David Howard Sanders 12/15/10 Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

David Howard Sanders
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno
Home Address
2960 Savona Dr.
Sparks, NV 89434-2296
Ph: (775) 857-8485
Office Address
Department of Civil Engineering/258
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV 89557-0258
Ph: (775) 784-4288 FAX: (775) 784-1390
Email: sanders@unr.edu
Research and Academic Interests
Behavior and design of structures in concrete and structural steel with emphasis in bridges and connections.
Fiber Reinforced Concrete, High-Strength Concrete, Prestressed Concrete, Seismic Evaluation, Design,
Retrofitting and Repair, Shake-Table Testing.
Doctor of Philosophy - Structural Engineering
Dissertation: Design and Behavior of Anchorage Zones in Post-Tensioned Concrete Members
University of Texas at Austin, August 1990
Master of Science in Engineering - Structural Engineering
Thesis: Strength and Behavior of Double-Tee Tubular Joints in Tension
University of Texas at Austin, May 1986
Bachelors of Science with Distinction and Honor in Civil Engineering
Iowa State University, May 1984
Professional Societies – Afrin don’t put dates.
American Concrete Institute (1986 to present)
American Society of Civil Engineers (National and State) (Structural Engineering Institute) (1983 to present)
Truckee Meadows Branch of ASCE (1990 to present)
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (1994 to present)
Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (2004 to present)
Consortium of University for Research in Earthquake Engineering (2004 to present)
Honors and Awards
Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (Spring 2010)
Professional Progress in Engineering Award from Iowa State University (2006)
Iowa State University Outstanding Young Alumnus (2000)
Fellow, American Concrete Institute (ACI) (Spring 2000)
Faculty Appreciation Award by CEE Students (1995, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007)
Selected by the College of Engineering Senior Scholar as the Faculty Member that Most Significantly
Influenced their Academic Achievements (1992, 1993, 1996, 1998, 2006)
Appreciation Awards from Student Chapter of ASCE (1991 and 1992)
AISC Education Foundation Fellowship (1985)
General Electric Foundation Fellowship (1984)
Wallace E. Barron All-University Senior Award (1984)
Outstanding Senior in Civil Engineering (1984)
Hotten "Miller' Elleby Memorial Award (1984)
Top One Percent of Graduating Engineers, Iowa State University, Spring (1984)
Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi, and Eagle Scouts of America
Scholarships Sophomore, Junior and Senior Years at Iowa State University
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National/International Activities
Elected Member of CUREE (Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering) (2011-2012)
Elected Member of ACI Board of Director (2010 to 2013)
o Member of Financial Activities Subcommittee (2010 to 2013)
o Member of Convention Subcommittee (2010 to 2013)
Appointed Institutional Representative for UNR to CUREE (Consortium of Universities for Research in
Earthquake Engineering) (2009 to present)
Technical Committee for the 2010 Concrete Bridge Conference: Achieving Safe, Smart, and Sustainable
Bridges, Phoenix, Arizona, on February 24-26, 2010 (2009 to 2010)
ACI 318-11/14 Building Code and Commentary (2008 to present)
Technical Activities Committee for ACI International (2002-2010)
o Chair (2008 to 2010)
ACI 318R, Reorganization Subcommittee (2008 to present)
ACI 318E, Shear and Torsion (1999-2002, 2005 to present)
AISC, American Institute of Steel Construction Partner in Education Committee (2003 to present)
Organizer for US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop (2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
ACI-ASCE Committee 445 Shear and Torsion (1993-present)
o Chair (2003-2008) Secretary (1998-2003)
o Subcommittee Chair: Strut-and-Tie Model (1993-1997)
ACI-ASCE Committee 423 Prestressed Concrete (1991-2001, 2003 to present)
o Subcommittee Chair: Ultimate Flexural Capacity with Unbonded Tendons (1994-1996)
o Subcommittee Chair: ASCE Structures Congress, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998
ACI 341 Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Bridges (1992-present)
o Chair (1998-2003)
UNR’s contact for the ACI Faculty Network (1999-present)
TRB Committee A2C03, Concrete Bridges (1993-2008)
o Secretary (1994-2003)
ACI 318 Reorganization Committee (2006 to 2008)
ACI Task Group on Piles (2005 to 2008)
TY Linn Award Committee, ASCE-ACI-PCI Committee, 2007
ACI TAC Awards Task Group (2006) (member 2006 to 2008)
o Chair (2006)
NEES Site Operations and Maintenance Committee (2004 to 2007)
ACI Committee E804, Walter P. Moore Jr. Faculty Achievement Award Nominating Committee (2003 to 2007)
NCHRP Panel Member 12-60, Transfer, Development and Splice Length for Strand/Reinforced in HighStrength Concrete (2002 to 2007).
Organizer of US-Japan Workshop on Large-Scale Testing on the Seismic Performance of Bridges, February 2021, 2005, Burlingame, CA
Co-organizer for US Side of 4th US-Japan Planning Meeting for NEES/E-Defense Collaboration (Bridges),
August 2, 2005, Miki City, Japan.
Co-Organizer of 5th US-Japan Workshop on Large-Scale Experiments on the Seismic Performance of Bridges,
December 2, 2005, San Francisco, CA (with Ian Buckle)
Elected to ACI Committee on Nominations for 2005
USGS-ANSS Structural Instrumentation Guideline Committee (2004 to 2005)
ACI TYLin Paper Award Committee (2003-2005)
o Chair 2004
2005 TY Lin Award Committee, General Committee
External Advisory Panel for Large High Performance Outdoor Shake Table at the University of San Diego,
California (2003 to 2004) (Non Paying)
Task Force for FHWA looking into testing methods for Bridge Piers (2003 to 2004) (Non Paying)
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Steering Committee for ACI’s International Conference on Seismic Design and Retrofit, December 8-9, 2003
(2002 to 2003).
Technical Committee Member for the First Annual Concrete Bridge Conference, 2002, October 6-9, 2002
NCHRP Panel Member, 12-53, Connection Between Simple-Span Precast Concrete Girders Made Continuous
(2000 to 2003)
High Strength Concrete Task Force for ACI 318 (1999-2000)
Co-Organizer for US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001)
Geoscience Committee, Nevada Seismic Safety Council, Member (1995 to 2000)
Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering (1995-1999)
ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch Board Member, (1990-1997)
o Treasurer (93-94), Vice President (94-95), President (95-96), Past-President (96-97)
ASCE Committee on Metal, Structural Connections (1991-1994)
Publication Review for AISC, ACI, EERI, TRB, and ASCE
Proposal Review for National Science Foundation
Courses Taught at the University of Nevada, Reno
CEE 140
Introduction to Civil Engineering
Introduction into Engineering
CEE/ME 241
CEE 372
Strength of Materials
CEE 481/681
Structural Steel Design
CEE 480/680
Reinforced Concrete Design I
CEE 486/686
Reinforced Concrete Design II
CEE 483/683
Prestressed Concrete
CEE 722
Limit Design of Structural Steel and Concrete
CEE 723
Advanced Reinforced Concrete
University Committees & Service
Elected Member, University, Tenure and Promotion Committee (2010 to 2013)
Freshman Panel, July 6, 2010
Member, University, International Activities Committee (2010 to 2011)
Member, Department, Graduate Program Committee (2010 to present)
Member, Department, Curriculum Committee (2010 to present)
Member, University, iNtegrate Faculty Advisory Committee (2008 to present)
Established and Maintained the Large-Scale Structures Laboratory Recharge Center (1997 to present)
ASCE/AGC Student Chapter Advisor, Department (1991 to present)
Tau Beta Pi Student Chapter Advisor (1 of 4) (1993 to present)
Engineer’s Day Organizer (2007 to present)
Chair, University Academic Standards Committee (2008 to 2009)
Chair, College Curriculum Committee (1998 to 2009), Member (1995 to 2009)
Chair, Department Curriculum Committee (1995 to 2009)
Chair, Department Bylaw Committee (2001 to 2009)
Board of Regents Undergraduate Academic Advisor Award Committee (2008)
Member, Department Graduate Program Self Study (2006 to 2008)
Science and Technology Day, University, Demonstration Organizer (1994, 1995, 1997, 2005, 2006)
Member, University Faculty Compensation Committee (2006 to 2007)
Proposal Review for Undergraduate Research (2006)
Member, University Faculty Workload Policy Committee (Faculty Senate Committee, 2004-2005)
Chair, University Academic Equity Study (2002-2004)
College Representative on Common Course Numbering (2002-2003)
Advisory Member of Advanced National Seismic System in Nevada (2002)
College Catalog Representative (2001 to 2003)
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University Institutional Budgets Committee (1999 to 2000)
Member, University Merit Committee (2000 to 2003)
EPSCoR Proposal Review (1999)
Voting Rights Committee (1998 to 1999)
Established a Recharge Center for the Structures Laboratory (1998)
Academic Standards Committee, University, Member (1997 to 1999)
Chair, University Bylaws and Code Committee (1995-1997), Member (1994 to 1997)
Space Use Committee, College (1996-1997)
Forum for the Future, University, Subcommittee Chair: Research and Graduate Studies (1995), Selected by
Academic V.P., only person selected from College of Engineering
Senior Exit Interviews, University (1994,1995, 1997)
Detailed Faculty Workload Study (1994) (1 of 8 participants from the University, 1 of 6 in video presented to
Board of Regents)
Adhoc College Computer Committee (1994)
College Scholarship Committee (1994 to 1996)
FEMA College Committee (1993 to 1997)
Handicapped Access Board, University (1990 to 1993)
Appeals Committee, University (1990 to 1993), Subcommittee Chair 1991
Community Service
Boy Scout Scoutmaster (1986-1989, Assistant: 2004 to 2010)
Chair of the Board, Excel Christian School (2005 to present)
Judge at Science Fair (2002, 2003, 2006)
Soccer Coach (Sp/F’1997, F’1998, F’1999, F’2002, Sp/F’2003, Sp/F’2004, Sp/F’2005, Sp/F’2006, Sp/F’2007,
Sp 2008)
Baseball Coach (F’1998, F’1999, Sp’2002)
Assistant Volleyball Coach (F’2009)
Volunteer for Junior Ski Program (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003)
Church Sunday School Teacher, Adult (1991-1993), 3rd and 4th Grade (1997 to 1999)
Church Personnel Committee Chair (1996-1997)
Reviewed Journal Publications
Moustafa, K.F, Sanders, D., Saiid, M.S., and El-Azazy, S., “Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete
Bridge Bents,” American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 108, No. 1, January-February 2011, p
Cheng, Z.Y., M.S. Saiidi, and D. Sanders, “ Seismic Design Method for Reinforced Concrete Two-Way
Hinges,” American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 107, No. 5, September-October 2010, pp.
Gu, H., Y. Moslehy, D. Sanders, G. Song and Y L Mo, “Multi-functional smart aggregate-based structural
health monitoring of circular reinforced concrete columns subjected to seismic excitations,” Smart Materials
and Structures, Vol, 19, No. 6, May 2010, 7 pp.
Yamashita, R. and Sanders, D., “Seismic Performance of Precast Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Columns,”
American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 106, No. 6, November-December 2009, pp. 821-830.
Bahen, N. and Sanders, D; “Investigation of Strut Strength Using a Deep Beam Database,” Shear and Torsion in
Concrete Structures, American Concrete Institute Special Publication SP-265-18, 2009, pp. 385-404.
Johnson, N., M. Saiidi, and D. Sanders, “Nonlinear Earthquake Response Modeling of a Large-Scale Two-Span
Concrete Bridge,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 14, No. 6, November 2009, pp. 460-471.
Johnson, N., M. Saiidi, and D. Sanders, “System Vs. Component Response of a Two-Span Reinforced Concrete
Bridge System,” (Invited Paper), Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Official Journal of the European
Association for Earthquake Engineering, Journal Number 10518, Springer, Netherlands, May 2009, Vol. 7, No.
2, pp.503-517.
Saiidi, M., Z. Cheng, and D. Sanders, “An Experimental Study of Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Column
Hinges under Seismic Load,” American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 106, No. 3, May-June
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2009, pp. 340-348.
