CanariCam JCI Startup Manual

Version 3.0
03 July, 2003
JCI Startup Manual
Version 1.0
22 July 2005
Prepared by: James Radomski , Tom Hayward, Chris Packham, and Margaret Moerchen
CanariCam Team: Charles Telesco, Chris Packham, Francisco Reyes, James
Radomski, Jim French, Kevin Hanna, David Hon, Roger Julian, Jeff Julian,
Frank Varosi, Naibi Mariñas, and Margaret Moerchen.
Version 3.0
03 July, 2003
The purpose of this manual subdocument is to provide information regarding the use of
JEI in association with the GTC CanariCam. CanariCam is a mid-infrared (8-25 micron)
camera, slit spectrograph, and polarimeter built by the University of Florida Infrared
Astrophysics Group for facility use at the Gran Telescopio Canarias. This document
explains the startup procedures for CanariCam and JCI at the telescope, and is for use by
experienced personnel.
Version 3.0
03 July, 2003
Instrument Safety
Powering Up Thermal Enclosure Electronics 4
Starting JEI 9
Master Panel .......................................................................................................... 9
Bias Panel ............................................................................................................ 10
Temperature Panel ............................................................................................... 11
Motor High-Level Panel ...................................................................................... 12
Detector Panel...................................................................................................... 13
Standard System Test .......................................................................................... 15
Shutting Down Thermal Enclosure Electronics
Starting a tip Session ........................................................................................... 22
Restarting individual subsystems and agents ...................................................... 20
Power Cycling remotely via Baytech .................................................................. 22
Rebooting EPICS ................................................................................................. 21
Serial-Port Testing of Rackmount Electronics .................................................... 22
T-ReCS Safety Issues 24
Instrument Monitoring:........................................................................................ 25
Starting the JEI .................................................................................................... 25
Version 3.0
03 July, 2003
1 Introduction and Instrument Safety
This manual outlines the general procedures involved in operation CanariCam on the
telescope and is for use by experienced personnel. Section 2 discusses the initial
procedures for powering up CanariCam on the telescope at the beginning of an observing
run. Section 3 discusses the typical startup for an observer at the start of every night using
the CanariCam Java Engineering Interface (JEI) software. Section 5 covers the shutting
down of the T-ReCS electronics at the end of an observing run or when necessary.
Section 5 highlights general trouble shooting procedures. And finally Section 6 covers TReCS safety issues.
In order to protect the instrument when not in use and while JEI is operational, check
to make sure:
1. Motor High Level Panel: Window Changer is set to Block
2. Motor High Level Panel: Lyot Wheel is set to Block
3. Bias Panel: Power is Off and Power light is Red
4. Temperature Panel: Heater is Off
Refer to Section 3 for more information on individual JEI Panels. Further safety
information is discussed in Section 6.
2 Powering Up T-ReCS
2003 May 12, TLH. Updated 2003 June 12. Updated 2003 July 03 (JTR)
This section describes how the rack-mounted electronics in the thermal enclosures are
powered on and JEI is started. These procedures are generally only applicable at the
beginning of an observing run. For nightly startup procedures after T-ReCS has been
powered up refer to Section 3.
The two racks are named “Instrument Control System” (ICS) and “Analog Signal
Processor” (ASP). All figures of JEI panels below display a black dotted ellipse to
highlight regions to watch and solid black lines over buttons which may need to be used.
In order to make changes on any panel make sure the Panel Lock box in the lower
right corner is unchecked.
Connect orange power cable to 3-pin connector on ICS rack.
Connect power cable between ICS and ASP racks.
Connect fibers between racks.
Power-on ICS and ASC racks w/ switches at base. The rackmount computers
trecsnewton and trecskepler should power-up and boot automatically. If the
computers were not shut down properly they may have to be switched on manually. If
so seek help from local Gemini staff.
5. Front-panel power switches on desired components must be on.
6. Start a terminal window using a machine and account with network access to the TReCS system: e.g. the trecs account on a Gemini workstation. If network access is
not available, the T-ReCS components may be accessed via serial ports by following
the procedure described in Section 5.3. Standard network access is assumed here.
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7. At xterm type ping trecs-2924
– Ping Cisco switch to check
8. Type ping trecsbaytech – Ping Baytech.
9. Type telnet trecsbaytech
– connect to Baytech power switch.
