SALT World Relief Campaign Project Application 2013

SALT World Relief Campaign
Project Application 2013
Please consider applying as the recipient for the 2013 World Relief Campaign!
Every year, the Social Action Leadership Team (SALT) of the Chapel of the Resurrection at Valparaiso
University selects one project for which to raise money. SALT has successfully raised $64,000 in just the
last five projects, including the 2012 campaign to fund the construction of a well at a hospital in
Kenya. This year, the target goal for SALT’s campaign is $15,000. We consider domestic or international
projects that relieve human suffering and promote social justice. Funding must directly support a specific
social justice project that falls under the auspices of an already established organization. At the conclusion
of the campaign in May 2013, funds (whether above or below the target goal) will be distributed and must
be used within the next year. Notice of the completion of the project must be sent to SALT. Completing
this application is the first step in becoming our partner to bring aid and resources to those seeking change.
IRS EIN (tax exempt number)
Title of Organization
Location of Project
Target Goal (up to $15,000)
Affiliation with religious or political group?
Yes No
If yes, please specify:
If chosen as a finalist, would a representative from your organization be available to make a presentation
to SALT personally or via Skype on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 9:30pm CST?
Have you ever worked with a campus ministry or another outside group in promoting a project? If so,
describe the experience. If not, please describe how you might work with SALT to promote your
organization and project during the campaign (January – May 2013).
Exemplify how the proposed project is targeted at establishing social justice, equal justice, rights,
or opportunities. This should be answered in two sentences.
Please attach a project proposal to the application that directly addresses the following areas:
1) Organizational Information (250 words)
Help SALT understand who you are as an organization (i.e. mission statement, history, current
work, and scope) and what you are doing to promote social justice for our global community.
This will help us to determine the feasibility of promoting your organization’s project on campus.
2) Detailed budget of proposed expenses
Demonstrate how the World Relief Campaign funds will be used carefully and wisely. Budgets
that use funds for sustainable materials and channel funds directly to the people affected are
preferred – for example, a project that funds significant administrative costs will be considered
3) Statement of the project’s level of sustainability (150 words)
Explain how the project utilizes sustainable measures, focusing specifically on how local or
existing resources (both material and human) will be used in the project. On a basic level, an
indicator of sustainability is that an organization will not need to apply for grants the next year
with the same application. We also focus on projects in which the one time gift will be able to
cover all expenses of the proposed project.
4) Description of how the project will meet the needs of the local community (150 words)
Explain how the project will be specifically serving the local community, including any
participation of community members in the development of the project proposal or in the
implementation of the project.
5) Explanation of how this project fits into SALT’s mission statement (150 words)
SALT is the social justice ministry of the Chapel of the Resurrection at Valparaiso University. As
a community, students seek to embody the Christian call to be the “salt of the earth” (Matt 5:13).
SALTers are equipped to lead lives of social justice and serve as agents for positive change in
their communities.
Please feel free to attach any additional documents that may help us to make our decision. You will be
informed of the final decision by Friday, November 30, 2012. If you have any questions, please contact
Nicole Wilken at Thank you!
Please submit application by Friday, October 26 to:
Sri Frazee
Attn: Nicole Wilken
1600 Chapel Dr.
Chapel of the Resurrection
Valparaiso, IN 46383