Johnson, N., R. Ranf, M. Saiidi, D. Sanders, M. Eberhard, “Seismic Testing of a Two-Span Reinforced
Concrete Bridge,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, March/April 2008, pp 173-182.
Johnson, N., M. Saiidi, and D. Sanders, “System Vs. Component Response of a Two-Span Reinforced Concrete
Bridge System,” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Journal Number 10518, Springer Netherlands, August
Correal, J., M. Saiidi, D. Sanders, S. El-Azazy, “Analytical Evaluation of Bridge Columns with Double
Interlocking Spirals,” American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 104, No. 3, May-June 2007,
pp. 314-323.
Correal, J., M. Saiidi, D. Sanders, S. El-Azazy, “Shake Table Studies of Bridge Columns with Double
Interlocking Spirals,” American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 104, No. 4, July-August 2007,
pp. 393-401.
Laplace, P., Sanders, D.H. Saiidi, M.S., Douglas, B. El Azazy, S.; “Performance of Concrete Bridge Columns
under Shake Table Excitation,” American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 102, No. 3, May-June
2005, pp. 438-444.
Laplace, P., Sanders, D.H. Saiidi, M.S., Douglas, B. El Azazy, S.; “Retrofitted Concrete Bridge Columns under
Shake Table Excitation,” American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 102, No. 4, July-August
2005, pp. 622-628.
Saiidi, M., F. Martinovic, B. McElhaney, D. Sanders, and F. Gordaninejad, “Assessment of Steel and FRP
Jackets for Seismic Retrofit of RC Columns with Structural Flares,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,
Vol. 130, No. 4, April 2004, pp. 609-617.
Pulido, C, M. Saiidi, D. Sanders, A. Itani, and S. El-Azazy, “Seismic Performance of Two-Column Bents, Part I
– Retrofit with CFRP,” American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 101, No. 4, July-August
2004, pp. 558-568.
Pulido, C, M. Saiidi, D. Sanders, A. Itani, and S. El-Azazy, “Seismic Performance of Two-Column Bents, Part
II – Retrofit with Infill Wall,” American Concrete Institute, ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 101, No. 5, SeptemberOctober 2004, pp. 642-649.
Sanders, D.H. “Dapped-End T-Beam Supported by an Inverted T-Beam”, Example for the Design of Structural
Concrete with Strut-and-Tie Models, ACI Special Publication 208, pp. 91-103.
Saiidi, M.S., Sanders, D.H., and Acharya, S., “Seismic Retrofit of Bridge Spread Footing Supporting Bridge
Columns with Short Dowels,” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2001, pp. 177185.
Saiidi, M.S., Wehbe, N.I., Sanders, D.H. and Caywood, C.J., “Shear Retrofit of Flared RC Bridge Columns
Subjected to Earthquakes,” ASCE Bridge Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3, May/June 2001, pp 189-197.
Abo-Shadi, N.A., Saiidi, M.S., Sanders, D.H., “Performance-Based Design of Confinement Reinforcement in
Reinforced Concrete Bridge Pier Walls for Out-of-Plane Seismic Loads,” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 98, No.
1, January-February 2001, pp. 3-15.
Abo-Shadi, N., Saiidi, M.S, and Sanders, D.H., “Out-of-plane Seismic Response of R/C Bridge Pier Walls,”
ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 97, No. 6, November-December 2000, pp. 803-813.
Wehbe, N.I., Saiidi, M.S, Sanders, D.H., “Seismic Performance of Rectangular Bridge Columns with Moderate
Confinement,” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 96, No. 2, March/April 1999, pp 248-258.
Darwish, I.S., Saiidi, M.S., Sanders, D.H., “Seismic Retrofit of Hinged and Fixed Reinforced Concrete Bridge
Columns with Short Bar Anchorage in Footings,” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 96, No. 6, November/December
1999, pp 988-996.
Sanders, D.H., Saiidi, M.S. and Martin, T., "Seismic Strengthening of Column-Pier Cap Connections,”
Transportation Research Record 1624, pp 93-100, 1998.
Saiidi, M.S., Maragakis, E., and Sanders, D.H., “Evaluation and Seismic Retrofit of High Bridge Substructures
with Tapered Columns,” Journal of Construction and Building Materials, Vol.12, No. 2-3, March-April 1998,
pp 161-174.
Sanders, D.H. and Breen, J.E., "Post-Tensioned Anchorage Zones with Single Straight Concentric
Anchorages,” ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 94, No.2, March/April 1997, pp 146-158.
Saiidi, M.S., Wehbe, N., Acharya, S. and Sanders, D.H., "Confinement of Rectangular R/C Columns and Pier
Walls,” ACI Special Publication 162, Sozen Symposium, 1996, pp 93-116.
Sanders, D.H. and Gordaninejad, F., and Mudri, S. "FRP Beam-to-Column Connection Using Adhesives,”
Proceedings of First International Conference on Composites in Infrastructure, January 15-17, 1996, Tucson,
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30. Sanders, D.H. and Breen, J.E., "Post-Tensioned Anchorage Zones-A Survey and A Solution,” Concrete
International, August 1995, pp 65-70.
31. Maragakis, E., and Sanders, D.H., "Fatigue Reliability Analysis Program for Railroad Steel Riveted Bridges,”
AREA Bulletin, Vol. 96, Bulletin 751, May 1995, pp 191-209.
32. Sanders, D.H. and Zhang, Y.J., "Bridge Deterioration Models for States with a Small Bridge Inventory,”
Transportation Research Record#1442, 1994, pp 101-109.
33. Sanders, D.H. and Breen, J.E., "Generalized Approach to Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Anchorage
Zones,” Transportation Research Record, No 1371, March 1993, pp 83-91.
Reviewed Conference Papers
Ayoub, Mohamed and D. Sanders, “Experimental Study on Reversed Cyclic Loading Test for Pile to Slab
Bridge Connections” Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2202,
Vol.1, pp 143 to 153, December 2010.
2. Motaref, S., M.S. Saiidi and D. Sanders, “Experimental Study of Precast Bridge Columns with Built-In
Elastomer” Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2202, Vol. 3,
pp 109 to 116, December 2010.
3. Arias-Acosta, J. and D. Sanders, “Performance of Bridge Reinforced Concrete Columns under Combined
Actions throughout Shake Table Testing,” 9th US National and 10th Canada Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Toronto, Canada, July 25-29, 2010.
4. Johnson, N., Ranf, R., Saiidi, M.S, Sanders, D.H., Eberhard, M., “Shake Table Studies of a Large Scale TwoSpan Reinforced Concrete Bridge Frame,” 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, April 18-22,
2006, San Francisco, CA. (#1437)
5. Yamashita, R. and Sanders, D. “ Unbonded Concrete Columns for Limiting Damage to Large Seismic Events,”
8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, April 18-22, 2006, San Francisco, CA. (#1334)
6. Mostafa, K., D. Sanders, MS Saiidi and S. El-Azazy, “Impact of Aspect Ratio on the Behavior of Circular
Column Systems Under Shake-Table Loading”, 2003 ASCE Structures Congress, May 29-June 1, 2003, Seattle,
7. Nada, H., Sanders, D., and M. Saiidi, “Behavior of Flared Column Bents under Seismic
Loading,” ACI Special Publication Series SP-209, Innovations in Design with Emphasis on
Seismic, Wind, and Environmental Loading; Quality Control and Innovations in Materials/HotWeather Concreting, December 2002, pp. 133-150.
8. Nada, H., Sanders, D.H. and Saiidi, M., “Flare-Column Bents Dynamically Tested on a Shake Table”,
Proceedings of the Seventh US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, July 21-25, 2002
9. Nada H., Sanders, D.H., Saiid, M.S. and El-Azazy, S., “Behavior of Flared Column Bents under Seismic
Loading,” 5th ACI International Conference, Cancun, Mexico, December 10-13, 2002.
10. Nagarajah, R. and Sanders, D.H., "Seismic Behavior of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Column,”
Sixth US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, May 31-June 4, 1998, Seattle, Washington.
Conference Papers
Levi, M, and D. Sanders, “Impact of Column Stiffness on Curved Bridge Performance,” (invited), Proceedings
of the 26th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 20-22, 2010, 13
Arias-Acosta, J. and D. Sanders, “Shake Table Testing of Bridge Columns under Combined Actions,” SEI
Structures Congress, May 12-15, 2010, Orlando Florida, 12 pages
Arias-Acosta, J. and D. Sanders, “Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Bridge Reinforced Concrete
Columns under Combined Action using a Shake Table (invited), 25 th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop,
Tsukuba, Japan, October 19-21, 2009; 9 pages
Arias-Acosta, J. and D. Sanders, “Study on the Seismic performance of Bridge Reinforced Concrete Columns
under Combined Actions,” Western Bridge Engineers’ Seminar, September 21-23, 2009, Sacramento, CA
Arias-Acosta, J. and D. Sanders, “Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Bridge Reinforced Concrete
Columns under Shake Table Testing (invited), 5th US-Taiwan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Taipei Taiwan,
September 17-18, 2009; 10 pages
Arias-Acosta, J. and D. Sanders, “Shake Table Testing of Bridge Reinforced Concrete Columns under
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Combined Actions,” (invited) 41st US-Japan Panel Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, May 21-23, 2009, 8 pages.
Almer, K, and D. Sanders, “Continuity of Precast Bridge U-Girders Connected to a Cast-in-Place Substructure
Subjected to Seismic Loads," 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing China, October 1217, 2008.
Ayoub, M., D. Sanders, and A. Ibrahim, “Pile to Slab Bridge Connections,” 24th US-Japan Bridge Engineering
Workshop, Minneapolis, MN, September 22-24, 2008.
Almer, K, and D. Sanders, “Seismic Continuity Performance of Precast U-Girders Integrally Connected to a
Cast-in-Place Substructure,” Sixth National Seismic Conference on Bridges & Highways (6NSC), Charleston,
SC, July 27-30, 2008.
Johnson, N., M. Saiidi, and D. Sanders, “Nonlinear Modeling of a Two-Span Reinforced Concrete Bridge
Model from Pre-Yield through Failure Utilizing Contemporary Analytical Methods,” Proceedings, Session
TuM-8, 4th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety, and Management, Seoul, S. Korea, July
2008, 8pp.
Ayoub, M., and D. Sanders, “Behavior of Piles Extension Connection in Slab Bridges” (Invited), 4 th
International Conference in Wind and Structures, May 26-28, 2008, Jeju Korea.
Almer, K, and D. Sanders, “Seismic Performance of Precast U-girders Integrally Connected to a Cast-in-Place
Substructure,” 2008 FHWA Accelerated Bridge Construction – Highway for Life, Baltimore, MD, March 2021, 2008.
Johnson, N., M. Saiidi, and D. Sanders,” Aspects of Shake Table Studies of A Large-Scale, Two-Span Bridge,”
Invited Paper, Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures 6, International Conference, Bologna, Italy,
Session on Bridges, June 2007, pp. 85-94.
Johnson, N., M. Saiidi and D. Sanders, “Performance of a Large Scale Two-Span Bridge Model under Design
Earthquake Motions,” ASCE, Structural Engineering Institute, Structures Congress 2007 Proceedings, San
Diego, California, May 2007.
Almer, K, and D. Sanders, “Integral Connection Seismic Performance between Precast Girders and Cast-inPlace Bent Caps,” 39th UJNR Joint Panel Meeting on Wind and Seismic Effect, Tsukuba, Japan, May 14-19,
Almer, K and D. Sanders, “Experimental Seismic Testing of Precast U-Girders Integrally Connected to Castin-Place Bent Caps,” 23rd US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Tsukuba Japan, November 5-7, 2007.
Almer, K, Sanders, D.H., “Seismic Performance of Integral Connections between Cast-in-Place Substructures
and Precast Concrete Superstructure,” Proceeding of the 22nd US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop,
October 23-25, 2006, Seattle, Washington.