10. You will be prompted to Enter Selection, type 1
Enter Selection> 1
– (outlet control)
11. The prompt will change to RPC-3> at this prompt type on 1
RPC-3> on 1
– turn on port 1
12. Then hit carriage return (ENTER) to update display with current amps
RPC-3> <cr>
– updates display
13. Repeat for ports 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. Don’t turn on port 7, PPCVME, or port 6, the
coldhead, which is no longer connected to the Baytech.
14. Wait ~ 2 minutes for the Perle to boot.
15. At an xterm log on to kepler by typing the alias irkepler or type rlogin
16. At the kepler prompt type ping trecsperle to verify Perle has booted before
17. Turn on port 7; must be done last so PPCVME finds other components upon booting.
You may run a tip session (see Section 5.3) on trecsnewton-ctl to monitor the
PPCVME boot.
18. Start another terminal window on the Gemini workstation and type ufstartjei to
start the JEI.
19. Upon starting JEI the Master Panel will be displayed.
Figure 1 Master Panel
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20. When the PPC boot finishes, the JEI should indicate that the MCE-4 detector
parameters are being queried.
21. On the Master Panel confirm that the trecs:heartbeat increases
incrementally.Check control data fields and confirm that all read IDLE and that
there are no error messages. If there is no trecs:heartbeat or error messages
occur, get help or refer to Troubleshooting Section.
22. Exit the Baytech control program with by typing menu and then typing 6
RPC-3> menu
Enter Selection> 6
Figure 2 Temperature panel
23. When T-ReCS is first powered up, the Lakeshore 340 agent must be stopped, then
restarted with a special argument in order to load the temperature calibration curves.
If this is not done, an error message will be displayed on the 340 front panel, the
Detector Temperature (JEI Temperature panel, see Figure below) will read 0.0, and
turning on the detector power (JEI Bias panel) will not be permitted. Details on
starting and stopping agents are given in Section 5.1.
 If no kepler xterm is running type rlogin trecskepler-ctl (or simply
use the rkepler alias) to bring up an xterm on kepler
 At the kepler xterm type ufstop ufgls340d
 Then type ufstart ufgls340d –setcrv
A few minutes are required to load the curves before the Detector Temperature
and trecs heartbeat to begin updating.
24. In the JEI Master Panel, execute Clear-Init-Apply to connect to the Motor,
Environment, Observation, and Acquisition agents. The four indicators in the center
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03 July, 2003
of the panel should go to BUSY, then IDLE. The success of the connections can be
monitored in the tip session.
Figure 3 Master Panel
25. If EPICS has just been started or rebooted, a Datum-Apply is required in the master
panel. This will Datum all the motors and Apply, but not Latch, the software default
bias voltages.
26. Select the JEI Motor High-Level panel and verify that all the mechanisms have
stopped at the Datum position. The Window Changer should be at the Block
position, which protects the windows. If the window is not at Block, resolve the
problem before continuing in order to protect the windows from dust and water
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Figure 4 Motor High-Level Panel
27. Set Filter Wheel 1 to Block.
28. See below for JEI nightly startup guide for further instructions on using the
instrument for observations.
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03 July, 2003
3 Starting JCI
This section discusses the typical startup for an observer using JCI at the start of
every night. For initial powering up of the CanariCam system refer back to Section 2.
All figures of JCI panels below display a black dotted ellipse to highlight regions to
watch and solid black lines over buttons which may need to be used. In order to make
changes on any panel make sure the Panel Lock box in the lower right corner is
unchecked. In order to monitor image frames select Quick Look tool of choice at a
Gemini workstation terminal.
Master Panel
1. At a workstation (e.g. ufnewton), start a terminal window and type ufjci to
start the JCI interface. Wait for the text to scroll by until the JCI is displayed. (see
Figure 1)
N.B. Do not run JCI or JDD on kepler (reserved for agents and data acquisition.)
Figure 5 Master Panel
2. On the Master Panel confirm that the trecs:heartbeat increases
incrementally. Check control data fields and confirm that all read IDLE and that
there are no error messages. If there is no trecs:heartbeat or error
messages occur, get help or refer to Troubleshooting Section.
3. Click on clear (to clear the EPICS database), then init (to initialize the
instrument (i.e. connect the JEI to the agents to EPICS) and then the apply
button. Watch for the control data fields to read IDLE.
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Bias Panel
4. Now change to the Bias Panel by clicking on the bias tab (see Figure 2)
Figure 6 Bias Panel
5. Click the connect button (even if it reports connected) and then the clear
EPICS button to clear outstanding EPICS commands. Confirm connect
button is green.
