, January
19. “Policy Planning for Water Resources Management: A Normative Future” paper presented
in the IMTI Seminar on “Irrigation Water Management in Future” on 27-28 January 1994.
20. “Political Behaviour and Social Change in Tamil Nadu” paper presented in the two day
seminar on “ Socio-Economic Transformation of Tamil Nadu” organsied by Research Institute for
South Asian Social Heritage and P.G Department of History, Arigner Anna College, Aralvaymoli,
Nagarcoil, 19-20 Feb. ‘94.
21. “Interpretation of Data and Thesis Writing in History” paper presented in the AIACHEInter- isciplinary workshop organised by the St.Joseph's College, Trichyon 22 and 23 March 1994.
22. “The Concept of Future as Revealed by Epigraphs” paper presented in the 20th Annual
Congress of the Epigraphical Society of India held at the Mythic Society, Banglore, June 1012,1994.
23. “Historiography on Quantitative Methods” paper presented in Indian Council of Historical
Research, New Delhi, Sponsored Workshop on Historical Methods on 28th Aug.94.
24. Paper presented in the National Seminar on “Pluralism in India and Canadian History,
Literary and Sociological Approaches” Centre for Canadian Studies, Department of English,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli-24, on 10-12th October 1994.
25. “Swadeshi Gold Coins” Paper presented in the 5th South Indian Numismatics Society conference
held at St.Joseph's College,Trichyth ,18-19 Feb.95.
26. “Dravidian Parties and the process of Development in Tamil Nadu: An analysis in
Historical perspective” paper presented in the U.G.C. sponsored National Seminar organised by
the Department of Politics and Public Administration, held at Madras University in April '95.
27. “Polemics of Political Mobilization: Nationalism and Dravidian Politics in Tamil Nadu
1885-1947”, paper presented in the seminar on Constructing Nation in India: Ideas and Processes
held at Kurukshetra University, during 10th 11th & 12th March 95.
28. “Climate, Catastrophe and Civilization” paper presented in the Second DG National
Conference on Natural Resources Environment and Sustainable Development at School of Earth
Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli-24 on September 20-22, 1995.
29. “Hegemony, Accommodation: The Changing Paradigm of the Dravidian Movement” paper
presented in the U.G.C. Seminar on Dravidian Movement “A study in Reformulation during
November 15-17 at Anna Centre for Public Affairs, Madras.
30. “Pondicherry a political Base for National Movement in Tamil Nadu' paper presented in the
2nd Annual Session of the Tamil Nadu History Congress held at Annamalai University on 27-28,
August 95.
31. “Freedom Movement in India”, Paper presented in the History Week Celebrations, Department
of History, Holy Cross College, 5 Dec. 95.
32. “Communal Conflicts and Communal Harmony” paper presented in the Seminar on
Communal Harmony at Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women, Periyakulam on 5 Feb.96.
33. “Railway Labour Unrest in Tamil Nadu: Perambur Strike A Case Study 1913- 1914, paper
presented in the in the Economic History Section of the XVI Session of South Indian History
Congress, at Gulbarga University, Gulbarga, 9th - 11th Feb,1996.
34. “Tolerance and Indian Culture” paper Presented in the Symposium on Spirit of Tolerance in the
Past and Present at St.Joseph's college, Trichy, 12-19th Jan 96.
35. “Panchayat Raj: Problems and Prospects”, paper Presented in the Seminar on Panchayat Raj,
organised by the Centre for Adult, Continuing Education and Extension, Bharathidasan University,
Indian University Association for Continuing Education., Delhi and Asian Network on
Comparative Adult Education, Madras on 23rd and 24th Feb 96.
36. “The Beginning and end of Madras Mint”, Paper presented in the 7th Annual Conference of
South Indian Numismatic Society organised by Directorate of Archeology and Museum, Mysore,
20-21 Jan.'96.
37. “The Role of Freedom Struggle in Tamil Nadu” paper presented in the Seminar organised by
the Department of History, A.V.C. College, Mannampandal, 6th March 96.
38.“The Expanding Territory of History: The Modern Trends and Movements in
Historiography” paper presented in the Seminar on “Recent Trends in Historical Research in
India” organised by the Department of Historical Studies ,M.K. University, Madurai, 18 March 1996.
39. “History of Pudukkottai” paper presented in the one day seminar organised by the Pudukkottai
Museum, 17 March, 1996.
40 “The Impact of Modernism and Post-Modernism in the Historiography of Tamil Nadu”
paper presented in the III Annual Session of the Tamil Nadu History Congress organised by the
Centre for History, Bharathidasan University, Trichy,7-8 Sept. 96.
41. “Expanding Territory of History” paper presented in the XVII Session of the South Indian
History Congress, Department of History, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, 7-9 Jan. 97.
42. “History and Competitive Examinations” paper presented in the seminar organised by the
Department of Historical Studies, M.K.University, Madurai, 20 March 97.
43.“History and Journalism” paper presented in the one day seminar on Revamping History,
English and Tamil Through Journalism, held at A.V.C College, 21 March,97.
44. “Construction and Deconstruction “paper presented in the one day U.G.C seminar on
Emerging Trends in History organised by the Department of History, Holy Cross
College,Trichy 31 March,97.
45. “The Role of Netaji in Freedom Movement” paper presented in the seminar organised in
connection with the Centenary Celebrations of Netaji Subash Chandra Bose, Department of
History, Seethalakshmi RamasamiCollege, Trichy, 27 March 97.
46. “Netaji: Qualities of Leadership” paper presented in the one day seminar organised by the
Department of History,Sri A.V.M. Poondi Pushpam College,Poondi, 3 April 97.
47. “Construction and Deconstruction in Historical Methods: Critique of Rationality” paper
presented in the IV Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu History Congress, held under the
auspices of the Department of Sculpture, Tamil University, Thanjavur 23-24 August 97.
48. “M.P.T. Acharya: A Revolutionary in Exile”, South Indian History Congress, 18th session, Sree
Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady, 6-8 February, 1998.
49. “Local Self-Government and Conservation of Environment”, UGC Seminar on Local
Governments in South India organised by the Dept. of Politics and Public Administration,
University of Madras, Chennai, 20-21, April 1998.
50. “Teaching of American Studies-History” workshop on American Studies in South India held at
Bangalore on 12-13, May 1998.
51. “Colonial Economic Policy and Economic Nationalism in Tamil Nadu, 1905- 1910”, Tamil
Nadu History Congress 5th session organized by the Dept. of History, Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University, Tirunvelveli on 24-25 October 1998.