Saiidi, M.S. Maragakis, M., Sanders, D.H., Anderson, J, Johnson, R. Phan, V., Cheng, Z., Wang, H “Recent
Earthquake Engineering Research at UNR – Four Examples: FRP Restrainers, Near-Fault Effects, Column
Hinges, and Shape Memory Alloy Columns,” Proceedings, National Biennial Conference on Concrete
Structures and Materials, ASOCRETO, Folder on Bridges, Cartagena, Colombia, September 2006.
Yamashita, R., Sanders, D.H., “Shake Table Testing and Analysis of a Prestressed Segmental Concrete
Column,” 2006 Concrete Bridge Conference HPC: Build Fast, Build to Last, May 7-9, 2006, the Nugget, Reno,
Almer, Kevin, Sanders, D.H., “Seismic Performance of Integral Connections Between Cast-in-Place
Substructures and Precast Concrete Superstructures” 2006 Concrete Bridge Conference HPC: Build Fast, Build
to Last, May 7-9, 2006, the Nugget, Reno, Nevada.
Sanders, D.H., Yamashita, R., Almer, K., “Accelerated Construction using Precast Concrete and Prestressing,”
(Invited) Fourth International Workshop on Seismic Design and Retrofit of Transportation Facilities, San
Francisco, March 13-14, 2006.
Saiidi, M.S. Maragakis, M., Sanders, D.H., Anderson, J, Johnson, R. Phan, V., Cheng, Z., Wang, H. “Recent
Earthquake Engineering Research at UNR – Four Examples: FRP Restrainers, Near-Fault Effects, Column
Hinges, and Shape Memory Alloy Columns,” 2005 ANCER Annual Meeting, Earthquake Hazard Reduction
through Networked Information and Sensor Technology Global Human links for Next Generation Earthquake
Engineering, November 10-13, 2005, Jeju Korea.
Johnson, N. Saiidi, M.S., Sanders, D.H., “Analysis of the Shake Table Response of a Two-Span Bridge
System,” 2005 ANCER Annual Meeting, Earthquake Hazard Reduction through Networked Information and
Sensor Technology Global Human links for Next Generation Earthquake Engineering, November 10-13, 2005,
Jeju Korea.
Sanders, D., Nada, H., Saiidi, M., Moustafa, K, Chandane, S. and El-Azazy, S., “Seismic Design of Flared
Columns,” Caltrans Bridge Research Conference, October 31 - November 1, 2005, Sacramento, CA.
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25. Sanders, D.H., Moustafa, K, Saiidi, M.S. and El-Azazy, S., “Seismic Design of Flared Columns,” Caltrans
Bridge Research Conference, October 31 - November 1, 2005, Sacramento, CA.
26. Saiidi, M.S., Correal, J. Sanders, D. and El-Azazy, S. “Seismic Design Issues in Bridge Columns with
Interlocking Spirals,” Caltrans Bridge Research Conference, October 31 - November 1, 2005, Sacramento, CA.
27. Cheng, Z. Saiidi, M.S., Sanders, D.H., “Development of Seismic Design Method for Reinforced Concrete
Two-Way Bridge Column Hinges,” SEAOC 2005 Conference, San Diego, CA September 28-October 1, 2005.
28. Yamashita, R., Sanders, D.H., “Shake Table Testing and Analysis of Precast Unbonded Prestressed Concrete
Bridge Columns,” 21st US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan October 3-5, 2005.
29. Saiid, M.S, Sanders, D.H., Johnson, N., Eberhard, M., Ranf, T. “Earthquake Response Studies of a LargeScale, Two-Span Bridge Model on Shake Tables,” 1st US-Portugal International Workshop: Grand Challenges
in Earthquake Engineering, Lamego Portugal, July 2005.
30. Correal, J., M. Saiidi, D. Sanders and S. El-Azazy, “Experimental Studies of Bridge Columns with Double
Interlocking Spirals,” 20th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, October 4 to 6, 2004, Washington, DC.
31. Moustafa, K., D. Sanders, M. Saiidi, S. El-Azazy, “Shake Table Testing and Analysis of Two-Column Bents,”
Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, August 1-6, 2004, Vancouver, BC,
Canada. 15p.
32. Correal, J., M. Saiidi, D. Sanders, and S. El-Azazy, “Seismic Performance of Bridge Columns with Double
Interlocking Spirals,” Proceedings, 4th National Seismic Conference and Workshop on Bridges and Highways,
Session II, Memphis, Tennessee, February 2004.
33. Correal, J., M. Saiidi, D. Sanders, and S. El-Azazy, “Shake Table Studies of Bridge Columns with Double
Interlocking Spirals,” Paper No. 2198, Proceedings, 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 2004, 15 pp.
34. Saiidi, M., A. Itani, D. Sanders, and E. Maragakis, “Seismic Retrofit of Bridges,” Invited Keynote Paper,
Proceedings, VIII Mexican Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Tlaxcala, Mexico, September 2004.
35. Saiidi, M. , A. Itani, D. Sanders, and E. Maragakis, “Conventional and New Seismic Retrofit Methods for
Bridges,” Plenary Speech, 2nd US-Turkey Workshop on Seismic Design and Retrofit of Highway Bridges,
Ankara, Turkey, September 2004.
36. Sanders, D. “US Seismic Design Codes,”, ACI International Conference on Seismic Bridge Design and
Retrofit, December 8-9, 2003 (invited).
37. Chandane, S., David H. Sanders, M. “Saiid “Saiidi, Saad El-Azazy, “Static and Dynamic Behavior of Flared
Column Bents,” 19th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, October 27-29 2003, Tsukuba Japan.
38. Mostafa, K., D. Sanders, MS Saiidi and S. El-Azazy, “Impact of Aspect Ratio on the Behavior of Circular
Column Systems Under Shake-Table Loading”, 2003 ASCE Structures Congress, May 29-June 1, 2003,
Seattle, WA.
39. Nada, H. Sanders, D.H. and Saiidi, M., “Seismic Analysis and Design of Flared Bridge Columns”, 35th Joint
Meeting of the US-Japan Panel on Wind and Seismic Effects, May 12-14, 2003, Tsukuba, Japan (invited).
40. Sanders, D.H., K. Mostafa, M. Saiidi, and S. El-Azazy, “Shake Table Performance of Bents with Two-Circular
Columns”, Proceedings of the 18th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, St. Louis, MO, October 22-24,
2002, 13 pp.
41. Saiid, M., D. Sanders, A. Itani, S. El-Azazy, and F. Gordaninejad,, “Seismic Safety and Performance of New
and Retrofitted Two-Column Bridge Piers,” First International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and
Management, Barcelona, July 14-17, 2002.
42. Pulido, C., M. Saiidi, D. Sanders, and A. Itani, “ Experimental Validation and Analysis of CFRP-Retrofit of a
Two-Column Bent”, Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Composites on Infrastructures, San
Francisco, CA,
43. Correal, J., M. Saiidi, D. Sanders, and S. El-Azazy, “Shake Table Response of Flexure-Dominated Bridge
Columns with Interlocking Spirals,” Third National Seismic Conference and Workshop on Bridges and
Highways, Portland, Oregon, April 2002, pp. 539-544.
44. Saiidi, MS, D.H. Sanders, A. Itani, and E. Maragakis and S. El-Azazy, “Current and Future Trends in Bridge
Seismic Retrofit”, 1st Conference on Strengthening and Retrofitting of Structures, Tehran, Iran, May, 2002, 20
45. Saiidi, M., D. Sanders, A. Itani, S. El-Azazy and F. Gordaninejad, “Seismic Safety and Performance of New
and Retrofitted Two-Column Bridge Piers, “ Proceedings First International Conference on Bridge
Maintenance, Safety and Management, Barcelona, Spain, July 2002, Paper No. 317, 8 pp.
46. Sanders, D.H., P. Laplace, M. Saiidi, and S. El-Azazy, “Seismic Performance of Reinforced Bridge Columns,
Proceedings of the Third National Seismic Conference & Workshop on Bridges & Highways, April 28-May 1,
8 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
47. Buckle, I., A. Itani, E. Maragakis, M. Saiidi, and D. Sanders, "Development of a Multiple Shake Table
Research Facility," Structures Congress, ASCE, San Francisco, California, April 2002.
48. Nada, H., Sanders, D.H. and Saiidi, M.S., “Performance of Flared Columns with Gaps”, 17 th US-Japan Bridge
Engineering Workshop, November 12-14, 2001, Tsukuba, Japan.
49. Moustafa, K., Sanders, D. and Saiidi, M., “Impact of Aspect Ratio on Two-Column Bent Seismic
Performance,” 5th National Workshop on Bridge Research, Minneapolis, MN, October 8-10, 2001.
50. Laplace, P., Sanders, D.H. and Saiid, M.S., “Performance of As-Built and Retrofitted Flexural Reinforced
Concrete Bridge Columns Subjected to Shake-Table Loading,” Caltrans Sixth Seismic Workshop, June 13-15,
51. Laplace, P., Sanders, D.H. and Saiid, M.S., “Performance of Current Detailed Shear Dominated Reinforced
Concrete Bridge Columns Subjected to Shake-Table Loading,” Caltrans Sixth Seismic Workshop, June 13-15,
52. Moore, J., Sanders, D.H. and Saiidi, M.S, “Shake-Table Testing of Two Column Bent with Hinged Bases,”
Caltrans Sixth Seismic Workshop, June 13-15, 2001.
53. Pulido, C, M. Saiidi, D. Sanders, and A. Itani, “Dynamic Assessment and Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete
Bridge Bents,” Proceedings, 6th Caltrans Seismic Research Workshop, Sacramento, California, June 2001,
Paper No. 06-102.
54. Saiidi, M., Sanders, D.H., Itani, A. and Gordaninejad, F., “Seismic Performance of Substandard, Retrofitted,
and New Reinforced Concrete Two-Column Bridge Bents,” The Sixth Rail Transport Conference, Tehran,
Iran, November 5-7, 2001. (Invited)
55. Pulido, C., Saiidi, M.S., Sanders, D.H., Itani, A., “Seismic Performance and Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete
Bridge Bents, “ Proceedings of the SPIE’s 6th Annual International Symposium, Newport Beach, CA, March
56. Pulido, C., Saiidi, M., Sanders, D., and Itani, A., “Ensayo y Análisis de Pórticos de Concreto Reforzado
utilizando Mesa Vibratoria (Analysis and Testing of R/C Frames using Shake Tables), XII National Structural
Engineering of Mexico, Leon, Mexico - November 2000.
57. Saiidi, M, D. Sanders, A. Itani, and N. Wehbe, “ Earthquake Response and Design of Reinforced Concrete
Bridge Elements and Systems- from Computer Simulation to Shake Table Studies,” International Symposium
on Modern Concrete Composites & Infrastructure, Beijing, China, Invited Keynote Paper, November 2000, pp.
58. Saiidi, M., Sanders, D., Itani, A. and Wehbe, N., “Seismic Behavior, Analysis and Design of Reinforced
Concrete Bridge Elements and Systems- From Computer Simulation to Shake Table Studies,“ Proceedings of
the 3rd International Concrete Conference, May 2000, Tehran, Iran.
59. Saiidi, M., Sanders, D., Itani, A. and Maragakis, E., “Aspects of Seismic Evaluation, Design and Retrofit of
Bridges-An Overview,” 5th Annual Railway Transport Conference, February, 2000, Tehran, Iran.
60. Saiidi, M.S., Darwish, I. Sanders, D.H., “Seismic Design of Steel–Encased, Concrete Column Connections to
Footings,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Composite Structures, March 22-24, 2000, Los
Angeles, CA.
61. Saiidi, M.S., Sanders, D.H., Gordaninejad, F., Martinovic, F., and McElhaney, B., “Seismic Retrofit of NonPrismatic RC Bridge Columns with Fibrous Composites,” Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, January 30, 2000-February 4, 2000, Auckland, New Zealand.
62. Sanders, D.H., Saiidi, M.S., Gordaninejad, F., Martinovic, F., and McElhaney, B., “FRP Composites for
Seismic Retrofitting of Non-Prismatic Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns,” Proceedings of the 15th USJapan Bridge Engineering Workshop, November 9-10, 1999, Tsukuba City, Japan.