6. Set the array well depth to deep or shallow depending on the particular
observation. Then set the detector bias level to medium and then click the
apply button. Confirm that Well Depth = 0 for shallow or Well Depth = 1 for
deep and Bias Level = 2 for medium. If the Well Depth or Bias Level numbers
do not match the current settings, try changing the current settings, (i.e. deep to
shallow) clicking the apply button, then changing back and hitting apply.
Watch the bottom display for the CAR to read IDLE.
7. Click on the power ON button and ensure that the power button is illuminated
8. Finally, verify bias settings by clicking Read All in lower left corner and
confirming V-Gate is aproximately equal to -4. (If V_Gate reads ~ -6 power is
OFF.) Also confirm Well Depth =1 or X and Bias Level =2 from step 7.
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Temperature Panel
9. Now check the array temperature (Detector) is below 15K by clicking on the
temperature tab to display the Temperature Panel (see Figure 3).
10. Confirm Connected to Agent button is green
Figure 7 Temperature Panel
11. Check that the other values are near normal. Nominal values for when the detector
is ON/OFF are displayed in Table 1.
Table 1 Detector ON/OFF Temperatures
Sensor Name
Cold Finger
Cold Plate
Cold Head
Grating Motor
Detector Power On
~ 7.3 K
~ 6.5 K
~ 7.0 K
~ 42.8 K
~ 71.1 K
~ 7.5e-8 Torr
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Detector Power Off
~ 6.1 K
~ 5.0 K
~ 6.8 K
~ 42.6 K
~ 71.1 K
~ 7.5e-8 Torr
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Motor High-Level Panel
12. Select the motor high-level tab to change to the Motor High-Level Panel (see
Figure 4)
Figure 8 Motor High-Level Panel
13. To move to any wheel to a named position, click on the drop down menu of the
wheel of interest and select the named position. The named location column
will change to a yellow background to show a position change has been requested
but not yet applied.
14. To move to the requested position, click the move button and ensure that the
status column (far right column) stabilizes and reports the requested position.
You can also select the Query Status button in the lower right to check the status
of the motor positions at any time.
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Detector Panel
15. Next change to the detector panel by clicking on the detector tab (see Figure 5).
Figure 9 Detector Panel
16. Click on the connect button (even if it reports connected) and ensure it is
illuminated green.
17. Next select the desired observing mode (e.g. stare), readout mode
(e.g. S1R3 (correlated quadruple sampling )), nod-handshake mode (e.g.
false) and data mode (save or discard). See the T-ReCS User Manual
for a more complete discussion of observing modes.
18. The input parameters required for the observation should then be input to the text
dialogue boxes on the left. Parameters will change to a yellow background to
show a change has been requested but not yet applied. (if no parameters are input,
sensible defaults are provided on the first compute click).
19. Next click the compute button to obtain the adjusted parameters (based on array
characteristics) and wait for the control CAR to change from BUSY to IDLE.
Finally, click on the configure button to prepare the array for observations and
wait for the control CAR to change from BUSY to IDLE.
20. Start the observation by clicking the start button. Ensure that the Frame #
in lower left corner starts to increase incrementally (may take a few seconds…).
Use Quick Look tool of choice to monitor frames.
21. To abort an observation, click on the abort button.
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22. Note that if any detector input parameters need to be changed (e.g. frametime),
execute the following procedure:
a. Click abort
b. Enter the new input parameters into the dialogue boxes
c. Click the compute button to obtain the adjusted parameters
d. Click on the configure button to prepare the array for observations
e. Wait for the control CAR to change from BUSY to IDLE.
f. Click on the start button
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3.6 Standard System Test
The following procedures describe a brief test of the system after startup that can be used
to confirm all systems are operating nominally. In addition this configuration can be used
for characterizing the detector responsivity and noise levels, so that these quantities can
be tracked over time. The general procedure involves taking two images and comparing
the response of the detector when dark and when illuminated.
1. Go to Motor-High Level Panel
Figure 10 Motor High-Level Panel
2. Configure the motors as follows:
Table 2 Motor Configuration
1. Sector Wheel
2. Window Changer
3. Aperture Wheel
4. Filter Wheel 1
5. Lyot Wheel
6. Filter Wheel 2
7. Pupil Imaging Wheel
8. Slit Wheel
9. Grating Wheel
Black Plate
3. The Lyot Wheel should be set to Block for the initial Dark frame.
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4. Go to Bias Panel
Figure 11 Bias Panel
5. Configure as follows:
Table 3 Bias Configuration
Detector Well Depth
V_DetGrv Bias Level
Well Depth =1
Bias Level =2
6. Confirm Well Depth =1 and Bias Level =2 and in the first bias column confirm
V_DetGrv = -6.5. If the Well Depth or Bias Level numbers do not match the
current settings, try changing the current settings, (i.e. deep to shallow)
clicking the apply button, then changing back and hitting apply.