52. “Post-Modernism: Contemporary Historiography” paper presented in the South Indian
History Congress, Loyola College, Chennai, 25th January 1999.
53. “Towards the 21st century India & Canada” National seminar on Canadian Studies, Centre for
Canadian Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, 10-11February 1999.
54. “Reservation Policy” UGC State Level Seminar at Thiru Vi.Ka.Govt. Arts College, Tiruvarur, 4-5
March 1999.
55. “Swadeshi Movement and Agitational Politics and Economic Nationalism in Tamil Nadu,
1905-1910”, UGC & ICHR National Seminar on “Indian National Movement and Aftermath”,
Dept. of History, Kakatya University, Warangal, 15-17 March 1999.
56. “Quantitative History” 2 days National Seminar on Contemporary Relevance of History: An
Evaluation of Curriculum and Exam, Centre for History, Bharathidasan University, March 26-27,
57. “Non-Alignment and its Relevance Today” one day seminar on International Studies.30 March
58. “Oral History and Historical Reconstruction” one day seminar at Madurai Kamaraj University,
Madurai, 14 October 1999.
59. “Oral History in the Construction of Social Beliefs and Subaltern Consciousness”, Sixth
Session of the Tamil Nadu History Congress, Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi, 23-24 October 1999
60.“An Analysis of the Conventional Conception of Scientific History”, South Indian History
Congress, Kakatiya University, Warangal on 23-25 January 2000.
61. “Scope of History”, UGC Seminar, Dept. of History, Holy Cross College, Trichy on 9 February
62. “National Movement and Techniques of Mass Mobilization”, UGC Seminar, S.R. College,
Trichy on 18 February 2000.
63. “Studies in Freedom Movement”, UGC Seminar “perspectives on the History of Tamil Nadu”,
organised by the Dept. of History, M.S. University, Tirunelveli on 28-29 February 2000.
64.“Human Rights and Environmentalism” UGC National Seminar on Human Rights &
Education, Dept. of History, Presidency College, Chennai on 30-31 March 2000.
65.“Functioning of Indian Constitutions: 50 years of Experience” UGC National Seminar on
M.K. University College, Madurai on 23 March 2000.
66. “Cliometrics in USA” paper presented at the Annual Network Workshop, South India American
Studies Network, Bangalore on 18 August 2000.
67. “Eco-Feminism: India and Canada: A Utopian vision for a Harmonious Universe” the
National Seminar on Canadian Studies, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, 29-30 September 2000.
68. “Review of Indian Constitution – A Re-look into the Indian Constitution”, the seminar
organised under the auspices of Indian Institute of Public Administration hosted by Dept. of Social
work, Bharathidasan University, on 10 October 2000.
69. “History and Epistemology”, 7th Annual Proceedings of the Tamil Nadu History Congress,
Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal on 22-24 September 2000.
70. “Theories of Nationalism and Cambridge Historiography” National Seminar on
Historiography of Tamil Nadu jointly sponsored by the Department of Indian History , University
of Madras and I.C.H.R southern region, Banglore , 28 & 29 March, 2001
71. “National Movement in Tamil Nadu: A Historiographical Analysis” National Seminar on
“Notions of History Historical Writings on South India” sponsored by ICHR, New Delhi and
organised by ICHR., Southern Regional Centre, Bangalore, on 25-26 August 2001.
72. “Impact of Post-Modernism in Historiography” National seminar on Modern Historiographical
Trends organised by Dept. of History, Lady Doak College, Dept.of History, Madurai , on 7
September 2001.
73.“Post-Modernism and Deconstruction” in the 8th Annual Session of the Tamil Nadu History
Congress, University of Madras, 2001.
74. “Nationalism & Colonial Prison” South Indian History Congress, Dept. of History, University
of Kerala, Thiruvanathapuram during 25-27 February 2002.
75. “Philosophy of Education: India-Canada Experience” in the Indo-Canadian Seminar,
organised by the Dept. of History, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, 28th & 1st March 2002.
76. “Multiculturalism and Education in India and Canada” in the National Seminar on
Multiculturalism Key for Managing Diversity: India and Canada, organized by the Centre for
Canadian Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-24 on 27 April, 2002.
77. “International Studies in the New Millennium” the seminar on International Studies for the
New Millennium conducted by the Dept. of History, Stella Maris College, Chennai,August,2002.
78. “Afghanistan and Terrorism” for COHSSIP Inter-Collegiate Seminar on “International crisis”
held, at V.V.V. College for Women, Virudhunagar on 4th October 2002.
79. “Nationalism and Subaltern Mobilization in Tamil Nadu” in the 39th Annual Conference of
the Institute of Historical studies, Kolkata. Held on 21st and 24th October 2002.
80. “Michel Foucault as Historian” in the 9th Session of the Tamil Nadu History Congress held at
Nirmala College, Coimbatore during 25-27th October, 2002.
81 “Language as Regional and Cultural Identity in Tamil Nadu” in the ICHR Southern Regional
Seminar on Formation of Regional, Cultural Identity, organized by the Department of Indian
History, University of Madras, d on 2nd - 4th December 2002.
82.“Internal Migration and Cultural Assimilation in Tamil Nadu” in the Nation Seminar
organized by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata during 16th and 17th
December 2002.
83. “A Review of American History Curriculum” Workshop on American Studies, Sri
Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, 3-5 January, 2003.
84. “Writing History” History workshop organized by Sir C.P. Ramaswami Iyer Foundation, Chennai
on 11th January, 2003.
85. “Economic Nationalism and Indian Shipping Industry in Tamil Nadu, 1906-1910” Twenty
Third Session of the South Indian History Congress, St. Josehph’s College, Tiruchirappalli,
31January- 2nd February, 2003.
86. “Terrorism and Human Rights in Afghanistan” National Seminar organized by the
Department of History, Women’s Christian College, Chennai on 13th February, 2003.
87. “Trends in Historical Writings in Modern Tamil Nadu : Nationalism and Dravidian
Politics a Review” National Seminar, organized by Indian Council of Historical Research,
New Delhi, held at SRC, Bangalore, on 14-16th February, 2003.
88. Has presented a paper on “Changing Perspectives on Writing History” UGC Workshop
organized by Holy Cross College, Trichy, 26th February, 2003.
89. “Landscape and Environmentalism in India and Canada” National Seminar on “Towards a
New Ecological Order Canadian and Indian Discourses on the Environment” Centre for Canadian
Studies , Department of History, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, 12 March-14th March, 2003.