63. Saiidi, M.S., Wehbe, N., Sanders, D.H. and Caywood, C., “Steel Jacket Retrofit for Bridge Columns with
Structural Flares,” Proceeding of 8th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, June 13-16, 1999,
Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
64. Saiidi, M.S., Maragakis, E., Sanders, D.H., Norris, G., Douglas, B.M., "Earthquake-Resistant Bridges-From
Foundation to Superstructure,” Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake
Engineering, May 17-19, 1999, Tehran, Iran.
65. Saiidi, M.S. Gordaninejad, F., Sanders, D.H., and Itani, A., “Controlled Seismic Response of Bridge
Components and Systems with Application of New Materials,” Proceedings of the US-Japan Workshop on
Smart Materials and New Technologies for Improvement of Seismic Performance of Urban Structures,
February 17, 18, 1999, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University.
66. Laplace, P., Sanders, D.H., Douglas, B.M., and Saiidi, M.S., "Shake Table Testing of Flexure Dominated
9 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
Reinforced Concrete Columns,” Proceeding of the 14th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, November 34, 1998, Pittsburgh, PA.
Wehbe, N., M. Saiidi, and D. Sanders, “Confinement of Rectangular Bridge Columns for Moderate Seismic
Areas,” National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research Bulletin, Volume 12, No. 1, State University of
New York, Buffalo, New York, Spring 1998.
Laplace, P., Sanders, D.H., Douglas, B.M., and Saiidi, M.S., "Shake Table Testing of Flexure Dominated
Reinforced Concrete Columns,” Proceedings of the 1998 SEAOC Convention, October 7-10, 1998, Reno, NV.
Jiao, G. and Sanders, D.H., "Repair of Concrete Columns Damaged During Earthquakes,” Proceeding of
Structural Engineers World Congress, July 18-23, 1998, San Francisco, CA.
Sanders, D.H., Laplace, P., Douglas, B.M., and Saiidi, M.S., "Shake-Table Testing of Current Column
Design,” The 5th Caltrans Seismic Research Workshop, California Department of Transportation, June 18,
1998, Sacramento, CA.
Wehbe, N, Saiidi, M.S., and Sanders, D.H., "Displacement Issues of Seismically Loaded R/C Columns,”
Proceedings of 13th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, October 2-3, 1997, Tsukuba, Japan.
Saiidi, M.S. and Sanders, D.H., A Seismic Retrofit of Highway Bridges in Northern Nevada,” Proceedings
214th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Division of Environmental Chemistry, Vol 37(2), Las
Vegas, NV, September 1997, pp. 310-312.
Darwish, I., Saiidi, M.S., and Sanders, D.H., "Seismic Performance and Retrofit of Fixed Hinged RC Bridge
Columns with Short Bar Anchorage,” Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, Volume 2, Proceedings of
the International Symposium on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures, Oct. 30, 1996 to Nov. 1, 1996,
Computational Mechanics Publication, pp 323-329.
Kasalanati, A., Reinhorn, A., Constantinou, M.C. and Sanders, D.H., "Experimental Study of Ball-in-Cone
Isolation System,” Building to Last, Proceedings of Structures Congress XV, ASCE, April 13-16, 1997,
Portland Oregon, pp 1191-1195.
Sanders, D.H., Saiidi, M.S., and Martin, T., "Seismic Retrofitting of Bridge Column Pier Cap Connections,”
ACI Fall Convention, November 3-8, 1996, New Orleans, paper with (Copies at Conference)
Sanders, D.H., Saiidi, M.S., and Douglas, D., "Bridge Column-Cap Beam Seismic Strengthening,”
Proceedings of 12th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
Nevada, Reno, October 29-30, 1996, Buffalo, NY.
Kasalanati, A., Sanders, D.H., Reinhorn, A., and Constantinou, M.C., "Experimental Study of Ball-in-Cone
Isolation System,” Proceedings of 12th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, October 29-30, 1996, Buffalo, NY.
Darwish, I., M. Saiidi, and D. Sanders, “Seismic Performance and Retrofit of Fixed and Hinged RC Bridge
Columns with Short Bar Anchorage,” Proceedings, First International Conference on Earthquake Resistant
Engineering Structures, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 1996, pp. 323-338.
Sanders, D.H. and Nagarajah, R., "Lateral Load Behavior of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Columns,” Worldwide Advances in Structural Concrete and Masonry, ASCE, New York, 1996, pp 396-407.
Gordaninejad, F., Sanders, D.H., and Mudri, S., "Behavior of Adhesively Bonded FRP Beam-to-Column
Connections,” ICCM-10, Proceedings of First International Conference on Composites in Infrastructure,
January 15-17, 1996, Tucson, AZ.
Darwish, I., Saiidi, M.S., and Sanders, D.H., "Seismic Retrofit of RC Oblong Tapered Bridge Columns with
Inadequate Bar Anchorage in Footings,” Proceedings of the National Seismic Conference on Bridges and
Highways, San Diego, CA, December 1995.
Romero, M. and Sanders, D.H., "Impact of Steel Fibers and Stirrup Spacing on Compression Strut Capacity,”
Restructuring: America and Beyond, Proceedings of Structures Congress XIII, ASCE, April 2-5, 1995, Boston,
pp 1619-1622.
Sanders, D.H., Douglas, B.M., and Cornell, K., "Bridge Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete BeamColumn Joints by Hinge Shifting,” Proceedings of 10th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Vienna, Austria, August 28-September 2, 1994.
Saiidi, M.S., Sanders, D.H., Douglas, B.M., Wehbe, N. and Acharya, S. "Capacity Detailing of Columns,
Walls, Piers for Ductility and Shear,” NCEER Annual Highway Project Meeting, Buffalo, NY, September
Saiidi, M.S., Douglas, B.M., Maragakis, E., Sanders, D.H., Gordaninejad, F., and Rawat, B., "Recent Bridge
Engineering Research at the University of Nevada,” International Bridge Conference, Warsaw Poland, June
1994, pp 105-114.
Saiidi, M.S., Douglas, B.M., Maragakis, E., Sanders, D.H., Gordaninejad, F., and Rawat, B., "Recent Bridge
10 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
Engineering Research at the University of Nevada,” Proceedings of the US-Slovak Conference on Bridge
Engineering, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, June 1994.
Sanders, D.H., and Breen, J.E., "Anchorage Zone Design for Post-Tensioned Concrete,” Proceedings of XII
FIP Congress, Washington, DC, May 29-June 2, 1994, 9 pp.
Saiidi, M, Maragakis, E., and Sanders, D.H., "Evaluation and Retrofit of Highway Bridge Substructures with
Tapered Columns,” Proceeding of the 10th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Chicago, IL, May 10-11,
Sanders, D.H., and Wu, Q., "Dynamic Response of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” Proceeding of the
Structures Congress 1994, ASCE, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1994, 6 pp.
Sanders, D.H., Douglas, B.M., and Cornell, K., "Retrofit Solutions for Inadequate Anchorage of Columns Bars
into Pier Caps,” Proceedings of the Ninth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Bridge Engineering, Japan, May 1993, 14
Saiidi, M.S., Maragakis, E., Sanders, D.H., and O'Connor, D., "Seismic Retrofit of Bridges in Northern
Nevada,” Proceedings of the 2nd US-Japan Workshop on Seismic Retrofit of Highway Bridges, Berkeley, CA,
January 1994.
Sanders, D.H., Douglas, B.M., and Cornell, K., "Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints in
Moderately Active Seismic Regions,” Proceedings, Symposium on Practical Solutions for Bridge
Strengthening & Rehabilitations, Des Moines, Iowa, April 5-6, 1993.
Sanders, D.H., Douglas, B.M., and Cornell, K., "Seismic Retrofitting of Beam-Column Joints in Reinforced
Concrete Box Girder Bridges,” Proceedings of Bridge Engineering Research in Progress, La Jolla, CA,
November 16-17, 1992.
Saiidi, M.S. and Sanders, D.H., "Bridge Seismic Rehabilitation Practice in the United States,” Proceeding of
the Third International Workshop on Bridge Rehabilitation, Darmstat, Germany, June 1992.
Maragakis, E., Saiidi, M.S., Douglas, B.M., Norris, G., Siddharthan, R. and Sanders, D.H., "Bridge
Engineering Research in Progress at the University of Nevada, Reno,” Proceedings of the Seventh U.S.-Japan
Workshop on Bridge Engineering, Tsukuba, Japan, May 1991.
Burdet, O.L., Sanders, D.H., Roberts, C.L., Breen, J.E., and Fenves, G.L., "Generalized Approach to Design of
Post-Tensioned Concrete Anchorage Zones,” IABSE Colloquium "Structural Concrete,” Stuttgart Germany,
April 1991.
Sanders, D.H., Roberts, C.L., and Wollmann, G., "Anchorage Zone Design for Post-Tensioned Concrete
Bridges,” Bridge Engineering Research in Progress 1990 Proceedings, October 1990.
Sanders, D.H., "Design of Anchorage Zones for Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridges,” Proceedings of the 10th
U.S.-Japan Workshop on Bridge Engineering, May 1990.
Sanders, D.H. and Yura, J.A., "Strength and Behavior of Double-Tee Tubular Joints in Tension,” OTC 5437,
Offshore Technology Conference Proceedings, Houston, April 27-30, 1987.
Ayoub, M., Sanders, D., “Testing of Pile Extension Connections to Slab Bridges,” Center for Civil Engineering
Earthquake Research, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno,
Nevada, Report No. CCEER-10-06, October 2010, pp 678.
Martin, B. and D. Sanders, “Verification and Implementation of Strut-and-Tie Model in LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications,” NCHRP Project 20-07, Task 217, August 2007.
Bahen, N., Sanders, D., “Strut-and-Tie Modeling for Disturbed Regions in Structural Concrete Members with
Emphasis on Deep Beams," Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, Report No. CCEER-07-05, December 2007.
Cheng, Z., Saiidi, M., and Sanders, D., “Development of a Seismic Design Method for Reinforced Concrete
Two-Way Bridge Column Hinges,” Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research, Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, Report No. CCEER-06-01, February 2006.
Johnson, N., Saiidi, M., and Sanders, D., “Large-Scale Experimental and Analytical Studies of a Two-Span
Reinforced Concrete Bridge System,” Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research, Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, Report No. CCEER-06-02, March 2006.
Yamashita, R. and D. Sanders, “ Shake Table Testing and an Analytical Study of Unbonded Prestressed
Hollow Concrete Columns Constructed with Precast Segments,” Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake
Research, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, Report No. CCEER-05-9,
August 2005, pp 204.
11 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
Moustafa, K. D. Sanders, and M. Saiidi, “Seismic Behavior of R/C Bridge Bents with Architectural-Flared
Columns Including both Horizontal and Vertical Gaps,” Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research,
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, Report No. CCEER-05-10, February
2005, pp 127.
Moustafa, K. D. Sanders, and M. Saiidi, “Impact of Aspect Ratio on Two-Column Bent Seismic Performance,”
Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada,
Reno, Nevada, Report No. CCEER-04-3, March 2004, pp 569.
Correal, J., Saiidi, M. and Sanders, D., “Seismic Performance of RC Bridge Columns Reinforced with Two
Interlocking Spirals,” Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, Report No. CCEER-04-6, August 2004.
Chandane, S., Sanders, D., and Saiidi, M.S., “ Static and Dynamic Performance of RC Bridge Bents with
Architectural-Flared Columns, Report No. CCEER 03-08, December 2003, pp 366.
Nada, H., Sanders, D. Saiid, M.S., “Seismic Performance of RC Bridge Frames with Architectural-Flared
Columns,” Report no. CCEER 03-01, January 2003, pp 476.
Zhang, Y. and D. Sanders, Torsion in High Strength Concrete Rectangular Beams, Report No. CCEER 02-04,
June 2002, pp. 136.
A. Banghart, D. Sanders, and M. Saiidi, “Evaluation of Concrete Mixes for Filling the Steel Arches in the
Galena Creek Bridge“, Report No. CCEER 02-05, June 2002, pp. 69.