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7. Go to Detector Panel.
Figure 12 Detector Panel
8. Set the following Modes:
Table 4
Observing Mode
Readout Mode
Data Mode
9. Configure the Input Parameters as follows:
Table 5
Frame Time (ms)
On Source Time (min)
Save Frequency (Hz)
Max SCS Duty Cycle (%)
Chop Frequency (Hz)
Nod Time (sec)
Nod Settle (sec)
Pre-valid Chop Time (sec)
Post-valid Chop Time (sec)
* Since these inputs are not used at all in stare mode one need not change from the
default values.
10. Click Compute, Configure, and Start
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11. Using your Quick Look tool of choice confirm a single 50 ms Dark frame results
in ~ 12,000 ADU’s.
12. Repeat the preceding steps with the Lyot Wheel set to Open to take an image of
the detector when illuminated
13. Using your Quick Look tool of choice confirm a single 50 ms Illuminated frame
results in a total of ~ 36,000 ADU’s. Subtracting the dark frame should result in a
total of ~ 24,000 ADU’s. See Table below.
Table 6 Detector Response
Dark 50 ms frame (Lyot = Block)
Illuminated 50 ms frame (Lyot = Open)
Illuminated – Dark
Miscellaneous Information:
Filter λ =8.6 μm, Δλ = 0.37, transmission = 0.76
Optical transmission = 0.94
ηG = 0.4
718 e- /ADU
photon flux at detector = 1.13 x 109 per pixel per sec.
14. At completion of integrations confirm the data is written to disk properly via the
Data Handling System (DHS). This done by starting a terminal window using a
machine and account with network access to the T-ReCS system: e.g. the trecs
account on a Gemini workstation.
a. % cd /net/reggie/staging/perm/
b. % ls
c. example filename should be S20030604S0025.0.0.fits
UT Date
File #
d. the date shown will be the UT date at the end of the observing night.
End of Night/Observing Session
In order to protect the instrument when not in use and while JEI is operational (e.g.
at the end of a night of observing), do the following:
1. Abort any running observation
2. At JEI Motor High Level Panel: set Window Changer to Block
3. At JEI Motor High Level Panel: set Lyot Wheel to Block
4. At JEI Bias Panel: set Power to Off and confirm Power light is Red
5. At JEI Temperature Panel: confirm Heater is Off
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4 Shutting Down T-ReCS
2003 May 12, TLH
This is the safe procedure to shut down the rackmount computers trecskepler and
trecsnewton and the other electronics when they need to be powered down such as at the
end of an observing run.
Start a terminal session on a workstation using the trecs account.
% rlogin trecskepler-ctl
(may need argument “–l trecs”)
% su root
% shutdown –g0 –i0
(those are zeroes) Stops OS, does not power off
5. Wait for rlogin to exit.
6. % rlogin trecsnewton-ctl
7. % su root
8. % shutdown –g0 –i0
– same as above.
9. Wait 30 sec for OS to shut down. This procedure leaves rackmounts powered up, but
in a safe state for manual power-down, and they will automatically boot when power
is reapplied.
10. % telnet trecsbaytech
11. Enter selection> 1
– Select power control menu.
12. RPC-3> off 1
– Power-off port 1.
13. Repeat for all components. Note that the Coldhead (Unit 6) is no longer powered by
the Baytech.
14. Power-off both racks (switches on back of racks).
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5 Troubleshooting
If problems are encountered with subsystems such as the MCE-4 detector controller, the
subsystem may be power-cycled and/or its agent restarted without requiring a full EPICS
reboot from the JEI System panel. If these procedures don’t resolve the problem, an
EPICS reboot is probably necessary. All of these processes are highlighted below in
addition to miscellaneous helpful information. The general process to follow in case of
problems is:
 Go to JEI Master Panel and click clear, init, apply. (see Section 3.1 # 3)
 If that does not work make sure all the agents are running properly, if not stop/start
them as necessary (see Section 5.1)
 If restarting the agents does not work you may need to reboot EPICS (see Section 5.2)
 If rebooting EPICS does not solve the problems you may need to power cycle the
system (see Section 5.3)
NOTE: These represent only brief descriptions of procedures which should only be
performed by those very familiar with these operations.