90. “Tamil Culture, Nationalism and Nationalist Movement in Tamil Nadu” National Seminar
on Philosophical Foundations of Indian Nationalism organized by the Indian Council of Historical
Research, New Delhi, 28th February- 2nd March, 2003.
91. “Colonial Science and Indian Response” Annual Conference of the Association of the Third
Wrold Studies, Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikkanal, May 9-11, 2003.
92. “ Indian Nationalism” Seminar Organised by the Dept. of History, Holy Cross College, Trichy,
22, August, 2003.
93. “Empowerment of Women” UGC Seminar, Government Arts College for Women, Pudukkottai,
29th August, 2003.
94. “International Studies in the New Millennium” the seminar on International Studies for the New
Millennium conducted by the Dept. of History, Stella Maris College, Chennai, August, 2003.
95. “Emergence of Modern Trends in Research Methodology” Dept. of History, PSGR
Krishnammal College, Coimbatore, 24 September, 2003
96. “National Movement and Tamil Revolutionaries Abroad” in the Tenth Session of the Tamil
Nadu History Congress hosted by the A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam College, at Thanjavur, 10-12th
97.“The Philosophical Foundation of the Indian Freedom Movement” as Resource Person in the
Seminar on “The Recent trends in the History of Indian Freedom Movement” organized by the
Department of History, V.O.Chidambaram College, Tuticorin on 15th October, 2003.
98. “Educational Power, Violence and Society” in the State Level Seminar at Department of
History, Nirmala College, for Women, Coimbatore on 21st October, 2003.
99. “Nationalism and Dravidian Movement in Tamil Nadu: Politics of Ethnicity and
Language” in the National Seminar on “Indian Nationalism” at Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkatta on 11&12th December, 2003.
100. Chaired a Session in the Tenth Annual Conference of the Academy of Public Affairs on “Tamil
Nadu in the New Millennium: Challenges and Responses” at University of Madras on 28th
December 2003.
101. “Post-Modernism and American Historiography” 3 days workshop on American Studies,
South India American Studies Network, hosted by the Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, on 22 to
24 January, 2004.
102. “Relevance and Future of Human Rights” in the National Seminar on “Human Rights
and Contemporary Issues” hosted by the Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli on 6th February,
103. “Science of Writing History” in the South Indian History Congress held in the Calicut
University, during 16-18 February, 2004.
104. “History, Civilization and Environment” in the State Level Seminar organized by The Standard
Fireworks Rajaratnam College for Women, Sivakasi on 2.March, 2004.
105. “Colonial Construction of Indian’s Past History”, UGC National Seminar, Pondicherry
University, Pondicherry on 26.03.2004 and 27.03.2004.
106. “Social Sciences Research Methods”, UGC National Workshop, Dept. of Political Science,
DDE, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar on 24th April 2004.
107. “Impact of Colonialism and Nationalism on the Socio-Economic conditions in
Tamill Nadu, 1885-1915” ICHR sponsored Seminar organized by the Dept. of History, IDE,
University of Madras, Chennai, on 24th June 2004.
108. “Contemporary Issues In Human Rights” at A.D.M College for Women, Nagapattinam 10th
September 2004.
109. “History of Water and Land Management South India” at Regional ICHR Centre, Bangalore
on 11th & 12th September 2004.
110. “The Rights of Women in Tamil Society” in UGC State level Seminar in D.G Govt. Arts
College for Women, Mayiladuthurai on 22 to 24th September 2004.
111. “Lal Bahadur Sastri”, UGC National Seminar, Dept. of History, Seethalakshmi Ramasamy
College, Trichy on 19th October 2004.
112. “Jacques Derrida: “A critical Historical Thought”, 11th Annual Session of Tamil Nadu
History Congress, Kanchipuram, 5th and 6th November 2004.
113. “Research Methodology on History” and presented paper entitled as Resource Person
“Unchanging Past and Changing Interpretations” at the Department of History, St.Joseph’s
College, Trichy on 1st December 2004.
114. “ Good Governance in the Millennium” UGC National Seminar, Anna Centre for Public
Affairs, University of Madras, Chnnai , 13th December, 2004.
115. “Modernism and Post-Modernism - The Contemporary Debate” in the 25th Annual Session
of the South Indian History Congress, at Madurai, 20th –22nd January, 2005.
116. “ Multiculturalism Canadian and Indian Prospectives”, organized by the Centre for Canadian
Studies, Dept. of History, Pondicherry University, 2- 4, March 2005.
117. “The Emerging Trends Historical Writings in Tamil Nadu” Tamilnadu History Congress
12th Session,at A.V.C. College, Mannampandal , 30th Sept., 1-2 Oct. 2005.
118. Delivered Presidential Address in the Valedictory Session of the National Seminar on “Role of
Temples in Promoting Spiritualism and Maaterialism in Tamil Nadu”Dept. of
History, Directorate of Distance Education, Annamalai University on 12th November 2005.
119. “Human Rights and Related Issues” State Level Seminar, PG & Research Dept. of
Economics, Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Trichy on 22- 23 Feb. 2006.
120. “Tourism in South India – Trends and Travals” UGC National Seminar, the Dept. of Indian
History, University of Madras on 24 & 25th January 2006.
121. “History and Impact of the Re-Organization of States in South India” National Symposium
organized by the Dept. of History, Banagalore University, Bangalore as part of South 26th
session of the Indian History Congress from 3rd to 5th March 2006.
122. “Rise of Militant Nationalism Sequent to 1905 Partition- An Overview in 2005” UGC
sponsored State Level Seminar, Department of History, S.T.Hindu College, Nagercoil, on 12 &
13th April 2006.
124. “Contextualising History in the Era of Globalisaion” in the Dept. of History, National
College, Trichy on 13th February 2007.
125. “Emergent India” UGC sponsored National Seminar at Dept. of History, Bishop Heber
College, Trichy on 30th March 2007.
126. Paper Presented on ‘Human Rights and Values in Education’ at UGC sponsored National
Seminar organized by the Department of History and Tourism ‘Emerald Heights College for
Women, Ooty on 29th June 2007.
127. “History of Linguistic State Re Organization in South India: Problems and Perspectives”Tamil Nadu Keraleeyan Smaraka Samithi & Malabar Institute of Research and Development,
Vatakara on 10th and 11th August 2007.
128. “Human Rights Awareness For Sustainable Development” National Level Seminar on Post
Graduate and Research Department of History, Periyar E.V.R. College, Trichy on 6th September
129. Professor N. Rajendran, delivered Valedictory Address in the UGC National Seminar on Ethics
and Human Values at Post Graduate and Research Department of History, Nirmala College for
Women, Coimbatore on 25th September 2007.