Claudia P., Saiidi. M.S, Sanders, D.H. and Itani, A., “Seismic Performance and Retrofitting of Reinforced
Concrete Bridge Bents,” Civil Engineering Dept., University of Nevada, Reno, Report No. CCEER 02-01,
January 2002, pp 517.
Laplace, P., Sanders, D.H. and Saiidi, M.S., “Experimental Study and Analysis of Retrofitted Flexure and Shear
Dominated Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Subjected to Shake Table Excitation,” Civil
Engineering Dept., University of Nevada, Reno, Report No. CCEER 01-6, June 2001, pp 452.
Reppi, F. and Sanders, D.H., “Removal and Replacement of Post-Tensioned, Box Girder Bridge Decks,” Civil
Engineering Dept., University of Nevada, Reno, Report No. CCEER 01-7, December 2001.
Ah-Sha, H., Sanders, D. and Saiidi, M. “Early Age Shrinkage and Cracking of Nevada Concrete Bridge Decks”,
Civil Engineering Dept., University of Nevada, Reno, Report No. CCEER 01-01, May 2001, pp 236.
Moore, J., Sanders, D. and Saiidi, M., “Shake Table Testing of Two Column Bents with Hinged Bases,” Civil
Engineering Dept., University of Nevada, Reno, Report No. CCEER 00-09, December 2000, pp159.
Asthana, M., Sanders, D. and Saiidi, M., “Study of One-way Reinforced Concrete Bridge Column Hinges in the
Weak Direction,” Civil Engineering Dept., University of Nevada, Reno, Report No. CCEER 00-10, December
2000, pp130.
Will, J. and Sanders, D., “High Performance Concrete Using Nevada Aggregates,” Civil Engineering Dept.,
University of Nevada, Reno, Report No. CCEER 00-06, May 2000, pp 109.
McElhaney, B. and Saiidi, M., and Sanders, D., “Shake Table Testing of Flared Bridge Columns With Steel
Jacket Retrofit,” Civil Engineering Dept., University of Nevada, Reno, Report No. CCEER 00-03, January
Martinovic, F. and Saiidi, M. and Sanders, D. and Gordaninejad F., “Dynamic Testing of Non-Prismatic
reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns retrofitted with FRP Jackets,” Civil Engineering Dept, University of
Nevada, Reno, Report No. CCEER 00-04, January 2000.
Laplace, P., Sanders, D.H., Douglas, B, and Saiidi, M, Shake Table Testing of Flexure Dominated Reinforced
Concrete Bridge Columns, Report No. CCEER-99-13 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada,
Reno, December 1999, 158 pp.
Sgambelluri, M., Sanders, D.H., and Saiidi, M.S., Behavior of One-Way Reinforced Concrete Bridge Column
Hinges in the Weak Direction, Report No. CCEER-99-12 Department of Civil Engineering, University of
Nevada, Reno, December 1999, 152 pp.
Abo-Shadi, N, Saiidi, M.S., and Sanders, D.H. Seismic Response of Bridge Pier Walls in the Weak Direction,
Report No. CCEER-99-3, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, April 1999, 317 pp.
Wehbe, N., Saiidi, M.S., and Sanders, D.H., Effects of Confinement and Flares on the Seismic Performance of
Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns, Report No. CCEER-97-2, Department of Civil Engineering, University
of Nevada, Reno, September 1997, 407 pp.
Wehbe, N., Saiidi, M.S., Sanders, D.H., Douglas, B.M., Ductility of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Bridge
Columns with Moderate Confinement, Technical Report NCEER-96-003, National Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research, November 7, 1996, 82 pp.
Darwish, I., Saiidi, M.S., and Sanders, D.H., Seismic Retrofit of RC Oblong Tapered Bridge Columns with
12 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
Inadequate Bar Anchorage in Columns and Footings, Report No. CCEER-96-3, Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, May 1996, 194 pp.
Acharya, S., Saiidi, M.S. and Sanders, D.H., Seismic Retrofit of Bridge Footings and Column-Footing
Connections, Report No. CCEER-95-7, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno,
November 1995, 125 pp.
Darwish, I., Saiidi, M.S. and Sanders, D.H., Experimental Study of Seismic Susceptibility of Tapered Bridge
Column-Footing Connections, Report No. CCEER-95-5, Department of Civil Engineering, University of
Nevada, Reno, September 1995, 162 pp.
Martin, T., Saiidi, M.S. and Sanders, D.H., Seismic Retrofit of Column-Pier Cap Connections in Bridges in
Northern Nevada, Report No. CCEER-95-4, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno,
August 1995.
Wehbe, N., Saiidi, M.S. and Sanders, D.H., Ductility of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns with
Moderate Confinement, Report No. CCEER-95-3, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada,
Reno, July 1995.
Breen, J.E., Burdet, O.L., Roberts, C.L., Sanders, D.H., and Wollmann, G., Anchorage Zone Reinforcement for
Post-Tensioned Concrete Girders, NCHRP Report # 356, March 1994, 205 pp.
Sanders, D.H., Douglas, B.M., and Martin, T., Seismic Retrofit Prioritization of Nevada Bridges, Report No.
CCEER-93-3, Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake Research, University of Nevada, Reno, September
1993, 38 pp.
Cornell, K., Sanders, D.H., and Douglas, B.M., Seismic Retrofit for Beam-Column Bridge Joints, Report No.
CIS 92-42, Center for Infrastructure Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, September 1993, 59 pp.
Sanders, D.H., Carr, J. and Bird, J.W., Population Study for the Transportation of Spent Fuel to Yucca
Mountain, Nevada, Report No. CIS 93-12, Center for Infrastructure Studies, University of Nevada, Reno,
September 1993, 25 pp.
Wehbe, N., Saiidi, M.S., Maragakis, E., and Sanders, D.H., Adequacy of Three Highway Structures in Southern
Nevada for Spent Fuel Transportation, Report No. CCEER-93-7, Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake
Research, University of Nevada, Reno, August 1993, 93 pp.
Zhang, Y.J, and Sanders, D.H., Deterioration Models for Nevada Bridge, Report No. CCEER 93-8, Center for
Civil Engineering Earthquake Research, University of Nevada, Reno, May 1993.
Roybal, J., Sanders, D.H. and Maragakis, E.A. Vulnerability Assessment of Masonry Public Buildings in the
Reno-Carson City Urban Corridor, Report No. CCEER 93-8, Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake
Research, University of Nevada, Reno, May 1993, 142 pp.
Sanders, D.H. and Stone, C.T., Transporting Spent Nuclear Fuel: Road Safety: Road Safety, Report No. CIS
92-30, Center for Infrastructure Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, May 1993, 43 pp.
Sanders, D.H., Seismic Retrofitting of Bridges: Literature Review, Report No. CIS 91-24, Center for
Infrastructure Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, May 1992.
Zhang, Y.J., and Sanders, D.H., Predicting Bridge Deterioration by Use of Models, Report No. CIS 91-12,
Center for Infrastructure Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, February 1992.
Douglas, B.M., Saiidi, M.S., and Sanders, D.H., Seismic Resistance Survey of Highway Bridges in the State of
Nevada, Report No. CIS 91-18, Center for Infrastructure Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, November 1991.
Abraham, B., Saiidi, M.S., Rawat, B., and Sanders, D.H., Application of Optical Fiber Sensors in Monitoring
and Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Bridges, Report No. CIS 91-19, Center for Infrastructure Studies,
University of Nevada, Reno, October 1991.
Norris, G., Gowda, P., Siddharthan, R., Sanders, D.H., and Ahmad, U., Laterally Loaded Pile Analysis for
Layered Soil Based on the Strain Wedge Model, Report No. CIS 91-11, Center for Infrastructure Studies,
University of Nevada, Reno, September 1991.
Breen J.E., Burdet, O.L., Roberts, C.L., Sanders, D.H., and Wollmann, G., Anchorage Zone Reinforcement for
Post-Tensioned Concrete Girders, Final Report NCHRP 10-29, August 1991.
Breen, J.E., Burdet, O.L., Roberts, C.L., Sanders, D.H., and Wollmann, G., Proposed Post-Tensioned
Anchorage Zone Provisions for Inclusion in the AASHTO Bridge Specification, Ferguson Structural
Engineering Laboratory, May 1991.
Breen, J.E., Burdet, O.L., Roberts, C.L., Sanders, D.H., and Wollmann, G., Proposed Post-Tensioned
Anchorage Zone Provisions for Inclusion in the AASHTO Bridge Specification, Ferguson Structural
Engineering Laboratory, May 1991.
Breen, J.E., Fenves, G.L., Sanders, D.H., and Burdet, O.L., Anchorage Zone Reinforcement for Post-Tensioned
Concrete Girders, Interim Report for National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transportation
13 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
Research Board, August 1987.
50. Sanders, D.H., Breen, J.E. and Duncan, R. III, Strength and Behavior of Closely Spaced Post-Tensioned
Monostrand Anchorages, Post-Tensioning Institute, 1987.
51. Sanders, D.H. and Yura, J.A., Strength and Behavior of Double-Tee Tubular Joints in Tension, PMFSEL
Report No. 86-2, Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory, Austin, TX, March 1986.
52. Swensson, K., Hoadley, P., Yura, J.A. and Sanders, D.H., Stress Concentration Factors in Double-Tee Tubular
Joints, PMFSEL Report No. 86-1, Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory, Austin, TX, January 1986.
Books and Proceedings
1. Sanders, D.H. (Editor) Proceeding of the 26th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, New Orleans, LA,
September 20-22, 2010, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno.
2. Sanders, D.H. (Editor) Proceeding of the 24th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Minneapolis, MN,
September 22-24, 2008, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno.
3. Sanders, D.H. (Editor) Proceeding of the 22nd US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Seattle, WA., October
23-25, 2006, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno.
4. Sanders, D.H. (Editor) Proceeding of the 20th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Washington, DC.,
October 4-6, 2004, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno.
5. Sanders, D.H. (Editor) Proceeding of the 18th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, St. Louis, MO.,
October 22-24, 2002, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno.
6. Sanders, D.H. and Maragakis, E. (Co-Editors), Proceeding of the 16th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop,
October 2-4, 2000, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno.
7. E. Maragakis and D.H. Sanders (Editors), Proceeding of the 14th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop,
November 3-4, 1998, Pittsburgh, PA, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno.
8. E. Maragakis and D.H. Sanders (Editors), Proceeding of the 12th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop,
October 29-30, 1996, Buffalo, NY, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno.
9. Sanders, D.H., "Section 4.5, Creep and Shrinkage,” Cast-in-Place Concrete in Tall Building Design and
Construction, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Committee 21-D, McGraw Hill, San Francisco,
Miscellaneous Publications
1. Sanders, D, “Long‐Term Comparison of UltraFiber 500 to Macro Synthetic Fibers,” Buckeye Technical
Bulletin, 2010.
2. Almer, K. and D. Sanders, “Precast U-Girders Integrally Connected to a Cast-in-place Substructure,” NDOT
Newsletter; Vol. 18, Issue 3, Summer 2009.
3. Sanders, D.H., “Early Age Shrinkage and Cracking of Nevada Concrete Bridge Decks,” Nevada Department of
Transportation News, 2001.
4. Discussion Response: Seismic Performance of Rectangular Bridge Columns with Moderate Confinement.
Response by Wehbe, N., Saiidi, M. and Sanders, D., ACI Structural Journal, Jan.- Feb 2000, pp 208-209.
5. Wehbe, N., Saiidi, M.S., and Sanders, D.H., "Confinement of Rectangular Bridge Columns for Moderate
Seismic Area,” National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research Bulletin, Volume 12, No. 1, State
University of New York, Buffalo, New York, Spring 1998.
6. Sanders, D.H. and Anderson, N.S., Strut-and-Tie Model Bibliography, ACI Bibliography No. 16, November
7. Sanders, D.H., "New Seismic Testing Facility at UNR,” Material Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, Feb. 1996.
8. Sanders, D.H., "Seismic Simulation,” Contractors News, June 1996.
1. “Bridge Columns Under Combined Actions and Implications on System Response ,” Quake Summit, June 911, 2011 Buffalo, New York (given by Juan Arias)
2. “ (Invited) “Bridge Seismic Rehabilitation in the US,” JCI-ACI Seismic Rehabilitation Workshop, Tokyo,
Japan, December 13-14, 2010.