5.1 Restarting individual subsystems and agents
2003 May 9, TLH Updated 2003 July 3, (JTR)
To begin, Abort any observation that may be running and confirm that no motors are
moving. Then rlogin to the machine running the agents, usually trecskepler-ctl.
1. At xterm type rlogin trecskepler
– add -l trecs if not already
in a trecs account
2. To list all agents able to be started at kepler xterm type ufstart –l
3. To list all agents able to be stopped at kepler xterm type ufstop –l
8. To rest all agents at once
1. To stop all agents type ufstop –all or ufstop –9
2. To start all agents type ufstart
3. Go to JEI
4. At JEI Master Panel click Clear-Init-Apply to connect Motor,
Environment, Obs, and Acq. agents.
5. Go to JEI Detector, Bias, and Preamp Panels and click Connect to connect
detector agents
After such a stop/start, no datum should be needed as long as EPICS has not been
rebooted and the motor indexer has not been power-cycled since the last datum.
To recover from MCE-4 problems (e.g. some channels bad):
To Power-cycle MCE-4
1. At kepler xterm type ufstop ufgmce4d to stop MCE4 agent only
2. Then type ufstart ufgmce4d to start MCE4 agent only
3. Go to JEI
4. At JEI Detector panel click Connect
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To reset Motor Agent
1. At kepler xterm type ufstop ufgmotord
2. At kepler xterm type ufstart ufgmotord
3. Go to JEI
4. At JEI Motor High-Level Panel click Connect.
Again, no motor datum should be required here if the motors were successfully datumed
after the last EPICS reboot or Indexer power-cycle.
The agent log files are in /var/tmp and can be listed (e.g. for MCE-4) by typing ls –
ltr /var/tmp/ufmce4d
Rebooting EPICS
1. Click on the system tab to access the system window (see Figure 13).
Figure 13 System Panel
2. Click on the REBOOT Epics and all Device Agents button to reboot
EPICS and the agents. A confirmation window appears, click on the yes button,
and then click on the apply button on the system panel.
3. On the Master Panel (see Figure 1), wait until the heartbeat increases
incrementally (this will take a couple of minutes…).
4. On the Master Panel, click on clear (to clear the EPICS database), then init
(to initialize the instrument (i.e. connect the JEI to the agents to EPICS) and then
the apply button. Watch for the control data fields to read idle.
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5.3 Power Cycling remotely via Baytech
2003 May 1, TLH revised June 12
Telnet to the Baytech power control module from a GS workstation.
% telnet trecsbaytech
Enter selection > 1
– displays status of outlets
RPC-3> off 1
– e.g. to turn off TReCSPerle
RPC-3> on 1
– e.g. to turn on TReCSPerle
(note that the Perle and MCE-4 require ~ 2 minutes to boot after they
are powered on.)
5. RPC-3> menu
– back to main menu
6. Enter Selection> 6
– exit
5.4 Starting a tip Session
2003 May 1, TLH
Run a tip session from a GS workstation to monitor activity on the trecsppc VME crate.
1. At xterm type rlogin trecsnewton-ctl (-l trecs if not in trecs
2. Type tip coma
– trecsnewton com A port is connected to trecsppc
3. monitor session
4. Hit carriage returen (ENTER) for prompt
– if no prompt, VXWorks kernel
may not be operating correctly, seek help from Gemini staff
5. At xterm type reboot
– reboots trecsppc and EPICS
5.5 Serial-Port Testing of Rackmount Electronics
2003 Apr 19, TLH. Revised May 12.
The rack-mounted electronics in the thermal enclosures may be connected and tested with
a serial-port interface from a PC on which the uf2003 system has been installed. These
components are normally checked through their EPICS interfaces, but the serial port
procedures may be useful in the event that the EPICS system or network is not operating.
The two racks are named “Instrument Systems Controller” (ISC) and “ “ (ASP).
1. Racks should be powered up as described in Section 2.
2. Connect Cisco switch to a PC via a hub. PC should have IP addresses of the rack
components in /etc/hosts.