130. Indian National Movement National Level Seminar Organized by Mallamma Marimallappa
Women’s Arts and Commerce College, Mysore on 4th & 5th October 2007.
131. National symposium “Resistance to Colonial Rule till 1857” Indian Council of Historical
Research, Bangalore on 17th December 2007.
132. “Brain Storming Session on Revival of Indian Lakes Water Management in South India:
An Overview” Centre for Remote Sensing, Bharathidasan University, Kajamalai, Trichy on 18th
December 2007.
133. “The Revolt of 1857 and Indian National Movement” P.S.G.R. Krishnamal College for
Women, Coimbatore on 18th January 2008.
134. Chair Person National Level Seminar “Environmental History” Department of History Lady
Doak College, Madurai on 23rd January 2008.
135. “Rebellious Poligars, Mutinous Army and the Impact of 1857 Revolt in Tamil Nadu” in
the National Symposium sponsored by ICHR, New Delhi, Victoria memorial, Kolkatta on 26th
January 2008.
134. “Trends of the Time Human Rights Vs Human Values” UGC sponsored one day
seminar on Dept. of History, Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College, Trichy on 29th January 2008.
136. Presented a research paper “1857 Revolt: Transportation and Incarceration –The Birth of
Kalapany” in the two days National Seminar on “150 years of First war of Independence Dept. of
Sports, Arts & Culture, Andaman Administration, Port Blair from 25th February to 28th February
137. “Era of Freedom Struggle Revisited” UGC sponsored seminar on Dept. of History, A.V.C.
College, Mannampandal, Mayiladuthurai on 4th March 2008.
138. “Reservation Policy in Post –Colonial India” National Seminar, Department of Indian
History,University of Madras, Chennai, 5th January, 2009.
139. Presented a Paper on “Situating History as Social Science in the Era of Globalization” in the
Two days UGC & ICSSR sponsored National Conference on “Humanities and Social Science in
India: Issues and Challenges in the Era of Globalization” organized by Department of History,
Women’s Christian College, Chennai, 12 & 13, March ,2009.
140. “The Risings of 1857: Literary, Folk and other Cultural Representations from South India”
National Seminar, Department of History, Dravidian University, Kuppam on 18th & 19th March,
141. Delivered Key Note Address State Level Seminar on “Relevance of Jawaharlal Nehru’s Ideas
on contemporary India” Centre for Nehru Studies, School of RuralStudies, Alagappa University,
Karaikudi, 23rd March, 2009.
142. Presented Research paper on “Freedom Struggle in Tamil Nadu” ICHR Sponsored One Day
State Level Workshop on “Quit India Resolution: A Turning Point in India’s Struggle for
Freedom” Organized by P.G. & Research Department of History, Sri G.V.G Visalakshi College
For Women (Autonomous), Udumalpet, Pollachi, 26th March,2009.
143. “1857 –The Role of Peasants, Artisans & Tribals” Two day national Seminar on Centre for
Heritage Studies, Department of Cultural Affairs, Government of Kerala, on 10th & 11th April,
Seminar/Symposium/Workshop Conducted / Organised
1. Organiser for the Seminar on “Quit India Movement in Retrospect, 26th January,
2. Local Secretary for the 19th Annual Congress of the Epigraphical Society of India, 12-14
FEB.1993 Funded by I.C.H.R, New Delhi [National].
Organiser for the Seminar on the contributions of Mahatma Gandhi,Swami Vivekananda
and Arijnar Anna, Seminar organised as part of the Gandhi Jayanthi celebrations, Oct .1993,
Academic Staff COllege, Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirapalli-23. [Regional]
4. Co-ordinator for the 14 days I.C.H.R. New Delhi,sponsored workshop on Historical Methods
Aug 22- 2 Sep .1994 [National].
5. Local Secretary, 3rd Annual Session of the Tamil Nadu History Congress, Centre for History
Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirapalli-24, Sep7th & 8th 1996. [National].
6. UGC, ICHR sponsored National Seminar on “Nation in the Making : Freedom Struggle
and Contemporary Challenges , Feb. 13-14,’98.
7. Conducted 28 days U.G.C. Refresher Course in History under the theme” Contemporary
Historical Trends” Academic Staff College, Bharathidasan University, from 10 Nov. To 7 th Dec.98.
8. UGC National Seminar on “Contemporary Relevance of History: An Evaluation of
Curriculum and Examination March 26 & 27, 1999.
9. Conducted 21 days U.G.C. Refresher Course in History under the theme “Theory and History”
Academic Staff College, Bharathidasan University, from 25 Nov. to 15th Dec.2000.
INDEPENDENT INDIA during 23-24 March 2002.
11. Conducted 21 days UGC Refresher Course in History on STATE, SOCIETY AND
CULTURE, Academic Staff College, Bharthidasan University, Tiruchirappalli during 9th – 28th
March 2002.
12. Conducted 2 days I.C.H.R, New Delhi sponsored seminar on “Sources: Construction and
Reconstruction of History” 28 & 29th January, 2003.
13. Conducted one day UGC Seminar on “Which Road to the Past? Emerging Trends of
History” Centre for History, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-24, on 24 March, 2004.
14. Conducted Jawaharlal Nehru Lecturers, First Lecturer, 22, September, 2005.
15. Conducted Jawaharlal Nehru Lecturers, Second Lecturer, 14th November, 2005.
16. Conducted Jawaharlal Nehru Lecturers, Third Lecturer, 22, December, 2005.
17. Conducted I.C.H.R, sponsored National Seminar on “Historical Methods and Writing History”
at the Centre for History, Bharathidasan University on 22 & 23rd February 2006.
18. Conducted UGC National Seminar on “Jawaharlal Nehru and Contemporary India” at the
Centre for Nehru Studies, Bharathidasan University on 24 & 25th March 2006.
19. Prof. D.N. Tripathi, Chairman, ICHR, New Delhi delivered the fourth Jawaharlal Nerhu
Lecturers, November 14, 2006.
20. Prof. Ramachandra Guha, Eminent Biographer, delivered the Fifth Jawaharlal Nerhu
Lecturers, 7th March, 2007.
21. UGC National Seminar on “Nehru: His Vision of Independent India” at the Centre for Nehru
Studies, Bharathidasan University on 16th & 17th March 2007.
22. ICHR sponsored National seminar On “Early Resistance to Colonial Rule in Tamil Nadu:
From Polygars to 1857 Revolt” Department of History, Bharathidasan University on 1st & 2nd
November, 2007.