3. Experimental Study of Reversed Cyclic Loading for Pile-to-Slab Bridge Connections,” 7th International Bridge
Engineering Conference; San Antonio, TX, December 1-3, 2010.
4. “Experimental Study of Precast Bridge Columns with Built-In Elastomer,” (Given by M. Saiidi) 7th
International Bridge Engineering Conference; San Antonio, TX, December 1-3, 2010.
5. (Invited) “Developments in the Earthquake Design of Bridges, “ Pitt-DesMoines Structural Engineering
14 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
Seminar, Iowa State University, October 29, 2010.
6. (Invited) “Developments in the Earthquake Design of Bridges,” Nevada Infrastructure Concrete Conference,
Las Vegas, NV, October 21, 2010.
7. (Invited) “Developments in the Earthquake Design of Bridges,” Nevada Infrastructure Concrete Conference,
Reno, NV, October 19, 2010.
8. “Impact of Column Stiffness on Curved Bridge Performance,” (invited), 26th US-Japan Bridge Engineering
Workshop, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 20-22, 2010
9. “Performance of Bridge Reinforced Concrete Columns under Combined Actions throughout Shake Table
Testing,” (Paper given by J. Arias-Acosta), 9th US National and 10th Canada Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Toronto, Canada, July 25-29, 2010.
10. “Shake Table Testing of Bridge Columns under Combined Actions,” ASCE/SEI Structures Congress, May 1214, 2010, Orlando Florida.
11. “Shake Table Testing of Bridge Columns under Combined Actions,” (Poster by Juan Arias), EERI 62nd Annual
Meeting, Feb 3 - 6, 2010 San Francisco, California.
12. “Shake Table Response of Multi-Segment Reinforced Concrete Columns,” (given by S. Motaref) Caltrans
Earthquake Engineering Committee Seminar, California Department of Transportation, Sacramento, California,
January 2010.
13. “Shake Table Response of Precast Bridge Columns with Advanced Materials,” (given by S. Motaref) Caltrans
Earthquake Engineering Committee Seminar, California Department of Transportation, Sacramento, California,
January 2010.
14. “Shake Table Response of Multi-Segment Reinforced Concrete Columns,” (given by M. Saiidi based on work
by S. Motaref, M. Saiidi and D. Sanders) Development of Precast Connection Details for Bridges in Moderate to
High Seismic Regions, Session Sponsored by TRB Committee AFF30 and AFF50, Transportation Research Board
89th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 2010.
15. “Shake Table Response of Precast Bridge Columns with Advanced Materials,” (given by M. Saiidi based on
work by S. Motaref, M. Saiidi and D. Sanders) Seismic ABC Collaboration, Session Sponsored by TRB Committee
AFF50, Transportation Research Board 89th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 12, 2010.
16. “Investigation of Strut Strength Using a Deep Beam Database,” Shear and Torsion in Concrete Structures,
American Concrete Institute Fall Convention; New Orleans; November 10, 2009.
17. “Seismic Behavior of Pile Extension Connection in Slab Bridges,” General Earthquake Committee (GEQC),
Caltrans, September 23, 2009, Sacramento, CA
18. “Combined Load Effects on Bridge Column Performance,” General Earthquake Committee (GEQC), Caltrans,
September 23, 2009, Sacramento, CA
19. “Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Bridge Reinforced Concrete Columns under Combined Action using
a Shake Table (invited), 25th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan, October 19-21, 2009.
20. “Study on the Seismic performance of Bridge Reinforced Concrete Columns under Combined Actions,”
Western Bridge Engineers’ Seminar, September 21-23, 2009, Sacramento, CA
21. “Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Bridge Reinforced Concrete Columns under Shake Table Testing
(invited), 5th US-Taiwan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Taipei Taiwan, September 17-18, 2009.
22. “NEESR-SG: Seismic Simulation and Design of Bridge Columns under Combined Actions and Implications on
System Response,” (poster) 2009 NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Honolulu, HI, June
24, 2009.
23. “Shake Table Testing of Bridge Reinforced Concrete Columns under Combined Actions,” (invited) 41st USJapan Panel Meeting, Tsukuba, Japan, May 21-23, 2009, 8 pages.
24. (Invited) “Experimental Seismic Testing of Precast U-Girder, Cast-in-Place Bent Cap Bridge Joints,” Session
on Accelerated Bridge Design and Construction,” 2008 ACI Fall Convention, St Louis, MO, November 3, 2008.
25. “Continuity of Precast Bridge U-Girders Connected to a Cast-in-Place Substructure Subjected to Seismic
Loads," 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing China, October 12-17, 2008.
26. “Pile to Slab Bridge Connections,” 24th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Minneapolis, MN, September
22-24, 2008.
27. “Seismic Continuity Performance of Precast U-Girders Integrally Connected to a Cast-in-Place Substructure,”
Sixth National Seismic Conference on Bridges & Highways (6NSC), Charleston, SC, July 27-30, 2008 (presentation
done by student Kevin Almer).
28. “Impact of Combined Actions on Column Design and its Implications on System Response,” NEES Sixth
Annual Meeting, Portland Oregon, June 18-20, 2008.
29. (Invited) “The Use of Strut-and-Tie Modeling in Bridge Design,” International Bridge Conference, Pittsburgh,
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PA, June 3, 2008.
30. (Invited) “Behavior of Piles Extension Connection in Slab Bridges”, 4 th International Conference in Wind and
Structures, May 26-28, 2008, Jeju Korea.
31. (Invited) “Seismic Behavior of Bridge Columns and Connections with Emphasis on Pile Extension Connections
in Slab Bridges,” Caltrans, General Earthquake Committee (GEQC) Meeting, March 26, 2008.
32. “Seismic Performance of Precast U-girders Integrally Connected to a Cast-in-Place Substructure,” FHWA
Accelerated Bridge Conference, Baltimore, MD, March 20-21, 2008.
33. (Invited Speaker), “Concrete Bridge Column Behavior including System Effects,” Structural Engineering
Education Reunion,” Austin, Texas, March 22-23, 2007.
34. “Impact of Combined Actions on Column Design and its Implications on System Response,” Fifth NEES
Annual Meeting, Snowbird, Utah, June 18-21, 2007.
35. “Integral Connection Seismic Performance between Precast Girders and Cast-in-Place Bent Caps,” 39th UJNR
Joint Panel Meeting on Wind and Seismic Effect, Tsukuba, Japan, May 14-19, 2007.
36. “Experimental Seismic Testing of Precast U-Girders Integrally Connected to Cast-in-Place Bent Caps,” 23rd
US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, Tsukuba Japan, November 5-7, 2007.
37. “Cooperation between NEES and E-Defense for Columns under Combined Loading,” NEES/E-Defense
Panning Meeting, Miki Japan, September 27-28, 2007.
38. “Verification and Implementation of Strut-and-Tie Model in LRFD Bridge Design Specifications”, AASHTO
Concrete Committee (T10), Phoenix Arizona, October 23, 2007.
39. “Seismic Performance of Integral Connections between Cast-in-Place Substructures and Precast Concrete
Superstructure,” Proceeding of the 22nd US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, October 23-25, 2006, Seattle,
40. “Seismic Simulation and Design of Bridge Columns under Combined Actions and Implications on System
Response,” NEES Spotlights, New Projects, 4th NEES Annual Meeting, June 21-23, 2006, Washington, DC.
41. “Shake Table Testing and Analysis of a Prestressed Segmental Concrete Column,” 2006 Concrete Bridge
Conference HPC: Build Fast, Build to Last, May 7-9, 2006, the Nugget, Reno, Nevada. (Made by Ryo Yamashita)
42. “Seismic Perfromance of Integral Connections Between Cast-in-Place Substructures and Precast Concrete
Superstructures” 2006 Concrete Bridge Conference HPC: Build Fast, Build to Last, May 7-9, 2006, the Nugget,
Reno, Nevada. (Made by Kevin Almer)
43. “Shake Table Studies of a Large Scale Two-Span Reinforced Concrete Bridge Frame,” 8th National Conference
on Earthquake Engineering, April 18-22, 2006, San Francisco, CA. (#1437) by M Saiidi.
44. “Unbonded Concrete Columns for Limiting Damage to Large Seismic Events,” 8 th National Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, April 18-22, 2006, San Francisco, CA. (#1334) by Ryo Yamashita
45. “Accelerated Construction using Precast Concrete and Prestressing,” (Invited) Fourth International Workshop
on Seismic Design and Retrofit of Transportation Facilities,” March 13-14, 2006.
46. “Recent Earthquake Engineering Research at UNR – Four Examples: FRP Restrainers, Near-Fault Effects,
Column Hinges, and Shape Memory Alloy Columns,” National Biennial Conference on Concrete Structures and
Materials, ASOCRETO, Folder on Bridges, Cartagena, Colombia, September 2006.(by M. Saiidi)
47. “Seismic Design of Flared Columns,” Caltrans Bridge Research Conference, October 31 - November 1, 2005,
Sacramento, CA.
48. “Seismic Design of Flared Columns,” Caltrans Bridge Research Conference, October 31 - November 1, 2005,
Sacramento, CA.
49. “Shake Table Testing and Analysis of Precast Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Bridge Columns,” 21 st US-Japan
Bridge Engineering Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan October 3-5, 2005.
50. “Shake Table Testing of Column Retrofits Using Steel and Advanced Composites,” (Invited Presentation) TRB
Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 11, 2005.
51. Sanders, D. “Seismic Design of Flared Columns,” Civil Engineering Infrastructure Systems International
Conference (Invited Paper), June 6-8, 2005, Beirut Lebanon. (Conference Cancelled)
”Shake Table Testing and Analysis of Two-Column Bents,” 13th World Conference on Earthquake
Engineering, Vancouver, BC, August 1-6, 2004 (Made by Student, Moustafa).
“Shake Table Studies of Bridge Columns with Double Interlocking Spirals”, 13th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, BC, August 1-6, 2004 (Made by Saiidi).
“Seismic Performance of Bridge Columns with Double Interlocking Spirals” 4th Seismic Conference and
Workshop on Bridges and Highways, February, 9-11, 2004, Memphis Tennessee (by Correal)
“Impact of Different Shake Table Loadings on New and Old Design,” ACI Spring Convention, Washington
DC, March 16, 2004.
16 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
“State-of-the-Art Summary on Seismic Assessment for Concrete Bridges, ACI Spring Convention,
Washington, DC, March 15, 2004, given by Dawn Lehman.
“Experimental Studies of Bridge Columns with Double Interlocking Spirals,” 20 th US-Japan Bridge
Engineering Workshop, October 4 to 6, 2004, Washington, DC.
“US Seismic Design Codes,” ACI International Conference on Seismic Bridge Design and Retrofit,
December 8-9, 2003, San Diego. (Invited)
“Static and Dynamic Behavior of Flared Column Bents,” 19th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop,
October 27-29 2003, Tsukuba Japan.
“Shake Table Testing and Analysis of Flared Column Details,” Western Bridge Conference, October 6-8,
2003, Reno, Nevada.
“Behavior of Flared-Column Bents under Seismic Loading,” Structural Engineering Education Reunion,
November 6-7, 2003, Austin, Texas (Invited)
“Impact of Aspect Ratio on the Behavior of Circular Column Systems Under Shake-Table Loading”, 2003
ASCE Structures Congress, May 29-June 1, 2003, Seattle, WA, presented by K. Mostafa.
“Seismic Analysis and Design of Flared Bridge Columns”, 35 th Joint Meeting of the US-Japan Panel on
Wind and Seismic Effects, May 12-14, 2003, Tsukuba, Japan (invited).
“Seismic Response of Flexure-Dominate Bridge Columns with Interlocking Spirals,” ACI Convention,
Session on Developments in the Seismic Design and Retrofitting of Bridges, Vancouver, Canada, April 2003,
presented by Saiidi.
“Presentation on Why the Towers Fell, September 11, 2001”, Invited to give as part of Week of
Reflection, September 9-13, 2002.