3. Ping Cisco switch “trecs-2924” to check connection.
Serial Port Test of Motor Indexer
1. Disconnect indexer serial cable in ISC rack and reconnect it to a PC serial port.
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2. Make sure Indexer is powered up: front panel power switch and “on 5” command to
3. Use the program uf2003/annexApp/uftty0.
a. Compile if necessary: make uftty
b. Set /dev/ttyS0 serial port permission: # chmod a+rw ttyS0
c. Run: uftty0
4. AZ <cr> => 0.00 Indexer A position
5. Valid ports are AZ – JZ; all should read 0.0.
Serial Port test of MCE-4
1. Connect MCE-4 serial cable in ISC rack to PC.
2. Power-up MCE-4 (power switch and Baytech as described above) and make sure it
boots properly.
3. % uftty0 –cr
– Go slow to avoid crashing MCE-4
4. % <cr>
– show status
5. % ?
– help
6. % status
– prints system information. Look for Cycle Type = 0, the default.
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6 T-ReCS Safety Issues
T. Hayward, 2003 June 12
Updated 2003 July 3, (JTR)
The following describes T-ReCS safety issues of which all Gemini staff involved in
maintaining and operating the instrument should be aware. Please note that at this time
the procedures are intended to be especially conservative as we are still learning about the
Tom Hayward
Manuel Lazo
Charles Telesco
Chris Packham
Cerro Pachon
205 701
205 619
205 608
352-392-2052 x265
352-392-2052 x259
Web Page:
More up-to-date information may be found on the Gemini internal web page
Serious Situations:
The following situations may place the instrument in some danger or potentially degrade
its performance, and should be addressed as soon as possible. One of the above contacts
should be informed of such problems at any time, day or night.
Interruption of Cryocooler (compressor or coldhead) due to power failure or other
problem in the helium system.
o Interruptions of up to ~ 30 minute duration are not serious; the dewar will
probably recool on its own when the helium system is restarted. Longer
interruptions will likely require vacuum pumping of the dewar to recover
from outgassing of the getters as they warm up. (Temperature and pressure
should be carefully monitored)
Interruptions of electrical power to the rackmount computers and electronics.
o The rackmount systems should be shut down properly by one of the above
contacts in the event of anticipated power outages.
Exposure of the hygroscopic KBr dewar windows to ambient air, because either
the Window Changer wheel cannot be set to Block or Datum, or the window air
purge is inoperative.
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6.1 Instrument Monitoring:
The status of the instrument may be monitored as follows.
1. Check the internal dewar temperatures and pressure in the JEI Temperature panel.
The temperatures may also be read directly from the Lakeshore temperature
controllers (which face down) in the ICS rack. Typical values are:
Sensor Name
Cold Finger
Cold Plate
Cold Head
Grating Motor
Detector Power On
~ 7.3 K
~ 6.5 K
~ 7.0 K
~ 42.8 K
~ 71.1 K
~ 7.5e-8 Torr
Detector Power Off
~ 6.1 K
~ 5.0 K
~ 6.8 K
~ 42.6 K
~ 71.1 K
~ 7.5e-8 Torr
2. Check the Window Changer position in the JEI Motor High-Level panel – it
should be set to Block when the instrument is idle.
3. If the JEI is not operating, the Window Changer datum switch and actuator on
top of the instrument may be viewed directly. The actuator engages the switch at
the datum position, which is also the Block position. If the wheel fails to datum,
the position may be set by moving the wheel from the JEI Motor Low-Level
menu or even by turning it manually.
4. Check that the ball in the flow meter on the T-ReCS air purge line is displaced
several mm from the bottom of its track, indicating that air is flowing normally.
6.2 Starting the JEI
See Section 3 for more detail information.
1. At a Gemini workstation (e.g. Chameleon) start a terminal window using the trecs
account The password is GStrecs. Type ufstartjei to start the JEI interface.
The Master Panel will be displayed.
2. On the Master Panel confirm that the trecs:heartbeat increases
incrementally. Check control data fields and confirm that all read IDLE and that
there are no error messages. If there is no trecs:heartbeat or error
messages occur, get help or refer to Troubleshooting Section.
3. Click on clear (to clear the EPICS database), then init (to initialize the
instrument (i.e. connect the JEI to the agents to EPICS) and then the apply
button. Watch for the control data fields to read IDLE.
4. Check that the temperatures in the Temperature panel are nominal.
5. Check the motor positions in the Motor High-Level panel
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6.3 Instrument Shutdown Configurations:
At the end of every observing session:
1. Abort any running observation
2. At JEI Motor High Level Panel: set Window Changer to Block
3. At JEI Motor High Level Panel: set Lyot Wheel to Block
4. At JEI Bias Panel: set Power to Off and confirm Power light is Red
5. At JEI Temperature Panel: confirm Heater is Off
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