23. Mr. Frederick J. Kaplan Consul for Public Affairs U.S. Consulate General, Chennai delivered the
Special Lecture “Indo-U.S. Relations” at the Department of History & Centre for Nehru Studies,
Bharathidasan University, 2nd April, 2008.
24. Conducted 21 days UGC Refresher Course in Social Sciences, Academic Staff College,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-23 during 5th August to 26th August 2008.
25. General Secretary, 15th Annual Session Tamil Nadu History Congress, at Periyar Maniammai
University, Vallam 19, 20 & 21 September 2008
26. Prof. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Chairman, ICHR, New Delhi delivered the Seventh Jawaharlal
Nerhu Lecturers, Centre for Nehru Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli- August
24, 2009.
27. Mr. Michael Pelletier, Consul for Public Affairs U.S. Consulate General, Chennai delivered the
Eighth Jawaharlal Nerhu Lecturers, Centre for Nehru Studies, Bharathidasan University, 2nd
September 2009.
28. Conducted 21days Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi Sponsored Training
Course on “Historiography and Research Methodology” at the Department of History,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, on 24th August to 13th September 2009.
29. General Secretary, Organized 16th Session Tamil Nadu History Congress, at National
College, Tiruchirappalli-01 9, 10 & 11, September 2009.
30. Dr. Y. Chinna Rao, Associate Professor & Former Member Secretary, ICHR, Programme for the
Study of Discrimination and Exclusion School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
Delhi deliver the Ninth Jawaharlal Nehru Lecture on 26th February 2010.
31. Prof. Mohan Sundara Rajan, Visiting Professor of Journalism & Well-known Science Writer
deliver the Xth Jawaharlal Nehru Lecture on 1st March 2010.
32. Dr. V. Krishna Ananth, Nehru Memorial Museum Library Fellow, New Delhi deliver the XIth
Jawaharlal Nehru Lecture no 17th March 2010.
33. Prof. P. Jagadeesan, Member, State Planning Commission, Government of Tamil Nadu, Former
Vice -Chancellor, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, deliver the XIIth Jawaharlal Nehru Lecture
no 26th March 2010.
34. UGC National Seminar on “Jawaharlal Nehru the Architect of Modern India: Issues and
Perspectives in Contemporary India,” at the Centre for Nehru Studies, Bharathidasan University on
27th & 28th March 2010.
35. Prof. V.T. Patil, Former, Vice –Chancellor, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, deliver the
XIIIth Jawaharlal Nehru Lecture no 23rd April 2010.
36. Conducted 21 days UGC Refresher Course in Social Sciences, Academic Staff College,
Khajamai Campus, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-23 during 21st January 2011 to 8th
February 2011.
37. Prof. Mohan Sundara Rajan, Visiting Professor of Journalism & Well-known Science Writer,
Bangaluru, deliver the XIVth Jawaharlal Nehru Lecture on 1st February 2011.
38. Prof. Deepak Kumar, Professor of History of Science and Education, Zakir Husain Centre for
Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, deliver the XVth Jawaharlal Nehru
Lecture on 17th February 2011.
39. UGC National Seminar on “Nehru the Maker of Modern India: Challenges and Development
in the Post -Nehru Era,” at the Centre for Nehru Studies, Bharathidasan University on 19th & 20th
March 2010.
40. UGC National Seminar on “Human Rights in Independent India: Contemporary Challenges
and Issues” at the Department of History, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli on 9th & 10th
April 2011.
41. The Department of History, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli -24 organised the 3
days ICHR National Seminar. The theme of the Seminar was “The Role of South India in
the Freedom Movement, 1750-1947:A Review of New Findings and New
Interpretations” Inaugurate the Seminar Dr. Ishrat Alam, Member Secretary, Indian Council
of Historical Research, New Delhi during on 23,24 &25 March,2012.
TANSCHE Seminar.
The Department of History, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli
organised the
TANSCHE Seminar. The theme of the Seminar was “State, Society and Nationalism in
Tamil Nadu”, during 17th February 2012.
Prof. Arjun Dev, Member, UGC, New Delhi, deliver the Jawaharlal Nehru Lecture on 21th
December 2011.
Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar Centenary Endowment Lecture
Prof. K.V.Jayaraj , Former Director, Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar Research Centre,
Professor of Modern History, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai delivered and Inaugurated
first Pasumpon Muthuramalinga Thevar Centenary Endowment Lecture
Extension Activities:
As Resource Person
1. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on State level workshop on Futurology at H.H.The Rajah's
College, Pudukkottai on 28th & 29th March 1990.
2. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on State level workshop on Futurology at Dept. of Adult and
continuing Education and Extension, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
3. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on India in 2000 A.D”. Lecture delivered at S.R. College,
History Department, Tiruchirapalli, 22nd Sep. 1990.
4. Panellist for the Seminar on Socio-Economic History of Tamil Nadu held at Khajamalai Campus,
Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirapalli organised by the Periyar E.V.R. college, Trichy , April 6,
5. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on Title of UGC Guest Lectures: held at Centre for Futures
Studies, Pondicherry University during 21-23 Oct.'91.
a. Brief History of Science and Technology
b.The Industrial Revolution
c. The Future of Industrial Societies
d. Science, Technology and Modernisation.
6. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on JRF-Orientation Course Lectures: Test of Intelligence
General Studies for Social Science held at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli during 9-11
7. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on Role of Tamil Nadu in the Quit India Movement, Lecture
delivered at Sri Poondi Pushpam College, on 23 of August 1992.
8. As Resource Person delivered Lecture for JRF-Orientation Course Lectures: Test of Intelligence
General Studies for Social Sciences held at Bharathidasan University,Tiruchirapalli-24 during
9. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on “Socio-economic changes and Future Trends”, History
Refresher Course at Academic Staff College, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, Feb.15,1993.
10. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on “ Quantitative Methods in Historical Analysis” History
Refresher Course at Academic Staff College, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli- March
11. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on Resource Person for the Seminar on Anandarangar Diary
First Volume held at S.R.College, Trichy on Oct.9 '94.
12. As Resource person delivered Lecture on “Futurology” at Social Sciences Orientation Course,
Anna Centre for Public Affairs, Academic Staff College, Madras University.
13. As Resource person delivered the inaugural address for the History Association of the St. Joseph’s
College, Trichy, Sept. 95.
14. As Resource person delivered the inaugural address for the History Association of the Postgraduate and Research Department of History, H.H. THE Rajaha’s College, Pudukkottai Feb. 96.
15. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on Tips to solve problems under general intelligence as
Resource Person for two days work shop on Computer y Personal Placement Bharathidasan
University, Trichy, on 30th April and 1st May `96.
16. As Resource Person delivered Lecture on Research Methods in Social Sciences, Resource Person
for Refresher Course in Academic Staff College, Dept. of Economics, Bharathidasan University,
Trichy , 27th March '96.
17.As Resource Person delivered Lecture on “Construction of Knowledge and Epistemological
Barriers” for the Refresher Course in Economics, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, 12 March 1997.
As Resource person delivered a lecture for the History Association of the National College, Trichy,
March 97.
19. Delivered a lecture as a resource person in the Refresher course in History, ASC Pondicherry,
University, Pondicherry, 5 January, 1998.
20. Delivered a lecture as a resource person “General Intelligence” two-day workshop on Computer
Placement organised by the Distance Education, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli-24.
21. Delivered a lecture as a resource person “Contemporary Relevance of History” Inauguration of the
History Association, Vellalar College for women, Erode, 19th February, 1999.
22. Delivered a lecture as a resource person on “Post-Modernism and Historical Trends” Refresher
Course in History, School of Historical Studies, M.K. University, Maduri, 28-29 January, 1999.
23. Delivered a lecture as a resource person on “The Tamil Society in the 20th Century”, One day
seminar organised by the Dept. of History, A.V.C. College, Mayiladuthurai, 3rd March, 1999.
24. Delivered a lecture as a resource person on “Science in History” special lecture, Centre for Remote
Sensing, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, April 17, 1999.
25. Delivered a lecture as a resource person on “History Today” inauguration of the History
association, TBML College, Poraiyar, 10th March, 1999.
26. Delivered a lecture as a resource person on “Theories of Indian Nationalist Movement” refresher
course in History, School of Historical Studies, M.K. University, 11-12 Sept., 2000.
27. Delivered a lecture as a resource person on “ Agitational Politics and State Coercion in Tamil
Nadu, 1905-1914” refresher course in History, Dept. of History, Banglore University, Banglore, 18
Sept., 2000.
28. Delivered a lecture as a Resource Person on the theme “Situating Contemporary Historiography”
in the Refresher Course in History organised by ASC., University of Madras, Chennai on 14-15
September 2001.
29. Delivered a lecture as a Resource Person on the “Impact of Modernism & Post-Modernism on Art
and Culture”, Refresher Course in Art History organised by the Department of Sculpture, Tamil
University, Thanjavur, October 2001.
30. Delivered a special lecture as a Resource Person on the theme “Social Necessity of History”
Orientation Course for college teachers, organised by the Academic Staff College, Bharathidasan
University, Trichy, October 2001.
31. Delivered a lecture in History Refresher Course on the themes “Cliometrics” and Theories on
Indian Nationalism” at Academic Staff College, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, November 2001
32. Delivered a lecture as a resource person on “Scientisation of History” and “Nationalism and
Dravidian Movement in Tamil Nadu” Academic Staff College, Mangalore University, Mangalore,
October 19, 2001.
33. As Resource Person delivered a lecture on the “Nationalism and Dravidian Movement in Tamil
Nadu” U.G.C. Refresher course in History, Banglore University, on 19th January, 2004
34. As Resource Person delivered a lecture on Impact of Post-Modernism on Historical Methods in
the UGC Refresher Course in Department of Area Studies, University of Madras on 5th February2004.
35. Chaired an academic session during Seminar on “Trends in Higher Education and Formation of
Ideology, Identity and Collective Consciousness 1835-1986” conducted by Dept. of History,
St.Joseph’s College, Trichy on 17th March ,2005.
36. As Resource Person delivered a lecture on “Dissent and Protest in Indian History” in the UGC
Refresher Course in Department of History, Bangalore University on 22 March 2004.
37. Chaired a session in the Afternoon during the Seminar on “Perspectives on the Society and
Economy in Contemporary Tamil Nadu” organized by the Dept. of History, Pachaiyappa’s College
Chennai,on 30th March, 2005.
38. Delivered Lecture on “Ideas of History” at H.H. The Rajah’s College, Pudukkottai on 04th October
39. Delivered Lecture on “Contemporary Historical Trends “Inauguration of History Association at
Govt. Arts College, Trichy on 20th February 2006.
40. Delivered Special Address in the History Association at PG & Research Dept. of History, A.A.
Govt. Arts College, Attur on 20th March 2006.
41. Delivered Lecture in the State Level Seminar on “Human Rights & Related Issues” at PG &
Research Dept. of Economics, Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Trichy on 01st March 2006
42. As Resource Person in the UGC Refresher Course on “New Source Materials and Reconstruction
in History” in the School of Historical Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai on 10th
October 2005.
43. As Resource Person in the Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai on 25th October 2005.
44. As Resource Person in the Academic Staff College, Kajamalai, Bharathidasan University, Trichy-23
on 11th November 2005
45. Delivered Lecture as a Resource Person in the Academic Staff College, Kajamalai, Bharathidasan
University, Trichy-23 on “Refresher Course in Environmental Education on 24th November 2005
46. As Resource Person delivered Lecture in the Academic Staff College, School of Social Sciences,
Pondicherry University on 21st March 2006.
47. As a Resource Person delivered a Lecturer in the UGC-Academic Staff College, Bharathiar
University, Coimbatore on 12th February 2007.
48. As a Resource Person delivered lecture UGC Seminar on Lady Doak College, Madurai on 27th
February 2007.
49. As a Resource Person in the The Indian History Congress at Farook College, Kozhikode Calicut),
Kerala from 10th March to 11h March 2007.
50. As Resource person delivered lecture on UGC- sponsored National Seminar on “Ethics and
Integrity for developing Leadership Quality” at Dept. of History, Vellalar College for Women,
Erode on 28th March 2007.
51. As a Resource Person Delivered lecture on Inaugural Address History Association Inauguration
Seethalakshmi Ramasami College, Trichy on 17th July 2007.
52. As a Resource Person Deliver Lecture Department of History, Osmania University, Hyderabad,
on 28th & 29th March, 2008.
53. As a Resource Person Delivered Lecture Chief Guest Inauguration of History Association,
St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli, on 18th July, 2008.
54. As a Resource Person Deliver Guest Lecture “How to Prepare for Competitive Examinations”
P.S.G.R. Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore, on 21st July, 2008.
55. As a Resource Person Delivered Lecture in the UGC -Academic Staff College, Pondicherry
University, Pondicherry, UGC Refresher Course on “Special Interaction Programme for Ph.D
Scholars in social Science” on 3rd September, 2008.