“Seismic Performance of Reinforced Bridge Columns, Proceedings of the Third National Seismic
Conference& Workshop on Bridges & Highways, April 28-May 1, 2002.
“Flare-Column Bents Dynamically Tested on a Shake Table”, Proceedings of the Seventh US National
Conference on Earthquake Engineering, July 21-25, 2002.
“Shake Table Performance of Bents with Two-Circular Columns”, Proceedings of the 18th US-Japan
Bridge Engineering Workshop, St. Louis, MO, October 22-24, 2002.
“Dapped-End T-Beam Supported by an Inverted T-Beam”, ACI Fall Convention, Phoenix, AZ, October 27,
“Impact of Aspect Ratio on Seismic Behavior of Two-Column Bents, ACI Fall Convention, Phoenix, AZ,
October 28, 2002.
“Behavior of Flared Column Bents under Seismic Loading,” 5th ACI International Conference, Cancun,
Mexico, December 10-13, 2002, presented by M. Saiidi.
"Carbon and Glass Fiber Wraps for Concrete Bridge Retrofits: Shake-table Experiments,” Session Title,
"Innovative materials and technologies for seismic-resistant concrete bridges". October 29, 2001 ACI Fall
Convention, Dallas Texas.
“Performance of Flared Columns with Gaps”, 17th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, November 1214, 2001, Tsukuba, Japan.
“Performance of As-Built and Retrofitted Flexural Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Subjected to
Shake-Table Loading,” Caltrans Sixth Seismic Workshop, June 13-15, 2001, presented by P. Laplace.
“Performance of Current Detailed Shear Dominated Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Subjected to
Shake-Table Loading,” Caltrans Sixth Seismic Workshop, June 13-15, 2001, presented by P. Laplace.
“Shake-Table Testing of Two Column Bent with Hinged Bases,” Caltrans Sixth Seismic Workshop, June
13-15, 2001, presented by J. Moore.
“Impact of Aspect Ratio on Two-Column Bent Seismic Performance,” 5th National Workshop on Bridge
Research, Minneapolis, MN, October 8-10, 2001.
Invited Speaker at the international workshop, “Policy and Methods in a Large Seismic Region”,
Conception et Mise a Niveau Des Ponts en Zone Sismique (Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges), Ecole
Nationale Des Ponts et Chaussees, Paris France, June 20-21, 2000. Workshop schedule repeated in London England
on June 22-23, 2000 at the Institution of Structural Engineers. Note that all expenses were paid.
“Shake Table Testing and Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bents,” ACI Spring Convention, March 2000 in
San Diego. Presentation by Claudia Pulido.
“Inverted T-Beam Loaded with a Series of Beams with Dapped Beam Ends,” ACI Fall Convention,
October 2000, Toronto, Canada
“FRP Composites for Seismic Retrofitting of Non-Prismatic Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns,” 15 th
US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, November 9-10, 1999, Tsukuba City, Japan.
17 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
“Inverted T-Beam Loaded with a Series of Beams with Dapped Beam Ends,” ACI Spring Convention,
March 1999, Chicago, IL.
“Use of Steel Fibers to Improve Seismic Performance of High Strength Concrete,” ACI Fall Convention,
October 25, 1998, Los Angeles, CA.
“Effect of Reducing the Lateral Steel on the Seismic Response of Bridge Pier Walls in the Weak
Direction,” ACI Fall Convention, October 25, 1998, Los Angeles, CA. (Presentation given by student, Nagi AboShadi, PI: Saiidi)
“Shake Table Testing of Flexure Dominated Reinforced Concrete Columns,” 14 th US-Japan Bridge
Engineering Workshop, November 4, 1998, Pittsburgh, PA. (Presentation given by student, Patrick Laplace)
“Shake Table Testing of Flexure Dominated Reinforced Concrete Columns,” 1998 SEAOC Convention,
October 9, 1998, Reno, NV. (Presentation given by student, Patrick Laplace)
"Repair of Concrete Columns Damaged During Earthquakes,” Structural Engineers World Congress, July
18-23, 1998, San Francisco, CA.
“Shake-Table Testing of Current Column Design,” The 5th Caltrans Seismic Research Workshop, June 18,
1998, Sacramento, CA.
“Seismic Behavior of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Column,” Sixth US National Conference
on Earthquake Engineering, May 31-June 4, 1998, Seattle, Washington.
"Seismic Strengthening of Column-Pier Cap Connections,” TRB Annual Meeting, January 11-15, 1998,
Washington, D.C..
"Displacement Issues of Seismically Loaded R/C Columns,” 13th US-Japan Bridge Engineering
Workshop, October 2-3, 1997, Tsukuba, Japan.
"Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Pier Walls,” ACI Fall Convention, November 9-14, 1997,
Atlanta, GA.
"What is Shakin’ at UNR,” ASCE Truckee Meadows Branch, June 24, 1997, Reno, NV.
"Strength of Struts and Nodes,” ACI Spring Convention, April 6-11, 1997, Seattle, WA.
"Seismic Retrofitting of Bridge Column Pier Cap Connections,” ACI Fall Convention, November 3-8,
1996, New Orleans, LA, paper with M.S. Saiidi and T. Martin.
"Bridge Column-Cap Beam Seismic Strengthening,” 12th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop,
October 29-30, 1996, Buffalo, NY, paper with M.S. Saiidi and B.M. Douglas.
"Lateral Load Behavior of High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete Columns,” ASCE Structures Congress
XIV, ASCE, April 15-18, 1996, Chicago, IL, paper with R. Nagarajah.
"Impact of Steel Fibers and Stirrup Spacing on Compression Strut Capacity,” ASCE Structures Congress
XIII, ASCE, April 2-5, 1995, Boston, MA, paper with M. Romero.
"Bridge Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints by Hinge Shifting" and "Current
Research at the University of Nevada, Reno, Invited Lecture at the University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart Germany,
September 2, 1994.
"Bridge Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints by Hinge Shifting,” 10th
European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vienna, Austria, August 28-September 2, 1994, paper written
with B.M. Douglas and K. Cornell.
"Anchorage Zone Design for Post-Tensioned Concrete,” PCI Convention and XII FIP Congress,
Washington, DC, May 29-June 2, 1994, paper written with J. Breen.
"Dynamic Response of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete,” Structures Congress 1994, ASCE, Atlanta, GA,
April 1994, paper written with Q. Wu.
"Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints by Hinge Shifting,” ACI Spring
Convention, San Francisco, CA, Technical Session: Earthquake Response of Concrete Bridges, Part 2, March 21,
"Structural and Non-Structural Impact to High-Rise Buildings from Earthquakes,” FEMA Training Course
on High Rise Buildings, Nevada Department of Emergency Management, Laughlin, Nevada, March 17, 1994.
"Bridge Deterioration Models for States with a Small Bridge Inventory,” Transportation Research Board
Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 11, 1994, paper written with Y. Zhang.
"Application of STM to Post-Tensioned Anchorage Zones,” ACI Fall Convention, Minneapolis, MN,
Technical Session: Strut-and-Tie Modeling of Structural Concrete, November 11, 1993.
"Structural and Non-Structural Impact to High-Rise Buildings from Earthquakes,” FEMA Training Course
on High Rise Buildings, Nevada Department of Emergency Management, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2, 1993.
"Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints in Moderately Active Seismic Regions,”
Symposium on Practical Solutions for Bridge Strengthening & Rehabilitations, Des Moines, Iowa, April 5-6, 1993,
18 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
paper written with B.M. Douglas and K. Cornell.
“Seismic Evaluation of Masonry Buildings before an Earthquake,” Washoe County Hospital, Nevada
Department of Emergency Management, March 9, 1993.
"Seismic Retrofitting of Beam-Column Joints in Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridges,” Bridge
Engineering Research in Progress, La Jolla, CA, November 16-17, 1992, paper written with B.M. Douglas and K.
"Generalized Approach to Anchorage Zone Design,” 1992 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting,
Washington, D.C., paper written with J.E. Breen.
3-1/2 hour seminar on the "Design of Anchorage Zones for Post-Tensioned Anchorage Zones" at the
American Segmental Bridge Institute Annual Meeting in Miami. Presentation with John E. Breen, University of
Texas at Austin, December 1990.
"Anchorage Zone Design for Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridges,” Bridge Engineering Research in Progress,
Lake Tahoe, Nevada, October 1990.
"Design of Anchorage Zones in Post-Tensioned Concrete Members,” Nevada Department of
Transportation, June 1990, Carson City, NV.
"Design of Anchorage Zones for Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridges,” US-Japan Bridge Workshop, Lake
Tahoe, Nevada, May 1990.
Project Grants
“Vibration Health Monitoring for Galena”, Nevada Department of Transportation, D. Sanders (PI), $143,019,
January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012.
“Maintenance, Operation and Management of NEES UNR”, NSF, I. Buckle (PI), D. Sanders (Co-PI),
$1,024,325, October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011.
“Maintenance, Operation and Management of NEES UNR”, NSF, I. Buckle (PI), D. Sanders (Co-PI),
$977,956, October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2010.
“Unbonded Prestressed Columns for Accelerated Bridge Construction and Earthquake Resistance,” NDOT, D.
Sanders (PI) and M. Saiidi (co-PI), $198,165, May 1, 2010 to March 31, 2012.
“Behavior of Pile to Pile-Cap Connections Subjected to Seismic Forces,” South Carolina DOT through South
Carolina University, D. Sanders (PI), $114,097 (then reduced to $85,897, October 1, 2010 to December 31,
2011, submitted November 24, 2009.
“Seismic Performance of Next Generation Bridge (NGB) Components for Accelerated Bridge Construction
(ABC),” Caltrans, M. Saiidi (PI) and D. Sanders (co-PI), $307,815, November 10, 2010 to December 31, 2012.
Ian Buckle (PI), D. Sanders (Co-PI), “The Effect of Live Load on the Seismic Response of Bridges,”
California Department of Transportation, $310,875, January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2011.
“Summer EPSCoR UROP-Tiffany Reichert,” UNR Office of Undergraduate Research, $5500, April 1, 2008
to August 15, 2008.
“Seismic Performance of Integral Connections between Substructures and Precast Structures – Supplemental
Funding Request,” Nevada Department of Transportation, D. Sanders (PI), $69,946, October 1, 2007 to August
31, 2008
“Improving the Seismic Resilience of the Federal-Aid Highway System,” FHWA, I. Buckle (PI), D. Sanders
(Co-PI), A. Itani (Co-PI), M. Saiidi (Co-PI), G. Pekcan (Co-PI), $2,334,175.50, August 1, 2007 to July 31,
a) D. Sanders (PI), “US Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop,” $146,276.
“Precast Bridge Columns with Energy Dissipating Joints,” California Department of Transportation, M. Saiidi
(PI) and D. Sanders(Co-PI), $300,000, June 1, 2007 to June 30, 2010.
“Impact of Strut Angle on Compressive Strength of Structures,” WAESO Project for Undergraduates, D.
Sanders (PI), $1756, Arizona State University, 2007.
“Analysis of Strut-and-Tie Model Design Specifications for High Strength Concrete,” D. Sanders(PI), 2007
General Undergraduate Research Award, UNR Undergraduate Research Office, $1500
“Combined Actions on Columns with Interlocking Spirals,” D. Sanders (PI), NSF-EPSCoR Undergraduate
Award, UNR Undergraduate Research Office, $4,310, 2007-2008.
“22nd and 23rd US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshops,” FWHA through MCEER, D. Sanders (PI), 2 years,
$79,000, 9/1/06 to 9/30/07
“NCHRP 20-07/Task 217, Verification and Implementation of Strut-and-Tie Model in LRFD Bridge Design
19 of 22 David H. Sanders, 12/15/10
Specifications,” Barney Martin from Modjeski and Masters (PI), David Sanders (UNR) co –PI, Total
($79,000), UNR ($32,779), 7/1/06 to 6/30/07.
“Testing of Pile Extension Connections to Slab Bridges,” California Department of Transportation, D. Sanders
(PI) 3 years, $315,742,6/1/06 to 6/30/09.