56. As a Resource Person Deliver the Lecture “Anti-Colonial Uprising” Organizing History
Association, National College, Tiruchirappalli on 23rd September, 2008.
57. As a Resource Person in the UGC -Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Kerala Refresher
Course” on 25th &26th September, 2008.
58. As a Resource Person Delivered Lecture in the UGC -Academic Staff College, Pondicherry
University, Pondicherry, UGC Refresher Course on “Special Interaction Programme for Ph.D
Scholars in social Science” on 3rd November, 2008.
59. As a Resource Person Delivered Lecture in the UGC -Academic Staff College, Pondicherry
University, Pondicherry, UGC Refresher Course on “Human Rights” on 22nd December, 2008.
60. As a Resource Person Delivered Lecture in the UGC -Academic Staff College, Bharathiyar
University, Coimbatore , UGC Orientation Course on 21st & 27th May, 2009.
61. As a Resource Person Delivered Lecture in the UGC -Academic Staff College, Bharathidasan
University, Tiruchirappalli , UGC Orientation Course on 22nd & 25th May, 2009.
62. 62. As a Resource Person Delivered Special Lecture in World Tourism Day Celebrations Post
Graduate and Research Department of History, Periyar E.V.R. College, Trichy on 27th September 2009
63. As a Resource Person Delivered Special Lecture on “History is Culture and Heritage of a
Civilization” History Association, NGM College, Pollachi, 30th September2009.
64. As a Resource Person Delivered Lecture in the UGC -Academic Staff College, Pondicherry
University, Pondicherry, UGC Refresher Course in “History & Cultural Studies” on 13th October,
65. As a Resource Person Delivered Lecture Chief Guest Inauguration of History Association,
C. Abdul Hakeem College, Melvisharam, on 19th October 2009.
66. As a Resource Person Delivered Lecture in the UGC -Academic Staff College, Pondicherry
University, Pondicherry, UGC Refresher Course on “Human Rights” on 17th December, 2009.
67. As a Resource Person Delivered Inaugural Address on “Postmodernist Perspectives on History”
organizing Two Day State Level Workshop at Department of History, Lady Doak College, Madurai
on 20th to 21st January, 2010.
68. As a Resource person Delivered lecture & Chair the Session on UGC- sponsored National Seminar
on “ Indian Freedom Movement: The History of Unsung Heroes” organized by the Department of
History, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, on 19th & 20th February 2010.
69. As a Resource person Delivered Inaugural Address & Chair the Session on National Seminar on
“Recent Trends in subaltern Studies” organized by the Department of History & Human Rights, Holy
cross College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli on 25th & 26th February 2010.
70. As a Resource person Delivered Graduation Address on Arputha College of Arts & Science,
Vambam, on 6th March 2010.
71. As a Resource person Delivered the Key Note address on ICHR sponsored the Seminar on
“Retracing the History of Freedom Struggle in the City of Madras” organized by the PG
Department of History, Pachaiyappa’s College, Chennai on 24th March 2010.
72. As a Resource Persons Delivered the Lecture on TANSCHE sponsored Seminar on “Social
Changes in Tamil Nadu Present and Past” organized by the Department of History, Thiruvalluvar
Govt Arts College, Rasipuram on 5th & 6th April 2010.
73. As a Resource persons Delivered the Inaugural Address Tow day workshop on “Child Rights”
organized by the Department of History, Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli, on 2nd & 5th June 2010.
74. As a Resource person Delivered the Lecture on Refresher Course for Teachers organized by the
Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai on 2nd September 2010.
75. As a Resource person delivered the Lecture on One day seminar “ The Role of Tamil Nadu
Archives for the Promotion of Historical Research” organized by the Department of Indian History,
University of Madras, Chennai on 13th September 2010.
76. As a Resource Person Delivered the Inaugural Address on Two day ICHR Sponsored National
Seminar on “ Postmodernism and History” organized by the Department of History, Lady Doak
College, Madurai on 14th & 15th October 2010.
77. As a Resource Person Delivered the Inaugural Address UGC sponsored the National Seminar on “
Rewriting the History of South India on the basis of New Archaeological Findings” organized by the
Department of History, PG & Research Department of History, AVC College, Mannampandal,
Mayiladuturai on 9th & 10th December 2010.
78. Invited to Delivered the prestigious Prof. Mamidipudi Venkata Rangaiya Memorial Lecture
in Andhra Pradesh History Congress, 35th Annual Session, Department of History, Archaeology &
Culture, Dravidian University, Kuppam, 7th January, 2011.
79. Sectional President for Historiography section of the Andhra Pradesh History Congress,
35th Annual Session, Department of History, Archaeology & Culture, DravidianUniversity, Kuppam,
7th January, 2011
80. As a Resource persons delivered the Inaugural Address One day U.G.C. Sponsored State Level
Seminar on “Freedom Movement in Tiruchirappalli District” organized by the Department of History,
Jamal Mohammed College, Tiruchirappalli, on 19th January 2011.
81. As a Resource persons Chair the Session Two Day ICHR sponsored National Seminar on
“Dominance, Resistance and Social Change in South India” organised by the Department of History,
Tagore Arts College, Puducherry on 1st & 02nd February 2011.
82. As a Resource Person Chair the Session National Seminar on “Scientific Knowledge, Cultural
Technology and Colonial Explorations of Peninsular India” organized by the Department of History,
School of Social Sciences and International Studies, Pondicherry University, Puducherry on 15th & 16th
February 2011.
83. As Resource Person Deliver the Key Note Address Two Day ICHR sponsored National Seminar
on “Academic Amalgamation: Bringing Techno-Scientific and Social Science Academicians Together
on the Changing Academic Dimensions” organized by the Department of History, Bhrathidasan
University, Tiruchirappalli -24 on 17th & 18th March 2011.
84. As a Resource Person Chair the session ICHR “Exhibition on Age of Vijayanagara Society &
Culture” organized by the ICHR Southern Regional Centre, Bangalore, on 1st March, 2011.
85. As a Chief Guest the Inaugurate “College Union” organized by the Vellalar College for Women,
Thindal, Erode on 14th July 2011.
86. As a Resource Person Chair the Session Workshop on “History Today: Theory and
Practice” organized by the C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Institute of Indological Research Pondicherry on
08th, July 2011.
87.As Resource Person Deliver the Key Note Address Two Day UGC Sponsored National
Seminar on “Modern Trends in Historiography” organized by the Department of History, Nirmala
College, Coimbatore on 28th & 29th July 2011.
As a General Secretary of the Tamil Nadu History
Congress, 18th Annual Session,
Organised by Vellalar College for Women, Thindal, Erode on 30th September to 2nd October 2011
89. As a General Secretary of the Tamil Nadu History
Congress, 18th Annual Session,
Organised by Vellalar College for Women, Thindal, Erode on 30th September to 2nd October
90. As a Resource Person Deliver the Special Lecture on “UGC/ NET exam
Preparation” organized by the SVNN College for Women Viruthunagar on 10th, October,
91. As Resource Person Deliver the Inaugural Address Two- Day UGC Sponsored National
Seminar on “Human Rights” organized by the Department of History, Sadakathullah Appa
College, Tirunelveli, on 10th & 11th October, 2011.
92. As Resource Person Deliver the Inaugural Address ICHR National Seminar on
“Cholamandalam Region: Its Contribution to History and Culture of Tamil Nadu” organized
by the Department of History, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai, on 14th October,
93. As Judge of the Programme on Rotary Club and MUNNA association Organised special Quiz
Programme on UNO, organized by Trichy Rotary club and MUNNA, Trichy on 21st October,
94. Inaugurated the Bharathidasan University History Alumni Association, organized by
Department of History, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli on 23rd October, 2011
95. As Resource Person Deliver the Inaugural Address ICHR National Seminar on “Colonial
Science Policy: Education, Technology and Institutions in the Madras Presidency, 1813–1947”
organized by the Department of History, Department of History, Bharathidasan University,
Tiruchirappalli, on 12th November, 2011.
96. Sectional President Address in the Modern History, Platinum Jubilee Annual Session, Punjabi
University, Patiala held on 09 - 13 December 2011.
97. Delivered special Lecture on the theme “Composite Culture’’ Symposium, Indian History
Congress Platinum Jubilee Celebrations, University of Punjabi Patiala, 13th December, 2011.
98. As a Chief Guest the Inaugurate “Inauguration of Loyola Historical of Research Forum
Loyola College” organized by the Loyola College, Chennai on 14th December 2011.
99. As a Resource Person Deliver the Inaugural Address UGC National Seminar on “Tamil
Economy Through the Ages” organized by the AVC College, Department of History
Mayiladuturai, on 06th January, 2012.
100. As a Resource Person Deliver the Inaugural Address ICHR Two-Day Training Programme
on “Historiography and Research Methodology” organized by the Sir Theagaraya College
Chennai, on 23rd & 24th January, 2012.
101. As a Resource Person Deliver the Lecture ICHR One day Symposium on Historiography of
South India and Deccan (1500- 1900 A.D)” organized by the Southern Regional Centre,
Bangalore, on 25th February, 2012.
102. Delivered the Special Lecture on “Nehru Thought” organized by the Centre for Nehru
Studies, Alagappa University, Karaikudi. on 6th March, 2012.
103. Visiting Professor deliver the Special Lecture on “Socio Economic Transformation in
Telangana: Regional Change in Historical Perspective: Gender, Identity and Migration”
organized by DSA/SAP Scheme Department of History Osmania University, Hyderabad on
17th March, 2012.
Institutional Corporate Life:
Deputy Warden of the Men’s Hostel, Bharathidasan University for 6 years since April 1993 -Feb.1999.
Member Academic Councils:
Lady Doak College, Madurai.
St. Joseph’s College, Trichy.
A.V.C. College, Mayiladuthurai
Serfoji College, Thanjavur
Jamal Mohammed College, Trichy.
Govt. Arts College for Women, Pudukkottai.
Govt. Arts College for Women, Kumbakkonam.
Member Affiliation Commission
Member of Affiliation Granting and Inspection Commission of Bharathidasan University.
10. Extension and field of outreach activities:
Member of Board of Studies:
1. M.A. History, Bharathidasan University [chairman]
2. M.A. History, University of Madras, Chennai
3. M.A. History,Sri Poondi Pushpam College,(Autonomous)
4. M.A. History, Mother Teresa University, Kodaikanal.
5. M.A. History , Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.
6. M.A. History, A.V.C. College (Autonomous)
7. M.A. International Studies,Stella Maris College, Chennai (Autonomous)
8. M.A. History, Lady Doak College, Madurai (Autonomous).
9. M.A. Defence Studies, University of Madras, Chennai.
10. M.A. Public Affairs, University of Madras, Chennai.
11. M.A. Area Studies, University of Madras, Chennai.
12. M.A. History, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar.
13. B.A. L.L.B , History, SASTRA University, Tanjavur.
14. M. A. History, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
Membership of Professional Bodies:
a. Life Member of Tamil Nadu History Congress
b. Life Member of Indian History Congress
c. Life Member of South Indian History Congress
d. Member of Tamil Nadu Numismatics Society
e. Member of the Epigraphic Society of India
f. Indian Society for Futurologists, Madurai
g. South India American Studies Network
Journal Advisory Board Member:
SARJANA, Advisory board Member, Journal of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of
Dr. N. Rajendran has received the Second BEST BOOK AWARD and honoured with a title
“Sindanai Peroli” and a cash award for his book “ Tamil Natil Desiyam and Swadesiyam” by the
Tiruchirappalli District Collector Dr. K. Manaivasan on 15th November, 2003 .
Dr. N. Rajendran has been Awarded the
1. “Citation of Meritorious Achievement” and included in Who’s Who in Asia and the Pacific
Nations 4th Edition as Achiever of Excellence and as such is included in the Archives of the
International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England.
2. The American Biographical Institute has chosen Dr.N.Rajendran for Distinguished Standing
and has been conferred with an honorary appointment to the “THE RESEARCH BOARD OF
3. In the 15th Anniversary of Tiruchirappalli Numismatics Society, Historian
Dr. N.
Rajendran, Dean, Faculty of Arts, Professor & Head, Department of History, Bharathidasan
University, Honoured as the Title “Varalarttu Selvar” on 26.12.2009 at Tiruchirappalli.
1. Established the Centre for History, at Bharathidasan University, developed it into a
Research Centre and advanced study of learning history.
2. Drafted the proposal and obtained from UGC the Centre for Nehru Studies, first in 2006
to be established in Tamil Nadu. [13.5 lakhs].
3. Drafted the proposal and obtained from UGC the Centre for Social Exclusion and
Inclusion Policy Studies [3 Crores, with the full complement of 15 faculty and nonteaching staff].
4. Drafted the proposal and obtained from UGC the Certificate Course in Human Rights
Education in the Department of History (2.8. Lakhs per year)
Personal home page