NSF-EPSCoR Academic Year Undergraduate Research Grant with Neil Bahen, $4840, UNR Office of
Undergraduate Research, 9 months, Oct. 2005 to May 2006 .
NEESR-SG: Seismic Simulation and Design of Bridge Columns under Combined Actions, and Implications on
System Response, D. Sanders (PI), co-PI’s: DJ Belarbi, S. Dyke, A. Elnashai and J. Zhang, $1,419,998, 4
years, September 15, 2005.
“Maintenance, Operation and Management of NEES UNR”, NSF, I. Buckle (PI), D Sanders (Co-PI),
$4,868,328, October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2009
“Shake Table Testing and Analysis of a Prestressed Segmental Concrete Column,” PC Bridge Co. LTD Japan,
Sanders (PI), April 29, 2004 to August 31, 2005, $25,723 + Direct Graduate Student Support.
“Instrumenting the Galena Creek Bridge,” Nevada Department of Transportation – Bridge Division, Sanders
(PI), April 15, 2004 to July 31, 2007, $129,852; “Expansion of Galena Bridge Instrumentation Project”,
Nevada Department of Transportation – Bridge Division, D. Sanders, $38,135. Total 168,037, Extended to
May 30, 2008.
“Seismic Performance of Integral Connections between Substructures and Precast Concrete,” Nevada
Department of Transportation – Bridge Division, D. Sanders (PI), January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2007,
20th and 21st U.S.-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, FHWA through MCEER Buffalo, D. Sanders (PI),
$80,000, 2 years, January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2005.
“Performance, Design, and Detailing of Two-Way Column Hinges”, Nevada Department of Transportation, M.
Saiidi (PI), D. Sanders (co-PI), January 1, 2003 –September 30, 2005, $197,526.
19th US-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop, D. Sanders (PI), $50,000.
“Flared Column Bent Extension”, Caltrans, D. Sanders (PI), M. Saiidi (co-PI), $59,939, January 1, 2004 to
December 31, 2004.
“Collaborative Research: Demonstration of NEES for Studying Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction,” PI:
Saiidi, Co-PI: Sanders, 9/15/2003-9/14/2005, National Science Foundation, $34,849 +$12000(first year
budget), Total = $265,451+$12,000(Funded).
“Expansion of Filling of the Structural Tubes in the Galena Arch,” Nevada Department of Transportation, D.H.
Sanders (PI) and M.S. Saiidi (co-PI), $11,974, April 15, 2002.
“Performance, Design, and Detailing of Two-Way Column Hinges”, Nevada Department of Transportation, M.
Saiidi (PI), D. Sanders (co-PI), January 1, 2003 –December 31, 2006, $299,785.
“Extension of Seismic Retrofitting of Column/Bent Cap Joints by Hinge Shifting”, Caltrans, DH. Sanders (PI),
and M.S. Saiid (co-PI), $79,792, until June 30, 2003.
“Shake Table Studies of RC Columns with Interlocking Spirals,” Caltrans, M.S. Saiidi (PI) and D.H. Sanders
(co-PI), $283,904, January 16, 2001, 36 months.
18th U.S.-Japan Bridge Engineering Workshop,” MCEER/FHWA, $59,984, D.H. Sanders (PI), 12 months,
submitted November 15, 2001.
“Development of a biaxial multiple shake table research facility”, National Science Foundation, I. Buckle (PI),
A. Itani, E. Maragakis, M. Saiidi, and D. Sanders (co-PIs), $4,398,451, 4 years, January 1, 2001.
“Application of Strut-and-Tie Models,” WEASO, D. Sanders (PI), $1,378, 6 months,
“Filling of the Structural Tubes in the Galena Arch,” Nevada Department of Transportation, D.H. Sanders (PI)
and M.S. Saiidi (co-PI), $28,000, May 2001, 5 months.
“Replacing Bridge Decks on Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridges in Nevada,” Nevada Department of
Transportation, D.H. Sanders (PI), $50,678.74, June 7, 1999, 18 months.
“Cracking in Newly Placed Concrete Deck Slabs,” Nevada Department of Transportation, D.H. Sanders (PI),
and M.S. Saiidi (co-PI), $73,808.16, July 1, 1999,16 months.
“Expansion of Flared Column Project,” Caltrans, D.H. Sanders (PI) and M.S. Saiidi (co-PI), $35,174,
September 22, 1999, 24 months.
“Shake Table Studies of Flared Bridge Column Retrofitted with Fibrous Composites,” Nevada Department of
Transportation, M.S. Saiidi (PI), D.H. Sanders, and F. Gordaninejad, $100,226, May, 1998, 18 months.
"Seismic Retrofitting Column/Bent Cap Joints by Hinge Shifting,” California Department of Transportation,
D.H. Sanders (PI) and B.M. Douglas (co-PI), $248,772, 3 years, January 1, 1998.
"Shake-Table Studies of Seismically Vulnerable R/C Box Girder Bridge Bents,” California Department of
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Transportation, D.H. Sanders (PI), B.M. Douglas (co-PI) and M.S. Saiidi (co-PI), $492,432, 3 years, January 1,
"Shake-Table Studies of Two Piers with Rectangular Columns,” California Department of Transportation,
M.S. Saiidi (PI), D.H. Sanders (co-PI), A. Itani (co-PI) and B.M. Douglas (co-PI), $356,341, 2 years, January
1, 1998.
"High Performance Concrete Using Nevada Aggregates" Nevada Department of Transportation, D.H. Sanders,
$117,735, 24 months, January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1999.
“Summer Science/Engineering Program,” Nevada Gaming Foundation, D.H. Sanders (PI), $6000, July 1, 1998
to December 31, 1998.
Shake Table Testing of Retrofitted Flared Bridge Columns in the Airport Viaduct,” Nevada Department of
Transportation, M.S. Saiidi (PI) and D.H. Sanders (co-PI), $81,489, July 1, 1997 to December 31, 1998.
"National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research,” National Science Foundation, submitted by SUNY
Buffalo, Team Member, $10 million, 5 years.
"LRFD Specification NCHRP Project 12-42 Phase II,” Modjeski and Masters, Potential Consultant.
"Strength Evaluation and Retrofitting of R/C Pinned Bridge Pier/Footing Connections,” National Science
Foundation, D.H. Sanders (PI) and M.S. Saiidi (co-PI), $150,000 3 years, March 1, 1997.
"Shake-Table Testing of Old Retrofitted and New Columns,” California Department of Transportation, D.H.
Sanders (PI), B.M. Douglas (co-PI) and M.S. Saiidi (co-PI), $276,205, 3 years, March 1, 1997.
“US-Japan Workshops on Bridges,” National Science Foundation/FHWA, E. Maragakis (PI), D.H. Sanders
(co-PI), $362,273, 5 years, October 1, 1996.
Poof-Testing and Seismic Retrofit of Flared Bridge Columns in the Airport Viaduct,” M.S. Saiidi (PI) and
D.H. Sanders (co-PI), Nevada Department of Transportation, $128,107, July 1, 1996.
"Evaluation of Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Pier Walls,” National Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research, M.S. Saiidi (PI), D.H. Sanders and B.M. Douglas (co-PI), $190,000, 3 years, April 1,
"Testing and Analysis of a Tapered R/C Column with Steel Jacket Retrofit in the Weak Direction,” NDOT,
M.S. Saiidi (PI) and D.H. Sanders (co-PI), $50,000, 6 months, April 1, 1995.
"Durability of Concrete Railroad Ties,” Department of Energy, D.H. Sanders (PI), M.S. Saiidi and E.A.
Maragakis (co-PIs), $75,000, October 1, 1994 to September 30, 1995.
"Defect Testing of Rail Track,” Southern Pacific Transportation Company, D.H. Sanders (PI), $3,600,
September 12, 1994 to October 12, 1994.
"Summer High School Coop Program,” The Nevada Gaming Foundation for Educational Excellence, D.H.
Sanders (PI), $2,000, June 1, 1994 to December 31, 1994.
"Capacity Detailing of Columns, Walls and Piers for Ductility and Shear,” Seismic Vulnerability of New
Highway Construction, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, M.S. Saiidi (PI), D.H. Sanders
and B.M. Douglas (co-PIs), $156,559, July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1995.
"Seismic Retrofit of Bridges in the Reno Area,” Nevada Department of Transportation, M.S. Saiidi (PI), D.H.
Sanders and B.M. Douglas (co-PIs), $225,893, August 16, 1993 to September 30, 1995.
"Compression Strut Capacity for Different Materials and Various Levels of Cracking,” Junior Faculty
Research Award, D.H. Sanders (PI), $10,000, May 1993 to May 1995.
"Seismic Prioritization of Nevada Bridges, Nevada Department of Transportation,” D.H. Sanders (PI) and
B.M. Douglas (co-PI), $20,000, March 15, 1993 to September 15, 1993.
"Summer High School Coop Program,” The Nevada Gaming Foundation for Educational Excellence, D.H.
Sanders (PI), $2,000, June 16, 1993 to December 31, 1993.
"High-Strength Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Column,” Department of Energy, D.H. Sanders (PI), $13,247,
August 31, 1993 to September 30, 1994.
"Nuclear Spent Fuel Transportation Economic Impact Study, Economic Impact on Highway Bridges,”
Department of Energy, E.A. Maragakis, M.S. Saiidi, and D.H. Sanders (co-PIs), $69,816, October 1, 1992 to
September 30, 1993.
"Population Studies,” Department of Energy, D.H. Sanders (PI), J. Carr and J. Bird (co-PIs), $20,000, October
1, 1992 to September 30, 1993.
"Seismic Retrofitting of Beam-Column Joints in Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridges,” Nuclear Waste
Project Office, D.H. Sanders (PI) and B.M. Douglas (co-PI), $49,109, May 1, 1991 to October 30, 1992.
"Spent Fuel Shipment Data Base,” Nuclear Waste Project Office, D.H. Sanders (PI), M. Ardila-Coulson (coPI), $13,707, August 21, 1991 to December 31, 1992.
"Study of Composite-Material Connections for Use in Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Structures,” Nuclear
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Waste Project Office, D.H. Sanders (PI), F. Gordaninejad (co-PI), $36,917, August 21, 1991 to December 31,
"Reducing Seismic Risk in Nevada,” Nevada Emergency Management/Federal Emergency Management
Agency, D.H. Sanders, E.A. Maragakis, C. dePolo, D. dePolo, and M. Savage (co-PIs), $65,490, August 26,
1991 to November 13, 1992.
"Reliability of Optical Fibers in Monitoring the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Bridges,” Nuclear Waste
Project Office, M.S. Saiidi (PI), B. Rawat, and D.H. Sanders (co-PIs), $35,000, August 21, 1991 to December
31, 1992.
"Transportation of Spent Fuel: Infrastructure Characteristics and Safety,” Nuclear Waste Project Office, D.H.
Sanders (PI), and M. Ardila-Coulson (co-PI), $32, 197, August 21, 1991 to December 31, 1992.
"An Investigation of the Effect of Steel Fibers on the Vibrational Characteristic of Regular Reinforced and
Prestressed Concrete Beams,” National Science Foundation, D.H. Sanders, $80,000, June 1988 to June 1993.
"Determination of the Feasibility and Development of Deterioration Models for Predicting Remaining Bridge
Life,” Nuclear Waste Project Office, D.H. Sanders (PI), $12,512, April 30, 1990 to September 30, 1991.
"Application of Fiber Optical Sensors in Monitoring and Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Bridges,” Nuclear
Waste Project Office, M.S. Saiidi (PI), B. Rawat, and D.H. Sanders (co-PIs), $28,254, April 30, 1990 to
September 30,1991.
"Seismic Resistance Survey of Highway Bridges in the State of Nevada,” Nuclear Waste Project Office, B.M.
Douglas (PI), M.S. Saiidi, E.A. Maragakis, and D.H. Sanders (co-PIs), $48,666, April 30, 1990 to September
30, 1991.
"Static and Seismic Behavior of Large Diameter Concrete Shaft Foundations,” Nuclear Waste Project Office,
G.M. Norris (PI), R. Siddharthan, and D.H. Sanders (co-PIs), $38,114, April 30, 1990 to September 30, 1991
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